In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#61 Post by Enoch »

"Yes, yes. You like to play the percentages and only strike when you're certain of success. You've grown powerful that way, Emerich, but what have you actually done?"

Guntram, at least, employs a modicum of caution as he approaches the tree, scanning the treeline and moving carefully in a half-crouch. "See here: nothing but an aurumvorax could have made these marks." He scans the ground and underbrush nearby: a creature this size must have left signs of its passing. "It's a shame we don't already have a monster-hunter in our employ, but a successful hunt may improve our bargaining power in the Imperial City." His voice brims with excitement.

Probably a Tracking roll?
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#62 Post by KJDavid »

I don't have my books handy at the office. If Tracking is a skill, then that seems appropriate. What are the recommended obstacles?
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#63 Post by Enoch »

Tracking (rooted in Perception):
Fresh tracks on soft earth, Ob 1. Identifying common animals by tracks, Ob 2. Determining number of creatures from tracks on soft earth, Ob 2. Following fresh tracks on hard earth, Ob 3. Determining weight of creature, Ob 4. Following tracks on soft earth after rain, Ob 5. Identifying a man by his shoes, Ob 6. Following tracks on hard earth after rain, Ob 7.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#64 Post by KJDavid »

These are reasonably fresh and the earth here is soft, so Ob 1. I assume this is Beginner's Luck?
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#65 Post by Enoch »

Yes it is. BL will double that to Ob 2. Luckily he's got a high Perception. B6 Perception vs. Ob 2: 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6...I'll open that 6. 6! and a 5. 3 successes, 1 Fate spent.

Viktor crouches down and duck-walks around the tree, brushing away leaves and scanning the foliage. He waves Emerich over. "Look! That game trail there- does that look like a print to you? And it looks like some branches are snapped on that elderwort bush." He points to a thin-leafed shrub with clusters of tiny black berries.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#66 Post by KJDavid »

The aurumvorax's trail is obvious enough that even amateur woodsmen like Viktor and Till can follow it with ease. The course takes them away from the highway and into the bramble-choked woods that formed the road's eastern border. There were villages up and down the Royal River, but this particular stretch was unsettled or at least currently uninhabited. The two passed a lone stone chimney standing like a sentinel amidst a rock-cracked glade, but otherwise they saw no sign of habitation nor any other sign of Men as they followed the trail left by the Eater of Gold.

Suddenly, the trail veered northward into a stretch of gorse flanked by hoary junipers. The marks left by the beast came at slightly longer intervals as if its methodical plodding had been sparked to a more rapid gait. Was it chasing game or avoiding hunters? There was no way to tell. But from the lack of any noise that might be an aurumvorax, the hunt was just beginning.

It seems clear to Viktor and Till that this hunt will take much longer than they thought. You can turn back to your carriage, make a Forte Test Ob 3 to press on at a quicker pace, or pursue more methodically. If you fail the Forte test, you will take a Superficial Wound from tired muscles and the prickle of thorns. If you pursue methodically, the hunt will last far into the night or perhaps longer depending on what you roll on a Die of Fate.

Of course, if you have an alternate course, I am all ears.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#67 Post by Enoch »

Aurumvorox-wise Ob1 - They are diurnal, and they can't see in the dark. Failure consequence: They have such an amazing sense of smell that they don't need to see in the dark.

B6 Perception vs. Ob 2: 5, 3, 6, 6, 3, 5.

Viktor pauses on the trail, using his polearm as a crutch as he leans down to examine the path again. He turns to whisper to Till. "Aurumvorxes- aurumvoraxi?- anyway, I've read they're diurnal.
Let's not tire ourselves out trying to run it down, and alert it to our presence in the bargain. Do you have any magicks which will allow us to see in the dark? Perhaps we can corner it in its lair."
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#68 Post by KJDavid »

Does Till have the Cat's Eye spell? Let's roll the Die of Fate: 6! So, yes, he does know that spell.

"Yes, I have a spell that can do the trick," Till muttered. He pulls his cloak closer around his shoulders. Above, the gray sky rumbles. "And we may need it sooner than later." He glances at Viktor. "Hold still." With one hand stretched toward Viktor, Till begins to incant. The chant stands out in the quiet of the forest like blood splattered across a white tablecloth. As always, the arcane words impossible to ignore and impossible to discern. It feels as if even the birds are watching as reality is unmade and refashioned in a form more pleasing to Till Emmerich.

Till casts Cat's Eye on Viktor. Sorcery B7 vs Ob3: 4 successes. Tax Test Ob 3. Forte B6: 4 successes, so no Tax. Viktor know has Cat's Eye which reduces obstacle penalties for dimness, haziness and darkness by two. Till casts Cat's Eye on himself. Sorcery B7 vs Ob3: 6 successes. Tax Test Ob 3. Forte B6: 3 successes, so no Tax. Both of you have Cat's Eye! The spell is Sustained, so Till's current Will is effectively B2.

I assume your decision is to pursue methodically and trust the Die of Fate to see how far away the beast will lie?
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#69 Post by Enoch »

That is correct. Especially with the spell, I see no need to rush, potentially injure ourselves, and alert the beast.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#70 Post by KJDavid »

Time Die of Fate: 1. Good thing you were lucky enough to get Cat's Eye.

The hunt wears on into the afternoon, and the gray clouds above make good on their threat. A deluge that shifts sporadically from drizzle to thundering pours from the sky. In the open, visibility is slashed and the ground turns to mud. In the woods beneath the canopy, it is marginally better, but the gloom grows stronger. Sound too is drowned by the rumble of thunder and the mass patter of rain drops on waxen leaves. Fortunately, the aurumvorox's trail can still be followed. It is not a subtle beast, and seems to be marking its course almost arrogantly. All the tales said that the Eater of Gold feared nothing. Perhaps the tales were right.

Sooner than either Viktor or Till would have liked, darkness smothered the forest. Before the Sun was even truly set, shadows stretched long between the crowded trunks. Till's magic allowed them to see far better than lamplight would have. While their sight was not as pure as it might have been in broad daylight, they were only mildly impeded. They could step carefully amidst tangled roots rather than stumble and pick slowly their way across frothing streams rather than brazenly splash through.

Which could be why they came upon the aurumvorox before it was aware. The first they knew of it was audibly: a grunting, chuffing sound like a pig rooting through earth. Then they saw it between the trees. It was at least as big as a full grown boar, but longer and wider. Its coat was muddy, but as golden as the tales said. The fur seemed almost glittering to their ensorcelled eyes. The aurumvorox was hunched over a boulder. No, not a boulder, a carcass. It was eating something, thus the grunting and chuffing.

"By the Flame!" Till cursed. His voice was thankfully cast low. He pulled Viktor close and then pointed at the carcass. "That's a bear! It's killed a full grown bear!" Till was right. There was a cracking, snapping sound as the aurumvorox chose that moment to bite through the bear's spine. "This is madness. It's eating, so it's not hungry. We should go, Viktor. Now. If the Prophet blesses us we might be able to find the road before dawn."

What do you want to do? It's distracted and doesn't seem to know you're there. Or it doesn't care. It will have a +3 Ob due to rain and darkness to relevant Tests. You are impaired, but only +1 Ob thanks to Till's magic. Your move.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#71 Post by Enoch »

"You know, Till," Viktor says, as they push their way along the trail, "it's only fair that, after having taught you nearly all I know of my Art, you should return the favor."

He waves a silencing hand at his companion as the beast comes into view.
Last edited by Enoch on Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#72 Post by KJDavid »

"Now?" Till looked at Viktor as if he'd grown a second head. "I am glad you wish to learn the Art, but this is hardly the time!"
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#73 Post by Enoch »

"A bear." Viktor sniffs disdainfully. "I thought you were a sorcerer, yet you quail in fear at the sight of a bear?

"Come, now. You have sorceries which will pierce its hide, do you not? I am no warrior, but in my hands, Grausam will bite as if I were the mightiest knight in Ghuldavia. What say you? I will keep him at bay with my weapon, and you skewer him with arcane fire, eh?

"What a mighty beast we've found!"
His eyes nearly glow with excitement.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#74 Post by KJDavid »

White Fire? Die of Fate: 3. I'll say he has Storm of Lightning instead.

"Not every wizard is a master of death, Viktor." Till shrugs. "But I can call down lightning. It cannot be cast quietly. The aurumvorox will hear. You must keep him it of me." Till stands and casts off his cloak. "By the gods, but you're a greedy bastard, Viktor. You owe me for this."

Lightning cracks across the sky above them and thunder shakes the ground. In a clear and strong voice, Till begins to cast. A strange light sparks in his eyes. Eldritch unwords older than life itself twist and coil through the trees. The aurumvorox stops gorging on the flesh of the slain bear. It's badger-like head snaps around, shining-copper eyes fixed on Till. Did it know? Could it somehow sense the threat? Or was the aurumvorox simply the kind of berserker that attacked everything foolish enough to get too close? With a hissing-howl, it charged.

I assume you're going to get between Till and the aurumvorox? If so, we go to Bloody Versus. If not, Till will have a bad day.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#75 Post by Enoch »

LOL, yes. As mechanically interesting as it would be to have Till's body for antecedents, Viktor isn't cruel or murderous. (Besides, letting the aurumvorax kill Till would probably cost Viktor his life shortly thereafter.)

So, looking at Bloody Versus:
  • I do not actually have the polearm skill (I will gain it if I survive this encounter), but I do definitely have the longer weapon (+1D), and a thrust (which is what I'd use to keep it at range) has VA 1, which grants +1D if the aurumvorax is considered armored (I assume not).
  • I have no armor.
  • I have B4 Reflexes (+1D to whichever side has higher Reflexes) and Stride 6 (+1D to the side with longer Stride).
  • Unless Anatomy or Bloodletting is allowed, I have not appropriate FoRKs.

My pool sits at B5 (B4 Agility +1D longer weapon) unless the aurumvorax is considered armored, I have better Reflexes, I have longer Stride, or one of those potential FoRKs count.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#76 Post by KJDavid »

The aurumvorox is definitely considered armored, so you would get +1D from VA1. Its coat is the equivalent of heavy mail (+3D). You definitely have a longer weapon (+1D). It has B3 Reflexes, due to its slow Speed, and it's Stride is equal to a Man. +1D to you, and you tie on Stride. Anatomy and Bloodletting would not be relevant here. I would remind you that you do have Persona.

It has Savage Attack B5. I'm going to say it gets a +1D Advantage, because it has so many limbs (8 total!). These things are basically golden badgers, so it's going to all-out attack. It will have a +3 Ob to attack because of the rain and darkness. You have +1 Ob to attack, since Cat's Eye lets you see better. It's pool will be Attack B5, Defend B3.

Attack: 3, 3,3,4,6,4. I'm rolling a Fate for it from my Bastard Pool of Artha. A second 6! And then a 2, so it gets a total of 4 successes which is sufficient to get over the innate +3 Ob to your defense from the rain and darkness. It gets a 2 on its defense, so your attack is against Ob 3 (the +1 from darkness).
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#77 Post by Enoch »

So I'm at B7. I really want this thing for multiple reasons: because his adrenaline is up (he's actually fighting an aurumvorax!), because the antecedents and pelt are ridiculously valuable, because it will impress potential monster-hunters in the Imperial City, and because Till keeps trying to talk him out of it.

I'm going to throw in 1 of my 3 Persona, and split it 2/6 for offense/defense. If everything goes pear-shaped, he has a Persona left to just be badly mauled.

Defense: 3, 5, 2, 5, 4, 2. 2 successes. The aurumvorax got 1 success; my 2 defensive successes just erase that.
Offense: It's actually going to be Ob 5, since the base obstacle gets doubled. Unlikely 2 dice will get through that. 2, 3. 0 successes.

Per the rules of Bloody Versus, nobody gets wounded (at least between the aurumvorax and Viktor; what happens with the spell is a different story), and (assuming the aurumvorax survives) he gets to decide what happens next (another round, a different test, etc.)
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#78 Post by KJDavid »

Reality around Till is alive with magic potency. The rain stops, the wind dies, and everything seems to slow. Viktor can feel Grausam shake in his hand as the aurumvorox tries to knock it away. There is a berserker rage burning in the beast's eyes. Then the air itself cracks open as a bolt of lightning streaks from the heavens and slams into the aurumvorox. The Eater of Gold is batted away like a toy. It smashes into a tree trunk with an audible crunch of broken bone. It thrashes madly for a moment, then collapses. Blood leaks from its eyes, nose, and ears, but pours from its mouth. Viktor is left trying to blink away a blinding purple afterimage. Till falls to one knee, panting heavily.

Till Sorcery Test B7 vs Storm of Lighting Ob 6 (+1D Advantage because it is storming): 3,6,5,1,3,6,5,4; re-roll 6's: 5,4; so 7 successes total. I rolled a 3 on the Die of Fate for the IMS, so it's a Mark hit. With the extra success, that makes this a B9 hit with a VA 6. For the aurumvorox, that is a Severe injury. The aurumvorox only has Will B2, so it is knocked unconscious. As this is a Severe wound, it is also Bleeding. If you do nothing, it will bleed to death in short order.

Till Forte Test B6 vs Tax Ob 6: 6,2,5,4,1,2; 3 successes. Till is Taxed by 3, so his Forte is effectively B3 until he can rest.

Viktor will earn the equivalent of an Ob 5 Steel Test for facing down an aurumvorox and standing next to it when it was hammered by magical lightning. What does Viktor do next?
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#79 Post by Enoch »

Viktor seems strangely energized as he looks at the dying beast. He stares at it for a long moment, then turns around to face Till, a childlike grin on his face.

"Well! You're not weak, I give you that. Between your raw power and your ambition, I am not surprised you have thrived at the college."

He turns back to the dying beast, squatting a little out of reach of its powerful limbs and leaning on the shaft of his weapon. His eyes narrow as he examines it, tilting his head from side to side, ducking and raising it, as he looks it over.

"I assume you have no skill for dressing a creature like this. Perhaps if I it...I can identify where its essence resides. I should hate to have to bring this entire corpse back with us."

Collecting antecedents is a 2-step process: first, an Alchemy or Taxidermy test to identify the creature's traits, and then a separate test to collect each one.
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Re: In the House of the Ten Veils - IC Thread

#80 Post by KJDavid »

"I am no butcher, if that is what you are asking," Till says. He wipes away sweat from his face with a silken handkerchief. The light has faded from his eyes, and Viktor's as well. With the magic of the Cat's Eye gone, the forest seems unnaturally dark. "Of course, I have some skill at Alchemy. But I would protest. Why not bring the carcass back? An aurumvorox is worth a king's ransom."

I am fine with using either Alchemy or Taxidermy. Given that you are in the wilderness, Taxidermy might be a better choice. While you have both Alchemy and Taxidermy tools, Taxidermy tools are not expendable, so there's no danger of 'running out'. But it's up to you. Given that you're familiar with the aurumvorox, I'm fine with you suggesting traits it might have that you want to look for. I reserve the right to veto. Otherwise, identification seems like the natural place to start. Till will help with Alchemy (+1D).
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