[Closed] 1: Otosan Uchi

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[Closed] 1: Otosan Uchi

#1 Post by Starbeard »


It is the 13th Year of the Kyūei Era.
The 34th Emperor, Emperor Kyūei of the House of Narazaka, of the House of Doji, of the House of Hantei. The Emperor is a man in his prime, and when he ascended the throne as a young man he took the name "Kyūei," which means "a return to values." For two generations the higher members of the Imperial Court had quietly grumbled about how his father and grandfather disregarded the traditional procedures of the Emerald Throne, and Kyūei has done much to reinstate confidence in the Forbidden City. The daimyos of the Clans are less pleased, for they grew wealthy and powerful under the loose eye of the previous Hantei Emperors.


It is the Year of the Wooden Dog.
The astrological calendar of Rokugan is complex. Rather than counting by centuries like our calendar, they count by sexagenaries, or 60-year cycles. Each year of the cycle is named after a unique astrological zodiac: the Fire Horse, the Water Monkey, the Wooden Tiger. Each cycle is also an era, named after the same 60 zodiacs.

This year has been especially auspicious. It is currently the Age of the Wooden Dog, and it is now the Year of the Wooden Dog. This alignment will not happen again for thousands of years.


It is Falling Leaf Month, at the Height of Autumn.
Falling Leaf Month is the month in which the traditional and noble activity of "Leaf Gazing" takes place. People flock to the countryside and spend days, or even weeks, contemplating the transcendental beauty of the falling autumnal leaves. Falling Leaf Month might roughly correspond to our "October." The coldest mountains will probably have some snow by now, but most of the Empire is enjoying the fall weather before winter comes.

The months are also aligned with the cosmos. This year, Falling Leaf Month is aligned with the Water Hen. Next month, Long Month, will be very auspicious indeed. It will be the month of the Wooden Dog, in the year of the Wooden Dog, in the age of the Wooden Dog.

Last edited by Starbeard on Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#2 Post by Starbeard »


Otosan Uchi
You have spent the summer and autumn in the capital of the Empire, Otosan Uchi. The city itself can be entered only by invitation from the Imperial family, and so over the centuries the Forbidden City has become surrounded by a metropolitan sprawl of satellite towns. You have been living in West Hub Village, the gateway to the landlocked areas of the Empire via the Road of the First Emperor.


West Hub Village
West Hub Village is a sprawling city, streaked with river canals that separate the various neighbourhoods into tiny, isolated little towns. Some people might spend most of the year never leaving their own little island district except for special occasions. Within the district people travel by foot or pay for a rickshaw, and when travelling across town they either walk over the bridges or pay for a canal boat. Horse riding is forbidden in West Hub Village unless on official business.


The Noble's Quarter
You reside in the southern noble's quarter of West Hub Village. To the north is West Hub Castle, its blue and white pagoda-like towers dominating the skyline. Beyond, the palatial gardens and temples. In all other directions are the hustle and bustle of the city.

Aiko and Koga, two young siblings of the Mirumoto Family, have been staying with relatives on their mother's Crane side of the family, at the Doji Estate.

Matsumoto Senichi, a Unicorn shugenja from a minor vassal family of the Iuchi, has just completed his yearlong position at the Shrine to the Seven Fortunes, located nearby.

The ronin Osaru has been staying at the usually peaceful inn of Kagewo Goro, a landless samurai whose family has lived in West Hub Village for four generations as ronin before finally being presented with the family name Kagewo by the magistrate of the city. Osaru has become a mainstay of the neighbourhood as he ekes out a living doing odd jobs here and there, until the day that he can restore his own family name, Yoshida, back into the records of history.

Kenta, a monk from one of the mountain temples between the Dragon and Phoenix lands, is currently on a yearlong pilgrimage after his training. He has been staying at Kagewo's inn with Osaru, inspiring the neighbourhood locals to a life of penance and contemplation by meditating in the streets and at the city's many temples.

Last edited by Starbeard on Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#3 Post by Starbeard »


Beiden Pass, in the Spine of the World Mountains
Rokugan is split into two halves, Northeast and Southwest, by the Spine of the World Mountains. The tallest peaks in the world dot in this range, including the lengendary Mountain of the Seven Thunders, and only a few perilous trails lead through it. The only pass large enough to move an army is Beiden Pass, which overlooks the Lake of Sorrows high in the mountains, and many of Rokugan's greatest battles have been fought to determine who controls it.


The Hour of the Wolf and the Festival of Sorrowful Passing
Long ago the infamous Battle of the Hour of the Dog was fought at Beiden Pass between the allies of the Scorpion and the allies of the Crane. Both armies were betrayed to treachery, and in a single evening, during the Hour of the Dog, ten thousand warriors died and were spilt into the Lake. The Battle of the Hour of the Dog has forever more been known colloquially as the Hour of the Wolf.

Every year during Long Month, the Month of the Dog, the villages around Beiden Pass and the Lake of Sorrows hold a festival for the spirits of the countless warriors who have died in the Pass over the centuries. Prayers and festivities are held in the villages and at the shrines, and on the 15th day of the month people gather along the shores of the Lake to send paper lanterns across the water to send the warrior spirits off to the spirit realm.


The Festival This Year
This year is an especially auspicious time for the Festival of Sorrowful Passing. It is the Year of the Wooden Dog, during the Age of the Wooden Dog, and the astrological element of Wood will also be ascendant in the heavenly spheres during the Month of the Dog—making this the Month of the Wooden Dog, in the Year of the Wooden Dog, in the Age of the Wooden Dog. This astrological alignment won’t happen again for centuries to come, so you have decided to travel to Beiden Pass to witness the festivals and worship your slaughtered ancestors.

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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#4 Post by Starbeard »


Basic Situation
You are all in West Hub Village, and must attend the festivals in Beiden Pass next month. Here is a map of your surroundings as you know them.


Your initial goal is to determine how and when you will travel. The Imperial Roads are strictly policed (in some areas more than others), and you must have a valid permit from an Imperial magistrate to be allowed to travel on the Roads. At the start of the adventure, all of you have valid travel papers, except for the ronin Osaru and the shugenja Senichi.

Alternative travel options are to go overland through country roads (slow and possibly more dangerous), or to take the river, which will take you out of Crane lands and into Lion territory.


Time Limit
It is currently the 20th of Falling Leaf Month. The main Festival will occur on the 15th of Long Month, which is 25 days away. You will have to plan your trip accordingly. Based on previous travels and local knowledge, you figure that it will take you two full days to walk to Kakita Castle along the Imperial Road.

I will keep track of the days using this calendar (larger images here). You will also notice several other festivals and events that will occur at the different castles along the way.


  • The Lion are preparing for war.
  • All of Otosan Uchi will be celebrating the History Festival in a few days. Parades and activities will line the streets at all hours to celebrate the history of the Empire and the eternal celestial glory of the Hantei Dynasty. Shopkeepers will have sales. There will be heavy traffic coming into the capital leading up to the festival, and heavy traffic going out of the capital afterward.
  • The villages of Beiden Pass are ruled by the Nasu, a very minor family who are independent of any major Clan. The villages were given to them some centuries ago by the Emperor, so that no major Clan would ever control the Pass. The current daimyo, Lord Nasu Mide, has a reputation for being austere and fanatically chivalrous.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#5 Post by Starbeard »

West Hub Village
20th Day of Falling Leaf Month (October-ish)
Morning, "Hour of the Dragon" (7am-9am -ish)

Days till the Festival of Sorrowful Passing: 25

OOC: You should all have your personal goals now. Check your PMs. If you have any questions, just ask. Other temporary goals may show up as we move the action along and uncover things.

As with all 'the party meets at a tavern' adventure openings, we'll have to try our best to get this started with a good sense of direction. So I'll provide a little backdrop of action to get us moving along in the spirit of the adventure.

Remember the overall goal right now is to make your travel plans and get to Beiden Pass in time to attend the Festival of Sorrowful Passing.

It is Friday ("Metal Day"), and the sun has just risen at the Hour of the Dragon (morning, 7am-9am).

All of the characters have gathered at Kagewo's inn to undergo the daily ritual of eating some rice and tea (or sake) while listening to the morning gossip. Kagewo dutifully serves food and welcomes the arrivals, while Madame Kagewo makes sure that the inn's six geisha women are ready to serve tea and initiate pleasant small talk about current events. It seems that if anything happens in West Hub Village, the workers at Kagewo's inn will know all about it.

A large Crab samurai, who hasn't been at the inn long and always seems to be a little drunk, proclaims loudly that he will be travelling through Beiden Pass soon. "Bah! The capital is for weak men. I'm already itching to make my way back to Ryoko Owari, 'Journey's End City'. Now there's a place with some real entertainment! I'm leaving in three days: the roads will be clear thanks to their silly Festival of History, and I want to make it to the other side of Beiden Pass before the snow falls."

One of the geisha pretends to be impressed. "That is very brave of you. I've heard that the cold mountain winds that blow through the Pass have become evil, and will drive you to insanity if it gets through your clothes!" The Crab laughs it off with machismo.

A young samurai who is known to be a new assistant of the district magistrate sits in the corner speaking very shyly to his favorite geisha. It's rumored that he is saving up what little money he has to marry her, but at his pay grade that could take years.

Kagewo humbly greets each of you at the door (or the stairs, if you are staying there) and asks if you will have sake or tea with your rice. "The Festival of History is coming soon and city is absolutely buzzing with excitement. I hope you will honor me on the evening of the Festival by sharing a glass of my finest rice wine!"

(PS: I have never been a stickler for how "in character" IC posts are; some players like to keep it short and write like they would speak at the table, some like to write lots of dialog, I'm fine with all of it. I figure we'll come to a general 'feel' for the game organically as we go.)

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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#6 Post by ffilz »

Senichi will come down from his room upstairs and bid a good morning to Kagewo. He will take tea with his morning rice. He will not commit to an answer about the festival but will praise the rice wine (he isn't sure yet of when we hope to travel and awaits conversation with his companions).
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#7 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Osaru does his daily morning workout in his room along with his meditation ritual then heads downstairs to get something to eat for the morning. Thinking of travel papers and how he'll manage going about getting them to go to the festivals in in Beiden Pass.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#8 Post by Rex »


Kenta rises early and practices his morning meditation and kata before descending the stairs and greeting those in the inn good morning. Once he is settled in with his breakfast he will consider his travel plans.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#9 Post by LtTibbles »

Koga enters the inn surveying the room taking particular note of the loud Crab samurai before he is greeted by Kagewo, he orders tea along with his rice before joining his companions at their table. "Good morning everyone, I hope your nights were restful."

OOC: I assume Aiko is with Koga as well but I don't want to pigeonhole Captain Kinkajou.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#10 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Aiko chatters away to Kago about the journey to Beiden Pass and all the different festivals they will be able to experience at the various castles and towns along the way. "It is a wonderful opportunity is it not brother? There is so much to see and do. We should make the most of it and visit as many as possible, do you not agree? There is the History Festival here in Otosan Uchi on 23 Luck Day and then the Star Festival at Kakita Castle on 25 Morning Day. It is about two days to Kakita Castle along the Imperial Road, so we should be able to see both if we leave early on 24 Horse Day. The Star Festival is at its height in the evening. I should not want to miss it." And so on...

On entering the inn, Aiko will order rice and tea with her brother and join the group at the table. After initial greetings, she will continue to raise the subject of festivals as much as possible in an effort to ensure the others are as invested in experiencing everything as she is.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#11 Post by Starbeard »


Kagewo the innkeeper is happy to see Aiko's enthusiasm for festivals. "That's the spirit! You won't regret staying to see the History Festival—or the special jars of sake I've saved for the evening after!"

During the morning's gossip a peasant enters from outside and waits by the door uncomfortably. After he is formally received into the house, he goes to the young assistant to the magistrate and hands him a folded letter with an official stamp on it. The samurai reads it and panics at its contents. "Lazy, impudent fool! Why was this not brought to me yesterday?!" As he yells at him, the samurai beats the peasant with the wooden folding fan hanging from his belt. He threatens to have the peasant's pay withheld, and so forth.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Osaru watches the spectacle of the beating and wonders "What do you suppose that is all about?" he asks the others at his table.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#13 Post by Rex »


"I don't know, but my curiosity is up now. Perhaps we should offer assistance? He seems very agitated."
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#14 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


At the scene, Aiko quickly rises.

"Sir, have pity on your poor fan," the samuraiko laughs good-naturedly as she glides over. "Now, away with you foolish peasant before you cause this gentleman to break a good fan on account of your tardiness." She shoos the peasant away from the beating and places herself in front of the young samurai. Her good humour suddenly turning to concern. "Why sir, forgive my intrusion but you look quite pale. While performing your magesterial duties, many difficult and onerous issues must weight upon you but today I see you have received particularly troubling news. Please, allow me to introduce myself and offer to share some tea with you. My friends and I would be honoured to share your company."

ooc: My knowledge of samurai etiquette is somewhat limited so please shout if I'm committing any faux pas that Aiko would be aware of. Hopefully, I'm skirting around anything major.
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#15 Post by ffilz »

Captain Kinkajou wrote:Aiko

Aiko chatters away to Kago about the journey to Beiden Pass and all the different festivals they will be able to experience at the various castles and towns along the way. "It is a wonderful opportunity is it not brother? There is so much to see and do. We should make the most of it and visit as many as possible, do you not agree? There is the History Festival here in Otosan Uchi on 23 Luck Day and then the Star Festival at Kakita Castle on 25 Morning Day. It is about two days to Kakita Castle along the Imperial Road, so we should be able to see both if we leave early on 24 Horse Day. The Star Festival is at its height in the evening. I should not want to miss it." And so on...

On entering the inn, Aiko will order rice and tea with her brother and join the group at the table. After initial greetings, she will continue to raise the subject of festivals as much as possible in an effort to ensure the others are as invested in experiencing everything as she is.
That all sounds wonderful, however I must first acquire traveling papers before setting out on a journey along the Imperial Road.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#16 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Osaru replies to Senichi's statement about traveling papers "That would make two of us Senichi. I too lack the proper travel papers."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#17 Post by Rex »


"Perhaps it would be quicker to leave now and travel off the imperial road. I hear it can take a long time to get papers."
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#18 Post by LtTibbles »

Koga watches Aiko carefully as she approaches the boorish Crab "Easy sister..." he thinks to himself, but knowing his sisters skill with her sword he turns back to his companions. "It may be worth checking into, if we can travel by the roads our travel time will be greatly reduced Aiko and I have some family business at Doji Castle along the way."
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#19 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Osaru "Which road still does not solve our issue with two of us needing papers." the ronin chimes into the conversation.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Prologue: Otosan Uchi

#20 Post by Starbeard »

As the party deliberates over when and how to make their journey, Aiko slips over to the other side of the large room in an attempt to defuse the argument between the magistrate's assistant and the peasant messenger. Her entrance startles the young official and his geisha companion.

Aiko: please make a simple Etiquette roll. I'll make it an easy task of TN10, since we can assume that Aiko is familiar with the basic rules of conduct in this fairly standard situation and because you are actively trying to distance yourself from the peasant rather than champion his side.

If the check fails, then you haven't been able to find a way to enter the argument without issuing a faux pas: you can either let it be, or insist on getting involved despite the faux pas. Either way, if you do get involved then we'll make a contested Sincerity roll against the official to sway his attitude.

Your Intelligence is 2 and your Etiquette is 1, so you will be rolling 2+1 = 3 dice, keeping 2 (i.e., 3k2). Make sure you roll each die separately ([1d10] [1d10] [1d10]) so that you can choose the two you'd like to keep, and remember that 10s always get to roll over.

And remember, if you fail a roll you can always make an Honor Save, by rolling your Honor rank against a TN (in this case the default of 15): if you pass then the action succeeds after all and you gain +1 honor point, but if you fail then you disgrace yourself and lose 10 honor points.


  • Kenta, monk: no armor (TN10), naginata 6k4 (DR 7k3) | Honor 2;5, Wounds (6) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2
  • Matsumoto Senichi, Unicorn shugenja: no armor (TN10), wakizashi 3k2 (DR 4k2) | Honor 2;5, Wounds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2 | Spell Slots: F3/A2/W3/E2
  • Mirumoto Koga, Dragon bushi: no armor+daisho (TN15), daisho 6k3 (DR 5k2) | Honor 2;5, Wounds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2
  • Mirumoto Aiko, Dragon bushi: no armor+daisho (TN25), daisho 6k3 (DR 4k2) | Honor 2;5, Wounds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2
  • Yoshida Osaru, ronin: no armor (TN15), katana 6k3 (DR 5k2) | Honor 2;5 Wounds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2

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