Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan [CLOSED]

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Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan [CLOSED]

#1 Post by DexterWard »

Day: Sept 9th
Time: 4:58 pm
Sunset/Sunrise: 6:17pm/6:13am
Weather: 81F; Broken Clouds; Wind: 13mph from SE

Rowan and his companion Jagd enter Windham Village

A mild breeze blows in from the SE, the heady scents of seamyst peak your senses, it's salty breeze tugging at your cheeks. You salivate at the thought of fresh water and a meal as you approach Windham Village. This particular village is known throughout Ockenfel, and you are eager to rest your tired legs at The Salty Tusk and partake of their famous stew. The sun, peeking through the occasional gap in the clouds, is nearing it's 5pm position low in the sky.

You get no more than 30 yards within the village border when you realize something is amiss. A silence fills the place. Where there should be commoners and blacksmiths and farmers trending to their end of day chores, there is only the breeze and dark shadows; no sign of man or beast...Jagd lets out a low growl in response to the ominous absence of normality.

The feeling deepens as you approach The Salty Tusk. It's heavy double doors are open wide and daylight issues forth instead of what should be the low light of lamps. A musty dank muddy air seeps out of the doorway as you approach. The scene within confuses the eyes at first...Where the kitchen roof should be is now blue sky. The jagged tips of rafters, walls, and timbers point downward at a dark hole where the floor should be. Tables, chairs, and benches have been pushed to the sides. Two men, one thinner and tall, the other heavy set and perhaps a tad portly, stand over the dark void, peeing into it's darkness as if something might appear if they look hard enough.

The taller of the two men looks up and takes several steps toward the entrance. Hey there. Are you here to help? Did Farmer John send you?

Last edited by DexterWard on Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#2 Post by Rex »


"What happened here?"

Rowan moves in closer, keeping a bit of distance between him and the men.
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#3 Post by DexterWard »

Rand takes a few steps toward the man, As you can see, friend, there is no one around. A couple of us discovered this interesting hole in the kitchen. I am Rand by the way. I used to be a blacksmith, but things didn’t go well for me. I am now an adventurer. There is some kind of giant bug in the corner of the kitchen. I would not go neat it though; it will make you sick. Bowb over there, Rand points the other man staring down into the darkness of the hole He can tell you. He saw something quite strange in the crypt just north of town. Rand rubs his face out of confusion and uncertainty. The villagers are holed up in their homes. Farmer John and the Blacksmith have been helping. I guess when the sinkhole opened below the kitchen there…well, that night giant bugs came out and attacked some of the villagers. The cooks and soup hand fell in and died. We retrieved their bodies and were attacked by some kind of giant leeches in the process. No one was hurt. But Bowb and I are keeping watch while the other five scout the mine below. That’s about all I know. Bowb might tell you more. He’s a bit shaken up though. Rand looks at Bowb with genuine concern.

Bowb looks up momentarily to say, Verily, I saw what looked like a slug, but one which proportions are much, much bigger! Bowb then holds out his hands, the space within a general approximation of the creature's size. Laugh if you will, but I say the truth. And it came at us as if it meant us harm. Bowb then clasps his hands together. Oh, but I am only a man. I must pray for strength... then takes a swig of whiskey and returns his watch of the hole.

Rand gives the man a tentative smile, We are trying to help the villagers. When night falls, that's when the bugs come. We’re adventurers now. then shrugs his shoulders.
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#4 Post by Rex »


Rowan moves to the edge of the hole and takes a look. "Where and who are these others you speak of?"
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#5 Post by DexterWard »


There are five down below. They went up the north tunnel. There's an old mine down there. You should be able to see the timbers form the roof down there. The mine is filled with a couple of feet of water too. We could see apurple light to the south...

There is EVIL that way, I tell you!!! The crypt was full of glowing purple flowers, and that infernal Slug-Thing! He takes another sip of whiskey.

He might be in shock, Rand whispers. The others down there are Bigsby, Tore, Christian, Silky, and Denny. They're scouting out the mine a bit while we have daylight. Hopefully they come back soon. The sun will be setting, and that's when the bugs come out. Farmer John captured a big fat ant looking think. We think the ants-things came up through the ground and ate the floor timbers. Farmer John gave us some supplies for searching the mine and hopefully exterminating those bugs. Rand points to a pile nearby.Bigsby, Denny, and Silky took a few items for their scouting trip.

Farmer Inventory
  • (5) Torches
  • (1) Hooded Oil Lantern (Bigsby)
  • (3) Flasks of Oil (Bigsby)
  • (2) Candles (Bigsby)
  • (1) Hooded Candle Lanterns
  • (2) Candles (Denny)
  • (1) Hooded Candle Lanterns (Denny)
  • (2) 30’ lengths of Hempen Rope (used to retrieve bodies)
  • Hand Scythe
  • 3-Tined Hay Fork (Bigsby)
  • Shovel
  • Spade
  • Broad Axe
  • Forest Axe
  • Parang (Silky)
  • 14” Butcher Knife (Silky)
  • Long Handled 14” Pork Cleaver (Denny)
Anything without a name next to it is on the floor of the tavern
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#6 Post by Rex »


"Hopefully they come back soon." Rowan looks through the pile of stuff but doesn't take anything. He will keep an eye out and wait for the others to return.

"I am Rowan and this is my dog Jagd. I used to serve as the Master of Hounds in another village."
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#7 Post by DexterWard »

Day: Sept 9th
Time: 5:00 pm
Sunset/Sunrise: 6:17pm/6:13am
Weather: 81F; Broken Clouds; Wind: 13mph from SE

Rand converses with Rowan while Bowb sits quietly on a bench he pulled up to the hole, sipping the whiskey that Silky found earlier in the day. An occasional unintelligible mumble parts his lips, otherwise he’s quiet.

I will get Rowan added to the maps soon

Potential Future Options:
  1. Go down into the mine and check on the rest of the party
  2. Search/inspect TheCrypt
  3. Search TheKeep
  4. Wait in The Salty Tusk to see what vermin appear, and deal with them accordingly (or run)
  5. Set traps for any unsuspecting vermin that emerge from the hole
  6. Talk with Farmer John
  7. Something else…
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#8 Post by DexterWard »


As do I. It will be dark soon. Those bugs will be coming out, if what the townsfolk say is true. I’m worried they encountered more of those giant leeches. Is your dog friendly? You said his name is Jagd?
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#9 Post by Rex »


"Yup, his name is Jagd, he is friendly most of the time. He is a good boy, loyal, fearless, and a great hunter."

After a few minutes of thought. "Should we go down and check on them?"
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#10 Post by DexterWard »


Not a bad idea. We could leave Bowb here to watch. He won't go down anyway. Do you need any supplies? We will need a light source. I have three torches. I will take whatever weapons here you don't want. (he points to the pile of supplies on the floor

Farmer Inventory
  • (5) Torches
  • (1) Hooded Candle Lanterns
  • Hand Scythe
  • Shovel
  • Spade
  • Broad Axe
  • Forest Axe
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#11 Post by Rex »


"I have a candle and 3 torches, I will take the candle, candle lantern and 2 of the torches if you want to take the last torch? Then I am ready to go."
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#12 Post by DexterWard »

"Great! I will grab the Hand Scythe in case we encounter any of those Giant Leeches."

Rand grabs the scythe and straps it to his pack then slides down the rope into the darkness of the mine below. On the way he down he tells Bowb "Don’t get drunk and fall asleep Bowb. We may need you" then slips below the rim of the hole.
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#13 Post by DexterWard »


"Ha! Slim chance. Those dammed creatures won't be getting me this night!"

He takes another swig, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and then looks around nervously as if something might get him at any moment.
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#14 Post by DexterWard »

Day: Sept 9th, 1827
Time: 5:15 pm
Sunset/Sunrise: 6:17pm/6:13am
Weather: 81F; Broken Clouds; Wind: 13mph from SE

Rand and Rowan shimmy down the ropes into the gloom of the mine below. The fading daylight above has begun to darken the mine but there is enough light to see the pile of beams and a short distance down each tunnel at the cross junction. To the South there is the familiar soft purple glow (to Rand), to the North is now a soft white glow coming from the left (West) tunnel at the T junction. The East and West tunnels are dark. The water sloshes mildly against Rand and Rowan’s kneecaps as they come off the ropes, it’s murkiness hiding anything beneath the surface. A light scratching sound can be heard coming from the South tunnel.

Will Rowan be taking his dog with him?

Potential Future Options:
  1. Go down into the mine and check on the rest of the party
  2. Search/inspect TheCrypt
  3. Search TheKeep
  4. Wait in The Salty Tusk to see what vermin appear, and deal with them accordingly (or run)
  5. Set traps for any unsuspecting vermin that emerge from the hole
  6. Talk with Farmer John
  7. Something else…
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#15 Post by Rex »


Rowan will lower Jagd down first. "Which way do you think? Maybe the white light."
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#16 Post by DexterWard »


"Well, Bowb insists the purple light harbors something evil. I know the others were headed north, so I say we head that way."

With that Rand pulls out the Hand Scythe, lights a torch, and starts making his way up the north tunnel, slogging his way carefully through the muddy water while trying not to trip on the rail ties below.
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#17 Post by Rex »


Rowan goes first with Jagd at his side, figuring Rand can see over him. "Lets try and be sneaky."
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#18 Post by DexterWard »

Day: Sept 9th, 1827
Time: 5:30 pm
Sunset/Sunrise: 6:17pm/6:13am
Weather: 81F; Broken Clouds; Wind: 13mph from SE

Rand, Rowan, and Jagd make their way up the north tunnel, Rowan leading the way with Jagd swimming faithfully at his side. Halfway to the T-junction the light coming from the West tunnel gets brighter and begins to flicker mildly. Muted voices begin to echo down the tunnel.

At the T-junction they turn West and creep up the inclined slope sticking to the south wall. The tunnel opens to a large room, several figures can be seen moving about the room with torches bending periodically to pick things up off the floor. One of the men is pushing a rail cart and doing the same. Both men periodically drop the items into the cart which produces a chinking sound (as coins being dropped into a pile).

Rand quickly identifies the two men as Christian and Silky

Potential Future Options:
  1. Search/inspect TheCrypt
  2. Search TheKeep
  3. Wait in The Salty Tusk to see what vermin appear, and deal with them accordingly (or run)
  4. Set traps for any unsuspecting vermin that emerge from the hole
  5. Talk with Farmer John
  6. Something else…
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#19 Post by Rex »


Whispering to Rand, "Are they friendly?"
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Re: Module 1A: The Initiation of Rowan

#20 Post by DexterWard »


A big smile crosses Rand's face as he stands. To Rowan: "Yes they are." To Christian and Silky, Rand calls out in a soft voice as he walks into the room: "Christian, Silky, what did you find?
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