Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#61 Post by Marullus »

On the Deck:
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • AleBelly: Odlo
  • Samwell Turleton: Hannu Survage
  • greyarea: Reuter (Formerly Sailor #1)
  • NPC: Sailor #2
In the Hold:
  • Faanku: "Laughing" Pegg
In the Cabin:
  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
  • greyarea: Casper (Retired/NPC)
  • Alethan: Thorhall (Retired/NPC)
Pegg furrows her brow, intent upon the sounds she hears against the wall, the slimy bilge water sloshing past her feet as she stands in the hull of the sloop. She discerns the rhythm, long, crunching slaps along the sides and aft of the ship, slowly ascending... her eyes widen, but she is too late to sound an alarm...

Hinrick and the several Onnekasi consider the fervent praying of the kobold within his moss-sealed chest, the ship pitching in the waves. They notice a thump on the window glass of the porthole at the rear of the cabin, something large now obscuring it from the outside.

Odlo has a moment of alarm at the potency of the elves and heads out onto the open deck... Odlo offers the mithril dagger to Olga and withdraws it from Hannu's grasping fingers. She asks him to hold it until after the storm, all her attention needed to control the helm as the ship pitches in the fierce storm, the wind and pelting rain obscuring all beyond the gunwale. The thick fog curls protectively around her feet, licking at the boots of Hannu and Odlo, sliding gently over their toes. Reuter is mid-deck, wrestling with the main sheet and pulling the ropes to trim it so they can tack in the direction Olga intends, the other sailor securing the rope with a belaying pin beside him.

Olga's eyes go wide in surprise as her right leg is grabbed by a sucker-covered tentacle and yanked backwards, throwing her off balance. Two other tentacles snare her right arm, yanking her grip from the wheel of the helm while several more flail in the air, reaching for the elf-witch. (-3hp) Olga, Hannu, and Odlo are close enough to the tentacles to see a large black eye, easily two feet across, peering through the rails on the aft deck, the bulk of the creature's body still clinging to the side of the ship. It lets out a loud rumbling croaking noise from its giant beak!

Initiative and actions!
Olga needs to win a STR check, difficulty 5, to shake off the three tentacles. If she fails, she is grappled, loses the helm, and needs to spend the round winning another STR check instead of acting.

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#62 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

The many suckers on the arms of the giant creature grip around Olga’s forearm and she feels as though the creature is pulling off round chunks of her skin. It relaxes its grip for a moment as it searches for better purchase. Olga wrests her right arm from its many armed grasp.

Olga keeps her focus on the safety of the ship directing her attention to fighting the storm.

Olga whispers to Dezzoroth, keep me safe...

The mist spreads to form a shroud around Olga and reaches out tendrils of its own that twine around the arms of the creature.

Strength Test [1d20-1] = 19-1 = 18

Initiative [1d20] = 19

Dezzoroth, the Demonic Mist

Initiative [1d20] = 7

Attack [1d20+2] = 11+2 = 13, dam. [1d4] = 4
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#63 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven wanderer
ybn1197 wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:55 pm Hinrick backs up away from the chest carefully and looks at Onnekas. "You don't think the prayers he's uttering are being answered do you? It's just a coincidence the storm came on the same time we put him in the box right?" Concern covers his questions.
The elf turns and looks down at Hinrick, mouth agape. "I had not considered that...what a troubling thought" he replies.

His eyes widen as he hears a dreaded "thump" and the room darkens as the porthole is covered. "We've got to kill our captive."

He looks at the moss-covered chest, now regretting his spell. "Damn it all, I always do the wrong thing" he laments. "Please help me open this chest...we'll take him out and throw him overboard" he offers. The elf will act on his intentions whether Hinrick helps or not...

Onnekas strength check [1d20-1] = 16-1 = 15

Spell description says strength check of 10 should do it...
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#64 Post by AleBelly »

Odlo, halfling wanderer

Odlo's jaw grows slack in fear at the sight of the monstrosity. His dread is intensified as he sees the tentacles grope at Olga...they cannot lose their helmswoman!

Already holding the mithril dagger, he keeps that in hand and draws his jeweled longknife. Looking to keep his feet free of the grasping tentacles, he advances and attacks the tentacle(s) most threatening to Olga. "We need help up here!" he calls shrilly, much of his voice being carried away in the wind.

Odlo initiative [1d16+1] = 10+1 = 11

Longknife attack [1d16+1] = 6+1 = 7 damage [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6 mithril dagger attack [1d16+1] = 15+1 = 16 damage [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#65 Post by greyarea »

Reuter hears Odlo's cry for help and replies with "Who doesn't need help..." when he looks back and his eyes go wide. He will move as quickly as he can aft to assist, drawing his dagger to attack the nearest tentacle.

If he can make it this round...
Initiative [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17
Dagger att [1d20] = 13 dmg [1d6] = 6
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#66 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick rushes forward to assist the elf, unable to provide much help but still trying.

Strength Check: [1d20] = 9
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#67 Post by Marullus »

Looking for Hannu and Pegg.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#68 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Hannu Survage

Hannu pops up off the rail. What trouble are you getting us into this time - eh?

He thrusts his pitchfork through the railing towards the eye of the creature.

Mighty Deed of Action: Blinding Attack
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#70 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Hannu Survage

sorry - don't know why it doubled the post

I think initiative would have an additional +1 for warrior character level if that matters here. I was only thinking about the agility +1 in the roll.


Initiative [1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21

Spear Attack [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20, Deed Die [1d3] = 3, Dam. [1d8-1] = 3-1 = 2
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#71 Post by Marullus »

Pegg can narrate two rounds in the hold when Faanku returns; what's keeping her below?

On the Deck:
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • AleBelly: Odlo
  • Samwell Turleton: Hannu Survage
  • greyarea: Reuter (Formerly Sailor #1)
  • NPC: Sailor #2
In the Hold:
  • Faanku: "Laughing" Pegg
In the Cabin:
  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
  • greyarea: Casper (Retired/NPC)
  • Alethan: Thorhall (Retired/NPC)
Hannu leaps forward, jabbing the tentacled monster in its rubbery, bulging eye with his pitchfork. (-5) The creature lets out another roar from its beak, allowing Olga to break free of its tentacles. It's tentacles flail wildly in pain, allowing Odlo and Reuter to step in with deft slices, (-6, -3) ducking out of the way and driving the creature back onto the side of the ship.

Olga grasps the wheel and focuses on steering the vessel through the raging storm. She whispers to the thick fog at her feet, which slides forward with an oddly intelligent purpose, wrapping its own misty tendrils around one of the creature's tentacles. It pulls the tentacle back, blackened acid-like burns upon it. (-4)

Blinking furiously with its eye, the creature slides back from the rail and shifts all its attention to where Hannu stands by the rail. Hannu parries the grasping tentacles as best he can, but eight-on-one is not a fair fight - three of them manage to grip his limbs, trying to tug him towards its beak... (-3hp. Make a STR check, difficulty 6. Failure means you spend next round redoing the check.)

Onnekas and Hinrick tear away the thick moss and open the chest, reaching in to grab the still-chanting kobold. It spits it's prayers in venomous hate, wriggling furiously. Kicking open the door to the cabin, they emerge onto the mid-deck, seeing the battle raging on the raised rear-deck above and beyond them...
Initiative [1d20-2] = 7-2 = 5
Kraken [1d20] = 12[1d20] = 9[1d20] = 8[1d20] = 4
Kraken [1d20] = 2[1d20] = 19[1d20] = 19[1d20] = 14
Kraken grapple [3d4] = 6
Deed Die Blinding Result
3 - Opponent’s eyes are irritated and stinging, and
he has difficulty seeing. On his next attack, the
opponent suffers a -2 attack penalty.

Also, +2 to hit it.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#72 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven wanderer

Onnekas turns to Hinrick with a look of panic on his face. "Throw him overboard?" he asks. The elf will throw the kobold overboard if Hinrick agrees. If not, he will bludgeon the kobold with his staff to get it to stop its prayers.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#73 Post by ybn1197 »

In his panic, Hinrick cries, "Yes! Yes!" as he assists the elf relieve the ship of this burden.
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#74 Post by AleBelly »

Odlo, halfling wanderer

The stout halfling hacks at one of the tentacles grasping Hannu, hoping to cleave the appendage in twain.

Odlo initiative [1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3

Longknife attack [1d16+1] = 5+1 = 6 damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3 mithril dagger attack [1d16+1] = 14+1 = 15 damage [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#75 Post by greyarea »

Reuter the sailor strikes one of the tentacles grasping Hannu.

Initiative [1d20+2] = 5+2 = 7
Dagger att [1d20] = 16 dmg [1d6] = 3
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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#76 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Hannu Survage

Hannu’s skin is pockmarked with red welts as he struggles to disentangle himself from the suckered arms. He lines up another strike against the eye and plunges the pitchfork through the railing.

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#77 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Dezzoroth, the Demonic Mist

The mist drifts into the space the tentacles once occupied. It is rolling around Hannu’s ankles, along the railing, and along the hull of the ship reaching. It searches for the beak. It searches for a way in.

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#78 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga keeps her focus on the feeling of the ship and the movement of the waves. She continues to direct the ship into the waves.

Hinrick and Onnekas emerge suddenly mid-deck with the struggling kobold. She sees them moving with the creature against the wind and rain.

She carries on with her fight with the storm.

Olga hopes for their success in whatever they are planning.

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#79 Post by Marullus »

On the Deck:
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri (1/4)
  • AleBelly: Odlo
  • Samwell Turleton: Hannu Survage (1/8)
  • greyarea: Reuter (Formerly Sailor #1)
  • NPC: Sailor #2
In the Hold:
  • Faanku: "Laughing" Pegg
In the Cabin:
  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
  • greyarea: Casper (Retired/NPC)
  • Alethan: Thorhall (Retired/NPC)
"Throw him overboard?" asks Onnekas. "Yes! Yes!" cries Hinrick. The ship tosses beneath their feet, the rain pelting them. Panicking and anxious, they tip the chest overboard and dump the trussed kobold into the lashing waves as they break against the side of the ship. The kobold screeches in hate, then ends abruptly, his tiny form sinking below the water and out of sight.

The kraken screeches, blinking it's wounded eyeball and lashing its tentacles across the aft deck. Hannu stabs the creature in the face once more with his pitchfork (-4), trying his best to evade the grasp of the tentacles. The Mist curls around a tentacle which swings near Olga, (-3) the tentacle retracting with a blackened burn upon it. Thus protected, Olga focuses on the wheel, managing the ship amidst the winds and storms with nerves of steel. Reuter and Odlo each slash open a tentacle with their daggers (-3, -2), nearly severing them and keeping them away from Hannu. The creature manages to latch four of its limbs onto Hannu (-4), trying to drag him towards its vicious beak...

DC 14 STR check for Hannu, use a 1d24 due to the successful slices of your allies. Failure, you take an additional 4hp damage (and die and get eaten).

Then next round!

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Re: Chapter 2b - A Sloop in the Sea

#80 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Hannu Survage

Hannu is going to leap the railing of the sloop with his pitchfork in hand. If there is a loose end of rope that he can grip while he does it that would be preferred. He is going to try to land on the creature's mantle and thrust the pitchfork downward into the kraken's head with the force of the leap behind it. Hannu will use a lot of luck for this - 8 luck to make the roll a 20. Let me know what the circumstances are around this that you will accept and I will craft an in character post.

Strength Check [1d24-1] = 23-1 = 22
Initiative [1d20+1] = 14+1 = 15
Fateful Leap: Deed Die [1d3] = 1
Fateful Leap & Strike: [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12, Dam. [1d8] = 4
I forgot to add the luck bonus to the attack with a spear weapon so it would be a 22 with the added luck
Last edited by Samwell Turleton on Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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