OOC Discussion

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OOC Discussion

#1 Post by drpete »

Here's a place to discuss things OOC.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#2 Post by Piper »

Thinking of playing a hobbit fighter/thief.

Since no one else is throwing their lot in yet, I’m just gonna run with it.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#3 Post by drpete »

Hobbit sounds good. They get variots benefits, but they suffer from their small size. All of the encumbrance categories are one item smaller for a hobbit.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#4 Post by jasonzavoda »

Dwarf fighter for me
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Re: OOC Discussion

#5 Post by drpete »


As a dwarf, you'll get +1 to each inventory slot. As a strong character (15+) you can handle another item in each, so 6 in the pack, 5 in each the torso and the belt.

Note that dwarves (and halflings, now that I look at it) have a base move of 25, rather than 30.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#6 Post by Spearmint »

hello all

Have rolled and adjusted inventory and stuff on sheet. rolled macro for hp, 4+4 /2 + 4, spent 130 gp on my equipment. looks ready to go?
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Re: OOC Discussion

#7 Post by drpete »

Hi Spearmint...

Welcome aboard. It seems like you've jumped pretty far forward, but let's not get tooooooo far ahead of ourselves.

Ok, I see elven fighter/mage. Looking over what you've got, I see your encumbrance looks ok...

torso: (3)
Quiver of arrows

belt: (3)
Silver Dagger

Backpack (arguably this might be 4, if you treat one flask of oil and 2 days rations as 1):
3 flasks of oil
1 flask of oil
2 days rations
tinderbox (*)

So, you're well outfitted, but additional gear will bring you to encumbered.

But we need to get your spell situation ironed out. Give me a list of spells in the order you would like them, and I'll roll based on your chance to know them. We're doing Journeymanne Rules, which doesn't let you pick your first N spells, you just go down the list (in an order you select) until you get up you your maximum.

Also, I think you're not using our initial hp rolling convention.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#8 Post by drpete »

Just so we're on the same page, the tavern scene is to let you get started, but also because a few people started toward making characters, and I wanted to give them a chance to catch up before we really dive in.

Ultimately, you guys can either already know each other and be a team, or do a "meet up" in that thread... however you want to handle that. You can dig in with the npcs as much or as little as you want... you might get jobs, enemies, or hire some help... who knows?

Ultimately, at some point, you need to get a guide to get you to the barrow area...
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Re: OOC Discussion

#9 Post by drpete »

Hey folks, hope all is well, and you're enjoying things ok so far.

I'll be more or less available during the thanksgiving season, but might have limited access for some of it.

I'm thinking that we should start things off properly in the week following thanksgiving. There are a couple of people who are sort of started making characters, so we'll give them through the break to finish up.

If you guys want to do more (recruit help? Buy stuff?) or hunt for more rumors or something, please let me know...
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Re: OOC Discussion

#10 Post by Piper »

Sounds good to me!
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Re: OOC Discussion

#11 Post by leafcutter »

I wanted to gather some rumors during the tavern scene, but if you'd rather do that separately, that's fine with me. We should also probably recruit some help before we go into the dungeon proper, though maybe that isn't necessary for the first trip to the barrow mounds.

Other than that, I'm all set with regards to purchasing, and ready to get on with the adventure. :)
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Re: OOC Discussion

#12 Post by drpete »

We can totally continue, as you like. If you have other stuff to do, though, lemme know so we can take care of the preliminary stuff :)
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Re: OOC Discussion

#13 Post by thirdkingdom »

Thanks for the add, dr pete! What version of Blueholme are you using? I see two different versions (Prentice and Journeyman).
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Re: OOC Discussion

#14 Post by drpete »

We're using Journeymanne, but the differences are pretty minor at low levels... mage spell selection is random instead of picking...available races are expanded to whatever you can reasonably want to try from the book (maybe not green slime... etc)
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Re: OOC Discussion

#15 Post by drpete »

Hi folks,

Hope you've been having a relaxing holiday.

It's my hope to get things rolling Monday. We are again down to 4 party members, though we've got 3-4 people who have expressed interest that we can slot in as they are ready (hopefully soon...?)

I've tried to summarize the vital info of all of the characters in the "Vital Stats" thread. Let me know if you see a problem there.

Wick, we talked about you switching to sling. Did you want to do that?

Carling, there is no Chaotic Neutral in Holmes. Can you slide into either CG, or Neutral? Also, we'll need you to pick your spell before we go. You'll only be able to refresh it by coming back to town, whether you cast it or want to change it... no refreshing a spell without a scroll.

Also, I've added a thing about alignment and languages. It's slightly tweaked, making the alignment languages more like civilization languages and common a trade tongue, rather than the other way around. Which languages you speak may not make a *huge* difference, but there will be moments where it'll matter.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#16 Post by thirdkingdom »

I'm still digesting the rules, and will try to have a character up by tomorrow night. I've got to admit that I'm kinda lost on the combat rules.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#17 Post by drpete »

The combat (house) rules are definitely something curious... I'm hoping that it's going to be fairly compatible with pbp, since there's a declaration of intent, then it's just about adjucating what goes first.

By default Blueholme simply uses dexterity as initiative. On your turn in initiative order, you do whatever you do, start to finish.

I'm curious to see what this alternate system from about the same era as Holmes does, in play. Basically, it's still init order, but in phases.

At a first approximation, it's movement for everyone, then melee for everyone, then spells for everyone, rinse, repeat. You can move double but get no attack, if you want.

Bows get some tweaks to let them fire faster at non-melee targets, but they cannot fire into melee. There are a few other tweaks in there like knockbacks that might (?) make things kind of cinematic.

I added various chrome to the weapons to make weapon choice potentially cool. There will be different weapons that are "optimal" in different situations, etc. Those numbers are mostly cribbed from either od&d or ad&d (and generally simplified). I've never done weapon vs armor before, but I figure if it can be kept track of, it ought to add something.
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Re: OOC Discussion

#18 Post by drpete »

Alright... trying it out... here's a sample combat (round)

The group encounters a nest of 8 giant rats. They become known to the party when they are 30 feet away... at the limit of the group's torchlight. Fortunately, as they walked, Wick was keeping his bow aimed into the tunnel ahead of them, for just this eventuality. As a result, he is able to fire quickly, before the rats close. Rat fur is thick and provides some protection, like leather armor.

Wick sling vs unarmored/leather [1d20-17] = 9-17 = -8 [1d8] = 6

Wick's shot, which would hit AC 7 (after getting +1 for close range) hits, and kills one of the rats.

The rats then close the distance, and are on the party. Say it's Theglid and Lhainor in the front.

Rat 1 is fast, and attacks Theglid:
Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 14 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 1+disease on 1 [1d20] = 11 Save vs poison [1d20] = 6
This 14 roll is not modified because daggers (teeth) have no mod vs mail. The rat needs 14+Theglid's AC to be 20. Theglid's AC is 4, so 14+4 = 18. No hit.

Carling, in the second rank, can act, but cannot reach the rats. He holds his attack.

Rat 2 is also fast, and attacks Lhainor, with AC 2:
Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 12 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 1+disease on 1 [1d20] = 9 Save vs poison [1d20] = 4
This 12 roll is modified down to a 10 because daggers have trouble getting through plate. 10+Lhainor's AC of 2 is less than 20. Miss.

Wick, in the second rank, switches to his dagger.

Two more rats attack, one on each of the men in the front rank.
Vs Theglid:
Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 16 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 3+disease on 1 [1d20] = 13 Save vs poison [1d20] = 8
This attack 16+ Theglid's AC of 4 = 20, is a hit. It does 3 damage, but is not diseased. Theglid is at 3/6. He has taken 50% of his total damage, so he makes a percent roll to see if he is knocked down:
Knock down Theglid [1d100] = 70
He is swept off his feet by the attack of the giant rat! He will get no attack this turn!

Vs Lhainor:
url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... acid=11524]Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 9 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 2+disease on 1 [1d20] = 6 Save vs poison [1d20] = 1[/url]
7+2 < 20, so miss.

Theglid misses his chance to attack, but Carling attacks, now that he has an opening, against the rat that knocked down Theglid:
Carling sword vs leather [1d20-19] = 15-19 = -4 [1d8] = 4
This attack hits and kills the rat that was on top of Theglid!

Another rat goes after Lhainor:
Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 2 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 3+disease on 1 [1d20] = 18 Save vs poison [1d20] = 14

Lhainor attacks one of the rats:
Lhainor sword vs leather [1d20-19] = 12-19 = -7 [1d8] = 5

Two more rats go after Theglid!
Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 1 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 2+disease on 1 [1d20] = 17 Save vs poison [1d20] = 13
Giant Rat bite: (Thac0 20) [1d20] = 18 (+2/+2/0/-2) [1d3] = 2+disease on 1 [1d20] = 15 Save vs poison [1d20] = 11
One misses, the other hits, doing 2 points of damage!

And that's the end of round one. It looks like the swarm of giant rats is pretty brutal if they all get to attack!
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Re: OOC Discussion

#19 Post by Piper »

drpete wrote:Wick, we talked about you switching to sling. Did you want to do that?
Yes, I'm changing to sling. I'll fix that. Sorry ... busy holiday weekend!
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Re: OOC Discussion

#20 Post by drpete »

It's cool, man. Mine is busy, too. I just have to do work here/at a computer this weekend, and am taking breaks/procrastinating with this :)
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