
Here we discuss the town building project.
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#1 Post by ToniXX »

Here we can post our submissions for this project. Feel free to post as many as you want, just keep each one in a separate post. Post nothing else here, please. If you want to discuss individual submissions, use the discussion thread.

1. Monastery of St. Cuthbert
2. The Hidden Wench
3. Bloomquist's Forge
4. Majesto’s Magical Emporium and Curiosities
5. Honest Zoe's Horses
6. Steffan's Farm
7. Marc's Farm
8. Meical's Farm
9. Meadowbrook & Dewgud
10. Erswin’s Tack and Saddle
11. Great Library of the 5 sages
12. The Cellar Dweller
13. The Dangerous Traveler Inn & Tavern
14. Rukellian’s Hot Cross Buns
15. Stronghold of the Company of the Mighty Fist
16. Establishment: "The Scales the Limit"
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Re: Submissions

#2 Post by AQuebman »

What is the establishment?
Monastery of St. Cuthbert

Who runs it? (NPC stats to be added later)
Sensei Bindle Roddycock

What service does it offer?
Martial Arts Training & Religious teachings of St. Cuthbert

Plot Hook:
Sensei Roddycock's past is a secret he keeps close to his chest. The constant questions have broken the balance he once felt, so he's leaned towards Alcohol to wash away the constant chatter. Some question if his motives are of good religious faith or if he has a darker side and that's what drives him to drink. Those closest too him have noticed the Sensei becoming distant and saying strange things. Is the Sensei really hiding a dark side or is he troubled by the constant battering of his character that he's lost the balance that kept him sane?

1.) I heard Bindle is really a Gnome and he drinks because he longs to be with his people
2.) I heard Bindle was killed years ago and was replaced with an imposter to funnel the churches money.
3.) I heard Bindle has been cursed for not completing a request of the Mighty Cudgel himself.
4.) I heard Bindle used the Quivering Palm on the mayor to protect himself from the guards investigating his past
5.) I heard Monks moisturize every day and that's why they can strike so fast
6.) Some say Bindle killed his family when he was a boy, and he's been running from it ever since.

*Caveat: I wrote this up at 4AM Eastern Time and I am not a published writer so please bare with my terrible write up and feel free to change it a 1000 times over. Oh and the Gnome Rumor totally comes from the fact this character was created in 3rd edition when Gnomes could be monks :lol: *
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Re: Submissions

#3 Post by ToniXX »

Establishment: "The Hidden Wench" an inn and restaurant
Proprietor: Glendor the 4th, a retired adventurer and ranger of some repute.
NPC stats: 7th level ranger, male human
STR: 15
INT: 13
WIS: 14
DEX: 11
CON: 15
CHA: 12
HP: 40
Alignment: Neutral/Good
Age: 47
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 203 lbs
Glendor wields a Luck Blade, which possesses 3 remaining wishes. He carries it with him everywhere he goes, unless he is in his office or quarters, where he keeps it in a locked chest. He wears the key to the chest on a leather thong around his neck. Within the chest is also two potions of healing and 415gp. He wears leather armor under his finely crafted tunic and breeches. He also owns a suit of chain mail +1, which he keeps on a form in his quarters.

Glendor cares not for excessive treasure or wealth, and keeps his cache of gold merely to run his inn efficiently (he will not accept credit), and to help himself and those close to him when in need. He considers himself a good judge of character, and will not suffer fools gladly nor tolerate any excessive rowdiness in his fine establishment.

Glendor is wary of organized religion, and shuns the temple(s) in town. He encourages those that speak to him about religion and gods to avoid their teaching and understand the world through their own senses.

Glendor bought a dilapidated inn on the outskirts of town. He spent a year or so fixing it up and it is now a warm and inviting place to rest a weary traveler's head. It's usually busy, but more popular with adventuring types than with local townsfolk. Glendor resides in the upper story, and is usually around for advice or consultation. He can get you most anything or any service you desire, provided you give him a day or two.

Glendor has five employees:
  • Trilan runs the inn for Glendor, and resides behind the kitchen (area D on the map). (Fighter 2, HP: 10, AC7, short sword) He is a trusted confidant to Glendor, and a relatively intelligent man, despite his looks. Glendor pays him 6gp per week, as well as giving him free lodging in the inn.
  • Jolte helps Trilan in the kitchen, serves food to inn patrons, and cleans the rooms. He is 16 years old and quick witted. He resides with his drunken father in town, yet prefers to be at the inn for sometimes 18 hours in a day. Trilan is teaching Jolte to use a sword, and during off times, they frequently can be found sparring with wood dummies behind the inn. Glendor pays him 1sp per day.
  • Gotta, Merwain, Jinnet are the messengers/runners for Glendor. He will call upon them, sometimes daily, to take a message across town or across the countryside. They may be hired to unload a merchant's caravan dropping off goods at the inn, and may even be asked to spy on the nearby roads and woods. They are all 0-level human males in their 20s, and aspire to be great rangers like their employer. Glendor has given them each a short sword and a suit of leather armor, although they do not wear or wield these items unless necessary. They are paid per job, and may have other similar jobs in town, but helping Glendor comes first.
Key to map:
A. Main hall - six tables with chairs, large double doors on the east, long bar with stools on the south wall, and a great fireplace on the north wall. This room has a high ceiling, opening up to the second floor.
B. Kitchen - Long table, fireplace where most food is cooked, barrels and smaller tables and a chair.
C. Storage - Sacks of grain, barrels of ale, wine, butter, etc. Fresh and jarred fruit and vegetables. Salted meats, etc.
D. Living quarters for Trilan.

Second floor:
E. Glendor's office - Large desk, chairs, and a couch along northern wall. Shelves with dusty tomes and trinkets form his many travels. There is a balcony that opens south.
F. Glendor's quarters.

The railing along the eastern edge of the second floor looks over the main room below.
All other rooms are for guests, and are usually almost all occupied. An entire garrison could be billeted on the lower level alone. The second floor rooms are more nicely appointed.

The privy's on both levels are enchanted to magically remove whatever is deposited there. Where the 'items' go is unknown :)
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Re: Submissions

#4 Post by Distorted Humor »

What is the establishment?
Bloomquist's Forge

Who runs it?
Blacksmith Robert Bloomquist
Male -- Human -- Aged 45 (CN)

STR: 13
INT: 14
WIS: 9
DEX: 16
CON: 12
CHR: 10

HP: 12

Also important

Nerg the Smith
Male -- Half Orc -- 22
STR: 18/22
INT: 10
WIS: 10
DEX: 11
CON: 12
CHR: 8

Background: Robert Bloomquist real name is Roger Ashepool, who was well known a few years ago as a thief in another city. After taking the loot and running from a rich robbery, he grew out his beard and changed his name. He has been running the blacksmith shop for a number of years, and has skilled workmen do all the real labor, as while he can appraise and do some basic work, Nerg really does all the work. However do to his race and lack of "people skills" Nerg works for Robert and does not complain as he gets paid well.

Robert is a 3rd level thief.

What service does it offer?
Blacksmithing, ranging for horsing shoes to armor and weapons

Plot Hook:
The thieves guild and his former companions would love to find out that Roger Ashepool is really going by Robert Bloomquist. In addition, a sizable portion of his ill-gotten wealth (1,200 GP, 2,000 silver, 4,000 Copper, and some assorted gems) are still hidden under the forge. Robert has been slowly taking out funds from the horde to help make life a little easier. Even Nerg does not know that the money is below is feet. Robert would strive hard to keep his secret secret if someone was to find out.

1.) I heard Robert Bloomquist is the father of Nerg (False)
2.) I heard Robert always has cash to buy armor and weapons.
3.) I heard Robert hates theives and all they stand for.
4.) I heard Nerg is the real brains of the operation.
5.) I heard Robert was a adventure once, but he stole a sweet roll and took a arrow to the knee.
6.) Some say Robert moved in, bought the old blacksmith out with cash, and has been working since.
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Re: Submissions

#5 Post by Dogma »

Here is the first draft:

What is the establishment?
Majesto’s Magical Emporium and Curiosities

Who runs it?
Elam “Majesto” Bunger
Male -- Human -- Aged 50 (N)

STR: 8
INT: 15
WIS: 9
DEX: 14
CON: 10
CHR: 11

HP: 10

Also important

Female--human—17 (CN)
STR: 8
INT: 17
WIS: 9
DEX: 10
CON: 12

Background: Elam was at one time an adventurer, though like so many, he found the comforts of town life more appealing than the hardships of the adventurer. Using the spoils of his delves into the unknown, he has set himself up with a shop that specializes in magical items and curiosities. Most of the items he has for sale are actually of the non-magicaly “Lucky amulet” or “love potion” variety, though there are a few actual magic items strewn around the shop. The shop is quite cluttered, with stuff stack haphazardly on shelves, on the floor, or in baskets. Many strange items are found in the shop: mummified monkey paws (non-magical), shrunken heads, preserved two-headed snakes. There is a chance (tbd) that a given magic spell component might be found if one searched long enough.

Elam also has a travelling wagon that he periodically takes out to buy and sell wares. He uses this activity to transport stolen goods (some of which end up at his shop) to sell in areas where they might not be recognized.

Elam is a 4th level magic user. Lisal is a level 1 magic user

What service does it offer?
Legal: Some low level magical items and “love potions and lucky amulets” for sale.
Illegal: Fencing of stolen goods.

1.) I heard Majesto has a secret room that is full of magical items gathered during his adventurers (False)
2.) I heard Majesto is always looking to buy strange or unique items.
3.) I heard Elam stopped adventuring because he accidently fireballed several of his companions.
4.) I heard that buried deep in the piles of stuff in the shop is a very powerful magic item (false).
5.) I heard Elam is actually not actually Lisal’s father.
6.) Some say Elam has connection with some unsavory people in other cities.
7.) Elam will sometimes hire adventurers to seek out particular items that he has heard of.
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Re: Submissions

#6 Post by Distorted Humor »

What is the establishment?
Honest Zoe's Horses
Who runs it?
Zhoeckossa Ironleaf

Female -- Elf -- Aged 105 (LN)

STR: 12
INT: 14
WIS: 7
DEX: 12
CON: 8
CHR: 17

HP: 4

Background: Zhoeckossa Ironleaf is a good soul, but is thought of as a a elf that can't do much. She runs a small horse trading outfit. She will have 1d4 horses, and 1d6 mules for sale. It will take 2 weeks for horses and mules to be replaced, but she will always have at least one mule to be sold. She generally buys overworked and sickly horses and using her elven lore gets them to a healthy state, and then sells them on to earn her living and to buy more horses. She tithes to the local Druid and is good friends with the Druid, who sees that while she might be sickly and only noted for her beauty and personality, she is intelligent and keeps a eye out for evil in the area.

Zhoeckossa is a Zero level Elf

What service does it offer?
Selling horses and assorted riding equipment. Does not sell warhorses.

Plot Hook:
She will not go on adventures, but she one of the few that will buy a lame horse or mule, and she has a steady stream of replacements.

1) Zhoeckossa worked in a brothel at one time (False)
2.) Zhoeckossa was the lover of a high elven lord (false)
3.) Zhoeckossa will buy even the most lame horse and be able to get it to be useful.
4.) Zhoeckossa drinks a lot
5.) Zhoeckossa is a powerful magic user or druid, and do not cross her (Mostly false, she on good terms with the druids who will protect her if threatened)
6.) Zhoeckossa has a ring of protection from a old friend (False)
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Steffan's Farm

#7 Post by Alethan »

Steffan's Farm

Level 7 Fighter, human male
S:17 I:11 W:09 D:13 C:16 Ch:09
Alignment: Chaotic Good
HP: 48
Age: 52
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190lbs
Description: Steffan is short, but very muscular and hairy. His normal garb consists of boots, leather breeches, and a sleeveless vest. He is always armed with a Dagger +1, +3 vs. Reptiles. He has never voiced it, but he is jealous of his daughter's abilities with a bow, which are far better than his.

Blodwen (Steffan's daughter)
Level 2 Fighter, human female
S:13 I:12 W:10 D:16 C:09 Ch:14
Alignment: Neutral Good
HP: 11
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105lbs
Description: Blodwen takes after her mother - blonde hair, light green eyes, slim, and attractive. Steffan has quietly scared off most of the local boys over the years, but Blodwen either doesn't know or doesn't care. She learned many of life's harshest lessons at an early age and has grown accustomed to her father's way of doing things. She strives to be as good a fighter as he is and is always armed with a sharp, but non-magical, dagger. She knows she is much more proficient with the bow than he is, but she does not rub it in his face. She also wears a small silver ring with an arrow engraved on the inside of the band she once found when exploring the nearby caves on her own (something she shouldn't have been doing). She does not yet understand its usefulness. It is a magical Ring of Accuracy (see New Magical Items section below).

Boxed Description:
Two hundred paces off the main road, you spy a low stone and mortar house with a slate roof. Smoke gently curls out of a stone chimney. Behind the house is a wooden barn. Several fields of crops can be seen in the distance.

Additional Details:
This farm is located approximately two miles from town (an hour's walk on the main road). The farmer's name is Steffan, a long-retired fighter. He lost his wife, son, and one daughter several years ago in an orc raid. As a result, he is fiercely protective of his remaining daughter, Blodwen. He is also a bit of a survivalist and has spent many hours fortifying his home against future raids, which accounts for the unusual all-stone house and slate roof he has been building over the last few years. Windows on all four sides (seven in all) can be secured with heavy, two-inch thick oak shutters. The shutters do not completely cover the opening, which creates arrow slits used in defense of the house. The front door is also thick, banded oak, and contains an arrow slit.

Their house is a simple square shape, divided into half. One half is a communal room, used for cooking, eating, and relaxing at night. An old (but serviceable) crossbow hangs on the interior wall, next to the doorway to Blodwen's room. A mounted ram's head hangs above the fire place.

The other half is further divided into two, forming sleeping chambers for Steffan and his daughter. All floors are paved with smooth, well-fitted, flat stone. There is a trunk in Steffan's room that contains his old adventuring gear: Longsword +2, Longbow, Chainmail +2, two quivers of two dozen regular arrows each, a smaller quiver containing 13 +2 arrows, an old oiled leather backpack containing a Potion of Healing and a Potion of Hill Giant Strength, and an emergency coin pouch containing 50GP. A normal shield hangs on the wall nearest the trunk.

Blodwen's room is much like Steffan's, complete with a trunk at the end of the bed that contains: shortsword +1, longbow, chainmail, two quivers of two dozen regular arrows each, standard adventuring gear, and an emergency coin pouch containing 50GP.

This room also contains the secret entrance, by way of one of the larger flat paving stones (1-in-6 chance to locate only by actively searching), to a hiding hole that only Steffan and Blodwen know about. This room is small (roughly 5'x10'), and also paved with stone. It contains emergency equipment (a few daggers, a standard longsword, a longbow, and quiver of two dozen arrows) and enough purified water and rations for two people for two weeks. It is lit by a small shuttered brass lantern that contains a palm-sized rock with a Continual Light spell cast on it. A medium-sized paver stone in the floor between the ladder and one wall can be removed to reveal a hole containing a locked chest (1-in-6 chance to locate only by actively searching). Steffan keeps the only key to the chest on his person at all times. The chest is trapped with a sleeping gas that will completely fill the room, as well as Blodwen's bedroom above, putting anyone within either space to sleep for 1D6 hours (save for half). The chest contains: 27PP, 340GP, a gold necklace with a large emerald pendant (value: 1,500GP), and a small pouch containing seven gemstones (values: 25GP, 25GP, 50GP, 75GP, 150GP, 150GP, 200GP)

The hiding hole is also unusually cool. Hidden behind a cask of dried rations, one of the stone pavers near the bottom of the far wall can be moved (1-in-6 chance to locate only by actively searching, though careful checking with a lit torch could indicate the slightest draft in the room) to reveal a small crawlway that leads to a natural limestone cave. This cave, one Steffan found and cleared of vermin many years ago when traveling through the area during one of his adventures, exits in a heavily forested hillside about two miles from the house. It is the very reason why Steffan picked this location for his house.

Steffan and Blodwen periodically clear the cave of new inhabitants, which accounts for Blodwen's fighting skills. He discards any useless weapons or gear in a deep pool in the cavern and discretely sells anything of value to the blacksmith a few times a year.

One of the horns on the mounted ram head is actually a Horn of Warning (see New Magical Items section below). If either of them becomes aware of danger - to themselves or to the town - one will blast a warning note before getting their gear from their bedroom.

Services Offered:
Under the right circumstances, and for a higher-than-standard fee, Steffan is occasionally willing to train others who seek fighter skill advancement. Because he is also trying to make a living with his farm, training takes twice as long. Steffan is a strict trainer and some trainees have left in the middle of the night, unable to put up with his regime, so payment (1.5x the normal cost) is due up-front and forfeited if either terminates training early for any reason.

Plot Hook:
- The adventurers hear a crisp, loud horn shatter the peaceful silence of the road. A few moments later, it is followed by a shout and sounds of fighting. If they approach, they find Steffan outside of the home, armed only with his dagger and surrounded by four lizard men. The house appears to be secured tightly from the inside. If the party does not intervene, Blodwen will charge out of the house in full gear on the third round to join him. They will eventually defeat the lizard men. If the party intervenes and helps defeat them, he will reward them with his bag of emergency coins and offer his training services at a reduced rate (the standard training rate) for their troubles. It looks like the lizard men are getting restless...

- Steffan and Blodwen normally keep the cave cleared on their own. But this time, a family of wargs has taken residence inside and he is looking for assistance in clearing them out. The tunnel to his house is well-hidden, so he isn't worried about anyone finding it, but he wants the place cleared and is obviously uncomfortable with such animals living so close to his house and livestock. Unbeknownst to Steffan, the wargs are actually the trained riding beasts of several hobgoblins who are laying low further inside the cave. There are four wargs and four hobgoblins in all. They could just be a small party, or it could be an advanced scouting party, however you want to play it.

Steffan and Glendor the 4th adventured together many years ago, but they never discuss it openly.
Steffan has a bar tab at The Hidden Wench, but nobody has ever seen him pay it.
Glendor the 4th is angry at Steffan for never paying his bar tab. (False - Steffan always drinks for free at The Hidden Wench because he saved Glendor's life once.)
At one time, Steffan was having an affair with Delyth, Farmer Meical's wife. (False - Delyth did, however, adventure with Steffan and Glendor)
Steffan hunts werewolves by the light of the full moon. (False)
Steffan is a werewolf. (False)
Steffan and Blodwen moved their house because the old one was built on a faerie mound and brought them bad luck. (False)
Occasionally, Steffan slips into town on quiet days and sells assorted weapons to Robert, the blacksmith.
The rest of Steffan's family was murdered by assassins. (False)
The rest of Steffan's family was murdered by orcs.
The rest of Steffan's family was murdered by Steffan in a fit of rage one night. (False)

New Magical Items:
Horn of Warning
This seemingly normal item often appears in the form of a common animal horn, such as that of a ram or cow. When sounded, however, a clear, distinctive, and unique tone will ring out of the horn. This noise can be heard in a five mile radius, as clearly as if the person blowing it was in the next room, but it will never cause any physical damage to anyone who hears it. The horn can be sounded twice in one day with no ill effects to it. If it is sounded more frequently, there is a 10% cumulative chance the horn will crack and become useless.

Ring of Accuracy
Wearers of this ring are gifted with increased accuracy. The wearer receives a +1 To Hit when employing any form of bow or crossbow. This bonus stacks with most other magical bonuses, including magical weapons and ammunition. The ring can be made of most metal alloys, though the inside of the band is often engraved with an arrow.
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Marc's Farm

#8 Post by Alethan »

Marc's Farm

Level 0 Farmer, human male
S:13 I:08 W:10 D:12 C:10 Ch:11
HP: 3

Heilyn (Marc's wife)
Level 0 Farmer, human female
S:10 I:12 W:08 D:11 C:09 Ch:10
HP: 1

Mervyn (Marc's son)
Level 0 Farmer, human male
S:13 I:10 W:10 D:16 C:12 Ch:11
HP: 2

Boxed Description:
In a clearing, a hundred yards from the road, a wooden house with a thatched roof sits quietly next to a barn and an out shed.

Additional Details:
Marc and his family are simple, but happy, farming folk. They have no weapons, other than daggers and improvised farm implements, and very little wealth. In a small box on her dresser, Heilyn keeps a silver hairpin (value: 10GP) and matching broach (value: 15GP) - gifts from her mother. The family keeps a small cash box in Marc's dresser containing: 4GP, 7SP, 43CP

Services Offered:
They will offer the hay barn as lodging for the night, if there is no room available in town, for 5CP/person.

Plot Hook:
- None; this is a pretty boring family

- Marc once came into town when his wife and son were away. He had an ale at The Hidden Wench and paid for it.
- Marc is a failed adventurer who never made it because he couldn't stand camping in the wild. (False)
- It is said that Marc has a small cash box hidden in the privy. (False)
- Heilyn was seen in town a few weeks ago buying several yards of expensive fabric.
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Meical's Farm

#9 Post by Alethan »

Meical's Farm

Level 0 Farmer, human male
S:14 I:10 W:11 D:15 C:14 Ch:08

Delyth (Meical's wife)
Level 8 Magic User, human female
S:08 I:17 W:13 D:16 C:09 Ch:13
Alignment: Neutral Good
HP: 23
Age: 49
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 132lbs
Description: Delyth is a retired adventurer and friend of Steffan (See: Steffan's Farm) and Glendor the 4th (See: The Hidden Wench). After Delyth and Glendor heard about what happened to Steffan's family, they secretly met and decided to move their families closer to him. That way, they would be able to provide assistance to the other two, should it ever become necessary again.

Meical has no idea his wife of 18 years is a powerful magic user, nor does their eldest son, Hywel. She wants to keep it that way. Unfortunately, Pedr found out and so she now instructs him when they have time.

Delyth never goes anywhere without a small satchel she keeps slung over one shoulder and across her body. She calls it her "over-sized purse" and claims it has been handed down for three generations (which is true; Delyth is a third-generation witch). The satchel is really a modified Handy Haversack that Delyth uses to carry around her spell book, several wands, a few scrolls, and her spell components. An additional enchantment prevents anyone else from seeing its true contents, though. If the proper words are not thought as they stick their hand into the satchel, they will very quickly find the cloth bottom of an ordinary satchel, containing a few loose coins and a cloth tissue. The bag currently holds: Delyth's spell book, a Wand of Enemy Detection (13 charges), a Wand of Ice (46 charges), several scrolls (Dimension Door, Wall of Ice, Hold Person, Forget, Knock, and Web), and a Potion of Healing. She wears a Ring of Protection +2 on her left hand (her husband believes it is the special wedding band he had made for her).

Hywel (Meichal's oldest son)
Level 0 Farmer, human male
S:14 I:08 W:10 D:15 C:14 Ch:07

Pedr (Meichal's youngest son)
Level 1 Magic User, human male
S:09 I:15 W:14 D:16 C:10 Ch:12
Alignment: Neutral Good
HP: 4
Age: 15
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs
Description: Pedr is very much aware of what goes on around him, even when it looks like he isn't paying attention. That is how he found out his mother could use magic - she was tired one day and used a few cantrips to help with some cleaning when she thought nobody was looking. After he confronted her about it, she did some testing and determined he would be a suitable student, unlike his brother. She has been quietly instructing him for about two years now. She has also asked him to not let on that he is much smarter than his older brother.

Boxed Description:
In the clearing sits a large farm house. A large barn and stone silo sit behind the house, with several fields on either side. Two draft horses can be seen in a corral attached to the barn.

Additional Details:
Meichal is the owner of a small, but profitable, farm located a mile outside the village (on the opposite side of the village as Steffan's farm). Meichal thinks it is because he and Hywel are great farmers. Delyth knows it is because she has learned how to modify some of her spells over the years, helping crops grow better and stronger when other farms struggle.

In the kitchen area, hanging on the wall, is an old, cracked drinking cup. Meichal wants to throw it away, but Delyth keeps it for sentimental reasons. In truth, this object is a Horn of Warning (see new Magical Items below), disguised to look like an unusable drinking horn. Should the need arise, she will sound the horn, alerting the town and outlying farms of nearby danger.

Meichal has an old, but sharp, short sword he keeps in a trunk in their bedroom in case of trouble, but he doesn't really know how to use it. Even though they run a profitable farm, Meichal manages to have very little to show for it - some nicer than average dress clothes, a few coins (8GP, 54SP, 32CP) in a bag hidden under their mattress, and a silver mirror on Delyth's dresser. But he uses the majority of their profits to make sure they have the best farm equipment money can buy, although some does manage to make its way into the hands of some of the local gamblers from time to time.

Services Offered:

Plot Hook:

- Meichal married Delyth for her money.
- Delyth is a witch (True - but most people THINK this is a false rumor; they just like to spread it)
- Delyth has had to go to The Hidden Wench and drag Meichal home after drinking all night (False - drinking is not one of his vices)
- Pedr isn't as dumb as he looks.
- Hywel is as dumb as he looks.
- Delyth has always wanted a daughter.

New Magical Item:
Horn of Warning
This seemingly normal item often appears in the form of a common animal horn, such as that of a ram or cow. When sounded, however, a clear, distinctive, and unique tone will ring out of the horn. This noise can be heard in a five mile radius, as clearly as if the person blowing it was in the next room, but it will never cause any physical damage to anyone who hears it. The horn can be sounded twice in one day with no ill effects to it. If it is sounded more frequently, there is a 10% cumulative chance the horn will crack and become useless.
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Re: Submissions

#10 Post by Stonjuz »

Meadowbrook & Dewgud
Services Offered: Mortuary, Crematorium, Cemetary Services, Procession Coach, Floral Arrangements,
Caskets and Urns, Stonework, Plots and Design, Clerical Consultations, Certificates, Permits & Notices

Eltog Meadowbrook
Level 0 Undertaker, human male
S:13 I:14 W:13 D:12 C:13 Ch:10
Alignment: HP: Age: 60 Height: Weight:
Description: Creepy Undertaker, go figure.

Mialana Meadowbrook (Eltog's wife)
Level 9 Cleric, Undertaker human female
S:10 I:12 W:16 D:12 C:13 Ch:16
Alignment: HP: Age: 45 Height: Weight:
Description: Atrractive, Kind, Sensible

Silas Dewgud (Mialana's only child)
Level 1/1 Cleric/Thief, Undertaker human male
S:10 I:14 W:15 D:14 C:13 Ch:12
Alignment: HP: Age: 15 Height: Weight:
Description: Mischevious, Does not look ANYTHING like ELtog, but the old man does call him 'son', usually in some sort of reprimand.

1. Silas is thinking of leaving his religous studies (t)
2. Silas likes to play storytelling-type roleplaying games with polyhedron dice.(t)
3. Meadowbrooke is harboring chaotic cult/guild activities (F) - If investigated, foot traffic can be seen going to the back door occasionally some nights.
But its the kid and some friends playing Crypts and Graves. (insert cool roleplaying game title here)
4. The locals think Silas is corrupting the town's youth. ( ? )
5. Eltog must have some strange magical hold on the beautiful, much younger wife. (F) Mialana has come to love Eltog, on her own freewill.

Adventurers passing thru may see Silas' ad, nailed up in the local inns, stating that someone is looking for adventurering party.
If the party investigates, they are offered snacks and drinks and relative safety for the evening. (Assuming they join in the games)
During the course of play, the party can learn facts that are beneficial to what lies elsewhere in the game periodically, as Silas' skill at Creature Lore is very high. (DM rulecruncher type)
The players could possibly come to Silas for advice on defeating certain monsters.
Silas will accept any offers to join the party on their quests. He brings his dice.
Mialana is a local Cleric who can be resourced for healing. She WILL NOT raise the dead. (Unless maybe Silas is killed.) That isn't her job.
She will try to convince adventurers that raising the dead is unnatural and not in the party's best interest.
She has a late husband, father to Silas, that didn't receive such rituals. She isn't going to do it for strangers either.
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Re: Submissions

#11 Post by ToniXX »

Establishment: Erswin’s Tack and Saddle
Proprietor: Erswin Faran
2nd level fighter, male half-elf
S:15 I:14 W:9 D:13 C:8 Ch:13
HP: 12
Age: 30
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 134lbs
Alignment: Neutral

Description: Erswin is average height and weight for a half-elf. His hair is dark blonde to light brown, and he wears it long. He often wears a hat or a headscarf, with the intention of hiding his elven blood, but this isn’t as much of a problem as it used to be. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but those who know him will say that he is quick witted and very generous. When necessary, he wields a short sword and wears leather armor. Otherwise, he is usually wearing a colorful tunic and heavy breeches. He carries a pouch with him that contains a few pieces of apple and carrot. He will offer these to any horse that he hasn’t yet met.

Erswin Faran came to the town a few years ago and was initially shunned due to his elven blood. But he quickly gained the respect of the townsfolk when he opened the now reputable Erswin’s Tack and Saddle, where he sells any and everything you may need for your riding or draft horse. He works with the local smith, Robert Bloomquist, to make exceptional tack, and does the leatherwork himself. His saddles, while expensive, are considered some of the best available in the region. He also sells bales of hay and bushels of alfalfa that he buys from the local farmers.
His shop is comprised of a small log building, the front half being the shop, the back his living and sleeping quarters. In a locked footlocker under his bed, Erswin keeps a silver dagger +1 vs. undead, 435gp, and in a secret compartment in the bottom of the chest is 55pp and a pouch of 7 gems worth 1d6+4x10gp (50-100) each.

Next to his shop is a small stable and paddock, where he houses his own horse as well as two mules for hire or sale. For a very reasonable fee, he offers overnight stabling for the horses of travelers.

Erswin is a half-elf
Erswin’s mother died giving birth to him.
Erswin has a half-brother who is a full-blooded elf. This brother sometimes comes to town to visit Erswin.
Erswin has an ongoing feud with Steffan over the price of hay and alfalfa. (False)
Erswin’s father is the leader of a powerful elven tribe (False)

Plot hook:
Someone has stolen Erswin’s horses and mules, as well as the horses of a wealthy merchant passing through town. With the help of Glendor’s tracking skills, Erswin knows that the rustlers have taken the horses in a westerly direction, and that they can only be two or three miles away. The party is hired to find and return the horses and mules, as well as bring the horse thieves to justice. The rustlers are a band of 8 goblins, and can be tracked to a large cave complex that is nearby. If the party can succeed in returning the horses and mules, they will be rewarded 75gp and any tack they may need for their own mounts.
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Re: Submissions

#12 Post by wolfpack »

Great Library of the 5 sages

This large four story stone building was established by five sages, each with their own area of expertise. The sages own the library which also operates as their place of business with rooms and studies for all five sages on the 4th floor.

For visitors entry into the library is 2 gp per day or a monthly pass for 50 gp. The library opens at sun up and closes at sun down, it contains tomes (non magical) on any common and many uncommon subjects, these tomes are not allowed to leave the library.

The library is guarded by a number of men at arms hired from the griffon skull academy, and it is common to meet adventurers there any given day. Because the sages own and live in at the library they are not available for long term employment, however all five will accept short term employment.

The five sages are

Martel Dundan – Human
Major Field (Fauna) Special Categories – Reptiles, Amphibians, Arachnids
Minor Fields (Humanoids & Giant kind)

Helgrim Poinfer - Human
Major Field (Supernatural & Unusual) Special Categories – Dweomercraft, Divination
Minor Fields (Physical Universe, Flora)

Washburn Watley - Human
Major Field (Humankind) Special Categories – History, Legends & Folklore, Law & Customs, Sociology
Minor Fields (Demi-Humankind)

Pontifax Flabeldorm - Gnome
Major Field (Demi-Humankind) Special Categories – Art & Music, Languages, Psychology
Minor Fields (Flora)

Gilsed Tallgrass – Elf
Major Field (Flora) Special Catagories – Flowers, Herbs, Trees, Grasses & Grains
Minor Fields(Fauna, Humanoids & Giant kind)
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Re: Submissions

#13 Post by wolfpack »

Ok these tables are going to actually need put into a table. How cna I do that in a post? I don't think it accepts HTML

Seven Sisters Sell Swords

This business, ran by the Holdron sisters, has been in operation for a decade. Originally it was simply the sisters hiring themselves out as sell swords, but over time they have taken on other young aspiring warriors and mages and acted as their agents finding them work. Of the seven sisters two (Sylvia and Delphie) have been slain, and the four oldest remaining sisters ( Sandra, Floria, and twins Telindria and Selindria) have retired. The youngest sister (Shanon ) is still for hire, however to hire her personally is expensive indeed as her fee is 1000 gp/week and 40% split of all loot and magic items.

The Seven Sisters will not hire their recruits to just anyone and if the client has a bad reputation in how they treat hirelings then they will be shown the door. The sisters only deal with the best of recruits and this is reflected in their prices and recruits abilities. They act as agents for fighters and magic-users only, from new recruits to the more experienced.

Fighters will have a strength of at least 16, a constitution of at least 14, and no other score below 11. Magic-Users will have an intelligence of at least 15, dexterity of no less than 13, and no other score below 12.

There will be 5-9 (1d4+4) fighters available from levels 1-4 and 2-5 (1d4+1) magic-users available from levels 1-3 (use Tables A and B to determine levels). Race is to be determined using Table C for fighters and Table D for Magic-Users.

There is a 10% chance there will be a Fighter/Magic-User available for hire, this hireling will always be level 1/1 and has an equal chance of being an elf or half-elf. Fighter/magic –users will have a minimum strength of 15 and intelligence of 14, no other stat will be below 11. Their weapons and armor should be determined as fighters and their spells as magic users.

The minimum length of contract is one week, and the full length of contract must be paid up front. If the contract time passes and the hireling is still performing duties (I.E. the party is stuck in a dungeon past the contract length) then on return the additional time must paid along with a 25% premium. In addition the hiring person must promise a 15% share of any treasure and magic items found during the length of the contract to each recruit. This share will be paid to surviving family if death occurs.

All recruits come equipped as follows.

Fighters level 1-2 will have either ring mail, scale mail, or chain mail (use Table E to determine armor) and shield, and 3 weapons in which they are proficient with one being a distance weapon (use Table F to determine distance weapon) determine the other 2 weapons randomly using Table G.

Fighters level 3-4 will have either Scale mail, Chain Mail or Splint Mail (use Table H to determine armor), shield, and 4 weapons in which they are proficient with one being a distance weapon (use Table F to determine distance weapon) determine the other three weapons randomly using Table G.

Magic-users will all have robes, traveling spell book (determine spells randomly they should have 5 1st level spells with 1 being read magic and only as many 2nd level spells as they can memorize at a time), enough components to cast all of their spells 5 times, and one weapon they are proficient in (1d6 1-2 dagger, 3-4 dart, or 5-6 Staff).

All hirelings will also have a backpack, two weeks of iron rations, tinder box, small belt pouch, and a large sack.

Use Table I for Hiring Cost.

Determine Available Fighters Level
Dice Roll (d12) Level
1-6 1
7-9 2
10-11 3
12 4

Determine Available Magic-Users level
Dice Roll (d12) Level
1-5 1
6-10 2
11-12 3

Determine Race of Available Fighter
Dice Roll (d100) Race
01-75 Human
76-84 Elf
85-93 Dwarf
94-98 Half-Elf
99-100 Gnome

Determine Race of Available Magic-User
Dice Roll (d100) Race
01-80 Human
81-90 Half-Elf
91-100 Elf

Determine Armor for Fighter level 1-2
Dice Roll (d12) Armor
1-3 Ring Mail
4-9 Scale Mail
10-12 Chain Mail

Determine Fighter’s Distance Weapon
Dice Roll (d12) Weapon
1-5 Light Crossbow
6-7 Sling
8-9 Heavy Crossbow
10-11 Javelin
12 Short Bow

Determine Fighter’s Random Weapons (if rolls duplicate a weapon roll again)
Dice Roll (d100) Weapon
01-08 Axe, Battle
09-11 Axe, Hand
15-25 Dagger
26-29 Hammer
30-34 Flail, Footman’s
35-40 Mace, Footman’s
41-49 Morning Star
50-60 Pole Arm *
61 Scimitar
62-79 Spear
80 Sword, Bastard
81-84 Sword, Broad
85-92 Sword, Long
93-98 Sword, Short
99 Sword, Two-handed
100 Trident
*Roll on sub table G-1 to determine Pole Arm

Pole Arm
Dice Roll (d100) Pole Arm
1-20 Bardiche
21-27 Bec de Corbin
28-38 Fauchard
39-48 Glaive
49-55 Guisarme
56-68 Halberd
69-78 Partisan
79-84 Pike, Awl
85-89 Ranseur
90-94 Spetum
95-100 Voulge

Determine Armor for Fighter level 3-4
Dice Roll (d12) Armor
1-3 Scale Mail
4-9 Chain Mail
10-12 Splint Mail

Hiring Cost
Profession Level Cost per Week in gp
Fighter 1 40
Fighter 2 100
Fighter 3 250
Fighter 4 400
Magic-User 1 75
Magic-User 2 200
Magic-User 3 400
Fighter/Magic-User 1/1 125

Use the same morale adjustments as described in the Dungeon Masters Guide for henchmen.

Shanon Holdron
Level: 6
Align: LN

S: 17 I: 13 W: 12 D: 17 C: 15 CH: 15

HP: 48 AC: -2

Equipment: chain mail +2, shield +1, battle axe +2, ring of fire resistance, horn of valhalla (bronze)

Background: The last of the famous seven sisters who will hire her services Shanon is a seasoned warrior who can hold her own against just about any man. She is very picky on who she will join as she does not sell her services out of need since the family business does so well.
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Re: Submissions

#14 Post by wolfpack »

The Cellar Dweller

While many taverns may have some underground storage space this tavern is itself underground. The Cellar Dweller is a tavern that caters specifically to adventurers of all races and types. It is owned by Otto Stonechipper a dwarf who is a retired adventurer himself.

The tavern entry way on the surface is marked by a large wooden trapdoor in the ground with a plaque on it reading “The Cellar Dweller” and a large iron ring that can be pulled to open it. When the trap door is opened there will be the sound of a voice echoing down below saying “door opened” (a magic mouth is triggered in front of the underground door letting those within know someone is coming.) Under the trapdoor is a stairway leading down, light can be seen coming up from below. The stairs lead down 20 feet and come to a stop in a well carved stone tunnel. Light radiates from the ceiling in the center of the tunnel from a continual light spell. The tunnel runs 30 feet to a large thick oak door. As customers knock on the door a small panel in the center slides open and eyes look out to inspect the new comers. If the customers have the look of an adventurer (if they are obviously not merchants or beggars or typical laborer types) the door will open revealing a gruff looking dwarf in chain mail backed by a huge half-orc in plate mail, these are Lorum and Ardin the tavern bouncers

No weapons are allowed in the tavern so they must be turned over to the bouncers when the customers enter. They do not do a full search for only obvious weapons will be confiscated, they will then the bundled together and marked with a tag, the owner will receive a tag with the same mark so they can retrieve their weapons as they leave. Only weapons are taken as there is no worry of magic or wands in the tavern since the entire area of the tavern from the door onward is covered in a permanent anti-magic shell.

The main part of the tavern itself covers a large area of 200’x200’ starting in the northwest corner and running 30 feet is a long bar behind which 2 bartenders fill drinks. There are stools lined up along the bar and the room is filled with 15 tables big enough for 4 regular sized men to sit at comfortably. The smell of hot delicious foot wafts from the kitchen and a bard plays a lute on the stage along the east wall.

1. The Trap Door – This is the door on the surface that when opened reveals the stairs leading down to the tunnel entrance way. A magic mouth is triggered in the tunnel outside the main tavern alerting those within.

2. The Main Tavern – Large 200x200 area that is the primary tavern area with the bar and stage. It contains 15 large tables and stools along the length of the 30 bar.

3. Private Banquet Room – This 30x30 room with a single large banquet table lies behind a set of oaken double doors, and can be rented for 15 gp/hour. It is a popular spot for adventuring groups celebrating a successful mission and is often booked for several days in advance.

4. Storage Room – This storage area behind the bar holds the barrels and bottles of alcohol that is served. The underground environment keeps the barrels cool, and only the bartenders and barmaids are allowed back. Anyone else trying to enter the storage area is roughly ejected by Lorum and Ardin.

5. The Kitchen – This 50x50 area is filled with pots and pans cooking over fires. There are 3 cooks all reporting to the head cook Lela Strom. Lela is the no nonsense type who takes her food seriously. The food is superb and the house specialty is roasted vegetables over orange duck. Fresh animals and vegetables are brought in daily as needed.

6. Cooler – This is the primary food storage area, freshly butchered meat cuts are stored here hanging from hooks, and vegetables are kept protected in crates.

7. The Stage – This is the entertainment stage where various acts perform. Otto has a house bard Landow who performs most nights, but time to time he brings in other various acts such as jugglers, tumblers, or sleight of hand artists.

The Menu
Meal Roasted Vegetables over Orange Duck 3 gp
Meal Ham & Bean Soup & Bread 1 gp
Meal Roast Mutton & Potatoes 1 gp
Meal Vegetable Soup & Bread 5 sp
Meal Steak & Vegetables 2 gp
Meal Roast Chicken & Potatoes 1 gp
Meal Chicken & Dumpling Soup 1 gp
Appetizer Crisped Potatoes 4 sp
Appetizer Boiled Potatoes 3 sp
Appetizer Lentil Soup 3 sp
Appetizer Beans & Rice 2 sp
Drink Pint of Ale 2 sp
Drink Pint of Beer 1 sp
Drink Pint of Mead 5 sp
Drink Pint of Wine 1 gp
Drink Pint of Bourbon 10 sp
Drink Pint of Gin 5 sp


Otto Stonechipper
Dwarf Fighter/Thief
Level: 5/6
S: 15 I:13 W:12 D:17 C:16 CH:12
HP:40 AC:4
Equipment: ring of protection +3, short sword +2, boots of speed, wings of flying

Former adventurer and owner of the Cellar Dweller Otto is rather jovial for a dwarf and is typically in a good mood. He spends a lot of time at the tavern interacting with customers and knows the regulars on a first name basis.

Lorum Dugart
Dwarf Fighter
S:17 I:13 W:14 D:15 C:17 CH:9
HP:61 AC:1
Equipment: Chain mail +2, Shield, Hammer +2, amulet of life protection, Ring of Feather Falling

Lorum is a member of the same clan as Otto. Lorum is younger and grew up listening to Otto’s stories of adventure, this led to him to adventure himself. Eventually he decided to retire and come to work for Otto

Ardin Greattooth
Half-Orc Fighter
S:18 66% I:9 W:11 D:13 C:17 CH:8
HP:79 AC:2
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Two Handed Sword Flame Tongue, Ring of Regeneration

Ardin was a former adventuring companion of Lorum and the two became great friends. When Lorum decided to retire Ardin followed him. Between the two Lorum is the brains and Ardin listens and does as Lorum instructs.

Landow the Bold
Human Bard
Level: 1 (6 fighter, 8 thief)
S: 16 I:15 W:15 D:15 C:15 CH:16
HP: 59 AC:4
Equipment: Bracers of Defense AC:6, Ring of Protection +1, Short Sword +2 Giant Slayer, Pipes of the Sewers

Landow was a long time adventuring companion of Otto and now acts as his house bard. Landow is friendly and knowledgeable, he has written several ballads about the exploits of his former adventuring party.

Derth Falen
Human Thief
S:12 I:14 W:13 D:18 C:15 CH:14
HP:42 AC:2
Equipment: Bracers of Defense AC:8, Ring of Protection +2, Dagger +2, Ring of Free Action, Sling of Seeking

Derth is a high ranking member of one the local thieves guild. Otto is not a guild member but the guilds leaves him alone and don’t try to extort money from him. His tavern is seen as a neutral territory between the guilds and often members will meet here to discuss problems or business.

Last edited by wolfpack on Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submissions

#15 Post by wolfpack »

The Dangerous Traveler Inn & Tavern

The Dangerous Traveler Inn & Tavern is owned by brothers Markus and Jerfeld Zimanski who are themselves former adventurers. After a number of years exploring the land the two brothers decided to sink their hard earned fortune into this large inn & tavern. That decision has paid off well as the place has become a well known spot for travelers looking for nice accommodations with a raucous atmosphere you would expect with adventurers.

Jerfeld, the slim highly intelligent and experienced mage, takes care of the business aspect of the Inn such as hiring employees, advertising, etc. While The Charismatic younger brother Markus handles the day to day operations such as supplies and supervising the help. Both brothers frequent the Dangerous Traveler to oversee their investment so it is common for either or both to be present at any time.

Jerfeld Zimanski
Human Magic-User Male

ST 12; INT 18; WIS 14; DEX 15; CON 15; CHM 11
LVL 9; HP 30; AC 1; ALN LN

Equipment: Bracers of Defense AC 4, Dagger +1, Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Wizardry (3rd level spells), Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals

Markus Zimanski
Human Fighter Male

ST 16; INT 12; WIS 14; DEX 13; CON 16; CHM 15
LVL 7; HP 60; AC 7 (3); ALN N

Equipment: Cloak of Protection +2, Chain Mail +1, shield, Short Sword +2, Ring of Regeneration, Boots of Water Walking, Amulet of Life Protection

Markus and Jerfeld use ties from their adventuring days to help make their business a success. They use a connection with an old time Dwarven comrade Calbor to smuggle in Dwarven Fire Wine. The potent elixir is banned in most places, but is highly sought after.

Another old companion Rhamos works with Calbor on the logistics of getting the fire wine into the city and to the inn’s secret underground storage.

Their long time companion Harmon serves as house bard for the Dangerous Traveler and many patrons show up just to hear him play 5 nights per week (Thursday – Monday).

Esmirelda is the head chief at the Wayward Adventurer. A large not so attractive woman with a bad temper, she is well known for her excellent cooking, in particular her fresh fish dishes and vegetable chowder. Esmirelda rarely leaves her kitchen, but will not tolerate any non employees coming into her kitchen if not with the owners. She is well known to knock those who try on the head with a rolling pin. She keeps the kitchen and dining room staff in line.

The barmaids Gwen, Lisa, and Sharon are a trio of busty red headed sisters who know how to keep the patrons in line without being to abrasive as to chase them off.

Wesley Williams is the taverns bartender, a flashy skillful drink mixer who likes to create his own beverages by mixing different juices and alcohols. Lucky travelers may catch him on a night he is trying a new mixture and will offer it to them free in exchange for their opinion.

Harmon Gildaland
Human Bard Male

ST 16; INT 13; WIS 15; DEX 16; CON 15; CHM 15
LVL (5, 6) 2; HP 50; AC 5; ALN NG

Equipment: Scimitar +1, Cloak of Protection +1, Ring of Protection +1, Gem of Seeing

Rhamos Overeem
Elf Fighter/Thief Male

STR 14; INT 13; WIS 12; DEX 18; CON 12; CHM 14
LVL 2/3; HP 15; AC 4; ALN N

Equipment: Leather, Dagger +1, Short Sword

Calbor the Stout
Dwarf Fighter/Thief Male

ST 16; INT 13; WIS 12; DEX 15; CON 17; CHM 9
LVL 3/4; HP 30; AC 5; ALN LN

Equipment: Leather Armor +1, Battle Axe, Shield

Price List

Item Cost
Normal Meal 3 s.p.
Fine Meal 1 g.p.
Pint of Mead 5 s.p.
Pint of Ale 1 s.p.
Pint of Fine Wine 10 s.p.
*Pint of Dwarven Fire Wine 5 g.p.
House Drinks 3 s.p.
Pint of Beer 5 c.p.

* The dwarven fire wine is not sold openly in the tavern since it is illegal. Instead, someone who has a connection to Calbor, Rhamos, or the Zimanski’s will approach the bar and use a specific key phrase that changes from time to time. The person will then be led downstairs where the fire wine will be given to them.

The Inn is frequented not only by travelers, but by a number of local characters as well.

A: Common Room – This large room houses the main body of the tavern, with 18 smaller tables that will seat four and two large feasting tables that seat ten people each that must be reserved. There is also a long bar lined with stools where patrons can sit and eat and/or drink

B: Kitchen – A large kitchen lined with wood burning stoves, wash basins, and food stores. The kitchen is well staffed and run by Esmirelda the head cook.

C: Bar Area – The bar area is well stocked with all kinds of Ale, Mead, Spirits, Wine, and Beer. There are always at least two bartenders on duty while the bar is open.

D: Bathroom – These restrooms are more of an indoor outhouse. The hole in the floor is covered by a toilet and empties into a large tank that is magically enchanted to teleport waste into a nearby swamp.

E: Economy Room – These are the smallest and cheapest rooms in the inn. They are 15x15 and contain only a single cot with linen, these rooms run 2 silver pieces a night.

F: Economy Group Room – This 35x15 room is packed with 4 small cots. It is meant to be used by small parties looking for cheap accommodations. The room runs 4 silver pieces per night.

G: Hallway – This hallway runs between the tavern proper and the bathrooms and economy rooms.

H: Stables – This line of stables are maintained and operated by the inn, the cost for stabling a horse, donkey, or pony is 1 silver piece per night.

I: Standard Room – These standard 20x20 rooms contain a double bed, chamber pot, and small foot chest for storage. The rooms run 5 silver pieces per night and include complimentary breakfast.

J: Luxury Room – These plush 30x25 rooms contain a soft queen size bed, standing closet, large foot chest, and chamber pot. The rooms run 1 gold piece a night and include complimentary breakfast and stable service.

K: Luxury Group Suite – This large 75x25 foot room holds 7 double beds and is meant to be used by a group of people seeking comfortable accommodations. This room runs 5 gold pieces per night and includes complimentary breakfast for all 7 occupants.


Alec Girbwhistle
Human Fighter Male

ST 16; INT 9; WIS 10; DEX 11; CON 15; CHM 10
LVL 2; HP 15; AC 6; ALN CG

Equipment: Scale mail, Shield, Short sword, Belt Pouch, Dagger, Stone of weight(loadstone)

Background: Alec served for a couple of years as a town guard before he decided it would be more profitable to head off as an adventurer with a small group he met up with in town.

While exploring a cave system the group was surprised by a cave bear in a tight corridor. Alec had been guarding the group’s rear and as he turned to flee he felt his body become heavy and he could barely run (he says the round must have been exceptionally muddy) and as the others behind him pushed and screamed for him to move faster by the time he made it out of the corridor he was the only one left alive.

Alec always has his lucky stone with him, a strange azure colored rock he found earlier that same day. He will gladly tell anyone who will listen the luck of that rock is the only reason he survived the encounter.

Alec is currently looking for a new group to join up with.

Harper Fena
Human Theif Male

ST 12; INT 13; WIS 12; DEX 16; CON 11; CHM 14
LVL 2; HP 6; AC 6; ALN LE

Equipment: Bracers of Defense AC 8, Dagger, 1 Vial of Poison, Club

Background: Harper is a loyal member of the local thief’s guild. He spends most nights at the inn watching for any thieving activity taking place from a non-guild member. If seeing any he will find out any immediate information about the person he can and report back to his superiors.

Mistra Wornin
Human Theif Female

ST 10; INT 14; WIS 14; DEX 17; CON 10; CHM 15
LVL 4; HP 19; AC 6; ALN NE

Equipment: Cloak of protection +1, Short Sword +1, Ring of Invisibility

Background: A higher ranking member of the thief’s guild Mistra will spend an evening at the inn from time to time monitoring Harper an dplying her trade cutting purses on drunk patrons.

Saleb Rue
Human Magic-User Male

ST 9; INT 17; WIS 12; DEX 15; CON 11; CHM 16
LVL 5; HP 15; AC 4; ALN CN

Equipment: Bracers of Defense AC 6, Quarter Staff +1, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Free Action, Bag of Holding

Background: Saleb is a handsome mage hailing from the Far East. The inn serves as him home base in the city. He spends his time divided between research and adventuring. Saleb is not a member of a permanent party, but joins up with those that are exploring the area and need a mage as long as he is guaranteed an equal slice of the loot.

Horian Footfighter
Halfling Fighter/Thief male

ST 14; INT 13; WIS 11; DEX 17; CON 15; CHM 11
LVL 2/3; HP 19; AC 3; ALN NG

Equipment: Leather +1, Sling, Short sword +1, Ring of Feather Falling, Shield

Background: A happy go lucky fellow from the halfling lands Horian left his home for a taste of adventure. Horian is up for just about any quest and considers himself a true hero. A couple of years ago he saved a farmer’s daughter from a goblin raid and loved the feeling of accomplishment and praise.

He passes himself off as strictly a warrior, and doesn’t mention his more devious talents. Horian greatly admires the heavily armed and armored knightly men who travel through town time to time.

Julian Bladestorm
Human Fighter Male

ST 18 36%; INT 13; WIS 13; DEX 15; CON 16; CHM 15
LVL 7; HP 62; AC 0; ALN LN

Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield, Ring of Feather Falling, Long Sword +2 Giant Slayer, Amulet of Life Protection, Boots of Striding and Springing

Background: Julian is the commander of a mercenary company (Companyof the Wolf) that barracks outside of the city. He often comes to the inn looking for patrons.

Mirkil Nyberg
Human Magic-User Male

ST 10; INT 17; WIS 14; DEX 15; CON 12; CHM 13
LVL 6; HP 21; AC 3; ALN LN

Background: Bracers of Defense AC 5, Ring of Protection +1, Robe of Useful Items, Staff of Striking

Background: Mirkil works with Julian, and is the mage for his mercenary company. He normally doesn’t show up at the inn unless accompanying Julian.

Gruknar the Toothy
Half-Orc Cleric/Thief Male

ST 15; INT 12; WIS 16; DEX 15; CON 13; CHM 7
LVL 1/1; HP 7; AC 6; ALN NG

Equipment: Mace, Leather Armor, Shield, Sling, 20 Bullets, Holy Symbol

Background: Grunknar is very self concious of his orc heritage and spends most of his time trying to live down te reputation of that race. He is very kind and is always helping the less fortuinate (beggers, holess, Sick, etc.) in the name of his diety Hermes. he is often accompanied by his fellow priest Philmore who is grunkar's exact opposite. Grunkar is determined to change Philmore's philandering ways and get him to care about the less fortunate.

Philmore Banford
Human Cleric Male
STR 12; INT; 12; WIS 16; DEX 12; CON 11; CHM 15
LVL 2; HP 13; AC 6; ALN CN

Equipment: Studded Leather, Shield, Hammer, Holy Symbol

Background: This young handsome priest of Hermes is always looking for a rousing good time. Philmore was born of a minor noble family and is very boisterous and cocky, he is often seen in the company of Grunkar another priest of Hermes. Philmore believes the homeliness of Grunkar assists in driving the women his way when the two are out together. While not all that interested in adventure (he isn’t a fan of risking his life unless there is a tremendous payoff) Philmore can be persuaded to join an adventure if the price is right (normally the promise of magic items)


1st floor

2nd floor

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Re: Submissions

#16 Post by Rukellian »

Rukellian’s Hot Cross Buns (the village bakery)

Owner: Rukellian, Priest of St. Cuthbert Monastery

At Rukellian’s Hot Cross Buns, adventurers and the local townsfolk can purchase fresh and delicious bread at incredible prices. The bread and variety of pastries sold here are rumored to be of such high quality that they could serve as a substitute for healing potions in a pinch!
Given Rukellian’s ties with the local temple/monastery, he feels indebted to it for helping him set up his shop. So, whatever coin is left after buying necessary supplies for more baked goods, he donates the rest to St. Cuthbert Monastery, always out of good will.

Rukellian’s quick background:

Rukellian grew up and was raised as an orphan in the local monastery. While doing regular chores and errands around the village, he also pursued certification in becoming a priest. For the majority of his childhood that was all he did, work and study. It was only until he was in his late teens when he started to take a serious interest in baking. A local merchant, having shared a loaf of bread with the young priest in training, sparked a passion that would last until this day and for many years to come. He fell in love with bread and pastries, claiming that they helped warm his soul. Sharing his new found gift with the community, he started to bake bread while practicing his healing arts. The combination was an astounding success. Before he knew it, the Monastery stepped forward and gave him the gold that he needed to start up his bakery.
Upon becoming an officially certified priest, he set out on a long adventure, in the hopes of honing his abilities as a priest, and to help establish trading partners for his new bakery. A couple of years later, he returned. No one knew where he was or what he did, but he was still the same old Rukellian, big goofy grin and all. Without a wasting a single moment, he worked towards getting the bakery up and running, and the rest is history!

Quest Associated with Rukellian (strictly optional, can be used by DM or ignored)

Upon first arrival to the village, a quest will be posted by Rukellian. In a nutshell, it’s basically asking an adventuring party to clear the attacking goblins from the main merchant’s road. Goblins have been stopping merchants from delivering supplies to the village, and the baking supplies for Rukellian’s bakery are running dangerously low. Rukellian can only sell basic baked goods at this point in the story. Upon completion of said quest, you find out that one of the town council members was behind the merchant attacks, with his ulterior plans coming to light. The group is rewarded for their heroic deed by the town council and Rukellian’s Hot Cross Buns will start selling again its special fruit-filled hot cross buns. These pastry items act as a healing potion substitutes as well as an effective trail ration. (DMs can use the pre-existing prices in the edition being used for rations and healing potions. The baked goods at Rukellian’s Bakery are virtually the same.)
Let me know if this submission needs any editing, I think I made everything vague enough so that any DM can use it as he/she sees fit.
Last edited by Rukellian on Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submissions

#17 Post by wolfpack »

Stronghold of the Company of the Mighty Fist

This non-descript two story wooden house in the less wealthy section of town is occupied by a small adventuring band who have dubbed themselves Company of the Mighty Fist. They are in fact a group of four friends who grew up together and set out on the path of adventure. After getting themselves lost in the wilds they stumbled upon a long forgotten burial mound of a forgotten orc chief. After facing down rats, bats, other creepy crawlies and eventually a few animated skeletons the group found a small amount of tribute that had been left for the chief. Taking their new found wealth the group purchased the rather humble home to live in and use as a base of operations (some people are just lucky I guess).

Company of the Mighty Fist
NOTE: When ever dealing with the Company of the Mighty Fist the DM should make the group extremely lucky, they seem to be blessed and no matter how stupid their decisions are it always seems to work out for them.

Shimmering Brightblade (AKA Reggie Thatcher)
Level: 2
Align: CG

S: 16 I: 7 W: 10 D: 9 C: 12 CH: 10

HP: 14 AC: 5

Equipment: scale mail, shield, spear, broad sword, light crossbow

Description: The enforcer of the group if not the brightest, Shimmering (Reggie) wants nothing more than to be a great knight like in the tales of the bards. He has changed his name to Shimmering Brightblade and will spend hours arguing with anyone who tries to tell him his name is Reggie Thatcher (his real name). He is extremely protective of his friends and will not hesitate to defend them.

Backus Huesfess
Level: 3
Align: N

S: 9 I: 13 W: 13 D: 15 C: 10 Ch: 15

HP: 12 AC: 7

Equipment: sling, short sword, leather armor, potion of gaseous form

Background: Leader of the outfit Backus is charming and cunning. He does the talking, negotiating, and decision making for the company and acts as their front man.

Halbridge Painter
Level: 2
Align: NG

S: 9 I: 18 W: 7 D: 10 C: 10 CH: 12

HP: 7 AC: 9

Equipment: Robes, Staff

Background: Halbridge was an extremely bright boy with a photographic memory. Regardless of his intelligence however he was often duped into making bad decisions as he was always very easily persuaded. His family enrolled him as a mages apprentice, his master was impressed with his ability to retain knowledge, however he was not so impressed with the boy’s decision making. It was no wonder then that before his apprenticeship was over his childhood friends persuaded him to leave his masters study and join them on adventure.

Dorson Lightfoot
Level: 2
Align: CN

S: 10 I: 10 W: 15 D: 12 C: 11 CH: 11

HP: 15 AC: 4

Equipment: hammer, shield, chain mail, luck stone

Description: Some people are born lucky, Dorson is one of those people and he knows it. That is why as a teen he decided to devote himself to the worship of the god of luck. Often times when a decision needs to be made he simply flips a coin letting his god guide his decision. He keeps with him at all times his good luck charm, a piece of shiny quartz that is actually a magical luck stone that he found on the streets as a child.
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Re: Submissions

#18 Post by Scythius Equinus »

Establishment: "The Scales the Limit"
Proprietor: James Alamo
0-Level Human

S: 12 I: 13 W: 17 D: 10 C: 9 Ch: 7
Hp: 6
Age: 59
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 190 Lbs
Alignment: Neutral

This small structure is well kept, if not perfect, it evokes a feeling of peace in its clean and simple lines. Clap board construction with a good thatch roof, the sign hanging from the overhang to the left of the door looks freshly painted declaring "The Scales the Limit" a few tables are arranged under the overhang, displaying some fine fish, and a few turtles, some fat frog legs, and even a small selection of fish hooks and line.

James was a drifter who happened upon his salvation from a short life of homeless hunger. He came across a caravan that had recently been sacked, and in searching for some food, he discovered a new fishing pole and a small sack of silver. He made his way to the next town and got himself a room and a meal. After drinking most of the silver, he decided to relax with some fishing, EVERY time he cast, he caught a large fish. At first he thought it was just dumb luck, and in a way it was. The pole he found is enchanted. It makes the fish bite the hook. He soon discovered that not all fishermen are as successful.

He has turned his fishing into a good business, supplying fish to the taverns and inns, as well as selling to the locals. He can often be heard saying "Fishin is not work, it is a pleasure that pays off handsomely."

The line and hooks he sells are not enchanted. He will go to his grave with his secret. He has a will and has left the Building and all his goods to his occasional helper, a small boy named Seth, who belongs to a local farmer.

Plot Hook: James has seen some odd creatures in the waters lately, he will swear they are Mermen, but he does not know for sure. His fear has let him set aside some coin to hire someone to investigate closer.
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Re: Submissions

#19 Post by ToniXX »

In case you're subscribed to this thread (because you submitted an entry) read this:

"Sir, our research shows that the bird is equal to or greater than the word."
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Re: Submissions

#20 Post by Merctime »

Hi everyone, new user here. I joined just because of this thread! Oh, and I also post some at a few other places. Rredmond, who posts here, is a guy I don't really know or anything, but from what I've read the guy is cool so I followed him here. Anyways, enough background stuff. I'd like to offer up something for the town. It's not a place that really has anything to offer PC's, mind you, but I think it makes sense with the overall layout of the town. A water-powered mill.

What is the establishment?
(town-name) Millhouse and Granary

Who runs it? (NPC stats to be added later)
Ulbert O'malley is the miller, age 46. He is assisted by his wife, Camilla, aged 38, and their children. They have two sons and three daughters. Johan, the eldest boy at 15, and Willam, age 12. Leannora, the eldest (of twins) of 14, her twin sister (also 14, of course) Melanie, and the younger daughter of 11 years Aubrey.

What service does it offer?
The watermill is used by the townsfolk to turn grains into usable flour, that is in turn placed into sacks. Both collected grains in tied bundles and sacks of flour are stored in the granary next to the mill building itself.

Plot Hook:
Johan O'malley takes a liking to one of the player characters in that sort of 'hero worship' kind of way. Having dreamt of becoming an adventurer for the last few years, he begins to follow them when he's not working and asks them questions about their travels and skills. The dungeon master can determine which 'class' Johan wants to become. If the players befriend his parents, the youth may be available as a linkboy, lantern-bearer, or possibly even a man-at-arms or apprentice henchman after the young man's received some training.

1.) I heard the O'malley's aren't happy with who the lord of the town has selected to marry their daughter, Melanie, when she comes of age.
2.) I heard the O'malley's won the rights to work the millhouse at a game of dice. The losers were sure upset!
3.) I heard Camilla O'malley is really a witch! There have been some strange noises and lights coming from the millhouse lately.
4.) I heard Johan O'malley is getting tired of his life and wants to become an adventurer. His parents are concerned for his safety!
5.) I heard the lord of the town isn't too happy with how the mill is being run, and is considering other farmers in the area to take it over.

Notes: Alot of the rumors, etc, are pretty weak. I should ask everyone: Is there a manor house for the local lord? That could offer some more meat for this area. I seem to recall reading that the local mill was kind of a big deal in many towns... And that even though it was pretty important, most people didn't actually like it being there. It was expensive to use (taxed by the lord for each use), and people were forced to use the lord's mill so he could tax them. If there is a mill here, I think it might be wise to add in a manor house for the local lord, and possibly tie in some plot hooks between the two. Mainly, I'm offering this up not really as a 'place to engender adventure or roleplay', but more as a backdrop to help the town seem more living and real. Kind of the sort of life that you see happening in the background as you adventure and recuperate between adventures. I suppose I could find a way to create a map for this place online somewhere, and put some more thought or stats into the NPC's as well. This is pretty threadbare as it is. Thoughts?
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