Chapter 3: Rumors of War

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Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#1 Post by tibbius »

For three days the elders debated King Alec's proposal to ally with Elaionas (Temeni sounded too weak to be helpful) and hunt down the lycanthropes. At stake was a vote of no confidence; would they replace their king over this issue?

While the elders argued, King Alec appointed Bran and Marcus to organize the effort. Meanwhile, Andrew toiled in the library with Origen. Now they sought for subjects other than botany - perhaps some lore about the making of spearheads, armor, even swords. The village had a legacy of large and small bronze heads for arrows and spears from long ago, and Bran's family knew how to craft the shafts and fix the heads. But only Marcus and a few other men had axes or swords or armor. Marcus' panoply was the most complete protection in the kingdom.

cybersavant, please describe the research effort and roll [1d6][1d6][1d6] for the results.

On the third day, the elders called Bran and Marcus to the sacred grove for testimony. Origen, as a learned man, was appointed to ask the questions. He started simply: "What are the risks of war upon the lycanthropes?"

Whoever speaks, please roll [1d6][1d6][1d6] for the effects of testimony.
Last edited by tibbius on Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#2 Post by Leitz »

Rolls: [1d6] = 6[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 3

"We have no proof that the lycanthropes have gone anywhere, save their word. Given evidence from Temeni and Elaionas, I put little stock in the lycanthropes' words," Bran said. "We risk a surprise attack if we do nothing. They have been in our town and seen, in detail, how we live. How many fighters we have, and how far away some of the farms are."

"We risk losing an ally in Temeni permanently, I doubt they could withstand another attack. That would give the lycanthropes a firmer base to come after us, in their leisure. While Xanthos and his people can farm, as we do, they cannot both farm and be prepared to fight."

"If we retain our current numbers, and send men to hunt them, we risk them coming back while many are away. If we, alone, attempt to bear this burden we risk those who go being unable to farm, or produce for their families, while they are gone."

OOC: I assume there will be more discussion, so not saying everything on Bran's mind yet.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#3 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 2[1d6] = 4

"Were we to attack the Lycanthropes we risk defeat." Marcus answers simply. "Perhaps they have warning to rally with the forces of Rododafni and match our forces and best us. We lose men in the battle, anger a foe without defeating them and would face longer war. Depending on our means of travel we might be caught trying to escape in our boats to ambush or flight and lose more men, or be hunted through the mountains. Perhaps some of our men will be captured and killed, tortured or enslaved. If we do not first investigate and strike at Rododafni to find the Lycanthropes are not there at all, then we risk the anger of their friends and the guilt of an unjust war."

"If we do not attack we risk ambush." Marcus contrasts. "Twenty armed men striking us while we're in bed, laboring in the fields or at sea. We can't keep up a watch to match them, or be sure our sentries will give us warning. Perhaps each attack will be small, with a stolen flock and a dead shepherd, but if we don't fight they will come again and the first blood shed on either side will begin an ugly cycle. As Bran says, and Temeni's sorry state proves, each raid will sap us of more strength and each strike against our neighbors will bleed them the same while our enemies grow stronger. We risk our deaths at the end of this, and the enslavement of our women and children."
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#4 Post by tibbius »

"I want another view," said Origen. "I call my apprentice, Andrew." And a youth who attended the grove to run errands for the elders was sent to the scriptorium to retrieve the young scholar.

Andrew came soon enough and stood before the elders under the shade of the grove, which was surrounded by bright hot sunlight on the slowly yellowing spring grass and shrubs.

"Andrew," asked Origen, "what are the risks of war on the lycanthropes?"
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#5 Post by cybersavant »


"In my reading i have learned that there is great risk in war. That risk is lessened by knowledge of tactics, terrain and surveillance. The Lyncanthropes said they were going home. Before one could attack, one would need to have information about their home and numbers. Are there maps of the area? Has anyone been there in recent years?"
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#6 Post by tibbius »

One of the elders stepped forward. Bran and Marcus recognized him as Ohannes, Sosan's grandfather. He had been a fisherman and a scholar, but now his eyes were filmed by cataracts and he had to be led around by the arm.

"In the scriptorium, there is a map of Aegium," he said. "It is in a box with other maps."

This comported with what Andrew had been able to figure out - the scrolls were grouped by topic, both in pigeonholes on the walls and in boxes on the floor and on shelves. The pigeonholes and boxes were not labeled, and there was no apparent ordering to what topic went where.

"The box has a fish carved on the lid," added Ohannes. "The map shows Aegium and her claimed fishing areas, the other maps show the neighboring fishing grounds. And I believe also claims to herd-lands and timber."

"Go find the map," said Origen calmly. "Bring it back here."

A few of the elders immediately protested his order. Everyone knew that scrolls were supposed to remain in the scriptorium, and Origen was an outsider without authority over anything - exactly why he had been chosen to ask the questions.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#7 Post by Leitz »

Bran nodded, and stood. "I'll get the maps, sir."

When one of the elders stood to protest, Bran turned to face the man. "The scrolls serve Aegium, Aegium does not serve the scrolls. Knowing who we are, in grants and rights, lets us make better decisions. It guides us in acting as who we are, as men."

Rolled, mostly because the idea of Bran being a leader and orator appeals to me. :D Here's the unmodified roll. Speaking [1d6] = 4

Besides, Alec had appointed Origen, and doing as asked put Bran clearly in the king's court. Should it come to a vote of no confidence, everyone would be clear on exactly who Bran stood with.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#8 Post by tibbius »

The elders began to argue amongst themselves. The term "φαντασμένο μηδαμινό άτομο" was used.

"Go with Andrew," Origen said calmly to Bran. "Marcus, stay here to keep order among the assembly. I hope you will not need to separate such distinguished men." Meanwhile, the elders of the kingdom squabbled like gulls allocating a crab.
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#9 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

"Aye." Marcus acknowledges, moving to set himself between the bickering Elders, hoping his bulk would serve in stead of force to discourage escalation.

"Come honored Elders, is this any way to debate?" He asks beseechingly, watching for the orneriest and grumpiest of their number he most expected trouble from.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#10 Post by cybersavant »


Andrew nods to Origen and rushes out to the library to search for box with a fish. While there, he will take note if the other boxes also have symbols on them.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#11 Post by tibbius »

The Scriptorium

Andrew and Bran dashed madcap down from the grove through the village to the scriptorium, a white stone building atop a low hill overlooking the harbor. It was a pleasant breezy spot and the ancient cedars next to the entrance smelled sweet as they shoved open the doors and burst in.

The chambers were vacant and they commenced to search without needing to explain themselves. It was at a time like this that Alexander would have been helpful - but no-one had seen or heard of him since four nights earlier when Andrew fell asleep next to him in Elaionas. Andrew relied on his limited knowledge of the collection. Bran followed directions.

"I think ... I know there is a pile of boxes in the back room," said Andrew after the two front rooms had shown them nothing relevant. "Alexander said they were historical records, not related to Origen's interest in botany. That makes sense for maps."

They pulled apart the pile. There were more than a dozen boxes, some plain, others marked with symbols on their lids. There were a fish, a grape vine, a spear crossed by an axe, a sheep, a cypress tree. It would be possible for each of them to carry one box back to the council of elders in the grove.

Each box was tied shut with thick bronze wires wrapped around the unhinged lid and body.

The Grove

As Marcus stood between the disputing groups, his very bulk seemed to absorb their discord. Within a few minutes, the elders settled into mild bickering about who could read and who knew what was better for the people or the scrolls. Origen cracked his knuckles.

"While we wait," he said, "please tell us, Marcus: What plan have you made for attacking Rododafni?"

(Roll [1d6][1d6][1d6])
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#12 Post by cybersavant »

tibbius wrote:The Scriptorium

They pulled apart the pile. There were more than a dozen boxes, some plain, others marked with symbols on their lids. There were a fish, a grape vine, a spear crossed by an axe, a sheep, a cypress tree. It would be possible for each of them to carry one box back to the council of elders in the grove.

Each box was tied shut with thick bronze wires wrapped around the unhinged lid and body.


"A fish - might be the maps. Open that one. This one with spear and axe might be about past wars or tactics." Andrew open that one while Bran undoes the binding on the fish box.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#13 Post by tibbius »

The Scriptorium

Laboriously, the two men unwrapped the stiff wires and removed the lids of the wooden boxes, each about the size of Bran's thick chest.

After writing this I became doubtful whether wires were a Bronze Age technology. Still not clear.

Andrew delicately removed the top scroll from the fish box and stretched it out. His scholarly eye discerned the outlines of the coast, the stream, and the mountains surrounding Aegium. Small spirals of Linear B recorded the names of kingdoms along the shore: Kamares, Longos, Rododafni, Aegium, Temeni, Elaionas. Out in the water, similar spirals within dotted borders marked the fishing grounds. He pulled the next scroll. It was a record of fish catches, arranged by species, marked with a name at the center of the page. Giorgi's Take, it said.

Bran fumbled through the scrolls in the spear and ax box. His craftsman's eyes were no match for the intricate jumble of lines that he confronted. He would have to rely on Andrew to read them.

The Grove
The elders settled down into conversation about the weather, the crops, and the fishing take. Origen peered patiently at Marcus as the champion gathered his thoughts.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#14 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

tibbius wrote:The Grove

As Marcus stood between the disputing groups, his very bulk seemed to absorb their discord. Within a few minutes, the elders settled into mild bickering about who could read and who knew what was better for the people or the scrolls. Origen cracked his knuckles.

"While we wait," he said, "please tell us, Marcus: What plan have you made for attacking Rododafni?"

(Roll [1d6][1d6][1d6])
Marcus sighs, and takes a moment to collect himself before committing to a single argument. "I believe our best option is to gather whatever men we can from Stelios and Xanthos and cross the stream by boat on a moonlit night. This will give the enemy less chance of warning than approaching through the hills, where one of their hunters might spot us and, knowing the land, return before we reach their village. An attack by night would give us a greater chance of catching them unawares and minimize our risk of losses. If we were certain of their guilt it would be easiest to strike immediately, but if we have no other proof than the Lycanthropes' own word then we must keep good order and search for them. We must balance effectiveness with fairness, and take command of the village, preventing them from organizing or arming themselves, without resorting to massacre. If the raiders are found we execute the guilty and demand reparations from those who supported them from a position of strength. If they are not we interrogate the villagers separately so they cannot agree on a lie, and if we believe them innocent we offer restitution for the insult. There is always the possibility the wolves planned to attack them when they left, even if it seems likely they sought refuge after their losses to Stelios' warriors."

"To hedge the risks I believe we should send an unknown witness to the village on some excuse before we strike and offer the people of Temeni a chance to settle with us here, as Bran suggests. To my mind the risk of angering an ally against the Lycanthropes, our true enemy here, is greater than the risk of alerting them of our pursuit. Further the risks to our people would be lesser if we had a larger militia and more citizens to defend and fortify the village, whatever course the war takes."

[1d6] = 6[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 1
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#15 Post by tibbius »

The Grove

Marcus heard murmurs of approval, including the emphatic word "στρατηγός." Origen's usually expressionless face reflected ... satisfaction?

"Is this then what you will advise the king?" asked Origen.

The Scriptorium
Andrew saw further that at the upper end of the stream between Rododafni and Aegium, a path was marked. Like Aegium, Rododafni had the symbol for a fishing harbor. Temeni and Elaionas were marked at the shoreline with a strange symbol like ... a boat on a beach? Longos similarly was marked. Kamares had no markings.

Turning his attention to the box marked with implements of battle, Andrew found it contained records of levies and training along with inventories of arms. At some time there had been ... two hundred? ... axes and ... two hundred? spears in this village of five hundred souls, along with several dozen swords and three hundred shields bound with bronze. Somewhere those still might be found. They would be more than enough to arm a militia of not more than two dozen men.

Time was running down like sand, and the two men realized they needed to bring the boxes back to the grove according to Origen's order. They staggered a little as they carried their loads of wood and parchment uphill to the grove.

The Grove
On the arrival of Bran and Andrew, Origen and the elders turned their attention to them. "What have you learned?" asked Origen.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#16 Post by Leitz »

While Bran let Andrew speak of what they found, since he was the one who could decipher the script, Marcus could tell Bran was excited.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#17 Post by Mr Stereo1 »

tibbius wrote:The Grove

Marcus heard murmurs of approval, including the emphatic word "στρατηγός." Origen's usually expressionless face reflected ... satisfaction?

"Is this then what you will advise the king?" asked Origen.
"It is, Elders." Marcus answered straightly. "Though I bow to his and your wisdom, I say war with the Lycanthropes shall come to us if we do not meet them now. If our King agrees with me then I can only tell him how to wage it well, and urge you to support him."

Marcus speaks sincerely of his friend. "Our King is a wise man who sought peace when it was possible and just to do so. When the Lycanthropes came and we knew of no crimes, we offered them hospitality and safe passage. When Temeni and Elaionas made demands of us unbecoming of friendship he sent envoys to learn their meaning, and restored our friendship. Now he calls for war only because it is necessary. The Lycanthropes killed and stole from those who did them no harm, and who have always been good neighbors to us. Can peace be just? Would it be wise?"

"Strategos" hey? I think that's good. Better than I feared for 8 on 3d6!
Leitz wrote:While Bran let Andrew speak of what they found, since he was the one who could decipher the script, Marcus could tell Bran was excited.
Seeing his friend's return a smile tugs at Marcus' lips, hopeful Bran's eagerness heralded good news for the struggle.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#18 Post by cybersavant »

tibbius wrote:The Grove
The Scriptorium
Turning his attention to the box marked with implements of battle, Andrew found it contained records of levies and training along with inventories of arms. At some time there had been ... two hundred? ... axes and ... two hundred? spears in this village of five hundred souls, along with several dozen swords and three hundred shields bound with bronze. Somewhere those still might be found. They would be more than enough to arm a militia of not more than two dozen men.
The Grove
On the arrival of Bran and Andrew, Origen and the elders turned their attention to them. "What have you learned?" asked Origen.

"One box has a map and information on fishing and territories, including some islands. There is a path to Rododafni. The other box lists assets of the village - 200 axes, 200 spears, 300 shields, several dozen swords 0 more than enough to arm the militia and allies, if the cache can be located."

Last edited by cybersavant on Fri Apr 03, 2020 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#19 Post by tibbius »

"I do not make decisions," Origen replied. "The only decision the elders will make is whether to elect a new king. They will privately consider what you all have told us. For now, King Alec is king and you should return and obey him. Advise him."

What do you do now?
Neil Gaiman: "I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile."..."I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking 'Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!'"
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Re: Chapter 3: Rumors of War

#20 Post by Leitz »

Bran respectfully withdrew from the elders. He let Marcus know as much as he could about what they had found, and pointed out that Andrew had actually read the scrolls.

"Until today, I saw being unable to read as acceptable. There is too much good knowledge, likely too much lost knowledge, to let that continue. Andrew, when there is time, I want to speak to you about learning to read. Right now, though, I'm trying to think of where a store of weapons and shields might be. There are plenty of abandoned buildings, we need to search those after telling Alec what we know so far. He may know of better places to search."

Bran smiled. "I want to learn to read. But more than that, I want to learn to protect my people. Marcus, if we can find a sword and shield for me, I want to learn."
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