Lower City: Blade & Stars

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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#21 Post by alchemy »

Ostis is camped out upstairs, trying to keep an eye on the comings and goings of the tavern & it's surrounds.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#22 Post by hedgeknight »

The Blade & Stars, approximately 2:00 pm...cool and partly sunny

Tommy...turns to Kelvar seeking help, but the Dwarf shakes his head and sits back from the table.
"While I am...sympathetic to Lupeen and her missing lover, I'm not getting directly involved. You and your friend are new here. Best be wary before jumping in and making yourself known."
He says this as quietly as he can, often talking into the mouth of his mug to keep his words from carrying around the room. Lupeen sits quietly and says nothing. Kelvar excuses himself and returns to his room to "get ready to go to work."

Tommy turns his attention to the proprietor of the inn.
Lupeen, tell me about Aurayaun....
For the next several minutes, the young woman talks about her lover. How they met, how they came to be business partners at first, and then more than that. "Baldur's Gate is a very...progressive city...at least in the Lower and Outer neighborhoods. The patriars in the Upper City have their own...belief systems, but on this side of the wall, the folk come and go as they please and let others live their lives without prejudice and judgement. Aurayaun...being Half-Orc, naturally draws a few looks, especially when we are out together, but folks are at least cordial enough to keep their mouths shut about our relationship.
"My parents, however, well, that is entirely another story. And would take us long into..."

Her voice trails off and her eyes are looking at the doorway.
Leaning against the doorframe is a boy. His back is to the inn; he's watching the street. He's the lookout.

OOC: Naturally, Tommy noticed the buildings here are fairly close together, the streets being narrow and every foot of space being used by something. Some are single story, but most of the businesses are at least two stories, some three.

Upstairs, Ostis has calmed down and is watching the streets of this huge city...likely the largest one he's ever been in. From his vantage point on the second story, he can see a large area. He can see all the way into the next neighborhood (Heapside) and if he leans out a bit and looks toward the harbor, he can just make out the top floor of the famous Elfsong Tavern. Supposedly a ghost shows up every now and again and sings a tune with some hidden message or something like that. He can see the upper wall and the Basilisk Gate where they entered the Lower City. He can also see other places of business, but he doesn't know what they are.
And people are everywhere. All kinds of people, all kinds of races. Walking, talking, going about their business, arguing, fighting, chasing each other, and more. He sees a small squad of guardsmen, likely the Flaming Fist, patrolling the streets here and there. He sees street urchins cutting purses and dashing away. He sees whores using the gifts the gods gave them to turn a few coins. He smells food, smoke, perfume, and shit. All of it drifts up to his window.
And then he sees a young boy approach the Blade & Stars and stand in the doorway...as if he's watching for something.
Five minutes pass...and then a shadow detaches from behind a stack of crates in an alley below. The shadow wears a cloak and is not much taller than the boy, but he can see reddish hair from his window. The shadow carries a small burlap sack...
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#23 Post by alchemy »

Ostis rushes downstairs as stealthy as he can be.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#24 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:08 pm
"While I am...sympathetic to Lupeen and her missing lover, I'm not getting directly involved. You and your friend are new here. Best be wary before jumping in and making yourself known."
He says this as quietly as he can, often talking into the mouth of his mug to keep his words from carrying around the room. Lupeen sits quietly and says nothing. Kelvar excuses himself and returns to his room to "get ready to go to work."
tommy nods 
thanks for the help so far  Kelvar, and the advice as well, lets plan on sharing a mug or two once Aurayun is back
hedgeknight wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 1:08 pm Leaning against the doorframe is a boy. His back is to the inn; he's watching the street. He's the lookout.
continuing the conversation with Lupeen, 
when the boy comes in to the room Tommy he observes him but tries not to be obvious about it, he makes a mental note of any detail (condition of his clothes, if dirty the type, if he is injured, any accessories or symbols, rings pendants or the like will do the same with the girl is she comes in to view after) 
gives the boy space and makes sure he does not feel threatened or cornered allowing him or any companion to come in 

then addresses the boy
you are safe here fellow, who do you think could follow ? let us help
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#25 Post by hedgeknight »

Belkregos wrote: Mon May 10, 2021 1:28 am 
when the boy comes in to the room Tommy he observes him but tries not to be obvious about it, he makes a mental note of any detail (condition of his clothes, if dirty the type, if he is injured, any accessories or symbols, rings pendants or the like will do the same with the girl is she comes in to view after)
The boy wears an old battered wool coat and a cap; a dirty scarf is tied around his neck. His hands are tucked into the pockets on his coat, although the left pocket has a hole in the bottom of it and Tommy can see the boys dirty fingers poking out. He's holding onto something with his left hand, rubbing it with his thumb, but Tommy can't make out what it is.
you are safe here fellow, who do you think could follow ? let us help
Tommy's voice startles the lad and he turns around.

street urchin boy.jpg
street urchin boy.jpg (39.29 KiB) Viewed 877 times
The boys eyes widen a bit when he sees that Tommy is a Tabaxi.
"Nobody's safe anywhere in this here city...cat man."

Suddenly a girl wheels inside the door and whacks the boy on the back of the head, knocking his cap to the floor. "Yer s'posed to be watching the damn door! Not talking to the customers!" she hisses.The girl pauses a second and blinks at Tommy and then continues on to the counter where Lupeen is waiting.
The boy quickly recovers and stoops to get his hat. The "thing" in his left pocket drops out with a 'clink' and rolls right over to Tommy's table, the boy hustling to catch it. It's a marble. A tiger-eye marble and it looks almost new.
The boy bends to snatch it up and Tommy notices the lice in the lad's hair and the smell of him; like that of a sewer..and something else, something familiar, but unfamiliar. His clothes are filthy and his shoes (if you could call them that) are rimed with a greenish crust. There is one button on his coat, several patches on his pants which are about three inches too short, and the shirt under his coat may have one time been green...like the boy's eyes.

The girl glances over at the Half-Orc (Ostis) who is slowly coming down the stairs, then flops the burlap sack upon the counter. "Shield's about gone. Got anything for me?"
Lupeen sighs and looks up at the girl. "Not today, Mouse. Just tell me, is Aurayaun okay?"

OOC: You only have a few seconds to react before the urchins are gone. Actions?
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#26 Post by alchemy »

Ostis makes a sudden leap for the boy!

[1d20+5]=14+5=19 NICE!

To clarify, Ostis is attempting to grab the boy.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#27 Post by Belkregos »

like the Urchin and everyone else in the room Tommy is cough flat footed by ostis display of acrobatics and wide eyed he says 

Ostis! dont hurt them Ostis
they can help us

Tommy is sure Ostis wont hurt the kids but plays up the "good cop bad cop" bit
then he reaches for a silver coin and puts it on the table and teps back to let the girl take it and then tries to reassure the boy and the girl again

don't worry, you wont get hurt we just want to see or friend is safe, the half-orc owner of the shield, we have more coin if you can help us find her
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#28 Post by alchemy »

Ha! Gotcha! Ostis said. I saw ya from me room. Ostis bobs his head in friendly fashion, but then changes tack. I need to find that gal, youngens. She holds something important to me.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#29 Post by hedgeknight »

With a leap of daring acrobatics, Ostis grabs the boy around the waist, holding him firm.
"Ha! Gotcha!" Ostis says. "I saw ya from me room."
"Help me! Help me!" the boy screams, dropping his marble again, but reaching for something in his other coat pocket.

"Leave him alone!" the girl, "Mouse" cries out, whipping a dagger from inside her coat. She hesitates, giving Lupeen time to say, "Please, Mouse! We're just trying to help!"
Mouse doesn't listen, but instead raises the dagger and moves toward Ostis, her intentions very clear.

"Ostis! Don't hurt them, Ostis. They can help us." Tommy says quickly, trying to calm everyone down. He sees the girl coming with the dagger, and takes out a silver coin, holding it where she can see it. Then he places it on the table and steps back.
"Don't worry, you wont get hurt; we just want to see or friend is safe, the half-orc owner of the shield. We have more coin if you can help us find her."

Ostis turns his head slightly and sees the girl coming at him with a dagger. Then he grits his teeth in pain...because the boy just raked a razor-blade across his forearm! (1 hp) "Let me go or you'll get another!" the boy says, tears in his eyes. Clearly, he is very scared.
"I need to find that gal, youngens. She holds something important to me."

"Listen to these friends, children," Kelvar says, speaking for the first time. "They mean you no harm, truly. They can protect you from..." the Dwarf stops talking and looks toward the door.

FlamingFistMerc.jpg (115.25 KiB) Viewed 866 times

Standing in the doorway and stepping into the inn are three members of The Flaming Fist, the "famous" mercenary company from years gone by who are now city guards. They patrol the Lower City keeping the law...as it suits them. Likely, they heard the boy cry for help.
"Protect them from who? The Fist protects the folk of the Lower City. What the hell's going on in here, Lupeen?"

"Manip Kray! I assure you, we mean these children no harm." Lupeen says, stepping around the counter and approaching the Flaming Fist sergeant. "We're just...it's about Aurayaun. We think they may be able to tell us where she is...right children?"

"We don't know nothin' about what she's sayin'!" Mouse says, angry and scared. "And then this brute grabbed my little brother! Are you gonna protect us or just stand there?"
The girl steps closer to the Flaming Fist sergeant. Tommy's sharp ears hear her whisper. "Diamond Urchin is gonna hear about this."

Manip Kray puts a hand on his sword. "Unhand the boy, barbarian. It's not a suggestion."
The other two Fists step into the room, flanking their sergeant, hands on the hilts of their blades.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#30 Post by alchemy »

Ostis pushes the boy away, spits on his forearm where the boy scored him. After wiping it clean with a nearby rag, he said,Whose this Diamond Urchin person?
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#31 Post by Belkregos »

Tommy was trying to read the situation
he thought the urchins were concerned of being followed but here they were being protected by the fists.... and they seemed to have some understanding with them....and Kelvar seems to know more about the kids that he mentioned before...

there's no crime here sergeant, i dont think my friend minds a little scrape, but maybe you can help us find the good citizen Aurayaun, seeing that you're the ones doing the protecting and all

he keeps an eye on the kids, they are their only lead to finding Aurayaun and he does not intend to lose them (he'll follow them if they escape) 
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#32 Post by alchemy »

Ostis opens his mouth, closes it as Tommy takes over. The Barbarian seems to be in a wait and see attitude.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#33 Post by hedgeknight »

Manip Kray glances at the barbarian and seems about to answer his question, when the girl puts her hand on his arm and then gives Ostis a shit-eating grin. The boy just stands there, his razor blade still out, blood running down its rusty blade. Tommy uses this moment to break the tension in the room.
There's no crime here sergeant, i dont think my friend minds a little scrape, but maybe you can help us find the good citizen Aurayaun, seeing that you're the ones doing the protecting and all.
The sergeant takes a deep breath and lets it out as he looks over at Lupeen, her eyes pleading and hopeful. "We have searched for her, Lupeen. So far, we've turned up nothing."
"But these children know where she is!" Lupeen pleads with a sob. "Mouse brings me pieces of our shield every few days. Look! Here is another!" Lupeen shakes another piece of the inn's shield out of the dirty burlap sack.

"That's not my name!" the girl hisses. "And we don't know nothing about your pig-faced lover!"

Manip Kray gently pushes the girl behind him. "And who are you two? What business do you have in Baldur's Gate? He points first at Ostis, then at Tommy. "The Fist doesn't tolerate trouble makers, I can assure you."

Need Perception checks from Tommy & Ostis.
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#34 Post by alchemy »

Ostis starts getting annoyed. "We be from the holy place. Helped Quinlapp against the blue dragon. Helped kill the Blue Dragon. Came here because Aurayan could help me with the rages. Now she's not here. We jus' wanna find her so I can control the rages better."
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#35 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 2:16 pm Manip Kray glances at the barbarian and seems about to answer his question, when the girl puts her hand on his arm and then gives Ostis a shit-eating grin. The boy just stands there, his razor blade still out, blood running down its rusty blade.
Tommy notices the dynamic between the girl and the sergeant, she seems to hold more control than at first glance

hedgeknight wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 2:16 pm Manip Kray gently pushes the girl behind him. "And who are you two? What business do you have in Baldur's Gate? He points first at Ostis, then at Tommy. "The Fist doesn't tolerate trouble makers, I can assure you."
alchemy wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 3:55 pm Ostis starts getting annoyed. "We be from the holy place. Helped Quinlapp against the blue dragon. Helped kill the Blue Dragon. Came here because Aurayan could help me with the rages. Now she's not here. We jus' wanna find her so I can control the rages better."
Tommy nods
that's right  Sergeant, we just arrived from Candle keep, you can check at the gate where we presented all documents and paid all dues, the first reader recommended we talk to Aurayaun, and so here we are.. 

he looks around to the girl
what is your name then? there's no need for insults
he picks up the tigereye, and gives it to the boy with a wink 
we're trying to help

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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#36 Post by hedgeknight »

Manip Kray gives Ostis an odd look when the barbarian mentions "the rages." One of his men snickers but he silences it with a quick turn of his head. Kray then looks at how the barbarian has several weapons on him and looks at Lupeen.
She slowly steps toward Ostis and lays a tentative hand on his arm. She smiles and her brown eyes are soft, her voice soothing...

Sar kar col kerradun alusfaen shed aul bren shesh.
Bren nha Al' house Ath Adon.
Control viaren Talas.
Khaor viaren anger.
Neh Akh nesh rage.

Ostis and the three members of the Flaming Fist calm down immediately...even the children relax and look at Lupeen and smile.
(Need a Charisma check for Tommy)
Tommy nods
that's right Sergeant, we just arrived from Candle keep, you can check at the gate where we presented all documents and paid all dues, the first reader recommended we talk to Aurayaun, and so here we are..

he looks around to the girl
what is your name then? there's no need for insults
he picks up the tigereye, and gives it to the boy with a wink
we're trying to help
The sergeant nods. "I'm sure you have everything in order to be in the city. Sorry to disturb you."
The girl steps out from behind the sergeant. "My name is Belle, and he is Charlie. I'm sorry Lupeen, but I really don't know where Aurayaun is."

The boy, Charlie, walks up to Tommy and takes the marble. He smiles and Tommy tries not to flinch at how rotten the his teeth are.
The boy rubs the dark fur on Tommy's arm. "I used...I used to have a kitty cat. He had one ear and was brown; I called him Loppy."
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#37 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 1:29 pm
(Need a Charisma check for Tommy)
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#38 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 1:29 pm The girl steps out from behind the sergeant. "My name is Belle, and he is Charlie. I'm sorry Lupeen, but I really don't know where Aurayaun is."
thats Ok Belle, we believe you dont know the whereabouts of Aurayaun and even understand why you would not want to get involved, but you never know how others can help if you dont give them a chance, if you just tell us where you found these or any detail we might be able to pick it up from there and find her

OOC: hey Gary im thinking with the pieces of shield maybe we can get help from the mage im supposed to see at the sorcerous sundries, maybe he can help by casting a locate object or something like that, we can try and by a scroll from him and go from there, how feasible would something like this be? well maybe after we investigate a bit more just to keep in mind

hedgeknight wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 1:29 pm The boy, Charlie, walks up to Tommy and takes the marble. He smiles and Tommy tries not to flinch at how rotten the his teeth are.
The boy rubs the dark fur on Tommy's arm. "I used...I used to have a kitty cat. He had one ear and was brown; I called him Loppy."
its good to help strays, Charlie, its just as easy for us to be on the other side
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#39 Post by alchemy »

Ostis is thrilled.

You can help me Luppeen! You know the trick!"
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Re: Lower City: Blade & Stars

#40 Post by hedgeknight »

Belkregos wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 4:37 pm thats Ok Belle, we believe you dont know the whereabouts of Aurayaun and even understand why you would not want to get involved, but you never know how others can help if you dont give them a chance, if you just tell us where you found these or any detail we might be able to pick it up from there and find her

"The scarred man gives me the bag and some bread and tells me to bring it here. He frightens me, but I do it because..."
Belle's eyes get big tears in them and she begins to cry. "Because...he-he said if I didn't, he would h-hurt me. He said he has hurt many girls like me."
Belle begins to sob and Lupeen hugs her tightly and praises her for being so brave.

"Where do you meet this scarred man, youngling?" asks Manip Kray, still under the calming affect of Lupeen's spell. Belle doesn't answer...but Charlie does!
Continuing to touch Tommy's arm, the dirty little urchin says, "We meet him at the Low Lantern, down by the docks. It's always foggy there. Do you think...if I find another kitty, I could keep it?"

OOC: hey Gary im thinking with the pieces of shield maybe we can get help from the mage im supposed to see at the sorcerous sundries, maybe he can help by casting a locate object or something like that, we can try and by a scroll from him and go from there, how feasible would something like this be? well maybe after we investigate a bit more just to keep in mind

Good plan. May work. But now, you have a lead...

alchemy wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 7:12 pm Ostis is thrilled.
You can help me Luppeen! You know the trick!"

Lupeen smiles and says, "There is no 'trick' to it at all. You just need to find...your center. And from there, you can control yourself."
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