Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#81 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:Bog covers the chest back up with he cloth and picks up the crate.

"We'll take the whole thing back with us..."

Then he begins making his way back through the tunnel to the intersection.
Bogdan covers up the small metal chest with the shimmery cloth and replaces the lid on the crate for transit. He picks up the crate and is instantly surprised to discover that the chest and it's contents are much heavier than he would have anticipated! (@ 30-35lbs). The other crates with the 4 urns in them weigh about a third of that weight (@ 10-12lbs/e)

It's a struggle, even for the burly half-orc, to carry the crate out while crawling back through the tunnel in the underbrush. Bog ends up pushing it through the sand for the last few feet while Ulrich watches the cave opening nervously in the rearguard position, his light mace at the ready to deal with any vermin eventualities.

~ Nothing arrives or surpises, and the half-orc and dwarf scouts make it back out of the brambles and regroup with the waiting Wild elf scout. Caelvanna has already reequipped and readied her elven short bow. The trio make it back the short distance to the game trail intersection unchallenged.

Hazara's light continues to fade over the western horizon...




OOC: Ok, all three of you are now regrouped at the intersection.

TOD: The light continues to fade quickly; 20 minutes (2 turns) till sunset!

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spears/crate with metal chest in it ; Caelvanna – short bow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location At the game trail intersection Bogdan , Ulrich , Calevanna
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#82 Post by Alethan »

Bog looks at the sun and gauges about how much time left they might have.

"What do you think? Back to camp with what we've found? Or head west?"
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#83 Post by SocraticLawyer »

We are rapidly losing light. I suggest we head back.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#84 Post by Alethan »

Bog nods and says, "Can one or both of you carry that snake? I'll get the chest..."

Then he heads back down the path towards the beach where the rest of the crew is. Once back at the camp, Bog puts the crate down and says, "We didn't have much time to explore, due to the failing light, but we were set upon by a large constrictor, which we were forced to kill," he points at the snake, "... and we found a cave. Looks like someone shipwrecked on the island many years ago and made a home. There were some weathered and busted crates strewn about, a few crates filled with jars that still had something in them, and this," he points to the crate.

Then he opens the crate and removes the shimmering cloth.

"Careful. It looks like there might still be a contact poison on the lock. That's why I brought it back in the crate. Oh," he adds, casually, "we didn't go into the cave. I suspect it is inhabited by rats. A lot of them, by the scent and sound of it. The trail split off into two other directions that we didn't have time to follow. One looked like it headed towards the beach further north of our position and the other headed off to the northwest," he points in the general direction.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#85 Post by dmw71 »

Alethan wrote:Bog nods and says, "Can one or both of you carry that snake? I'll get the chest..."
Caelvanna smirks at the thought, but begrudgingly agrees, helping to lift the serpent over her head and carry the majority of its weight on her shoulders. She is quick to toss the beast to the ground once reaching the rest of the crew back at the beach, however.

Sorry for the disappearing act for a bit there. It's been a struggle to keep up with everything (mainly my own game) with the reduced availability. I should be better off now that I have Internet access on the train every day, however.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#86 Post by Argennian »

~ The scouting trio of the half-orc fighter, dwarf cleric and Wild elf archer return to the beach via the northern game trail. Mighty Hazara is now almost kissing the watery western horizon as they see that the other scouting party has also returned from their southern game trail reconnoiter. They also notice that the druidess has indeed been returned to the beach from her little flight and parley with the giant owl. Ziller waves and signals for you to approach.
Alethan wrote:... Then he heads back down the path towards the beach where the rest of the crew is. Once back at the camp, Bog puts the crate down and says, "We didn't have much time to explore, due to the failing light, but we were set upon by a large constrictor, which we were forced to kill," he points at the snake, "... and we found a cave. Looks like someone shipwrecked on the island many years ago and made a home. There were some weathered and busted crates strewn about, a few crates filled with jars that still had something in them, and this," he points to the crate.

Then he opens the crate and removes the shimmering cloth.

"Careful. It looks like there might still be a contact poison on the lock. That's why I brought it back in the crate. Oh," he adds, casually, "we didn't go into the cave. I suspect it is inhabited by rats. A lot of them, by the scent and sound of it. The trail split off into two other directions that we didn't have time to follow. One looked like it headed towards the beach further north of our position and the other headed off to the northwest," he points in the general direction.
Both Ziller and Billy's eyes get wide as they notate the unlikely cargo within the crate. Sheba sniffs the outside of the old, weathered container cautiously.
"Well done, Bogdan. And to the rest of you as well," Ziller praises as he looks with a prideful nod to Ulrich and Caelvanna in turn. "Billings is bringing in the ship now, and just in time. It won't be long before our light is gone and the tide goes out. The gods have indeed granted us favor in our timing here."

The halfling commander then signals the others from the southern scout group to take up guarding positions around the beach before turning to assess the druidess. "That was a most brave and selfless thing you did, Emm. Your master would indeed be very proud of you for that. So do tell, what were you able to glean from your parley with the giant owl?"


OOC: all four of you are now regrouped with Ziller, Billy and Sheba on the beach. Let's have Emm answer with what she's learned before we move forward with bring the ship in and preparing for the evening.

TOD: Just under 20 minutes (2 turns) till sunset

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Emm 10/10
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spears/crate with metal chest in it ; Caelvanna – short bow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Emm - none/scimitar/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back on the beach: Bogdan , Ulrich , Calevanna , Emm
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#87 Post by tkrexx »

Sorry, guys, it's been a heck of a week! :roll:

Emm doesn't even feel her feet touch the sand. That's how gentle the giant raptor set her down on the far beach, returning her as promised. She looks up into the owl's eyes as it hovers above her a moment, a silent message, an acknowlegement, an agreement. Then the vast wings fall and the owl is almost instantly elsewhere, sailing off into the violet twilight. Emm's gaze follows it for as long as she can, until it disappears from sight. She turns to see the Seahawk being led ashore, but can't see Sam in the fading light. In an uncharacteristicly selfish way, she is taken by a sudden, joyful fit of giggles at the thought of what has happened this evening. She spreads her arms wide and dances a few awkward steps in a circle, until a familiar call brings her back to the present. Sheba is approaching as fast as her legs can carry her, yipping happily.

Emm's smile grows even brighter at the sight of the creature. You! She points a playful finger at Sheba. There is clearly more to you than meets the eye. It's obvious the odd canine wants to escort her back to the landing party, where it seems all eyes are upon her. 3 figures are emerging from the jungle also, and tho the dim light prevents her from seeing more than simple figures, there is no mistaking Ulrich's form, Caelvanna's gracefulness and Bog's swagger (In the OLD sense of the word). They are all burdened with something... A crate, and... A snake?? Leave them for only a few minutes and..! No, Ulrich gave his word to only defend himself, and a python of that size would certainly... She decides not to risk offending her new friends by asking. There are more important things to discuss.

My friends! The Druid greets her companions happily. My friends, we have truce. And we may have important knowlege. She turns again to see the progress of the Seahawk, to perhaps catch a glimpse of little Sam. The Great Owl has granted her blessings to us, that we may stay as long as repairs require. And we can eat that snake. She has told me much of this Isle, and of the others here. There does not seem to be any people here, but the 3 larger islands are all inhabited by Human cannibals. In their history they have warred on each other, but no longer. They also seem to have come to some truce, possibly due to the easternmost isle becoming port to a series of ships in the recent past. The islanders do visit this place occasionally, but mostly to a large cave on the far side. She tells me that place is the most dangerous part of the island. Even the foliage there has the will to kill. There are giant spiders, giant lizards... And snakes.

Emm pauses and draws a deep breath. The sudden realization that she has been babbling strikes her, and she tries to control her excitement and slow her speech. Master Ziller, Gentleman Billy, that ridge, she directs their attention to the place where the Mistress took her, is a plateau extending down this side of the isle. I am guessing the Owl's nest is somewhere along there, tho she did not confirm this. I believe it would be prudent to avoid exploring overmuch there. I also think she will be watching our activities here. She has agreed to meet with me again on the morrow before she begins her hunt. She said she has something to show me. Sorel, I believe this belongs to you. May be handy at some point. She hands the Easterner the crossbow bolt taken from the owl.

The Priestess grows quiet for a moment, and casts her eyes downward. My friends, I want to express my gratitude, both for your willingness to fight to protect me, and your willingness to believe in me. It may seem childish to some of you, but I have crossed a great threshold this eve. I have been a bit of a bumbler as a Druid, but this night has proven the path I tread is the proper one for me. Again she turns to check progress on bringing the ship to ground, hoping to sight her little one.
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Day 13: Dinner on the beach! (TOD 8pm)

#88 Post by Argennian »

"Twas Sergeant Zimba's shot I believe," Ziller offers as he takes the quarrel from the young druid, somewhat in surprise. "I will make sure he gets it back."

The halfling commander then points to the trail head and northern treeline that the party just explored with his wand. "If you wouldn't mind, take up positions along the treeline there and make sure nothing comes down that trail to surprise us. Shouldn't be long now," he explains as he looks around the beach and cove before turning his attentions back to the Seahawk out yonder. Billings had the other two longboats deployed and has been busy. The easterner ship is already being lined up with the breach in the reef wall.


~ Hazara casts a soft golden glow and sinks lower on the western horizon as you head back over to the northern treeline. Sorel, Mila and Yousef man Longboat One and move out to assist the other three pulling the ship in. The crew show off their highly-refined skills to Ziller's obvious contentment and relief. By the time Hazara sinks below the watery western horizon, the Seahawk is being pulled in and tied off in the small cove. Up at the bow, and just barely out of the way of the activity is Lord Jovak and Sam. He holds her up so she can see better and cradles the young child and her ever-faithful Benny protectively in one of his massive, muscled arms as he looks about blindly and listens to Sam's instructions and observations. When the young girl sees Emm, she waves merrily and then points all around, obviously excited by the whole spectacle of the twilight island landing.

The crew hustle double time and no more than ten, maybe fifteen minutes after it gets dark, the Seahawk comes to a rest, beached gently and tied down with multiple mooring lines to trees on both sides. The easterner ship takes up more than half of the tiny cove but she's in and safe. Under Ziller's wandly directions, the crew sets up a large pavilion tent and begin to transfer gear and supplies off the ship to the new island HQ. A fire pit is quickly constructed behind the tent and Cutler begins making preparations for a beach-cooked meal. He raises his eyebrows in surprise when he sees the dead snake and with no more than a shrug of hesitation, pulls one of his razor-sharp knives and begins to get it prepped for the dinner fire.

Not much later, Ziller beckons you join him around the fire. Billings arrives wearing a look of relief and carrying a bottle of the good stuff. Shanny and Tamber accompany him and the witch-woman's burly young servant carries Lauranna effortlessly. They join the rest of you about the fire. The golden sand is comfortable enough and it feels good to finally be off the ship as promised and hoped. Drinks are poured all around and the giant snake that Bog, Caelvanna and Ulrich killed has been polymorphed into huge, succulent steaks that look and smell wonderful, courtesy of Cutler. It simmers juicily along with the fish and rice and makes a unique but nevertheless savory and ultra-yummy Sprice Trident Isles surf and turf.

Zimba shows up with a lengthy status update during dinner, reporting that all guards have been posted and watch shifts confirmed. He seems concerned that Ziller has chosen to set up camp here on the beach tonight without more of a reconnoiter of the surrounding area. The halfling commander does not let him beat around the bush for too long and offers him his heavy quarrel that Emm removed from the owl's chest. "Thank you, sergeant. That'll be all."
"Yessir," the burly southerner responds curtly as he takes the bolt back with a sidelong and brow-furrowed glance at Emm, and then departs.

Billings shrugs and makes a funny gesture to Ziller before passing the bottle of high-end easterner spirits around again to be sure no one's thirsty. The halfling lights up a beautiful silver pipe that mysteriously just appeared in his hands and smiles back widely to the captain. He takes a long puff and let's out few smoke rings. "Have another drink if you'd wish, friends. Watch shifts have been covered and you may all rest easy tonight. You're welcome to sleep out here or you can return to the ship. Tomorrow morning we'll get a better look around and can make some more reconnoiters and explorations. Once the ship's damage is assessed, we can start gathering the needed materials and affecting repairs. You're welcome to help out here with the ship or you can do some more scouting, your call on that," he offers, looking around at each of you as he puffs deeply on his ornate, silver pipe.

"Oh, and I almost forgot," Gentlemen Billy suddenly admits, making the snoozing Sheba jump at the outburst. "That little chest you found in the crate? Very interesting. That strange cloth covering it appears to have kept it from the elements for the most part. More interestingly than that are the series of very powerful protection spells placed upon it! Ones like I have never seen before. Master Najania has made it safe and is looking it over now. It appears it could be ancient gnomish in origin, surprisingly. It'll take some more research before we attempt to crack it. I suspect that whatever it is inside, it must be very valuable. Or very dangerous. Or both!" he declares before turning to look at Bog. "Oh, and you were right not to tamper with things, Master Bogdan. Had any of you touched that sweaty red residue on and around the lock, you'd all likely be dead. Not poison, but a highly unstable combustible substance that would light off like something akin to a fireball, I'd expect. You did well to take the careful approach!" the old retired master thief declares, lifting a toast to the half-orc!


OOC: Ok gang, apols again for the delay, work drama with a -5 modifier! :x

Although I have a random encounter die roll to make for overnight, any character that's game for that am scouting mission, just say so and we'll pick things up in the morning of Day 14.

~ Please also declare if you'd like to sleep on the beach or return to the ship.

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Emm 10/10 ; Lauranna 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spears/longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Emm - none/scimitar/SC ; Lauranna - none (or dagger) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back on the beach around the fire: Bogdan , Calevanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#89 Post by Alethan »

Bog lets out a silent *whew* at the thought of not being blown to pieces. He nods and adds, "In case I didn't mention it... there were some sealed jars at the abandoned camp that we left alone. And there was a cave there." He shrugs, "Who knows what else we might find, if we were to scout it out. But," he adds, "I will mention again that I did find evidence of some major rodent activity - whether it is a lot of little ones ore a number of larger ones, I do not know, but the activity is there."

Bog will sleep on the beach, the first time he's not had the gentle rocking of the ship lull him to sleep in weeks (though it seems like months). He will volunteer to scout the island - possibly returning to the cave, if Ziller and Billings want - in the morning.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#90 Post by dmw71 »

Alethan wrote:Bog will sleep on the beach, the first time he's not had the gentle rocking of the ship lull him to sleep in weeks (though it seems like months). He will volunteer to scout the island - possibly returning to the cave, if Ziller and Billings want - in the morning.
Caelvanna, thrilled to be off the ship, will elect to remain on solid ground as well. She, too, is quick to volunteer to join any scouting party that is assembled. Finally, she thinks to herself, realizing that -- the most recent excursion excluded -- it's been longer than she can remember since she was in a position to utilize her stealth and, if lucky, her bow.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#91 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich will rejoin Jovak on the ship, hoping to continue his training.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#92 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will politely beg off the spirit for tonight, too much has already happened that needs to be meditated on. Instead she runs to Sam and gives her a giant hug, swinging her around and laughing loud. Ohh, how I missed you, and worried for you! Lord Jovak is a splendid babysitter, yes? She will chat with the little Miss for a time, explaining all the things that kept them apart, the tale of the Great Owl, and flying over the island. She will also exchange greeting with Lauranna. You are looking well, my friend, the rest you are being forced into seems to be doing you some good, smiling brightly as she speaks. Take your time, I want you at your strongest when I need you to save me again!

Emm will board the ship with Sam and sleep in their own familiar bunks. It would be preferable to sleep on the beach, but safer for the child in the surroundings which she has become comfortable. When the girl is finally asleep, the Priestess will invoke her relaxation practices and begin evening prayer. At some point then, she remembers: The Tome! After asking blessing, she will uncover the ancient book and again delve into its secrets.

Updated spell list:
1st: Speak With Animals x3, Entangle
2nd: Cure Light Wounds x2, Charm Person/Mammal

EDIT: At some point between relating her story and boarding the Seahawk, Emm will retrieve her weapons.
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Day 1 on the island, TOD 8:00am (Day 14)

#93 Post by Argennian »

~ The dawn arrives to find the Seahawk and her crew have in fact made it safely through the night. Other than the sounds of the surf breaking upon the reef in the distance that constantly serenade from the background, it was mostly quiet and uneventful. A few giant rats thought they could sneak into the camp of their new island invaders for a treat. They came from the north side of the beach, by the base of the cliff on a small game trail that was more a tunnel through the dense underbrush, and should have had an easy go of it. Unfortunate for them that the magical countermeasures of the Hatmarin that had been utilized to such great success during the war were not lost or forgotten. Zimba had insisted on their deployment and certainly appeared gratuitous for the validation of seven giant rats slain.

The crew stir and come out of their racks at the normal time. Although each already have their morning tasks, all take as many precious moments of consideration as they may need to come to terms and offer thanks for safely reaching this island refuge. The slow rocking of the ship has vanished due the tide going out and now the visibly-reinforced forward keel of the ship is firmly beached on the sandy bottom. The cove is indeed perfect for the job at hand and Billings and Arak are already laying our plans for how they'll raise the sandy bottom in a few key areas and position the ship for repairs. The longboats are tied up and hidden on both sides of the small inlet, ready to be deployed for any manner of event that may occur.

The fire from last night is stirred and brought back to life well before mighty Hazara has breached the watery, eastern horizon and shot her golden rays of warmth and life upon the far side of the island. The dawn is cool and crisp and brought in with the calls of sea birds searching out their breakfast and the occasional call of an unknown animal in the distance. The previously omnipotent smell of salt in the air on the open seas has now been replaced by the strange and sometimes pungent smell of the prolific island flora.

Breakfast comes early, and Cutler whips up a delicious seafood omelet, fresh maple oatmeal, country potatoes and biscuits and gravy. Although running low, fruit and fresh-squeezed juice is also served to ensure there can be no complaints proffered. A new flavored tea of Shanny's is brewed and served for everyone as the morning meal begins. It seems to help with the heavy heads resulting from those that imbibed Billing's potent easterner liquor. Ziller joins you after apparently sneaking off for a morning swim. He's not wearing his usual combo of masterwork leather armor and forest cloak but is barefoot and dressed in a fine silk shirt and new-looking breeches. His coveted magical longsword and a few pouches full of goodies hang from his belt, and he still wears his usual rings, bracelet and strange-looking necklace.

"Good morning then, my friends! I trust you all slept well... and did not drink too much of our good captain's spirits?" he opines with a wink and smile as takes up a fresh cup of tea and sips it deeply. It is obvious by his mannerism that he might have crossed the line himself. "I am happy to report that everything is well in order. According to the men, our new little spot looks to be perfect for our needs and we'll get at it straight away. Firstly, we will set up the sandy base that the ship will rest on and assess her damage. Zimba will be camouflaging the ship and cove and setting up some lookout positions. We must commit to more scouting about and take stock of what materials and resources we have available to us. We can gather fruit and hunt as we conduct our reconnoiter but do be weary of those snakes and other dangers that Emm has detailed. For safety's sake, no one should venture away from the camp here by themselves, at least not until we have cleared the surrounding area. Better we play it safe and remain vigilant of those dangers, especially if there be some that we do not yet know of. There is a fresh water spring and small stream coming out of the cliffs just south of the beach here off the main trail, so that is where we'll replenish our water supply. After we conduct our reconnoiters and get settled in, we'll go ahead and resume our previous training and study..."

The halfling commander takes another long sip of tea and follows it up with a few deep breaths and a decent stretch on his tip toes before turning to nod and smile in your direction. "I'd reckon you all be glad to be back on land again? I know I am! After you finish breakfast, any of you that want can accompany Bogdan and Caelvanna on that reconnoiter. I know I probably do not need to say so but remember not to split up and keep an eye out on each other. If'n you get into any trouble, blow your signal whistles for backup. While you're gathering your stuff and getting geared up, see Billings if you have need of any additional supplies from the armory. Do not travel too far to the other side of the island just yet, friends. Based upon what Emm learned from the great owl yesterday, let us plan on staying well clear of that deadly flora and the large cave there yonder. Once we've scouted things out a bit better around here, and perhaps also once our druid has communed with the owl again, we'll see about that side of the island then. Make sure to be back well before late afternoon. I believe that Emm has a date planned, and I would not want her to be late! So unless you have any questions or requests of me, go ahead and move out when you're ready!"


OOC: ok then, folks! Anyone that's going on the hike and reconnoiter of the northern game trail, go ahead and grab your gear and head on out when ready! Please notate your character sheet with armor, weapons and items/gear bring with and what is being left behind, and adjust encumbrance and movement accordingly.

If you want to remain at the beach or on the ship to continue training or assist with the repair crew, just say so and we'll get that sorted. I'm going to plan on making two different adventure threads, one for those scouting about and one for those remaining at camp/the ship.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional clarifications!

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Emm 10/10 ; Lauranna 9/9
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spears/longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Emm - none/scimitar/SC ; Lauranna - none (or dagger) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back on the beach around the fire: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich , Griffo , Thalion
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Re: Day 1 on the island, TOD 8:00am (Day 14)

#94 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:After you finish breakfast, any of you that want can accompany Bogdan and Caelvanna on that reconnoiter.
Caelvanna, already fully armed, remains prepared to set out on the reconnoiter mission.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#95 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich would like to join the reconnoiter, but stays with the ship to complete his training.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#96 Post by Alethan »

Now that he's on solid ground, Bog goes back to the ship and gets his banded mail to join in the patrol.

He will bring:
- banded mail and shield
- his masterwork spear, sword, and dagger
- pack with two days of rations and his adventuring gear
- borrow a lantern and four flasks of oil from the ship's stores in case they end up going back to the cave

I'll update my character sheet when I'm at a real computer...
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#97 Post by tkrexx »

Emm will bend to one knee and address young Sam. I must go with Bog and Caelvanna. You will stay here, and try to stay out of the way. Maybe the Lady Gnome has some deeds to occupy you. I will return before nightfall, because the Great Owl wants to speak with me again. You can watch when she arrives, won't that be exciting? Cupping the girl's face in her hands, she gives her forehead a kiss and gathers her gear. She doubts the big, ugly crossbow will be of much use in the jungle, so she will leave it and the extra spear behind. Seeing Bog packing 2 days rations, she will do likewise, tho she intends to return to keep her appointment. I have 2 healing spells, she says in passing to the others, and the strangleweed.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#98 Post by Alethan »

tkrexx wrote:Emm will bend to one knee and address young Sam. I must go with Bog and Caelvanna. You will stay here, and try to stay out of the way. Maybe the Lady Gnome has some deeds to occupy you. I will return before nightfall, because the Great Owl wants to speak with me again. You can watch when she arrives, won't that be exciting? Cupping the girl's face in her hands, she gives her forehead a kiss and gathers her gear. She doubts the big, ugly crossbow will be of much use in the jungle, so she will leave it and the extra spear behind. Seeing Bog packing 2 days rations, she will do likewise, tho she intends to return to keep her appointment. I have 2 healing spells, she says in passing to the others, and the strangleweed.
OOC: you never know when you might have to toss some rations to ward off a hungry animal or share some food with someone... No plans to be gone that long, but it's nice to be prepared.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#99 Post by tkrexx »

Agreed, and ya never know when you'll fall into a covered pit with a tunnel needing to find your way out, also. Can never bring too much food!
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Re: Day 1 on the island, TOD 8:00am (Day 14)

#100 Post by dmw71 »

dmw71 wrote:Caelvanna, already fully armed, remains prepared to set out on the reconnoiter mission.
Before setting out, however, Caelvanna switches into her normal adventuring gear instead of the heavier, waterproof clothing she had been wearing aboard the ship. Unsure when her next opportunity would be once they begin their mission, she collects and carries all her original possessions; leaving only the extra weapons and ammunition behind. She definitely notices the affects the extra encumbrance her satchel and its possessions has on her, so she repackages some items to make sure she won't be completely missing something in the event she has to ditch lose the container in a hurry.

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