Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#241 Post by Longfingers »


From the rear of the group, Haroun sees the warrior woman go down. Anxiously he calls out to no one in particular is she all right?
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#242 Post by LtTibbles »

Skagvurd tosses the spear back to Jasper before lifting Jayamanka into his arms and heads back out to the openiing of the tunnel where they can have more room.

Make way, and somebody grab my damn hammer!"

Once in the room the room the northman will lay her back down.

"Anyone know what to do? I'm no healer..."
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#243 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


"Only... a... s..scratch," Jayamanka says weakly and with great difficulty. "Just... g.. give... m... me... a... moment."

She is shivering. Her face drawn and pallid, and her skin has an unhealthy grey tinge to it. The huntress is hardly able to move and is obviously in far worse shape than she cares to admit.

"Th... thanks... I... owe... y... you... one... N... Northman" she whispers to Skagvurd.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#244 Post by 9littlebees »


Xantius peers down at Jayamanka and frowns, muttering to himself.

"A healer... Yes, that would have been prudent..." Speaking louder, he addresses Jayamanka directly, "Do you think you will be able to go on after a short rest, or do we need to send someone back for help? I have the power to send someone to the entrance of this tower, but then they will have to make their way back to town and return. I fear that will be many days of delay."
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#246 Post by Longfingers »


What's happened to her, wizard? Haroun asked, directing the question at Xantius only because in the absence of anything else, he assumed that the spellcaster is a man of Lore, and that makes him infinitely more likely to know a way to help their companion than a dour Northman and a rogue who Haroun doubts could write his own name without help.

Is it a venom like a serpent that could be drawn out with a poultice? It looks like it's spreading so we don't have time to send back for help.

he shouted at the stricken huntress, trying not to let her see the worry in his eyes.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#247 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


"What... do you... @&%*!ng think... I'm doing!!" the huntress manages. "Th.. the poison... sets its will... against me... saps my strength... stiffens m... my limbs... and makes them... weak, so it is hard... to move... and to breathe. Like when a s... spider paralyzes its... prey. But... I have no... plans to... pass through... the last door... just yet." She briefly shows her teeth in something approximating a grin, though it is obviously a strain for her to do so.

She sounds determined, though weak. Her breathing is ragged but regular. How long it might take for the huntress to shake off the sickness is hard to tell.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#248 Post by badams30 »

Jasper - Rogue

Jasper takes his spear back and will retrieve Skagvurd's hammer. As the others attend to Jaymanka, he'll search the dead end area for any secret doors or the like...
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#249 Post by sonofotho »

badams30 wrote:Jasper - Rogue

Jasper takes his spear back and will retrieve Skagvurd's hammer. As the others attend to Jaymanka, he'll search the dead end area for any secret doors or the like...
ooc: No sign of secret doors or hidden passages. It appears a dead end.

I take it Skagvurd has carried Jayamanka back to the Y split, yeah? Let me know everyones actions.

On another note, I think Nitehood has dropped. At least I haven't heard from him and he hasn't responded to my PM. Fiddleback will 'go dark' unless needed for game play.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#250 Post by 9littlebees »


Xantius lifts an eyebrow at Haroun's outburst, but says nothing. After Jayamanka speaks, he nods curtly.

"Well, I am no healer, so it is good that she is fighting this... poison. As there is nothing we can do except wait, I propose that the bulk of our party stay her with her for a time, and one or two scouts check the other passages."

He looks meaningfully at Haroun.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#251 Post by badams30 »

9littlebees wrote:Xantius

Xantius lifts an eyebrow at Haroun's outburst, but says nothing. After Jayamanka speaks, he nods curtly.

"Well, I am no healer, so it is good that she is fighting this... poison. As there is nothing we can do except wait, I propose that the bulk of our party stay her with her for a time, and one or two scouts check the other passages."

He looks meaningfully at Haroun.
Jasper paces about aimlessly, feeling quite useless till he hears Xantius' comment about scouting and he smiles "I can check some of them passages out, yup!" He taps his spear on the floor anxiously and says "Anyone wanna join me?"

OOC: Since the light kind of kills any kind of surprise, Jasper can listen, then cautiously move ahead as needed. Although he's ill-equipped to go toe-to-toe with any bad guys, he's happy to help by using his roguish abilities.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#252 Post by LtTibbles »

Skagvurd the Pale grabs his hammer from Jasper once he returns.

"I'll keep watch over Jaya and Xantius, Haroun you should assist Jasper you seem nimble." The northman bends down and retrieves Jayamankas spear and holds it out to Haroun. "Just for the time being if you two run into anything just come back to us I'll be watching outside, oh and Jasper thank you for grabbing my hammer." He pats the rogue on his shoulder.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#253 Post by Longfingers »


The swordsman gave Xantius a glower before accepting Jayamanka's spear. Fine, he said, come on Jasper, let's see if there is anything other than death and horror in this gods forsaken hole.

OOC: happy to let Jasper be slightly ahead to take advantage of his stealth, but don't let him get too far away in case he needs backup
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#254 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: sorry again for the delay in posting... beach! :oops:

So, before I post again it sounds like Haroun and Jasper will go ahead down the other passage from the Y split while the others stay at the split.

Do Haroun and Jasper now have spears and torches? That's what it sounded like, but just wanted to check.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#255 Post by badams30 »

sonofotho wrote:ooc: sorry again for the delay in posting... beach! :oops:

So, before I post again it sounds like Haroun and Jasper will go ahead down the other passage from the Y split while the others stay at the split.

Do Haroun and Jasper now have spears and torches? That's what it sounded like, but just wanted to check.
Jasper DOES have a spear and torch, and a healthy fear of spiders and stinky dead dudes.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#256 Post by Longfingers »

OOC: Haroun has torch, spear, and a hankering for a hot woman and a cold beer.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#257 Post by sonofotho »

The rest of the party watches as Jasper and Haroun slowly make their way down the second cave passage. The torch flames disappear as the two turn round a corner to the right.

After a few tense moments the two appear again and rejoin the party, relaying what they found. The passage turns sharply to the right and thereafter the rough walls of the cave turns into a smoothly carved stone hallway ending in a reinforced wooden door.

Haroun describes strange sigils and markings etched on the door. The two did not touch them for fear of strange magicks.

Cautiously the group makes their way towards the door, Jayamanka still supported by Skagvurd. Soon you all stand in the hallway before the oaken door. Jasper points out the iron bands but notes the absence of a lock.

As the group ponders for a moment, Xantius' mind is flooded with visions. The mage sees images of a tall man in robes, drinking wine from a clear goblet. Perhaps he reads from a book? The image then shifts to a beautiful woman chained to a stone wall, a curved wall - in the tower? Before he can discern more, the vision is replaced by one of a crystal sphere of great power. Then all is black.

He stumbles a bit as he regains his focus.

ooc: FYI, to speed things up I went ahead and assumed the party went down to investigate the door once Jasper and Haroun returned. Let me know if you do anything different.
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#258 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Jayamanka leans heavily against Skagvurd as she struggles to move her stiff limbs to get along the passage and into the hallway. She still feels dreadful, each step is an immense battle of will. She hates to be a burden but is most grateful for the hulking Northman's aid. Without it, she is uncertain she could go more than a few steps.

As they enter and are confronted by the large door that Haroun and Jasper had described, the weakened huntress notices Xantius stumble and is immediately worried for him.

"Xantius!?" she croaks huskily and with some difficulty.

ooc: Good to have you back Charles. Glad you had a good holiday :D From my perspective, I'm certainly content with you moving things along a little, as you have, though I guess Jayamanka is the least likely to be doing anything different at the moment :)
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#259 Post by sonofotho »

Captain Kinkajou wrote:Jayamanka
ooc: Good to have you back Charles. Glad you had a good holiday :D From my perspective, I'm certainly content with you moving things along a little, as you have, though I guess Jayamanka is the least likely to be doing anything different at the moment :)
Thanks - it was a great vaca, but glad to be home now!
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Re: Chapter One: The Lost Tower of Balaz-kai

#260 Post by badams30 »

Jasper - Rogue

Jasper starts to approach the door to check it for traps, but seeing Xantius' looking strained he pauses and says "You okay? Want me to check this ol' door out for anything bad?"

OOC: Jasper will happily check the door for traps, but only of Xantius' is okay with it. Jasper doesn't know magic, and he trusts Xantius' opinion.
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