REFERENCE: Setting Background and House Rules

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REFERENCE: Setting Background and House Rules

#1 Post by atpollard »

A place for HOUSE RULES:
  1. ALIGNMENT: Characters Must be GOOD. You may be Lawful Good, Neutral Good or Chaotic Good. No restrictions on class except those of alignment.
  2. STARTING HP & XP: All Characters start out with Maximum HP (don’t bother rolling HP) and 3001 XP. [Maximum HP means maximum die rolls for all levels obtained with those starting XP. This is a world with few places for you to take refuge and you represent the Top 1% of the population. You are the "Special Forces" in the war against EVIL.]
  3. STARTING MONEY (to buy equipment): LAWFUL Good characters start out with 2x Max for a first level character. NEUTRAL Good characters start out with 1x Max for a first level character. CHAOTIC Good characters start out with Max/2 for a first level character.
    Cleric (LG) = 360 GP
    Cleric (NG) = 180 GP
    Cleric (CG) = 90 GP
    Fighter (LG) = 400 GP
    Fighter (NG) = 200 GP
    Fighter (CG) = 100 GP
    Magic-user (LG) = 160 GP
    Magic-user (NG) = 80 GP
    Magic-user (CG) = 40 GP
    Thief (LG) = 240 GP
    Thief (NG) = 120 GP
    Thief (CG) = 60 GP
  4. THAC0 (To Hit Armor Class 0): Replace the progression in the DMG that jumps over some values of THAC0 with the following, smoother progression that benefits the Players ... If anyone REALLY wants to use the worse THAC0 from the DMG, I guess you can.
  5. BARD: I like the class, but not as presented. So if anyone WANTS to play a Bard, we can look at porting the 2E ADD version over to 1E ADD so you can just start out as a Bard.
  • Characters with two classes will add the XP required to reach second level together (ie. Fighter-Cleric = 1501 + 2001 = 3502) and the character reaches 2nd level in both classes when they accumulate “3502” XP.
  • Wherever possible, Dual classed HP will be rolled on an “averaged Die”. For a Fighter-Thief (D10 and D6), roll D8 for HP and then add any CON bonus. For a Fighter-Cleric (D10 and D8), there is no D9 so roll D10 and reroll any result of 10.

HOUSE RULES: Weapons and Damage
The goal is to make weapon choice more about personal taste and less about fussy game mechanics, so we will borrow a concept from the Holmes edition by dropping all AC adjustments by weapon type and group Weapons into categories by damage as follows:

LIGHT MELEE WEAPONS: Typically, about 1 foot long. Two (2) attacks per round. Inflict 1d4 damage in normal initiative attack; gain a second attack at the end of each round (after all initiative attacks).
  • Dagger (2 GP): (double-edged blade)
  • Hand Sickle (2 GP): (curved single-edged blade)
  • Light Axe / Hatchet (1 GP)
  • Light Hammer (1 GP)
  • Light Pick (2 GP)
  • Hand Flail / Sap (1 GP): (short handle with flexible attachment to leather sack filled with lead balls)
  • Brass Knuckles (1 GP)
Fighting With Two Weapons: Any character may choose to fight with one Light Melee Weapon in each hand and gain two attacks (1d4) in normal initiative and a third attack at the end of each round (after all initiative attacks). A penalty To Hit is applied to all attacks based on the Dexterity of the Character: DEX 6-15 = -3; DEX 16 = -2; DEX 17 = -1; DEX 18+ = 0

NORMAL MELEE WEAPONS: Typically, about 2 feet long. One (1) attack per round. Inflict 1d6 damage. May be used 1 handed with a shield.
  • Short Sword (10 GP): (double-edged blade)
  • Broad Sword (10 GP): (straight single-edged blade with basket hilt)
  • Scimitar / Cutlass / Sabre (10 GP): (curved single-edged blade)
  • One-Handed Axe / Hand Axe (3 GP)
  • Medium Hammer / One-Handed Sledgehammer (2 GP)
  • Horseman’s Pick (5 GP)
  • Horseman’s Flail / Ball and Chain (3 GP): (steel ball – with or without spikes – attached to a short wooden handle by a short chain)
  • Club / Cudgel / Shillelagh (1 GP): (all wood about 3 feet long).
  • Horseman’s Mace (4 GP): (wood handle with heavy metal head – sometimes spiked)
  • Short Spear (3 GP): (a dagger mounted on a 2-foot handle for thrusting or slashing)
  • Lance (6 GP): (a balanced 10+ foot long spear used from horseback).
Fighting With Two Weapons: Any Fighter (or Fighter sub-class) may choose to fight with one Normal Melee Weapon in his primary hand and one Light Melee Weapon in his off hand and gain one attack (1d6) in normal initiative and a second attack (1d4) at the end of each round (after all initiative attacks). A penalty To Hit is applied to all attacks based on the Dexterity of the Character: DEX 6-15 = -3; DEX 16 = -2; DEX 17 = -1; DEX 18+ = 0

HEAVY MELEE WEAPONS: Typically, about 3 feet long. One (1) attack per round. May be used 1 handed with a shield to inflict 1d6 damage or 2 handed without a shield to inflict 1d8 damage.
  • Long Sword / Bastard Sword (20 GP): (double-edged blade)
  • Battle Axe (5 GP)
  • Warhammer / Sledgehammer (4 GP)
  • Footman’s Pick (8 GP)
  • Footman’s Flail / Ball and Chain (8 GP): (steel ball – with or without spikes – attached to a long wooden handle by a short chain)
  • Quarterstaff (1 GP): (all wood about 6 feet long)
  • Footman’s Mace / Morning star (8 GP): (long wood handle with heavy metal head – sometimes spiked)
  • Heavy Spear (5 GP): (a dagger mounted on a 5-foot handle for thrusting or slashing)
GREAT MELEE WEAPONS: Typically, about 5-6 feet long. One (1) attack per round. Must be used 2 handed (without a shield) and inflicts 1d10 damage.
  • Two-handed Sword / Great Sword (30 GP): (double-edged blade)
  • Great Axe / Polearm: Axe [Halberd / Bardiche / Voulge] (10 GP)
  • Great Hammer / Maul / Polearm: Hammer [Lucerne Hammer] (10 GP)
  • Polearm: Pick [Bec de Corbin] (10 GP)
  • Great Flail (10 GP): (a 2-foot club covered in spikes mounted to a 6-foot handle by a short chain)
  • Polearm: Spear [Pike / Spetum / Ranseur / Partisan] (10 GP):
  • Polearm: Blade [Fauchard / Glaive] (10 GP)
LIGHT THROWING WEAPONS: Two attacks per round. Inflict 1d4 damage in normal initiative attack, plus gain a second attack at the end of each round (after all initiative attacks).
  • Any Light Melee Weapon, thrown [Range 10/20/30]
  • Throwing Knives x4 (1 GP): 8” long flattened spikes good for throwing and piercing, but not for slashing [Range 20/40/60]
MEDIUM THROWING WEAPONS: One attacks per round. Inflicts 1d6 damage. May be used 1 handed with a shield.
  • Any Medium Melee Weapon, thrown [Range 10/20/30]
  • Javelin x2 (1 GP) [Range 20/40/60]
BOWS: One (1) attack per round. Inflicts 1d6 damage. Must be used 2 handed (without a shield). Wood Bows must be carried unstrung and be strung before action. Each hour the Wood Bow remains strung has a 1 in 20 chance to reduce the range by (-10/-20/-30). Composite Bows may be kept strung for up to 8 hours. Each day (9-24 hours) the Composite Bow remains strung has a 1 in 20 chance to reduce the range by (-10/-20/-30). Stringing a bow adds a +4 Initiative penalty.
  • Horse Bow, wood (15 GP) [Range 50/100/150] & 12x Arrows (1 GP) – A 3’ bow made from a single piece of wood that is able to be fired from horseback or a sitting position. Must be carried unstrung.
  • Horse Bow, composite (30 GP) [Range 50/100/150] & 12x Arrows (1 GP) – A 3’ bow made from laminated layers of wood, bone and sinew that is able to be fired from horseback or a sitting position. May be carried strung.
  • Hunting Bow, wood (30 GP) [Range 60/120/180] & 12x Arrows (1 GP) – A 5’ bow made from a single piece of wood that is able to be fired from a standing or kneeling position. Must be carried unstrung.
  • Hunting Bow, composite (60 GP) [Range 60/120/180] & 12x Arrows (1 GP) – A 5’ bow made from laminated layers of wood, bone and sinew that is able to be fired from a standing or kneeling position. May be carried strung.
  • War Bow, wood (60 GP) [Range 70/140/210] & 12x Arrows (1 GP) – A 7’ bow made from a single piece of wood that must be fired from a standing position. Must be carried unstrung.
  • War Bow, composite (120 GP) [Range 70/140/210] & 12x Arrows (1 GP) – A 7’ bow made from laminated layers of wood, bone and sinew that must be fired from a standing position. May be carried strung.
ARCHER SPECIALIZATION: Any Fighter or Fighter subclass can choose to take two proficiency slots in the Bow and become an “Archer” [“Archer Ranger”, or “Archer Paladin”]. Archers attack twice per round with the bow: a normal initiative attack, plus a second attack at the end of each round (after all initiative attacks).

CROSSBOWS: One (1) attack per round. Kept continuously strung and may be kept cocked and loaded for up to 8 hours. Each day (9-24 hours) the Crossbow or Stone-Bow remains cocked and loaded has a 1 in 20 chance to reduce the range by (-10/-20/-30). Damage varies by weapon.
  • Light Stone-Bow (10 GP) [Range 30/60/90] A crossbow designed to fire “sling stones” from a pocket in the bowstring, 1D4 damage, +2 initiative penalty to cock and fire, may be fired one handed. Leather pouch & 30 Stones (1 GP)
  • Medium Stone-Bow (15 GP) [Range 50/100/150] A crossbow designed to fire lead “sling bullets” from a pocket in the bowstring, 1D6 damage, +4 initiative penalty to cock and fire, requires two hands to cock and load, but may be fired one handed (with shield). Leather pouch & 15 Sling Bullets (1 GP)
  • Heavy Stone-Bow (20 GP) [Range 70/140/210] A crossbow designed to fire lead “sling bullets” or hollow spheres from a pocket in the bowstring, +6 initiative penalty to cock and fire, requires two hands (no shield).
    - Leather pouch & 10 Heavy Sling Bullets (1 GP): 1d6 Damage
    - Leather pouch & 1 Hollow “Smoke” Bullets (1 GP): 10’ diameter cloud of smoke
    - Leather pouch & 1 Hollow “Fire” Bullets (1 GP): 1d8 Fire Damage
  • Light Crossbow (10 GP) [Range 40/80/120] & 12x Arrows (1 GP): A crossbow designed to fire normal arrows, 1D6 damage, +2 initiative penalty to cock and fire, requires two hands to cock and load, but may be fired one handed (with shield).
  • Medium Crossbow (15 GP) [Range 60/120/180] & 9x Quarrels (1 GP): A crossbow designed to fire Quarrels (short, heavy wood arrows), 1D8 damage, +4 initiative penalty to cock and fire, requires two hands (no shield).
  • Heavy Crossbow (20 GP) [Range 80/160/240] & 6x Bolts (1 GP): A crossbow designed to fire Bolts (short, heavy metal arrows), 1D10 damage, +6 initiative penalty to cock and fire, requires two hands (no shield).
SLINGS: One (1) attack per round. Damage varies by weapon.
  • Staff Sling, pouch & 30 stones (2 GP) [Range 30/60/90]: A 6’ staff with a pocket at one end used for hurling rocks, requires two hands (no shield), 1D4 damage.
  • Sling, pouch & 30 stones (1 GP) [Range 40/80/120]: A leather cord and pocket used for hurling rocks, requires one hand (may be used with shield), 1D6 damage.
  • Sling, pouch & 15 bullets (1 GP) [Range 50/100/150]: A leather cord and pocket used for hurling lead bullets, requires one hand (may be used with shield), 1D8 damage.

HOUSE RULES: Encumbrance & Movement
Rather that calculate the weight of every item, I propose a simplified movement and encumbrance based on the type of Armor worn. All of your normal weapons and equipment are ignored for encumbrance; only Armor and Treasure carried is counted.
  • Clothing (2 GP).........(AC 10, 2#).....12” Human/Elf...9” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Padded (4 GP)...............(AC 8, 10#).....11” Human/Elf...8” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Leather (5 GP)..............(AC 8, 15#).....11” Human/Elf...8” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Studded Leather (15 GP)...(AC 7, 20#).....10” Human/Elf...7” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Ring Mail (30 GP)...........(AC 7, 20#).....10” Human/Elf...7” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Scale mail (45 GP)..........(AC 6, 25#)......9” Human/Elf...7” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Chain mail (75 GP)..........(AC 5, 30#)......8” Human/Elf...6” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Splint mail (80 GP)..........(AC 4, 35#)......7” Human/Elf...6” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Banded mail (90 GP)........(AC 4, 35#)......7” Human/Elf...6” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Plate Mail (400 GP)..........(AC 3, 40#)......6” Human/Elf...5” Halfling/Dwarf
  • Each 100 coins (10#) > STR bonus............-1”...............-1”
Last edited by atpollard on Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:02 am, edited 18 times in total.
"welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness" - e.e. cummings
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Setting Background

#2 Post by atpollard »

A place for general background information on the setting.

“far better to light the candle than to curse the darkness” - William L. Watkinson (1907)

SETTING: Medieval Fantasy with a twist. 50% of the population is EVIL. 40% of the population is NEUTRAL. 10% of the population is GOOD. The Lord of the Castle that rules the city might be a Vampire. The Cathedral is dedicated to a Demon. The Guild-masters are all Evil aligned and support the local government. The GOOD population hides their activity and lives secret lives. Imagine it like being part of a Resistance Movement in Nazi Germany.
  • LAWFUL GOOD characters are part of a widespread GOOD movement called “KEEPERS” (Keeping the Light alive in the Darkness).
  • NEUTRAL GOOD characters are part of a local ‘Band of Brothers’, an isolated resistance cell that looks after its own people in its local territory.
  • CHAOTIC GOOD characters are ‘Lone Wolves’ that wander about fighting EVIL when and where opportunity and desire present themselves.
I always hated it when the description instantly gave away the stats on a creature so the Player/Character instantly knew all about it. To correct that, there are terms that describe classes of creatures and ways to detect relative power (like a Paladin's Detect Evil ability) So the following terms are important.
  • TROLL-KIN: Any humanoid species is referred to as a Troll-kin. They vary in appearance from individual to individual so a kobold could be orc-like or goblin-like or ogre-like in appearance, but will likely be small. Size will generally reflect strength, but you will not immediately know if any group of Troll-kin are Goblins or Orcs.
  • BARROW-WIGHT: Any undead resembling an animated corpse from a skeleton to a zombie to a lich. So a D&D Skeleton may still have flesh clinging to the bones, and a D&D Zombie may or may not still have flesh clinging to it. All are Barrow Wights.

Languages Commonly Spoken:
72% Human Common [7 in 10]
32% Ogrish [3 in 10]
32% Dwaren [3 in 10]
24% Bugbear [2 in 10]
24% Giant Common [2 in 10]
20% Elven [2 in 10]

So 72% of the population speaks Human Common with a 7 in 10 chance that any non-human you encounter can speak Human Common.
Thus Ogrish is the Humanoid Common and Dwarvish is the Demi-Human Common language (the language used by traders for basic communication).

Racial Census of "Civilized" Lands and Urban Environments:
36% Trollkin (Humanoid)
34% Human
24% Demi-human (Dwarf, Elf, Leprechaun, Halfling, Gnome)
6% Giant
Last edited by atpollard on Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness" - e.e. cummings
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Deities and Clerics

#3 Post by atpollard »

HOUSE RULE: To add some of the 'color' from later editions to the relationship between a Cleric and their Deity, here are some rules changes for Cleric Spell Casting:
  • All of a Cleric's "Bonus Spells" for High Wisdom must be cast from the list of "Preferred Spells" for their deity (listed below). The Cleric need not choose the spell in advance, but can treat ALL of the Preferred Spells as "Continuously Memorized". Thus a Cleric with 2 bonus First Level spells could cast any of the three First level spells listed for their deity, or the same spell twice.
  • A "Preferred Spell" may be substituted for a normally memorized spell of the same level at any time ... and cast in place of the "spell of the day".
  • Spells marked with (D) are Druid Spells and spells marked with (U) are from Unearthed Arcana. [Just ask if you need a description.]

UKKO (supreme god of the sky and order)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
SYMBOL: Flaming sword
PATRON OF: Clerics (LG, NG), Fighter (LG, NG), Paladin (LG), Magic User (LG), Illusionist (LG), Bard (NG)

The god is represented as on old man and he is supportive of good heroes. As master of the sky and air, he supports the world, is responsible for all weather and protects all avian life. As a supreme god, Ukko will never directly intervene in worldly affairs (except to directly confront another evil deity). When a devout follower calls his name, there is a 30% chance that he will send a warrior maiden to first advise, and then rescue the imperiled believer. These powerful warriors are sent only when his worshipers face certain death at the hands of demons, devils or very powerful evil beings.

UKKO's Clerics Preferred Spells:
(Lvl 1) Command or Light or Precipitation (U)
(Lvl 2) Augury or Chant or Dust Devil (U)
(Lvl 3) Cloudburst (U) or Remove Curse
(Lvl 4) Divination or Protection from Evil, 10’r

Saint Cuthbert (lesser god of Wisdom, Dedication and Zeal)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
SYMBOL: Starburst
PATRON OF: Clerics (LG), Fighter (LG), Paladin (LG), Magic User (LG), Illusionist (LG)

The god is represented as a stout man with a ruddy complexion, apple cheeks, flowing white hair, and a drooping mustache. As the patron of common sense, truth, and forthrightness, he and his followers hate evil and support law and order through the dual tasks of converting the uninformed and protecting the faithful. Clerics often wear green or brown robes, crumpled hats and frequently fight with an oak cudgel or a mace. The material that the Starburst Holy Symbol is made from immediately identifies the rank of a follower by the level of spell they can cast as follows:
(Lvl 0) Wood
(Lvl 1-2) Copper
(Lvl 3-4) Silver
(Lvl 5-6) Gold
(Lvl 7) Platinum

ST. CUTHBERT's Clerics Preferred Spells:
(Lvl 1) Command or Shillelagh (D)
(Lvl 2) Know Alignment or Chant
(Lvl 3) Create food and Water
(Lvl 4) Protection from Evil, 10’r

MlELlKKl (goddess of nature and healing) "Mistress of the Forest"
ALIGNMENT Neutral good
SYMBOL: Evergreen
PATRON OF: Clerics (NG), Druids (NN), Rangers (LG, NG, CG), Magic User (NG), Illusionist (NG), Thief (NG), Bard (NN, NG)

The goddess is represented wearing a green gossamer gown and surrounded with summer songbirds. She watches over all who dwell in the Forest, especially Rangers. There is a 1% chance that she will aid any follower in extreme danger and a 5% chance she will attack those that try to destroy her domain, for whatever reason. She and her Priests are known to summon packs of wolves or flights of hawks to attack despoilers of the forest. Elven and Halfling Druids of Mielikki can be NG or NN.

MIELIKKI's Clerics Preferred Spells:
(Lvl 1) Animal Friendship (D) or Cure Light Wound or Locate Animals (D)
(Lvl 2) Locate Plants (D) or Slow Poison or Speak with Animals
(Lvl 3) Cure Disease or Summon Insects (D)
(Lvl 4) Cure Serious Wounds or Animal Summoning 1

MIELIKKI's Druids Preferred Spells:
(Lvl 1) Animal Friendship or Locate Animals or Speak with Animals
(Lvl 2) Locate Plants or Slow Poison or Cure Light Wound
(Lvl 3) Cure Disease or Summon Insects
(Lvl 4) Cure Serious Wounds or Animal Summoning 1

THOR (god of thunder and battle)
ALIGNMENT Chaotic good
SYMBOL: Hammer
PATRON OF: Clerics (CG), Druids (CN), Rangers (CG), Magic User (CG), Illusionist (CG), Bard (CN)
The god is represented as a large red-haired and red-bearded man dressed in black and yellow chainmail riding through the sky on a golden chariot pulled by two magical goats. Thor is a particular friend to mankind among the gods, and will often alert his worshipers to incursions of evil. All of Thor’s Clerics use Hammers for their preferred weapons.

THOR's Clerics Preferred Spells:
(Lvl 1) Detect Evil or Protection from Evil or Shillelagh (D)
(Lvl 2) Aid (U) or Barkskin (D) or Spiritual Hammer
(Lvl 3) Call Lightning (D) or Negative Plane Protection (U)
(Lvl 4) Neutralize Poison or Protection from Lightning (D)
Last edited by atpollard on Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness" - e.e. cummings
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HOUSE RULES: Barbarian

#4 Post by atpollard »

The Unearthed Arcana class needed to be scaled back to bring it in line with the PHB classes. So here is an alternative “Barbarian” closer to a wilderness Fighter-Thief and more in line with the Paladin and Ranger.

HOUSE RULES: Barbarian
The barbarian class is a sub-class of fighter. Barbarian characters are tough, hardy and adept at the many skills necessary for survival in a hostile wilderness. A barbarian must have strength and constitution scores of no less than 15 each, a dexterity score of 14 or better, and a wisdom score of no greater than 16. The barbarian has no principal attribute and gains no bonus to earned experience points. A player Character barbarian cannot be a character with two classes.

Strength: Minimum 15.
Intelligence: Any (but initially Illiterate).
Wisdom: Maximum 16.
Dexterity: Minimum 14. +2 AC bonus per point over 14 when wearing Leather Armor (15#) or less. +1 AC bonus per point over 14 when wearing Studded Leather Armor (20#) or more. (Replaces the standard Defensive Adjustment for dexterity.) The Reaction/Attacking Adjustment remains the same.
Constitution: Minimum 15. + 2 hit points per point of constitution over 14. (Replaces the normal constitution bonus.)

Alignment: any non-lawful alignment
Race: human only
Hit-Dice: roll d12 instead of d10
Experience and Level: Use the Paladin XP table with +4 HP per level after 9.
Move: 12”
Combat: as Fighter
Initial Weapon Proficiency: must include hand axe, knife, and spear
Magic Use: Barbarians view magic and magic users with suspicion. (Clerical spells of Lvl 1-3 are not so viewed.) Barbarians refuse to employ any sort of magic item if they recognize it as such and receive XP Bonus for destroying a magic item.
Creatures hit by Magic: To offset the ban on magic, a barbarian’s natural attack abilities allow him to strike creatures normally immune to non-magical attacks.
  • A 4th level barbarian can affect creatures which require a + 1 weapon to hit.
  • A 6th-level barbarian can strike creatures which require a + 2 weapon to hit.
  • An 8th level, the barbarian can hit creatures requiring a + 3 weapon to hit.
  • A 10th-level barbarian can strike creatures which require a + 4 weapon to hit.
  • A 12th-level barbarian can strike creatures which require a + 5 weapon to hit.
  • Despite the ability to hit such creatures, he does not gain a bonus “to hit” or inflict additional damage.
Saving Throws: +1 to all saves (increases +1 for every 4 levels … +2 @ Lvl 4, +3 @ Lvl 8, etc.)
Special Abilities:
  • Climb cliffs and trees: The barbarian can climb trees and natural cliffs (or ledges, mountains, etc.) as a thief of the same level would climb walls.
  • Hide in natural surroundings: Barbarians can hide in natural surroundings as a thief of the same level would hide in shadows.
  • Surprise: Barbarians surprise opponents in natural surroundings on a 3 in 6 chance, and are surprised on a 1 in 6 chance in natural surroundings.
  • Detect illusion: Barbarians have a 1 in 20 chance per level of determining that some sight, sound or other sensory phenomenon is actually an illusion/phantasm spell of some type. This detection takes one round of concentration on the illusion. Regardless of the barbarian’s level, the chance to so detect such spells may never exceed 15 in 20.
  • Detect magic: Barbarians have a 5 in 20 chance of detecting any sort of magic other than the illusion/phantasm variety. This again takes one round of concentration, and applies to items or spells, but not to persons who are able to effect magic. For each level the barbarian gains beyond the 1st level, the barbarian gains an additional
    1 in 20 to his or her base chance of detection. However, this chance may never exceed 18 in 20 regardless of the barbarian’s level of experience. The type of magic is never revealed by this ability.
Secondary Skills: Any Secondary Skill Table result chosen from the DMG p.12 should be appropriate to the Barbarian background
"welcoming humbly His light and proudly His darkness" - e.e. cummings

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