Former PCs

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Rider of Rohan
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Former PCs

#1 Post by max_vale »

A thread for former PCs who may show up again in the future as PCs or NPCs....
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#2 Post by max_vale »

"Lord" Mattel Bekkentour Currently Reassigned to Rebel Special Operations

Character Template: Bounty Hunter
Player name: vargr1105
Height: 6'
Weight: 99kg
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Physical Description: He looks like Clint Eastwood from "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" but with blaster rifles and pistols instead of colt and winchester slug throwers.

Dexterity 4D
-Blaster 6D
-Dodge 4D+2

Knowledge 2D+2
-Streetwise 3D
-Survival 3D

Mechanical 2D+2
-Beast Riding 3D+1

Perception 3D
-Hide/Sneak 4D
-Search 4D

Strength 3D+2
-Brawling 4D

Technical 2D
-Security 2D+2

Special abilities: None

Move: 10

Force Sensitive?: No

Force Points: 1

Dark Side Points: 0

Wound Status:
Grazed O
Wounded OO
Incapacitated O
Mortally Wounded O

Skill Points: 0

Equipment: None (the bastards took away my guns!)

Background: "Lord", as he is known around bounty hunter circles, remembers the Clone Wars. He was just a teen at the time, the son of a minor noble in an agricultural planet who held a nice hunting preserve estate. The wars shattered his homeworld and the collapse of central government led to a civil war that lasted beyond their ending. When the Empire came and restore law and order Lord had been using his hunting skills, learned from his father, to fight as a sniper in one of the sides.
With his family dead, and his land inheritance turned into a ashen heap he considered joining the Imperial Army, but then he found there was an immense demand for manhunting. The Imperial authorities had whole databases worth of "former insurgents", "war criminals", "traitors" and the like and for almost twenty years Lord was making quite a living using his hunter/sniper skills to make sure parties "guilty" of starting the wars that destroyed his once-peaceful future received their comeuppance or were dragged into a "court of law". Until 4 years ago the business had pretty much dried up and Lord was considering venturing into normal criminal bounties, but then the revolt began and the Imperials were once again screaming for private sector help to remove or capture "persons of interest".
All in all, it was a good run until recent events flushed his life down the toilet so fast it made Lord's head spin.
His last contract, an Extermination Warrant of a major Rebel Alliance spy turned out to be a set-up. Lord was duped into killing an ISS deep cover agent by another agent who coveted his rival's position and wished to remove him. Instead of a bounty, Lord was thrown into the Imperial dungeons where he has lingered up to this day.

Personality: Lord's face is rugged, bearing an almost-perpetual scowl and he has a cynical streak. That is where his similarities to the bounty hunter cliche end. Those that know him and share a drink with him know Lord is a guy who is quick to laugh and enjoys a good joke as much as he enjoys a good brandy. Despite dressing like a hick from a technological backwords planet (complete with a primitive wide-brimmed hat and natural hide poncho) he comes across as more cultured than the average person, due to his early life as a scion of minor nobility. Since Lord never had to capture or eliminate a target under a distance of 200 yards he never developed the intimidating, "strong man" machismo which is so common among manhunters, and useful when the confront their quarry.
Having no taste for politics his opinion on the Empire and the Rebels, until very recently, was one of admiration for the former (for pacifying his home planet in one day) and dismissive contempt for the second because they brought on what he hates most: War, ending a peace that has lasted for over two decades.
Nowadays, in his present predicament, Lord is going through an identity crisis of sorts. he realized that if he can obtain his revenge on the Imperial Agent that used him as a pawn on his career games will permanently turn him into a pariah in the eyes of the New Order; the very same system he has aided and supported all his adult life.

Objectives: To get out of this mess alive and to get the ISS mothefrakker who set him up. Then, take a hard look at his life and decide what to do next.


"Strolling into a space bar with a blaster pistol in your hand? Nah, I prefer the reach and touch someone method."

"Wookies ain't all that tough. Their fur is quite flamabble."

"It's not about the power output of the rifle, kid. It's about the skill of the sniper."

Connections: One or more of the other fellow prisoner PCs which are members of the Rebel Alliance were part of an Open Bounty file that Lord had studied recently. He did not follow those targets as the reward for such beginners was below is standard minimum. Given their history of opposition to the New Order he knows they can be counted as allies of occasion in any effort to escape imprisonment.
Last edited by max_vale on Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#3 Post by max_vale »

Caius Grendel WIA: Currently recovering at Alliance Medical Facility

Template: Pirate
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 80 kg.
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Physical Description: Caius has a shock of white hair over his left ear, a remnant from an old injury. His royal blue doublet is worn unbuttoned, and the white shirt beneath it, charcoal pants, and black boots with highly polished toes all seem to be a bit higher quality than they should be.

Dexterity: 3D+1
Dodge 4D

Perception: 4D
Search 5D
Hide/Sneak 6D

Knowledge: 2D

Strength: 2D+2
Climbing/Jumping 4D

Mechanical: 3D

Technical: 3D
Computer Operation 4D
Security 4D

Special abilities: None

Move: 10

Force Sensitive: No

Force Points: 1

Dark Side Points: 0

Wound Status:
Grazed no
Wounded no
Incapacitated YES
Mortally Wounded no

Skill Points: 0

Equipment: None

Background: Caius was born and raised a pirate, Mom and Dad were both pirates, and not always on the same ships. Caius spent time with both, even after he was "grown." His last tour was on a ship that his mother was also on, and when he returned and learned that his father had decided to join the Rebel Alliance, he followed suit - but primarily to track down his father and find out why he had joined. Caius isn't entirely certain about the Rebel Alliance yet, but he is enjoying the opportunities to use his talents. Caius remains suspect of the Rebel Alliance, he really prefers to not have anyone running his life, but he is pretty sure the Alliance wants to do that at least a bit less than the empire does. He very much wants to run his own pirate crew, but thinks he needs to work on his skills to pilot the ship beyond relying on his natural talents. He is not usually seen far from a deck of cards or whatever the local primitive gambling paraphernalia may be (and which he has a small collection of).

Personality: Caius prefers company, and while his upbringing has made him naturally suspicious it also has given him an apparent indifference to danger. He doesn't like "rules" and often will act in defiance of them simply to prove that "rules are meant to be bent."
Last edited by max_vale on Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Former PCs

#4 Post by max_vale »

Terra Shardhopper Currently Reassigned to an Alliance Starfighter Squadron

Rookie Alliance Pilot
Player name: Corsair

Height: 5’1” (1.60 m)
Weight: 115lbs. (52kg)
Sex: Female
Age: 19

Physical Description: A diminutive 5’1” tall, with shoulder-length black hair cut in bangs in the front to keep it out if her eyes while she’s flying. She keeps her nails cut short, and can often be found with grease stains on her hands, face, and coverall.


Dexterity: 3D
Blaster: 4D

Knowledge: 2D
Planetary systems: 3D

Mechanical: 4D
Astrogation: 5D
Starship piloting: 6D

Perception: 3D

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 4D

Technical: 3D
Starship repair: 4D

Move: 10

Wound Status:
Mortally Wounded:

Skill Points: 0


Background: Born on Tatooine, raised on Corellia. Terra's parents, Parr and Jora, owned a small repair facility on Tatooine for the first seven years of her life, often telling her stories of planets with lush vegetation and lakes filled with so much water you couldn't see the other side. Eventually the Shardhoppers had made a name for themselves, and accumulated enough money to leave Tatooine and relocate to Corellia, where they began working for the government designing, building, and repairing corvettes, Gunships, and even Dreadnaughts. Terra also began learning her parent's trade, but was much more interested in flying ships than fixing them. As she's grown older she's realized that being able to maintain her ship is almost as important as being able to keep it in the sky, so she's constantly tinkering. Recently the Rebellion abandoned its presence on Massassi Station and set up on Corellia. Terra, hearing the stories, discussed it with her parents, who supported her joining up, as they did they same in order to help service Rebel ships.

Personality: Forward and stubborn, Terra's also a practiced opportunist. She's capable of taking orders, as long as she respects the person speaking, but is very willing to make her opinions known, and won't roll over for anyone. She also loves risk-taking and gambling, can hold her liquor as well as anyone, and has issued herself a challenge to find a better drink than Whyren's Reserve, if it exists.

Objectives: To be the best pilot this Rebellion has ever seen. To squeeze off the shot that embarasses this self-proclaimed Emperor. To spit in the face of anyone who tries to stop her. And to one day make (or win) enough creds to own her own Baudo-class yacht and take herself on a drinking tour of the Perlemian Trade Route before retiring and opening a casino on Vaynai.

Quotes: "He's no fun, he fell right over."
"Don't touch that! It might be something."
"On my six! Let's get 'em!"
Last edited by max_vale on Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#5 Post by max_vale »

Grey Starr WIA: Reassigned to Finding Rebel Safe-worlds

Character Template: Ex-Imperial Scout

Gender/Species: Male/Human
Age: 31
Height: 186cm
Weight: 95kg
Quote: "and knowing is half the battle." ... "that's what the wookie said."

Physical Description: Blonde with an average build, standard imperial height… everything the empire wants - got - and lost.

Dexterity 3D
-Blaster 4D
-Dodge 4D

Perception 3D+2
-Hide/Sneak 5D
-Search 5D

Knowledge 3D+1
- Bureaucracy 4D+1
-Intimidation 4D+1

Strength 2D+1

Mechanical 3D+1
-Repulsorlift operation 4D+1
-Gunnery 4D+1

Technical 2D+1

Special Abilities: N/A
Force Points: 1

Skill Points: 1

Wound Status: Incapacitated

Personality: Quiet and observant. There is more to be learned by watching and listening then by taking direct action. Not one to charge first into battle, preferring to stay back and choose targets that are careless.

Background: At a young age Grey showed great skills in scouting, and together with his best friend went out to explore new regions of planets for corporations. It was not long before the Empire came and drafted them both into the Corps and expanded their training. Going willingly as it was an honour to help protect the Empire from the evil rebellion.

It was not long before the doubt in the Empire and the Emperor started to seed itself into Grey's mind. While out on a long range scouting mission at the edge of the Unknown Regions, following a report on a possible Alliance base, the Empire came and struck in full force. Grey and his best friend were used as bait to get the Alliance forces out in the open, and in the ensuing combat, Grey's friend lost his life. The Rebels managed to win the conflict, and Grey was abandoned to fend for himself. Grey surrendered himself to the rebels, and in short time joined their cause.

Grey was tasked by rebels to go deepcover into the imperial forces, and provide details of ship movements. From that same planet where his best friend lost his life, Grey contacted the Empire to tell them he was alive. The Star Destroyer Subjugator was sent to retrieve Grey, and he has been providing Imperial Navy movements via codded messages through use of a rebel hacking tool.

Objectives: To hurt the Empire using the same skills they provided him.
Last edited by max_vale on Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#6 Post by max_vale »

Jayne Corb KIA


Species- Human
Height- 6' 4"
Weight- 220-lbs
Sex- M
Age- 34

-Blaster 6D

-Streetwise 4D
-Survival 4D
-Tactics 4D


-Search 4D

STRENGTH 3D (3D+1 to resist damage due to Armor Clothing)
-Brawling 4D


WOUND STATUS: Incapacitated (-2D to all actions; can't move unless a Force Point is spent)


EQUIPMENT: Heavy Blaster Pistol 5D, Hold out Blaster Pistol 4D, Rucksack, Weapon belt, Armor clothing, Monocular handheld, 2 spare power packs for each weapon, Com link, Binder Cuffs (Restraints), 2 body bags, 1 day Rations and Water

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall, muscular, Brown haired and Blue eyed, Frequently wears a goatee or short beard, has an intimidating air about him

BACKGROUND: Jane was raised on a farm on the Outer Rim planet known as Canton; in extreme poverty and his father passed away when he was very young, leaving only his tough mother and older sister as family. Growing up in an isolated region; Jane became a very good shot at an early age and also learned how to do alright living off the land. When his older sister married a fairly well to do store-owner in the closest town; it was a great relief to Jane as his brother-in-law also took in his mother and Jane sold the farm and used the proceeds to get-off world as he had long dreamed. Jane quickly found himself in a hard-edged part of the galaxy where his skills didn't give him much opportunity; except for his ability to shoot and think on his feet. He served as a bouncer, body guard and mercenary for a couple of years; learning the ways of the street and how to handle himself when he DIDN'T have a blaster on his person and finally, he took up the job of Bounty Hunter as it seemed to be a perfect profession for one of his skill-set. However, he soon became somewhat disillusioned as most of his bounties weren't notorious criminals, but rather anyone who dared speak out against the Empire. While Jane didn't care one way or the other for the Empire, he felt more than a little jaded about gunning down peaceful protesters or sending away University Professors to hard-labor spice-mines for the crime of using non-sanctioned accounts of the Clone Wars to their students. He quickly fell upon hard times again and he had to join in a hastily thrown together party of bounty hunters going after a band of 'Rebel Terrorists' lead by noted Bounty Hunter and extreme zealot Crutag the Hunter....
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#7 Post by max_vale »

Zeke Vasbirn: KIA
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#8 Post by max_vale »

Character Name: Borsk La'Reth WIA; transferred to a Safe World for now

Character Template: Alien Student of the Force

Player name: angelicdoctor

File comment: Borsk La'Reth, Jedi
Bothan Jedi.jpg
Bothan Jedi.jpg [ 121.97 KiB | Viewed 548 times ]

Height: 1.3 meters
Weight: 55 kg
Sex: Male
Age: 35

Physical Description: Typical for his species of Bothawui, short, fur-covered with tapered ears and slightly bearded. Distinguishing him from others of his kind is his hair coloring, midnight black with milky white highlights.

Dexterity 2D+1

Dodge 3D
Lightsaber 4D+2

Knowledge 3D+1

Medicine 4D+1

Mechanical 2D

Perception 2D+1

Hide/Sneak 3D

Strength 3D (3D+1 to resist damage with Armored Clothing)

Technical 2D

The Force

Control (3D)
Control Pain
Accelerate Healing
Lightsaber Training
Alter (5D)
Affect Mind
Sense (3D+2)
Life Detection
Magnify Senses

Special abilities: May communicate emotions through the rippling of his fur.

Move: 10/12

Force Points: 2

Dark Side Points: 0

Wound Status:

Stun Status:

Skill Points: 1


Lightsaber (6D* Damage)
An alien amulet given him by his master, worn around his neck and tucked into his clothing.
A hydrospanner obtained from the Star Destroyer, Subjugator kept as a memento of his time spent on board.
A comlink
Armored Clothing (+1 to STR to resist damage; no penalty to DEX)
1 Stun Pistol (5D stun damage; range: 3-10/11-25/26-50)
1 Staff (STR +1D; for Borsk: 4D damage)
1 Medpac
1 Medical hand scanner (to quickly diagnose health issues)
1 Utility Belt w/Syntherope (10 meters long) & grappling hook
Glow rod
5 days field rations
Duct tape
Restraining Bolt
1 Backpack to carry it all


Brief Background: Orphaned at an early age, Borsk was adopted by an alien teacher and master of the Force. He was raised in its constant use and taught the ways of the Light. Coming into his maturity he noted that he was created differently than his adoptive parent and so sought his people to learn more about them. Once on Bothuwai, he discovered that the general population of Bothans favored means and ways which were often incompatible with the Light and thus he has been orphaned once again by his own and is in a kind of exile. While on his mission trip of discovery, he also encountered a beautiful Hapan noble woman named Aristea and the two immediately fell in love. Unfortunately during this same time, his adoptive father's people came under attack from the emperor due to their link to the Force and his master perished at the hand of the Dark Lord of the Sith earning the hatred of the Force wielding Bothan. Borsk felt compelled to leave both his homeworld and his fiancee in an effort to bring the emperor and his servants to justice by joining up with the Rebellion against the Empire and by bonding with a group of like-minded individuals.

Personality: Like his own people in general, Borsk is cautious in manner almost calculating and reserved in speech. He is otherwise friendly and fiercely loyal to his companions. He resists the temptations to the dark side of the Force and struggles with it most notably concerning his desire for justice over vengeance with respect to the destroyer of his mentor.


"The Force is my ally."
"The way of the Light is difficult, there are few who take it."

* Lightsaber damage may be lowered by any amount equal to La'Reth's CONTROL skill rating; to a minimum of 1D.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#9 Post by max_vale »

Gavin Storm OOC: Currently reassigned to Special Operations


Played by: GreyWolf
Character Type: Smuggler
Height: 5' 6
Weight: 60kg
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Species: Human

Physical Description: Looks like a slightly older Chris Evans (from Fantastic 4 fame.) Can easily be mistaken for just another face in the crowd

-Blaster 5d+1
-Dodge 5d
-Melee Weapons 3D+2


-Gunnery 4D+2

-Con 4d
-Bargain 3D+2

STRENGTH: 3d (3D+1 to resist damage due to Armor Clothing)
-Brawling 4d

-Computer Operation 4d+1
-Equipment Repair 3D+1
-Starship Repair 3D+2

Force Points:
Skill Points:

Wound Status:

-Heavy Blaster Pistol (5D damage; range: 3-10/25/50)
-1 power pack for Heavy Pistol
-Blaster Carbine (5D damage; Range: Short=3-25, Med=75, Long=150 meters)
-1 power pack for Carbine
-Armor Clothing (+1 to STR to resist damage, no DEX penalty)
-Datapad (Small Pocket Computer)
-Duct Tape
-5 days rations
-Computer tool kit
-Vibroblade (Damage STR + 1D; for Gavin this is: 4D)
-Glowrod (Flashlight)

Background: Joined the Alliance, when his 'family' joined and gives little away as to his past life All records sugest his family were shipping magnets prior to the Empires rise to power and they simply fell out of favor. However ....... Gavin's skills in combat and sneaky endeavors tends to put most Alliance Spies to shame and they were taught to him by his father.

Personality: Quiet and non assuming are the two words people tend to use a lot when describing Gavin. Has a very tight circle of friend and ranging from former Senators to lowly fighter jocks.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Former PCs

#10 Post by max_vale »

Zinn Valimar OOC: Currently reassigned to a Straighter Squadron

TEMPLATE TYPE: Natural Pilot
SPECIES/GENDER: Human Male (Corellian)
AGE: 23 Standard years old
HEIGHT: 2 meters

-Blaster 5D
-Dodge 4D

-Languages 2D+1

-Astrogation 5D
-Starship Piloting 6D


-Brawling 4D
-Stamina 4D

-Computer Operation 4D+1
-Computer Repair 4D+1
-Equipment Repair 4D+1
-Starship Repair 4D
-Security 4D

Force Points:
Skill Points:

Wound Status:

-1 Flight/Space suit (in Pack)
-Black hooded cloak (in Pack)
-Utility belt with holster
-Datapad (Pocket Computer) (in Pack)
-R2 Delta Astromech Droid (R2-E9, named Banshee)
-Chronometer (watch/stop watch) (on wrist)

Physical Description: Zinn is a tall human male in his early twenties. He keeps his face and head clean-shaven. Zinn is broad-shouldered, with a fairly muscular build. He almost always will be wearing black and green clothing.

Background/Personality: While many other children were out playing, Zinn was being bounced around the galaxy with his father, who owns a small, successful shipping company. From an early age Zinn displayed a great love and talent for flying; by age 12 his dad was allowing him to do routine piloting jobs. By 16, his skills were such that he began flying escort in some of the fighter craft his dad had acquired to increase protection against pirates. His father gave him an astromech droid, designation R2-E9, for use in conjunction with the fighters Zinn was piloting. Zinn nicknamed the droid Banshee after the way it would screech when pirate craft would attack. Once Banshee racked up some flight time with Zinn and saw he wouldn’t get them killed, the droid mellowed out a little, but the nickname stayed. Zinn refused to have the droid’s memory wiped, citing the increased productivity and creativeness that comes from keeping the memory intact.

In an effort to help his father’s business interests, Zinn joined CorSec to help deal with the pirates and smugglers who made honest shipping hazardous at best. Although his investigative skills were somewhat lacking, keeping him from being an active detective, his talents in piloting and computer programming still allowed him to become a valuable asset to the organization. Since Zinn brought his own astromech with him, saving the organization money, he was rewarded with an upgrade to the new R2-Delta package, giving Banshee greater piloting ability and repair skills with various spacecraft.

As the Empire became more and more involved with CorSec’s operations, Zinn found himself growing increasingly uneasy with the command structure. The Imperial liason officer proved to be corrupt, just like the vast majority of the Empire. Coupled with their xenophobic policies and atrocities including the destruction of Alderaan, Zinn finally broke away from CorSec, following the feeling that there had to be something more out there, something he was missing.

Zinn is outgoing and loves to fly, he’s good at it, and when he’s doing it, all is right with the universe. Banshee is his closest companion these days. Even though he’s grown more and more autonomous without the memory wipes, he’s operating loosely under a final set of orders that came from Zinn’s father- to watch out for Zinn and keep him out of trouble.
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