CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

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CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#1 Post by Norjax »


Tiberius walks towards the goose at the edge of the open pit. The dwarf continues to examine the walls along the way. The masonry is third-rate, with occasional deep gaps that he can fit his pinky finger into. The walls do not maintain an even surface, the hallway gets slightly narrower and then wider as he progresses towards the pit. The floor and ceiling undulate slightly as well. He finds some lichen, but it is dried up and stops after 10ft or so. As he approaches the pit, the goose moves forward, flaps its wings and takes a short flight to the other side. Safely across, it stands confused and ‘honks’ a few times and moves away from the pit.

Before he can continue his investigation of the corridor, Tiberius hears a commotion from behind. Knuckles and Einstein are making their way down the cramped tunnel carrying the pallet. They bypass Arya on the way in, and she pushes up against the wall. They motion the mushroom farmer aside, and slide the pallet across the 5ft long pit. Luke enters behind them with a lit torch, spoiling the dark vision of Arya and Tiberius.

Those outside provide covering watch or tend to their personal business.



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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#2 Post by Urson »

Arya settles Dart the kestrel on her shoulder, where he nibbles her ear. She crouches at the edge of the pit, attempting to see what may be down there. Does anyone smell anything besides old Kobold filth?

Derrek moves into the tunnel, poking at every crack and block that could even possibly be a trigger for a secret door.

Morris ,clearly annoyed that the group isn't waiting for him to finish his prayer, stands at the mouth of the tunnel. He watches from what he thinks is a safe distance.

Ruby looks shocked that this commoner would even try to charm her. Don't waste my time, villager. She joins Morris at the tunnel entrance.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#3 Post by shaidar »

Buckminster shrugs at the dismissal "It's your funeral" he mutters to himself, before heading over to the entrance.

Ralph, Terryk, Loreta all enter the passage when there is space.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#4 Post by rossik »

Zeek, the corn farmer, will wait everyone cross, so he and Shortbump II can go last. He would like to see before cross, if the pallets can hold Shortbump II weight.

Tiberius is intrigued about what could exist in the pit.
"Folks, we can tight a rope to the pallet, and the lightest of us can go down. You, goose lady. Do you volunteer?"

Anne, Rice farmer, feels blessed by Morris chant, and decide to accept the task. She just ask that some one could toss a lit torch first.

LePlank will marvel to the walls, till he start to touch it. He had listen to stories about hidden treasures in fake stone.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#5 Post by drpete »

Gambler: "Einstein" McGraw

Einstein will make his way over the pallet, and will try to help people come over in an orderly way, only one at a time on the pallet.

Wainwright: "Knuckles" Wagonwheel

Knuckles will join the line of people going across the pallet

Woodcutter: Luke Garner

Luke will follow, and light up the bottom of the pit, so that we can look down into it.

Mercenary: Arnie Wilson

Arnie will follow people in, if space opens up.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#6 Post by Norjax »


Einstein and Knuckles slowly cross the pallet. Care is taken not to step in the gaps between the cross boards, but the structure is stout enough to handle one adult human at a time. They move around 10ft ahead and wait for others to cross. Anne’s goose continues ahead and around the corner.

Arya and Tiberius look past the sides of the pallet and into the pit. It is 10ft deep with the leading and trailing edges broken in a zig-zag pattern that follows the masonry lines. The bottom is covered with dirt, dust and broken stones. The stones are polygonal in shape, but only a couple of inches thick and easily broken by a footfall. The breaks in the stone appear fresh, having happened no more than a week ago. The area has the smell of disturbed dust and stale air mixed with woodland scents blown into the tunnel.

Luke stops behind the elf and dwarf that are inspecting the open pit. Others are backed up behind him and cannot continue to move down the passage. Anne, Arnie, Derrek, Ralph, Terryk and Loreta peer forward and inquire about the hold-up. Derrek takes the opportunity to examine the walls. He feels the texture and varied crack depths in the joints. The construction is so substandard, that it would be easy to miss a fake stone that hides a secret chamber.

LePlank is stuck at the entrance with Morris, Buckminster, Ruby and Zeek. Zeek is having a hard time convincing his mule to follow him into the cave.



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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#7 Post by Urson »

Arya When she sees what's at the bottom of the pit, Arya nods, then moves on across the pallet. She walks carefully to the corner and looks around it, placing herself as a guard against whatever may come from that direction.

Derrek Waits his turn to cross the bridge, still looking everywhere for some imagined treasure. He lags behind some of the others after the pit is crossed.

Morris Finally finishes his long-winded prayer. He proceeds into the tunnel, holding his holy symbol tight in his fist, muttering under his breath. Remember- As the representative of Holy Church, I will collect a tithe of anything we find! I shall expect fair counting!

Ruby The young noble seems to have realized that she has a serious role to play here- She walks purposefully, keeping her sword at a 'low ready' position. She looks quite angry- her glares seem directed at Arya.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#8 Post by shaidar »

Urson wrote: Morris Finally finishes his long-winded prayer. He proceeds into the tunnel, holding his holy symbol tight in his fist, muttering under his breath. Remember- As the representative of Holy Church, I will collect a tithe of anything we find! I shall expect fair counting!
Walking behind Morris, Buckminster bursts into laughter, then quickly clamps his mouth shut as he heads inside.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#9 Post by drpete »

"Einstein" McGraw and "Knuckles" Wagonwheel

These guys move up towards the end of the hallway. Einstein wants to chase the goose, but doesn't want to get out past the limits of the light. Knuckles just wants to stay by Einstein.

Luke Garner

When the easy clears, he will cross the pallet and move up to illuminate the passage forward.

Arnie Wilson

Arnie grumbles about the holdup. "Hey! We're waiting back here! What's the holdup?"
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#10 Post by rossik »

If Anne manage to the to the bottom of the pit, she will investigate it with the torch
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#11 Post by Norjax »


Shortbump II will not enter the cave. Zeek reluctantly leaves the mule behind and ties him to a large root buried in the debris near the entrance.

Arya moves forward into a larger, empty area before moving to the next corner. Before her infravision is spoiled by Luke's torch, she looks down the east corridor and sees it end 30ft ahead. The hallway opens into a room or wide corridor to the north and south. Midway down the hallway ”H” are two shadowed areas that look like holes in the wall, one on the north and one on the south. They are at floor level and are approximately 1ft in diameter.

Displaced by people crowding into the dungeon, Anne’s goose starts to make its way back towards the pit. It gets trapped by those moving into the passage and mingles about before stopping to hiss at Morris.

After everyone goes across the pallet, you pull it forward so Anne can be lowered into the pit by Tiberius and Zeek. Using a torch given to her by Zeek, she looks at the debris and broken floor stones. She digs through the rubble, but finds nothing extraordinary.

Terryk calms his hen, who is somewhat disturbed by the underground environment. It soon relaxes, probably under the assumption that the dungeon is an elaborate chicken coop.



Light Sources: Torch (Luke), Torch (Anne)

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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#12 Post by shaidar »

Ralph Wallace, woodcutter:

Ralph tries to peer over Luke's shoulder

"We should send somebody down to take a look, with a pole, or something, to poke around"

he looks at Terryk next to him "What about your pitchfork, farmer, that would be useful to prod ahead"

Terryk Terrine, turnip farmer:

Terryk looks unconvinced

"Somebody can borrow it if they want. I've got to look after Camilla" he absently strokes the hen.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#13 Post by rossik »

LePlank feels like he could crack some jokes, to make things less tense. Not too loud, but enough to Morris to hear :
"What did the rich dwarf said to the beggar? Sorry, i'm a little short". He keeps his smile, face all sweat, waiting for the reaction.

Anne went up, torch in hand. "I think its better if i go a little further, like just after Zeek. Oh, i see that Sir Honkalot is returning. Let me take him to see what he can tell" and she grabs the goose back.

Zeek asks the nearby folks if it was not a good idea to get one oth the pallets with them. He could carry one, he believe. If not alone, someone could help.

Tiberius is a little sad that they found nothing. He tells the others he is almost sure that this was a trap, so the guys in front should be careful, maybe probe the way in
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#14 Post by drpete »

"Einstein" McGraw and "Knuckles" Wagonwheel

Einstein will accept the offer of the pitchfork, and the two of them will go over to the holes. Einstein will poke in one with the pitchfork, and Knuckles will get down on his hands and knees and try to look in the other one.

Luke Garner

Luke will back up to the northwest corner of this space, so that he can illuminate the hallway without being exposed to anything down there.

Arnie Wilson

Arnie goes to the southeast corner of the little space, ready for something to come flying down the corridor.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#15 Post by Urson »

Morris Morris takes a step back, angry that this goose would dare threaten him. You'll be dinner soon enough, bird. He stays near the middle of the group if he can, eyes wide and holy symbol in hand.

Arya growls softly as the two farmers rush ahead. The Fool-Killer take you both! she mutters as she follows them. She attempts to keep to the side of the tunnel, placing her feet near the wall.

Derrek strikes fire and re-lights his candle. He fidgets and cranes his neck, trying to see around those in front of him. I'll never get rich with this bunch of grubby-fingered thieves!

Ruby follows along, her eyes a bit vague. She smiles at the goose and attempts to pet it. Who's a handsome boy? she coos to the goose.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#16 Post by Norjax »


Einstein and Knuckles move forward to inspect the holes near the floor. Einstein pokes at the hole on the north wall with Terryk’s pitchfork and then bends down, on one knee, to slide it into the 1ft diameter hole. The farm tool goes in to the limit of Einstein’s reach and does not hit an obstruction.

Knuckles lowers to his hands and knees to inspect the south hole. The 1ft hole is circular and worked by hand, but is not perfect. It has been worn smooth and is coated in areas with a cloudy substance that is easy to peel off the surface. He can see into the hole about 3ft before the ambient light from Luke’s torch dissipates.

Arya moves up behind the hole inspectors, pressing her back against the north wall.

All others reposition and move up into the 10ft x 10ft square space that connects the two hallways.



Light Sources: Torch (Luke), Torch (Anne)

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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#17 Post by Urson »

Ruby works her way toward the front of the main group. Like, excuse me! I need to see what's happening!

Arya takes a small piece of the 'glaze' to examine more closely. She sniffs it, scratches at it with the tip of her dagger, attmpts to bend it- generally, just fiddles with it to try and figure out what it is.

The other two hold their places.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#18 Post by drpete »

"Einstein" McGraw

Einstein examines the two holes... the holes seem to go off at angles... do they seem to be "lined up" so that something (like a pitchfork, which he's holding) would go straight from one to another along the same angle that they seem to make with the tunnel?

"Knuckles" Wagonwheel

Knuckles stands up and calls out "Hey, could we get a torch over here?" Once he gets a torch, he'll shine the torch into the little holes to see how far down them he can see.

Luke Garner

Luke will pass the torch forward to the folks investigating the tunnel.

Arnie Wilson

Arnie mills around with the others, impatient to be
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#19 Post by shaidar »

Ralph offers up a torch if needed.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#20 Post by rossik »

LePlank got no reaction at all, so he just goes along with the line, sweating.

Anne pass everyone, carrying Sir Honkalot. With her backs against the northern wall, she will release the goose in the T section "show us the way", she whispers.

Zeek will keep his place, last on the line.

Tiberius will help inspect the strange holes the others are looking. See if there is a sign of usage or something

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