Heroes of Greyhawk

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Heroes of Greyhawk

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Here you can introduce your character.
You can place a full character sheet if you wish, or just a pic and a description will suffice; as much as you wish others to know.

This thread is for the following players only:

Monsieur Rose
Ogre Mage

Fellers, please place your character sheets and information in this thread.

Character Creation:

> Core Books: Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, Tome of Magic, and the "Complete" guides.
> Core Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Illusionist, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Wizard. Multi-class characters are acceptable. Kits are optional but not required.
> Core Races: Respect the level limits as dictated in the PHB...for now. Should this game continue and your non-human character "level out," we will discuss options at that time.

Rolling the dice:
> 4d6 - drop lowest, arrange to suit your character choice.
> Hit Points: All characters will receive maximum hit points at 1st level. Thereafter, you may roll, or take average hit points instead:
Hit Die Average Hit Points
d4 3
d6 4
d8 5
d10 6
d12 7
(Don't forget to add in your CON bonuses!)

Starting Equipment/Gold/Magic:
> Max gold for 1st level.
> Each character will begin play with one magic item. Roll 1d6 to determine which list, then roll from the lists below:

On a roll of 1-4:
Potion (roll d20):
1/ Animal Control
2/ Clairaudience
3/ Clairvoyance
4/ Climbing
5/ Diminution
6/ Fire Resistance
7/ Flying
8/ Gaseous Form
9/ Growth
10/ Healing
11/ Heroism
12/ Invisibility
13/ Invulnerability
14/ Levitation
15/ Oil of Impact
16/ Plant Control
17/ Polymorph Self
18/ Speed
19/ Super-Heroism
20/ Sweet Water

On a roll of 5 or 6:
Minor Magic Weapons/Items: (Roll d100)
01-80 - +1 Ranged Weapon (arrow, bolt, sling bullet, dart; half-dozen)
81-95 - Bracers of Defense AC7, Shield +1, or Melee Weapon +1 (your choice)
96-00 - Ring of Protection +1, Boots of Elvenkind, Quaal's Feather Token: Tree, or Heward's Handy Haversack (your choice)

Armor, Weapons, and Miscellaneous Equipment:
There are hundreds of items in the Arms & Equipment Guide, Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue, and various other sources. It might be simpler just to say that if there is an item you want your character to have that is not in one of these sources, just let me know and we'll work it out. Cool?

As 2nd level characters and soldiers of Furyondy, you will be pressed...assigned to guard duty. Therefore, you need to create your character, not with seasoned knowledge of every proficiency, spell, or weapon combination available, but as one who will learn as you go. This adventure is along the border between Furyondy and Iuz with a river dividing the wilderness and respective forces, so think about that when choosing skills and proficiencies.
Regarding alignment (and personality), try to remember that you are heroes (at least in the making), and you are trying to work together to some goal. Most alignments work well together, with the exception of CN, CE, NE - these really do not fit well within a group. IMO, alignment is usually not a big deal - even the "goodest" person may react in an "evil" manner in a certain situation. And it is certainly possible for a good-aligned party to work with an evil NPC...if they are working together toward the same "good" goal.
Even though this is a one-shot (?) module, character background is important to me. Therefore, spend a few minutes, not hours, developing an interesting history/background including some goals for your character, your involvement in the wars, etc.
And please don't forget that your character is a form in a computer game, and sometimes your goals and best laid plans may not work out. If your character gets punted by a giant, well, he/she is probably dead.



> Armor allowed: Leather, Leather Coat, Padded. May also use a Buckler Shield w/o penalty.


> Healing spells add 1 hit point per level of the cleric.
> May use the favored weapon of their deity regardless of class restrictions.
> Turn undead - max range 60 feet.


> Druids may be Neutral Good, Neutral, or (in the case of NPC's) Neutral Evil.
> Healing spells add 1 hit point per level of the druid.
> Druids may use the favored weapon of their deity regardless of class restrictions.
> Armor allowed: Leather, Leather Coat, Hide; may also use a small wooden shield w/o penalty.
> When a druid changes form (into a bird, reptile, or mammal), he/she retains the ability to speak; however, he/she cannot cast spells while in animal form.
> Spell casting option: Since druids are elemental in nature, I believe they are "in touch" with the primal forces of their deity. Thus, they may gain bonus spells for high wisdom like clerics do OR they may forgo the bonus spells for being allowed to cast ANY spell from the druid spell list as needed. This means they would not have to prepare for spells ahead of time and may cast spells from the druid list per their class limitations.


> Specialization (see Chapter 5 - Proficiencies (Optional) in the PHB)


> Minimum requirements: Intelligence 13, Dexterity 13
> Read Magic is a class ability and usable at will.
> Weapons allowed: club, dagger, dart, knife, staff; although many illusionists view most weapons as vulgar and may refuse to use them at all!
> +1 on saves to illusion spells and effects.
> Very adept at detecting illusions/deceptions/concealed items (including doors). This ability increases in levels:
1st Level: 10% chance of spotting a concealed door or illusion effect.
4th Level: 15% chance of spotting a concealed door or illusion effect.
8th Level: 25% chance of spotting a concealed door or illusion effect.
12th Level: 50% chance of spotting a concealed door or illusion effect.
> Bonus spells: With a high intelligence score, an illusionist gains bonus spells per this chart:
- Intelligence 13-15 = 1 extra 1st level spell.
- Intelligence 16-17 = 1 extra 2nd level spell.
- Intelligence 18+ = 1 extra 3rd level spell.


> Read Magic is a class ability and usable at will.
> Weapons allowed: club, dagger, dart, knife, staff.
> Elven magic-users may wear elven chainmail (if available) with no penalty to spellcasting.
> Bonus spells: With a high intelligence score, a magic-user gains bonus spells per this chart:
- Intelligence 13-15 = 1 extra 1st level spell.
- Intelligence 16-17 = 1 extra 2nd level spell.
- Intelligence 18+ = 1 extra 3rd level spell.


> Paladins may begin play with a Charisma of 15 or higher.
> Paladins are not entitled to bonus spells due to high wisdom.
> Paladins cannot dual-class. If a paladin character wants to start over with a new class, the paladin class abilities are lost. Likewise the paladin class cannot be chosen as a second career.
> Paladin casting level starts at 1 at the level at which they acquire spells (9), and increments by 1 for each level thereafter to a maximum of 9 (at 17th).


> Armor allowed: Chain Shirt, Leather, Leather Coat, Padded, Studded Leather.
> Rangers may only cast druidic spells; they are not in tune with the arcane. They also benefit from the druid option of casting spells w/o preparation (see above).
> Rangers have limited healing abilities regulated to wounds and certain natural poisons. Under their care, the victim heals faster and has a greater chance of recovering from being poisoned. Note the following chart:

Levels Healing Poison
1-4 Doubled 20% to identify and treat
5-8 Tripled 30% to identify and treat
9+ Quadrupled 50% to identify and treat

Any thoughts about Animal Companions and Favored Enemies?


> Armor allowed: Leather, Leather Coat, Padded. May also use a Buckler Shield w/o penalty to their thieving abilities.
> Thieves may not use two-handed weapons.

Multi-Class Benefits and Restrictions

A multi-class character always uses the most favorable combat value and the best saving throw from his different classes.

The character's hit points are the average of all his Hit Dice rolls. When the character is first created, the player rolls hit points for each class separately, totals them up, then divides by the number of dice rolled (round fractions down). Any Constitution bonus is then added to the character's hit points. If one of the character's classes is fighter and he has a Constitution of 17 or 18, then he gains the +3 or +4 Constitution bonus available only to warriors (instead of the +2 maximum available to the other character classes).
Later the character is likely to gain levels in different classes at different times. When this happens, roll the appropriate Hit Die and divide the result by the number of classes the character has (round fractions down, but a Hit Die never yields less than 1 hit point). The character's Constitution bonus is split between his classes; thus, a fighter/mage gets ½ of his Con bonus when he goes up a level as a fighter and the other ½ of the Con bonus when he goes up a level as a mage. A fighter/mage/thief would get 1/3 of his bonus when he goes up as a fighter, 1/3 when he goes up as a mage, and the other 1/3 when he goes up as a thief.

If the optional proficiency system is used, the character starts with the largest number of proficiency slots of the different classes. Thereafter, he gains new proficiency slots at the fastest of the given rates. To determine the character's initial money, roll according to the most generous of the character's different classes.

Rupert's character, Morrison the Multi-Faceted, is a half-elf fighter/mage/thief. At 1st level, Morrison rolls three dice for hit points: 1d10 (fighter), 1d6 (thief), and 1d4 (mage). The results are 6, 5, and 2. Their sum (13) is divided by three and rounded down to equal 4 (13/3=4-1/3=4). Morrison begins the game with 4 hit points. Later, Morrison reaches 2nd level as a thief before he reaches 2nd level as a fighter or a mage. He rolls 1d6 for additional hit points and the result is 4. He divides this by 3 (because he has three classes) and rounds down. Morrison gets 1 more hit point when he becomes a 2nd-level thief. (He will also roll 1d10 and 1d4 [both rolls divided by 3] when he reaches 2nd level as a fighter and as a mage, respectively.)

Multi-class characters can combine abilities from their different classes with the following restrictions:
Warrior: A multi-classed warrior can use all of his abilities without restriction. The warrior abilities form the base for other character classes.

Priest: Regardless of his other classes, a multi-classed priest must abide by the weapon restrictions of his mythos. Thus, a fighter/cleric can use only bludgeoning weapons (but he uses the warrior combat value). He retains all his normal priest abilities.

Wizard: A multi-classed wizard can freely combine the powers of the wizard with any other class allowed, although the wearing of armor is restricted. Elves wearing elven chain can cast spells in armor, as magic is part of the nature of elves. However, elven chain is extremely rare and can never be purchased. It must be given, found, or won.

Thief: A multi-classed thief cannot use any thieving abilities other than open locks or detect noise if he is wearing armor that is normally not allowed to thieves. He must remove his gauntlets to open locks and his helmet to detect noise.

Miscellaneous Stuff:


Not an option for a player character.

Language Acquisition

I don't use alignment languages, so instead you can pick any language that you can find a teacher for in addition to thieves’ and druidic cants.
Last edited by hedgeknight on Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heroes of Greyhawk

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego is the epitome of an outdoorsmen. He is very rugged looking and shows the signs of living off the land for most of his life. He has long brown wavy hair, green eyes, and a tanned, weathered complexion. His clothing is of good quality and shows the same signs of outdoor wear.

Although he is of average comeliness, his demeanor seems more like someone who has spent too much time alone. He almost never speaks out loud unless spoken to first and he seems to prefer the company of the woodland creatures to others of his own ilk.
Last edited by OGRE MAGE on Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heroes of Greyhawk

#4 Post by Darklin2 »


Sai was born in the city of Dyvers, but grew up in the Gnarley Forest running with his father and the Dyver's Rangers. He learned fishing and boat handling as a young boy. And later chose to follow his heart and pay honor to Ehlonna in the form of the Oak Tree. His holy Symbol and cloak bear both. After serving in the Greyhawk Wars and doing battle with Goblins and Orcs for years. Sai has returned home but the horrors of his battles haunt his thoughts and dreams. His village all but destroyed by the Armies of the Pomarj, he battled Orc, goblin and Hobgoblins to redeem himself on the battlefields of Urnst. He was lost in battle frenzy one afternoon during the battle of Havenhill, and saved the lives of several of the Prince's men who were close to being over run but Orcs. A well placed Sleep spell and he managed to turn the battle in his favor. Exhausted and injured after the battle he was taken and cared for by the Dwarven Prince's own healers. Thankful for the turning of the battle the Dwarven Prince's gave him a gift of Elven Chainmail, since his people made their own armors they had no need for it. After returning home to his small village and finding everything burned and destroyed. He sets out to help the small villages and cities rebuild and fortify for the coming years of hardship. He has decided that the wolf is knocking on the door and his father always taught him to meet Evil head on. So with his bow, sword, and daggers strapped on, he heads north along the border to help the surviving troops fight the guerrilla war still going on. He is an avid collector of spells and magic, be it arcane or divine he strives to understand it. So collecting spells has become a hobby and addiction to which there is no end. Having no home he has become a wanderer of the forests. Helping people and animals alike.

Last edited by Darklin2 on Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
All things are possible through Magic.
Darklin Sylvanas- Fighter/Magic-User - Big Shiny Island (1E)
Sai Eranthor - Cleric / Fighter/Mage - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures (2E)
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Re: Heroes of Greyhawk

#5 Post by Hotgoblin »

Description and Background
Muldgarr Petri, coppery long hair with deep hazel eyes, chiseled features, that still have a feeling of smoothness to them. He’s camouflaged from normal eyes, only those keen enough can see him stalking you back! He’s a solitary fellow and would rather be deep within an old forest than by anyone’s side until now....

Muldgarr’s hazel eyes have never looked sadder...he’s been searching for his twin sister, Samanthalee, she was more fair than he, with blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair. She was ever so smart, always needing to know the how and why. She is missing and he fears her inquisitiveness has gotten her in trouble. So he joined the guard to aid in finding his sister and destroying this evil that is making it’s way into the land of the Sylvan elves.
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Last edited by Hotgoblin on Tue May 26, 2020 8:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Monsieur Rose
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Re: Heroes of Greyhawk

#6 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Cassius Wilde
Race: High Elf Level: 2
Age: 234 Height: 5'2'
Weight: 105 Gender: M

Description and Background
A short and slight male, Cassius has always had to prove himself in the world of larger men. Luckily he hits like a hammer. Of elven decent, he is lean and pale, with dark hair and light eyes. Bright eyes that have a bit of twinkle in them, even when he's standing over the latest bully he's knocked out. Years of hard living and being treated as less than have left him poor and scrappy.

Cassius comes from Mitrik, the Capital of Veluna. He's spent his time studying combat arts and amusing himself by fighting larger men for profit. Cassius has had a few tours of duty in the Guard, being used for his Elven heritage. The years of religious oppression have finally gotten to him, and he recently set off for adventure and in search of a more tolerant place to call home. Cassius has very little, only his longbow seems to be of any value and he meticulously cares for it as a result.
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Re: Heroes of Greyhawk

#7 Post by Bluehorse »

Adelphocles of Silvertree
Race: Centaur Level: 2
Age: 38 Height: 7'5"
Weight: 2,345 Gender: M

Adelphocles is a High Born centaur from an ancient line of nobles. He stands taller and leaner than a lof of his contemporary comrades of modern times and has a palomino coloring that is only further emphasized by his equally light-colored locks of hair that he wears long over his shoulders.

He stands as tall and as heavy in the hoof as any warhorse, but with the agility of several lighter kinsmen as well. He wears an ancient style of circlet around his head, denoting his long lost royal heritage as well as carries a wooden shield with his coat of arms upon it.

Everything about his appearance, right down to the way he carries himself, screams of the position he once held in the long-forgotten past, as well as the rugged squint in his hooded green eyes and slightly dusky sunkissed skin of a seasoned warrior and woodsman.
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Re: Heroes of Greyhawk

#8 Post by Spearmint »


Itinerant preacher.

Gordansk: cleric of the Raven Queen
Gordansk: cleric of the Raven Queen
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