Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#741 Post by Rex »


Fenis coughs up the slime and muck in his throat and seeing everyone else heading out follows suit. "I am just glad to be alive."
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#742 Post by shaidar »

Bluehorse wrote:Rexlin and Fishy

Rex coughs, sputters, curses, and blows the water from his nostrils. Crappy ass adventure this turned out to be... can't even tell folks about it! Who'd believe us?

He grumbles and her does what he can to shake the water off getting even more on poor Fishy, but hey, he can breath water, so who's he to complain?

Are we even sure there is silver in the bilge of that slug tub of a ship?
Alderhay holds up the silver ingot, "I got this from that guard who was stuck down here, he said there were a load more"
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#743 Post by Stirling »


Feels his way around the unfamiliar ship. Drenched, bruised and disorientated, he will make for the exit stairs, checking for huge teeth. Guess if the animal made it out we should be okay. He helps as a crutch for Old Plighty.

"Ingots could nice, I know a smith who might melt them down for a price. Though sneaking them out past the guards? We could load the jolly boat and maybe Rene or Al know of a good hiding place. Bilge ux flooded with shit-water, who fancies that. A job for Fishy or use the last potion?"
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#744 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay laughs "After what we've just been through the bilge ain't going to be any worse"
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#745 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway comes to on her stomach, she positions herself up into a child pose and violently coughs out any remaining water in her lungs. She feels her water laden pack and feels around for her headdress. Once she’s gathered her bearings, in her exhaustion, she says a quick prayer to her deity, thanking him for his help and believing in her. Is everyone ok? I think we all could use some fresh air!
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#746 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Ferrol shakes his head and sprays water around. After looking around at the waterlogged crew, he suddenly bursts out laughing."HAHAHAHA! That was amazing! I knew you lot were going to be fun. And you!" He turns to Iggway and moves to embrace her. "You, I could kiss. I can't believe that worked! Tell me. There was a moment when you thought it didn't, right?" As Ferrol moves to hug Iggway, he stops short as he remembers how she could kick his ass. "Uh. Right. Excellent work."

"Now...about that silver..." He grins widely and continues. "Let's gather on the deck and get our bearings." He moves towards the ladder to climb up.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#747 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard shakes his head like a wet dog once he realizes that everyone made it out of that shared nightmare alive. He looks around for Gin as the pair rush to follow the rats off of the obviously sinking ship, checking that he has retained his pack filled with belongings along with his favorite monkey.

When he hears the others talking of trying to get the silver first, he almost laughs.

"I wouldn't bother with a few bars of silver, lads! Get yerselves above deck before you're all drowned down here. We can always come back with the proper magics to retrieve anything left behind."

Making sure that his 3 friends are moving upwards, the mage follows closely behind, not at all interested in risking his life for a few hundred pieces of eight.

"Get up to the jetty so we can make a proper head count!"
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#748 Post by shaidar »

Although grumbling, Alderhay bows to the instructions of those in charge, as he starts to feel the effects of the ogre-potion starting to diminish.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#749 Post by Spearmint »

Guineaman fun:

Ejected from the purgatorial intestines in a stream of seawater, the party tumble into the lower cargo deck of the Guineaman. Injured and dying characters are sat up and force fed the last life saving drops of healing elixir. Some holler, some whoop, others gasp for breath in wonder. The head count is all there and everyone makes it out alive from the cursed hell of the crewmen.

The rat swarm flees at the sudden rush of water and the appearance of the party, streaming out of the hold. They are followed by the soggy furred Africanus leopard who snatches a couple up in in his mouth to munch on as comfort food. As he devours them, his summoned duration ends and it becomes once more a cuddly toy, complete with mouse head in jaws. The severed hand which gripped his tail let's go and tries to scoot off but is quickly stamped on by the boot of Van de Poel . He picks it up by the wrist bone and it dangles limply giving him the finger. "Want to keep it Sig or do I throw it into the sea?" he asks to the mage behind him.

With a 14-2 majority against staying in the deck to search a flooded bilge for rumoured silver ingots, the party make it to the fresh air of the top deck. Gathering around the mainmast under a cool moonlight night the party take stock. Some of the people are severely wounded. Alderhay is visibly waning, the effects of the potion wearing him out. Aides Fishy and Goldie look just as worn out, Old Plighty is on his last legs. None has survived the rigours of exploration whichout a scratch. You could all probably make good jobs of imitating a 'feign death' spell without ever casting it from the scroll.

A decision is reached to abandon ship. The only black shadows caused by the sleeping carrion crows who roost on precariously crooked spars. High above the skeletal figure of the former captain is wrapped in some sailcloth. Loose cannonballs roll around the deck with the ebb of the waves as the galleon sits lower in the harbour waters. The bilge must be water tight and flooded, so the ship is not sinking but lists awkwardly against the frame of the jetty. Tied off is the jolly boat which has the few pieces of taken loot; the globe, ships wheel and veneered desks. Old Plighty offers to row it to shore, suggesting others accompany him and find a place to store the loot until it can be sold off or taken back to the McGregor's Revenge.

A hundred yards away, the Freeport Militia watch from behind sandbagged emplacements, through the night they have heard intermittent gunfire and cannon explosion. You can make it down to the town, crossing the plank gap in the jetty with care, hoping that your lurch-like walk, sodden in stinking clothes, is not interpreted as a coming zombie apocalypse.

Unless directed otherwise, I will end the adventure here.

actions please. If you close I will update the thread with a final narration and tote up some experience awards.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#750 Post by Leitz »

Having gathered his loot, the gun parts, and everything he can carry, Stubble isn't sure about the crew he's signed up with. However, he did sign up, and "wet and bedraggled" is no time for clear evaluation. Besides, he's richer and still alive. Food, a hot bath and a cold beer will provide a clearer head for thinking and talking. Time to get off the boat and to a place to recover.

I think Stubble is carrying a bunch of silver coins, as well. Not sure how things will be divvied up, but he doesn't have sticky fingers.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#751 Post by shaidar »

The fresh air seems to clear Alderhay's head somewhat, and realising that he's about to crash out on the potion soon, he sees the advantage of bring the night to a close. He offers to help Old Plighty store the loot.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#752 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sig speaks up loudly, now that he is sure everyone has escaped the hell hold alive. "Yes, Gin. Stick that hand in a sack and tie it off tightly so it cant wriggle its way out. I want to learn more about that blasted thing."

He will help the beleaguered Alderhay off the jetty if necessary, asking his aid to help Old Plighty row the jolly boat back to shore if nobody else volunteers. Finding his fur ball again, he sticks the plushy toy back into his magic sack, smiling at the rat head in its mouth.

"Now that we know the ship isn't really going down, I wont stop any of you from going back aboard to retrieve anything you like. Just don't get yerselves killed in there so I don't have to report any casualties to Cap'n Laz."

Looking back at the tattered ship as they start towards the guards position, Sig cant help but wonder what it might be like to command his own ship one day. "Anyone still thinking of rebuilding that thing?" He smiles and shakes the water out of his hair one more time before tossing Face a soggy peanut from his pocket.

Sig is cool with divvying up the gathered dingy spoils equally, but wont complain if others want to keep what they pilfered for themselves. We are pirates after all. :lol:
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#753 Post by Stirling »


"Silver ingots are good but they are not gold ingots. Still worth a prize though if you can get enough of them. Unless there are hundreds I am not sticking around for an extra few coins."

The rogue, injured from before and more battered now, will launch the jolly with anyone wanting a ride to shore. As for anything stored on the boat we can sell that ooc.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#754 Post by Zhym »

Zoggrot gives the waterlogged ship a skeptical look. "Wouldn't mind having a ship o' my own, either," he tells Sig. "Still, the guards we paid to look the other way will start seeing real good again if we begin hammering on the ship or try to sail away with it. Besides—there's gotta be less torn up ships on the ocean just waiting on us to capture them and take them as prizes."

He joins those heading to shore. Once back on land, he looks for a dry change of clothes and a strong drink before returning to the McGregor's Revenge.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#755 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin & Fishy

Both are visibly torn by their greed for silver as well as their desire to get out of their after such a horrific experience. Finally, Rex grumbles and relents. Fine, back to the McGee I suppose... Which way back? he looks around turning a circle as if confused and then looks over to Fishy. You know which way it is? Fishy shrugs and Rexlin looks up at the others... looking alarmed as well as embarrassed.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#756 Post by Ahlmzhad »


The boy will make his way to the Jolly boat, he's not so sure about this walking on land, and will go where it goes. His home is lying in the bay, and he now needs to find his way back to the docks, and find a new one.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#757 Post by Rex »


Fenis, feeling worn and sore, heads back to shore to get some much needed rest.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#758 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc out of sorts and very injured heads for bed needing the rest.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#759 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway needs rest to renew her mind, body and spirit. Ferrrol, there was a moment when I thought we were goners, but my belief in my deity Yaunaluha and the power of the scroll, evil would not over take us! If there’s room, she’ll head back in the jolly boat to the McGregor.
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Re: Exploring the 'Guineaman'.

#760 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Somehow the waterlogging and bruising only serve to make the chiseled elf look even more dashing. He repositions the large duffel of coins on his shoulder and buttons his tax coat. "Sig. I'd like to keep that hand for research, if you don't need it."

He smiles and turns to the others. "Right then. Shall we head to town?" He motions for others to lead, and poses a question. "Hey. Did anyone happen to pick up that whip that I used as a necktie? I'd like to take a look at it."

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