Monte Verde

Rider of Rohan
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Re: Monte Verde

#381 Post by Spearmint »

Iggway shouts a warning, realising too late that the area they are walking through is the one where Grimwald was speared by a triggered boar trap. The snap of the branch and sudden descent of the earth beneath Lucille's feet indicate she has stepped onto the edge of a pit trap cut between two slim trunks. The ground gives way as the woman flails for something to grasp on to. Thin air and Iggway's fingertips not enough to secure her footing and she falls into the pit of sharpened stakes.

Lucille dex [4d6] = 12 pit trap stakes damage [2d6] = 8

Pierced by two shafts through the chest and exiting out through the ribcage, her final breath just a whisper, her eyes glass over. A steady drop of leaves and bracken softly covering her bloody corpse. Erik and Erika run over to the edge to scream in despair at the sight of their mother dying. There is nothing anyone can do, she is beyond the healing administrations of the potions you have. It is a sad end and the party have nothing to do except trudge onwards, downhill to the cove.

Eventually the rear guard group catch up and without further encounters make the small sandy landing place of the jolly boat. The sailor left to watch over the place is there You can see he had a fitful night. He speaks of sea serpents as tall as a sloop mast weaving along the reef at night and many buried sand vipers which did spring up from the earth to snatch unwary crab and turtle. He is glad to leave this forlorn place.

Dawn rises in full, the morning sun blazing over the green forested hills behind you. Does a thin pall of smoke trails off a distant ridge, is a bell tolls ominously in the wind ? or is it just the fading of the dark storm clouds and the echo of the waves off the cay rocks. On the horizon a white sail appears, gaff rigs in full sail. The McGregor's Revenge tacks to close by the reef, dropping anchor offshore.

And so ends this party scenario to sail to Monte Verde and rescue the 'pox' ridden settlers from the native unrest. Many questions remain unanswered, many thoughts and observations learned. Please post final comments and questions your character my have.

I will tally up the award of xp and I will make a list of the known treasures (rascally folk that some of you are!) in the Treasure Chest forum and you can divide any shares among yourselves from there.
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Re: Monte Verde

#382 Post by Bluehorse »


Gives the pistolero a toothy grin that's not exactly charming. "Aye, aye, Mr. Siggard. Couldn't agree with you more. Now off to the ship to divide the booty!" he chuckles holding up his pack as they head back.
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Re: Monte Verde

#383 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey can only utter,
Damned if I dont hate snakes. Best hope that island disappears from maps altogether, I'd say. O'course, the last place had some crazy things too. Where are the easy prey?
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Re: Monte Verde

#384 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc "All I can say is I hope for the best in their efforts but I hope not to encounter such a secret as the lycanthropy as widespread as that island again."
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Re: Monte Verde

#385 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sig keeps a sharp eye out for snakes on the way to the cove, not wanting to get bit and die after everything he has just been through in this gods forsaken lump of an island. He isn't sure what to think about the native chief and his snake warrior monsters, but he doubts that it will be the last that we hear about it.

"No offense to the good captain, or even the nice shaman woman, but I hope that we wont need to set foot back on this hunk of rock ever again. This place is about as hospitable as a layer of the abyss."

"Lets get back to the ship before we lose anyone else. We can decide what we want to do about the spoils once we get settled in."
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Re: Monte Verde

#386 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway tries to console Erik and Erika, after their Mother's horrific death. Once onboard the McGregor, she will safely store the snakes. She will mourn for the souls that were lost, later on McGregor and will need to study her newly acquired scrolls during her praying and meditation period.
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Re: Monte Verde

#387 Post by Spearmint »

The pirate rescue party evacuate the island of Monte Verde. The billowing white sails of the McGregor's Revenge a welcome sight, contrasting to the bright blue of open sky and open seas ahead of you and against the backdrop of deep lush forest green behind. Anchored off the reef, the sloop drops the jolly boats which make hard rowing to cover the squalls of waves cresting over the coral outcrops that ring the island. Eventually everyone is safely on board, the animated 'magic mouth' once more piping up, "Captain coming aboard." Deck hands stand to attention and Mr Perryman hands over the custody of the helm, greeting the Captain and acknowledging his apprentice mage Siggard. The hags' head still dangles from the sloops prow, its frothy tongue dangling covered in bluebottles flies. In his sack, another trophy to display or experiment with, the head of the yuan-ti envoy. Iggway returns to her small bunk with Pascale, securing the tank of venomous snakes away from prying eyes and fingers. The men take a break from active duty, most dropping half dead and fully asleep inside their hull bunks.

Folk are roused with the afternoon striking of evening bells for supper in the galley. Stories are being told of native men growing scaly serpent tails, undead nightmares warding the laboratory, rumours of wanton nuns bathing nude and Van de Poel blags outrageously of ripping up tree trunks to club tribal snake cultists. Stories of snakes, natives and the mission, that and the howling....of the children from the manse as they fought to control urges to morph into lupine form.

Before the moon rises in full and fearing for the safety of his crew the children and mothers of the former shipwrecked settlers are put through a mock 'abandon ship' routine. It entices them into the jolly boats and one is lowered over the side. Rico and 'Fishy' are hauled up and the jolly boat tied astern, dragged in the wake of the sloop. From a long ropes length the children howl in protest, scared of abandonment to the elements. By full moon the howls are of rage and anger, the pack of wolf cubs pinning and growling. A squad of marines set to watch in case the nimble youths clamber the rope or any of the pirates decide to chop the rope through.

It feels inhumane but the risk of infected people running amok is lessened. Captain Lazarus takes a tour of the sloop and a report from his officers in charge and also summonsSzmodics to report back on his 'activities'. The doppelganger still secured in the brig cell.

The only other activity of note is a funeral at sea. the sailor injured by pistol shot through the spine days earlier has passed away. His body lowered over the side, Elijah committing his mortal soul into the deep care of Poseidon's realm.

This forum is closed. I will open a new thread later. Please adjust sheets to reflect xp totals, personal treasures, HP and spell lists.
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