IX. Brighton

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IX. Brighton

#1 Post by dmw71 »

Brighton and Mayor Thatcher
As planned, the group rises early and meets in the common room where they meet up with Borin. The elderly warden treats everyone to a full breakfast, leaving a generous tip, and urges a hasty departure once everyone has had their fill.

(Please discuss/decide in the ooc thread the transportation options for the group. If the cart, for 100gp, only the supplies will be able to be transported and everyone will need to walk; the wagon, for 200gp, will also allow everyone to ride (cramped) in addition to the supplies)

Your trip to Brighton was long but uneventful. On the way, you were briefed about a possible goblin uprising and a disease sweeping through the town -- the same information you already had. Borin was unable to answer any more of your questions, but informs the group that all would be explained by Thatcher upon their arrival.

An hour or so after the sun sets, evenly spaced lights appear off in the horizon as the a walled city comes into view -- Brighton!

Your cart or wagon, plus anyone traveling on foot, arrive at the south gate where they're greeted by a garrison of 4 guards clad in leather and carrying spears. Each of the four guards wears a horn around a lace of leather on their belt. One guard approaches the convoy and demands a 1 gold piece per axel tax payment, but notices Borin and allows the group to pass without collecting any fee.

The caravan passes through the gate and travels north along a cobblestone road, towards the center of town.

The streets, at night, are largely empty, except for the occasional guard patrol walking the streets. Most of the buildings are solidly built of stone, with a few constructed of timber. Conversely, most homes are made of timber with thatched roofs, where only the exceptional homes are made of stone. The smell isn't terrible, but a foul odor definitely draws your attention towards a a functional gutter system that runs waste through town alongside the roads, down to cisterns where the waste is leeched and filtered through gravel systems then sent back into the nearby river.

You continue north until you reach the center of town, were Borin turns the progression to your left at a cross-intersection, towards a castle located just inside the western wall. "That's where we're heading," he says, indicating what was once a powerful military castle. There, your cart or wagon and any livestock is taken by one of the guards stationed at the barbican, and relocated to Thatcher's stables just to the south of his stronghold.

Once inside, you quickly observe that the fortress is full of the comforts of a home -- Thatcher doesn’t decorate in valuables; he decorates in textures and rich warm colors. Thatcher maintains only a small staff of townsfolk to help take care of the castle, and it is garrisoned with only a couple dozen guards.

You are immediately escorted into a private audience chamber, which is not more than an office, and you immediately sense this is no normal mayor -- there are stuffed trophy heads from hunting expeditions that include large reptiles and things you’ve never seen before. On the walls are the many writs and thank-you letters from barons, dukes, and kings from all around the land. In the center of the room, sitting behind a desk, is a small, withered old man who seems very much at ease; comforted by the elements of his past. He hardly looks capable of such heroic feats today, but it is clear that Mayor Thatcher was once a great hero of an older generation.

His staff has been expecting you, and at the Mayor's command, they produce enough chairs for everyone in the group, placing them comfortably around the front of the desk. Thatcher beckons you to take seats. “Thank you for coming, adventurers." he starts, before opening with an admission: "I desperately need your help." He continues: "When I wore a younger man’s boots, I would have handled this issue myself. But alas, the years were only kind to me until a few winters ago and now my body ages.”

"My name is Richan Thatcher, and I will answer all of your questions in due time, but first, please, introduce yourselves. I am most interested in getting to know those that Borin saw fit to recruit."


Please introduce your characters however you'd like to reveal yourselves to Mayor Thatcher.


Possessions Left Behind ---
Date: 30 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 19:45 (Sunrise: 06:43, Sunset: 18:28)
Temp: 66F
  • Cool
    Light Breeze
Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None.
Character Status
  • Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10-8 = 2 | Armor: Banded, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (18)
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5-3 = 2 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Staff | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1, 0 (Light)
    • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Charm Person)
    Keebler | : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (17) | Spells: 1st: 1 (Sleep)
    Horatio | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 8 | Armor: Leather | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    Dimly | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4 | HP: 8 | Armor: Scale, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Dagger, Sling
The Lost or Fallen
  • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
    Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
    Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
    Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield) <--- Retired.
Marching Orders
  • Keebler
  • Junius
  • Junius & Keebler
    AdaRue & Horatio
    Rainey & Canun
  • None.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#2 Post by dmw71 »

Mayor Thatcher
"Bah!" the Mayor exclaims, pausing briefly. "Introductions at this point are unnecessary -- if Borin identified you, that's good enough for me," he says. He then clears his throat before continuing, still seated in a chair on the others side of his desk:

Thatcher clears his throat and continues: “Long ago, the Daakencraags to the north were home to a goblin kingdom... until I led a small army into the mountains and put an end to the goblin king's' reign! I defeated the goblin king, his private guard, and also destroyed much of their shaman’s lab before sealing off the entrance to the foul goblin halls.

"Since then, I have built up a very fine town, secure in its finances and its safety. My henchmen and I formed the wardens -- Borin being one of my veterans -- to patrol the area and keep the goblins of the Daakencraags, and the creatures of the Darkenwolde Forest, in check. We have flourished and prospered... until now.”

A noticeably long pause after delivering that last line makes it obvious that the "until now" situation clearly weighs on him. He then begins a lengthy detail of the situation, and his expectations:

“As you've undoubtedly heard, this town -- which I care for more than you know -- has been infected by something, and my people are being made sick. Sometimes fatally. I weep each time I hear of the blighting disease taking another life," he says. "It took us so long, but we now realize that the water in the river is poisoned, and coming from the mountain.

Plus, the goblins, which have not been an issue for a long time, have also begun harassing people on the roads, which is becoming an increasing concern.

“A few weeks ago, one of my more overconfident wardens took a unit of eight fresh recruits into the Daakencraags to the north. They ventured farther than was safe, and discovered that one of the sealed goblin entrances has been re-opened. They went inside and were ambushed. My warden managed to return, but without any of the eight recruits. He claimed half of them were dead, and the other half fled deeper into the goblin halls.

He was the first to die from the blight.

“The next day I sent four very experienced wardens to investigate, but none have returned. That’s when I sent the riders to find help... and that’s where you come in.

"I need you to venture into the goblin halls and find out whatever is poisoning the river. Find out if the goblins are rebuilding their kingdom... and if so, bring me the head of whatever goblin is wearing the crown of command. Do this for me. Do this for the town of Brighton. Do it because it is right and just. And, of course, do it for gold.

"Take this now and divide it amongst yourselves, and keep what you find in the goblin halls. I left much there when we sealed those entrances so many years ago.”

With that, Thatcher lifts a platter that had been resting on his lap and places it on the table. On this platter are seven pouches, each filled with 100-gold pieces, and slides a pouch to each member of the group.

"Any questions?" he asks, before adding that everyone will can expect free accommodations in his manor for the night, and that he expects the group to leave at first light.


Note: I have updated the 'Geography' post with a map of your new area (it's also at the top of the footer section at the bottom of my updates), and I've gone ahead and hid the old information.



Brighton Area Map

Date: 30 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 19:46 (Sunrise: 06:43, Sunset: 18:28)
Temp: 66F
  • Cool
    Light Breeze
Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None.
Character Status
  • Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10 | Armor: Banded, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (18)
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Charm Person)
    Keebler | : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (17) | Spells: 1st: 1 (Sleep)
    Horatio | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 8 | Armor: Leather | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    Dimly | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4 | HP: 8 | Armor: Scale, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Dagger, Sling
The Lost or Fallen
  • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
    Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
    Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
    Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield) <--- Retired.
Marching Orders
  • Keebler
  • Junius
  • Junius & Keebler
    AdaRue & Horatio
    Rainey & Canun
  • None.
Last edited by dmw71 on Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Updated hit points and refreshed spells.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#3 Post by panglott »

In due time, though, Dimly speaks. I am Dimly, he says. I was admiring your well-built town all the ride in here: a sturdy and well-defended city wall, a town built of stone with cobbled streets and adequate sanitation, and a stout stone castle at the center. Such careful construction is evidence of good planning and forward thinking; you must have one of the most robust and flourishing communities in the region. And so I wondered how we few could aid you. He glowers at the thought of the sealed caverns. Goblins! Everywhere they are a curse and a scourge. I will take this quest, for gold and glory!

But I must ask about this blight: Are there any who have resisted it? Is it only those who have drunk water from the river that have succumbed to it? Have your healers found any herb or substance that may serve as a prophylactic? Near the unsealed cave, are there any untainted springs from which we may draw clean water?

Dimly takes the offered gold, and after taking leave of Thatcher, prepares himself to leave in the morning. He hopes to find an armorer who has dwarf-sized banded mail (or chain mail) in stock, and who will buy his used scale mail. If there's no banded mail available, he will buy a shortbow and arrows and sell his sling. He then looks for a cheap inn at which to stay the night, with good ale to loose the tongues of the locals for rumors.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#4 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

During the trip to Brighton, AdaRue walks alongside the cart. Though she appreciates not needing to carry all her possessions on her back, her mood is tempered from a combination of recently losing many of her friends and telling to an unknown town that is besieged by goblins and plague. She has several short conversations with her companions, especially the two newcomers, Horatio and Dimly, getting to know their backgrounds and learn why they want to become adventures. She does her best to about scaring them off.

Brighton seems massive to her and the experience of being addressed by a mayor is difficult to swallow. Growing up she had learned to avoid speaking with someone above her station, even when working with the midwives. But when she is asked to introduce herself, AdaRue clears her throat and speaks as confidently as she can. Thank you for inviting us, Mayor Thatcher, we are glad to aid you and your people. She introduced herself as a priestess of the Mother, a midwife's apprentice and adventurer, leaving it the recent banishment despite her innocence. Are there no clerics that can prettify the water, or will to draw from? Where is the source of the river, and should that be addressed first?

She accepts the coins offered and asks if the mayor has access to scrolls of healing, as those are likely to be more useful than gold when the group enters the caves.

Dave: AdaRue no longer has her staff. And if she and Junius aren't at full HP, she will use her CLW on Junius in Roganter and while traveling.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#5 Post by Zhym »

Horatio grabs a pouch, hefts it in one hand to check that the weight is two pounds, and ties it to his belt. "You had me at 'gold,'" he says. "The killin' part's a nice bonus."
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Re: IX. Brighton

#6 Post by dmw71 »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:Dave: AdaRue no longer has her staff. And if she and Junius aren't at full HP, she will use her CLW on Junius in Roganter and while traveling.
Fixed. Everyone is at full strength.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#7 Post by onlyme »

Junius answers the request by telling who he is, though he visibly looks weary from watching so many die beside him. He prepares for this charge like he did the ones before, by drinking an ale and making sure he has food.

it might take me a day or two to get caught up... so many posts to read, and apparently work folks seem to think I should pay attention to them as well...
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Re: IX. Brighton

#8 Post by drpete »

Rainey takes a pouch thoughtfully, then introduces himself...

"Hello, sir. I am Rainey Daze, wizard, expert in all things magical. We will do our best, but I hope, sir, you can give us some additional details about the disease. You believe it to be caused by the water. Are people who drink the water in town becoming ill? What about people who drink ale? That is often said to be healthier, and more nutritious. Also, can you tell us... how long does it take people to die of the disease? Maybe you could put us in touch with someone who has been treating the sick?"
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Re: IX. Brighton

#9 Post by Zhym »

Elethil listens to the Mayor in thoughtful silence. The elf had announced his intention to depart the adventuring life for something less likely to end in his premature death—which is to say, his death at all. He was looking forward to a long life spent not having things trying to kill him on a frequent basis. But then this came up. A town in need of help.

He sighs in the realization that his respite is not yet to come. Humans don't live long, and they may get an afterlife, but Elethil would no sooner allow the needless deaths of dozens of humans than he would stand idly by while someone kicked puppies and kittens.

He looks at the mayor with a look of concern. He does not yet touch any of the bags of gold. "You say you already sent two teams of people into the Daakencraags. Some inexperienced, some experienced. Why do you believe we would fare any better?"
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Re: IX. Brighton

#10 Post by dmw71 »

Situation Overview
Thatcher beams with pride and nods at the dwarf in appreciation as Dimly compliments him on the well-built town he is responsible for creating. He then sits and patiently listens to all the various questions being hurled in his direction. Once the questions slow, he begins to formulate his thoughtful responses, hoping to answer them all satisfactorily:

"We don't know if there are any that have been exposed to this disease and have resisted it, but those that begin to show symptoms... well, they have all perished without exception," he sighs. "Once you become symptomatic, you can expect to see the sun rise maybe seven more times. Sometimes as many as ten, or a dozen days." He admits to not knowing whether hanging on longer is a benefit or a curse?

“The source of the disease is definitely the water supply, but there are cases where victims have become indirectly -- ” he begins to grow emotional, and takes a meaningful pause before continuing. “I know of at least one newborn that has succumbed to the disease without drinking any water themselves… but their breastfeeding mother had. This leads me to believe that there are other indirect methods of contracting it as well."

To questions raised about ale, Thatcher waivers slightly in his response. “It’s dangerous,” he admits. “Any ale or other spirit that was brewed prior to the water becoming infected is most likely safe – but, what will you be drinking this liquid from? A glass? A tankard? How were these vessels cleaned? If the water used was not properly boiled…

Which, again, is precisely why I am having you all as my personal guests in my manor, and will need to limit your access to town... for now. I will take no offense if you decline and food or drink offerings, but I offer you my personal assurances that all necessary precautions have been taken to ensure their safe use.”

"I imagine, with greater power than anyone in Brighton possesses, it might be possible to cure this disease magically, but our clerics and healers are tirelessly working to find a cure, but none have been successful… yet."

“The branch of the river which feeds into Brighton originates in the Daakencraags, right near the old goblin halls. The goblin king I defeated many, many years ago had a shaman. We destroyed its lab during our conquest, but the shaman itself was never captured. I fear, it’s possible the shaman has returned, or a new one has sprung up to play a hand in this somehow.

“Exploring this goblin hall, and the unsealed entrance, is our top priority, and why you’ve been recruited.“

“As for the river, it appears to have been affected in its entirety. There may be small streams or pools of water that are unaffected, but only if they’re not somehow connected to the river. Right now, the only safe way to drink water is to boil it first.”

Thatcher apologizes, but admits that no magical healing of any kind is available for distribution or sale. “Any magical resources that we possess here in Brighton – which are not many – must be kept in order to comfort and aid those that have already, or will become, inflicted.”

“Only four experienced wardens have been sent to investigate the Daakencraags – we’re still awaiting their return, but there has been no contact from them… yet. We still hold out hope that they will be successful.

Will you fare any better? Perhaps?”
He pauses briefly. “Please remember that Borin is just one of many riders I sent out looking for recruits, and is only the second to have returned. See, you were not the first to come to me… another group, calling themselves the Crimson Brotherhood, arrived earlier this morning and offered their services. They were more mercenaries than heroes, and tried to negotiate more reward, as well as brag about their eagerness to murder goblins. As desperate as we are, I sent them away, and escorted to the edge of this land with orders not to return. Although my assistants couldn’t believe I did that, we don’t need that kind of help. I can only imagine the demands they would make if they were to find a cure and hold it ransom over us.

You seem different, and I’m happy to have you working for.”

With that, Mayor Thatcher arranges for the group to be escorted to his manor and put up in fine accommodations, and offered complementary food and drink, if they want it. “I hate to quarantine you off, but please stay in your rooms. Anything you will need, I will have my men set out to get for you, though, I fear, no healers with experience treating the disease will be available at this hour.

Tomorrow, my men will come for you at first light.”


Dimly inquires about the availability of a dwarven-sized suit of armor, and is informed that none currently exist. Thatcher arranges for a tailor to pay a visit to the dwarf in his room to take the necessary measurements so that Daugar, the towns armorer, may craft a suit for him while he’s out.

Thatcher does inform the group that he will do his best to supply them with any weapon or ammunition requests they may have, but admits their supplies are somewhat limited. He does guarantee Dimly that a short bow and quiver of normal arrows (20) will be provided to him. He also adds that he has one extra quiver of Brightontip arrows available that he will freely provide to the group to split amongst its archers.


A few notes:
  1. Brighton is much smaller than the revamped Roganter, and due to its small size and the fact that it is out of the way for most merchants, no adventuring item worth more than 25gp can be found for sale on any shelf. There are people in town that can be commissioned to craft more expensive items (e.g. armor, etc…), but they would need half the money up front to buy materials, and there will be a delay before those items would ultimately become available;
  2. Brightontip arrows are broader than normal arrows but are crafted of thinner steel which collapses when it hits bones.

    These arrows cannot be retrieved and re-used because they are destroyed in their use as the collapsing broad arrowhead tears tissue and wraps around bone. They do 1d10 damage if fired from a long bow or 1d8 damage if fired from a short bow.

    Against foes wearing chainmail or greater armor, the arrow only does 1d6 damage (regardless of what type of bow fires them); they’re just not designed for that kind of foe.

    Please let me know how these arrows will be distributed and add the appropriate quantities to your character sheets. Also, anyone who intends on using one of these specialty arrows must declare so before any attack roll is made (a special macro can be created for this). If no designation is made, a normal arrow will be assumed to have been used;
  3. I still need updated marching orders. Please discuss and come to an agreement in the ooc thread.



Brighton Area Map

Date: 30 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 20:37 (Sunrise: 06:43, Sunset: 18:28)
Temp: 66F
  • Cool
    Light Breeze
Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None.
Character Status
  • Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10 | Armor: Banded, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (18)
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Charm Person)
    Keebler | : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (17) | Spells: 1st: 1 (Sleep)
    Horatio | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 8 | Armor: Leather | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20)
    Dimly | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4 | HP: 8 | Armor: Scale, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Dagger, Shortbow (20)
The Lost or Fallen
  • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
    Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
    Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
    Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield) <--- Retired.
Marching Orders
  • Keebler
  • Junius
  • Junius & Keebler
    AdaRue & Horatio
    Rainey & Canun
  • None.
-- Project --
Playtest: Untitled Project (1e)
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Re: IX. Brighton

#11 Post by AleBelly »

The Crimson Brotherhood seem like some smart fellows thinks Canun to himself. They sound as if they are brothers of the faith.

The pudgy cleric knows better than to voice his opinion, and simply remains quiet as they prepare to leave. That is, until he has an idea. "I hope you can at least provide us with cloth suitable for covering our mouths and noses? Breathing in this foul air may also lead to disease."
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Re: IX. Brighton

#12 Post by onlyme »

Junius eyes the arrows, and mentions he would certainly like to carry his share. (assuming we split them evenly between the archers.)
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Re: IX. Brighton

#13 Post by panglott »

Sounds like what we need is an iron kettle says Dimly. How long is the trip to the caverns? We'll need some rations. He gathers what he needs for the trip.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#14 Post by Zhym »

"I'd take some of them bad boys," says Horatio of the arrows.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#15 Post by dmw71 »

You each receive knocks on your doors shortly before morning's light and you're led to the manor exit. Thatcher is there waiting for you... but he is still seated in a chair, with wheels on it, and he does not rise when the group approaches. "You'll have to forgive me for not rising to greet you," he says. "I wish I could, believe me." . He goes on to explain how he fell from his mount while on a hunt a little over a year ago and never recovered the use of his legs. "All the healers I've seen say the same thing: My days of riding, swordplay, and commanding armies across the countryside are over," he admits with a hint of remorse. "I'm afraid my body is just done living, and I fear the rest of me is soon to follow."

"But, no time for that."
he says, waving over the trusted servants he is surrounded by. These servants proceed to pass out a small pouch, wrapped shut with a scarf, to each group member. "The scarf, to cover your mouths and noses, should you desire --" he starts, "-- and your pouches will contain two days of preserved trail rations. It's the most we could afford to freely distribute, I'm afraid." The servants also bring forth a gallon-sized iron cauldron which weighs 5-pounds in its current empty state. "As requested; to boil water on the road," he adds.

With the requested items now distributed, Thatcher turns to business. "The old goblin halls are roughly seven miles north, northeast of here, and should take you no more than a couple of hours to reach."

"No guide will be necessary,"
he adds. "Simply follow the Brother’s River to its source in the Daakencraags." With that, he unrolls a map drawn upon a sheet of parchment and uses his withered finger to trace the path between Brighton, centered near the bottom of the map, along the Brother's River up north:
Brighton Area Map.png
Brighton Area Map.png (510.73 KiB) Viewed 3733 times
"That is where you must go," he says, pointing his finger on the area labeled: Old Goblin Halls.


The party briefed and equipped, Thatcher has his servants cast open the doors to his manor. "Follow me," he says as he begins to wheel himself outside and through town, leading the way. The people of Brighton show up along the road as you approach Northgate. Children cheer, women curtsy and men nod knowingly while looking you in the eye, and offer firm handshakes, but not taking offense if their efforts are rebuked. At the Northgate, a pair of Thatcher's wardens escort you for about a half hour as you depart the city, then shake your hands. "Good luck," they say as you part ways.

You stand on a well-traveled dirt trail along the north bank of the eastern fork of the source of the Brother’s River, a few hours south of the Daakencraags.


Just as the first hour of your trip is about to expire, a couple hundred yards in the distance ahead of you, you spy a handful of goblins. The two lead goblins are pulling a large caged wagon... with what appears to be a human-sized occupant locked inside.

This band of goblin is traveling on the same road as you, heading in the same direction, and do not appear to notice you.


Due to a lack of direction otherwise, I have made the following two decisions:
1) The Brightontip arrows are going to be equally divided amongst all PCs with bows, leaving 5 each for Junius, Keebler, Horatio, and Dimly (the counts indicated in blue, below);
2) I have placed Dimly behind Junius in the marching order.



Brighton Area Map

Date: 1 Martius, Year 7102
Time: 07:58 (Sunrise: 06:50, Sunset: 18:35)
Temp: 66F
  • Cool
    Light Breeze
Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None.
Character Status
  • Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10 | Armor: Banded, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (20) [5]
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Charm Person)
    Keebler | : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20) [5] | Spells: 1st: 1 (Sleep)
    Horatio | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 8 | Armor: Leather | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20) [5]
    Dimly | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4 | HP: 8 | Armor: Scale, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Dagger, Shortbow (20) [5]
The Lost or Fallen
  • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
    Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
    Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
    Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield) <--- Retired.
Marching Orders
  • Keebler
  • Junius
  • Junius & Dimly
    AdaRue & Horatio
    Rainey & Canun
  • None.
-- Project --
Playtest: Untitled Project (1e)
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Re: IX. Brighton

#16 Post by drpete »

Rainey nudges Keebler, points up at the goblins, and gives him a thumbs-up.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#17 Post by Zhym »

Why is he nudging me? wonders Keebler irritably. I'm certainly not rushing into—oh.

Keebler casts sleep on the goblins.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#18 Post by dmw71 »

Sleep... Almost
Rainey nudges Keebler and spurs the elf on to cast 'Sleep' on the small band of goblins. The elf considers the situation and agrees... but realizes his intended targets are beyond his range. He urges the group the group to close the distance, which they do after roughly 10 minutes of outpacing the cart-toting goblin slavers. Now, still roughly 200-feet behind the unsuspecting goblins, everyone halts and positions themselves slightly off the trail, hiding in some available brush.

Keebler utters some incomprehensible words in some arcane tongue and, an instant later, the human in the cart and four of the five goblins, including one of the two cart drivers, collapse in front of the group. The lone remaining goblin, bearing the full weight of the cart, begins screaming at his fallen companion... before realizing that everyone else in his band has fallen as well. It appears to study the situation for a brief moment, then flees, running at full speed away from the group, and towards the goblin halls.

The four sleeping goblin and slave cart with sleeping prisoner are left behind, and all rest nearly 200-feet in front of the group.




Brighton Area Map

Date: 1 Martius, Year 7102
Time: 08:11 (Sunrise: 06:50, Sunset: 18:35)
Temp: 66F
  • Cool
    Light Breeze
Light Sources: Known Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  • None.
Character Status
  • Junius | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 10 | Armor: Banded, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Scimitar, Sling (10), Shortbow (20) [5]
    AdaRue | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 5 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    Canun | Cleric: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 4 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Mace, Sling | Spells: 1st: 1 (Light)
    • Nelly | Mule: 2 hd | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 18 | AC: 7 | HP: 9 | #Attacks: 1 (kick or bite) | Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 | Morale: 8 | Carrying: 0 pounds | Max Load: 400 pounds
    Rainey | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 10 | HP: 3 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Charm Person)
    Keebler | : Elf: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 6 | Armor: Banded, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20) [5] | Spells: 1st: 1, 0 (Sleep)
    Horatio | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 8 | Armor: Leather | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (20) [5]
    Dimly | Dwarf: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4 | HP: 8 | Armor: Scale, Shield | Weapons: Longsword, Dagger, Shortbow (20) [5]
The Lost or Fallen
  • Tom | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 5/4/3 | HP: 5-4 = 1+3 = 4-5 = -1 | Armor: Chain, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow (16), Dagger
    Omdog | MU: 1 | Mv: 120" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 3-4 = -1 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger | Spells: 1st 1, 0
    Watts | Thief: 1 | Mv: 90" | THAC0: 19 | AC: 8/6 | HP: 5-1 = 4-3 = 1-5 = -4 | Armor: Leather, Dex -2 | Weapons: Longsword, Longbow (11)
    Hastin | Fighter: 1 | Mv: 60/20 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3 | HP: 7-8 = -1 | Armor: Splint Mail, Shield | Weapons: Long sword, Javelin (3)
    Tippin | Halfling: 1 | Mv: 90/30 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 4/3/2 | HP: 4-8 = -4 | Armor: Banded Mail, Shield, Dex -1 | Weapons: Short sword, Shortbow (18)[/strike]
    Mila | MU: 1 | Mv: 120/40 | THAC0: 19 | AC: 9 | HP: 5 | Armor: Unarmored | Weapons: Dagger | Spells: 1st: 1 (Shield) <--- Retired.
Marching Orders
  • Keebler
  • Junius
  • Junius & Dimly
    AdaRue & Horatio
    Rainey & Canun
-- Project --
Playtest: Untitled Project (1e)
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Re: IX. Brighton

#19 Post by onlyme »

Junius will slay the sleepers.
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Re: IX. Brighton

#20 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

A month ago we were peaceful villagers, and goblins were a fairy tale, thinks AdaRue as she watches Junius dispatch the goblins without remorse. She approaches the cart and smashes the lock on it with her mace, opening the cart. She wakes the human by wiping their face with a cloth dampened from her water bottle. When they wake, AdaRue urges them to come with the group. It won't be long before that goblin comes back with friends. We must hide.

Unless someone shoots the goblin with an arrow...
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