On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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ASC (Day 12): the party gathers for a final briefing...

#321 Post by Argennian »

~ The newly-leveled members of the Island Hands get geared up and make their way to the stern castle to meet with Ziller before the mission. The previous evening's wholesome dinner and undisturbed night's sleep did everyone good and each party member feels much crisper than last night whence they emerged from their merging with the Khoryloh gem.

The massive, late summer storm continues to rage outside. The rain and wind are unrelenting. It's also high tide and some larger waves are making it over the built up sandbar at the mouth of the hidden cove, causing the water level within to rise enough to softly rock the ship on her makeshift support struts. The light before dawn is trying to make an impression over the cliffs from the eastern horizon but it's still dark when the party assembles in the main ready room of the stern castle.

Uncle Ziller and Gentleman Billy are present, as are the halfling fighter & archer Griffo, the Half-elf fighter/thief Thalion and the young human Hollis, whom arrived to the islands with Manoah. They are armed, armored and geared up as well. There's plenty of coffee and Shanny's revitalizing tea, as well as enough hard boiled eggs, bacon, crab cakes, biscuits and other standard rations to go around. There's also a good selection of waterproof parkas and rain jackets of all sizes hanging on the wall for anyone that wants one. Perhaps not a bad idea for those not wanting to be completely drenched to the bone before they meet up with their mates on station at the watch blind...

The old master thief and halfling commander nod to those gathered and Ziller steps up to speak.

"Good morning, friends. Hope everyone is feeling better today? Good! Please help yourselves to any of the food and take as much with you as you'd like. Nothing new to report in regards to the pirates or the Karagonian Navy, not that they'd be keen to sail in these conditions unless absolutely necessary. Of concern and important note is last night Shanny sensed something outside the spell bubble around midnight... most likely the creature that accompanied the little devil child thing that attacked us previous. We're guessing it was having another peek and taking a sniff, but really don't know for sure...

"Anyways, Billy and I have taken a proper look about and all seems clear now. Regardless, always be on your guard and make sure none of you become isolated and drawn away from the others. Once you've relieved Caelvanna and Cutler, you can decide on your next course of action. If'n you'd like to conduct a search for that missing Karagonian lieutenant and mage, or those missing pirates, or both, by all means do so. Griffo, Thalion and Hollis here can remain stationed at the watch blind. And we still need a good look about the island and surrounding waters from a high vantage today. I realize it will be hard to see much in these conditions, but perhaps there will be a break we could take advantage of?

"So unless anyone has any questions of me or Billy, go ahead and sort yourselves and get underway when ready. Remember to stay alert and be cautious out there, friends! Use your break-in-emergency crystals if you get in trouble and need support from us back on the ship."

And with that, the green light for mission launch is given...


OOC: alrighty gents! Looks like everything's once again good with the forums so let's get this party started! :P

POP: *** I'll need a marching order and everyone's WIH confirmed too! ***

TOD: 6:25am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 38/38 ; Emm 20/20 , Lauranna 19/19 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – none / Karagonian masterwork spear(s) & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – none / spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs, short sword & throwing knives & SC (& Wily!) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – none / +1 longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – none / +1 mace & shield / holy symbol & SC
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

In their respective bunks, cots & hammocks: Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#322 Post by tkrexx »

... Of concern and important note is last night Shanny sensed something outside the spell bubble around midnight... most likely the creature that accompanied the little devil child thing that attacked us previous. We're guessing it was having another peek and taking a sniff, but really don't know for sure...
Curious, Emm peers at the Halfling Commander, The hag Shanny sensed that... thing's presence, yet the young owl remained calm in the night. Whatever this beast may be, it is as unnatural a creature as can be. I fear such a creature. Just my peace on the matter, Master Ziller.

The Druid nods in respect of the Thief, then begins packing her empty pockets with food. A mouthful of bacon sees several biscuits and boiled eggs come into her possession, and she also grabs a couple of crab-cakes for her feathered charge. The Priestess fits a rain parka; her own land is plagued with seasonal rains, tho much colder than these. She knows air temperature means little when soaked to the skin, and understands that nothing is completely waterproof, but some protection is better than none.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#323 Post by onlyme »

Manaoh calmly listens to his new found fellow refugees. He holds his bow with an arrow ready to fly with only a quick pull and release.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#324 Post by Alethan »

Bog eats a half-orcish amount of food. Ravenously hungry, he seems to barely be chewing before he swallows. He grabs a day's supply of fresh food, as well, stowing it in his pack for later.

Wanting some protection from the weather, but not too worried about it, he changes out his normal cloak for one that is proofed against water with oils and waxes. Then he checks the edges on his Karagonian spear and longsword. He knows the edges of his new throwing axes are already sharp, having checked them the night before only to marvel at how his whetstone simply skidded off the edge, completely ineffective against the magical blade's preternaturally sharpness.

"I need to get a longsword like that," he mutters to himself as he stones the edge of his Karagonian longsword once more.

Satisfied with his weapons (spear and shield in hand, with longsword on his hip and throwing axes fitted in their new sheath at his lower back) and gear, he stands ready to leave.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#325 Post by Nuke66 »

After eating her fill, Lauranna also packs a bunch of food, readying herself to for the mission. "I am ready, hopefully we find the mage."
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#326 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Like the others, Ulrich eats a hearty meal, and then packs additional rations. He joins the others, ready to head out.

OOC1: Mitch, what response (if any) does Jovak give regarding bringing Li'l Pickles on the expedition?

OOC2: Re marching order, with Ulrich's improved armor and fancy boots, he can take a spot near the front. He can also act as rear guard, leaping up to the front as needed.

OOC3: WIH is good--enchanted mace and shield, with spells at the ready. If they make it to the cave, Ulrich may stow his shield to carry a torch. If Pickles is coming, he may need a leash. I'm assuming Ulrich can carry a leash and shield in the same hand....
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#327 Post by Nuke66 »

OOC: Sorry, been busy, planting season for us farmers, family in town and such, feel free to move us along.
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ASC: IC & OOC for Ulrich & party!

#328 Post by Argennian »

SocraticLawyer wrote:Ulrich decides to join the team on the expedition.

To Lord Jovak, he says, "Perhaps it would be best if I take Li'l Pickles with me on this quest. He appears to have ... bonded with me somewhat. Perhaps it means nothing, and we will have to destroy the beast eventually. But I don't believe that to be Moradin's will, at least not yet. And having him away from the ship should help morale here.

"What do you think, m'lord?"
~ The high priest/fighter lord's blind and burned visage screws even more sour whence Ulrich queries him about whether or not he should bring the baby dragon turtle along for their mission. He then pauses to catch himself and takes a deep breath before responding.

"Ulrich, it is clear that you and this... thing have formed some sort of bond or connection. I cannot explain this nor will I seek reason for it. Our faith in the All-Father takes us on many paths, some hidden from our view and understanding. If it be Moradin's Will that you and this creature share some commonality, then it will be so, regardless of what I say and whatever decision you arrive at. But I do know that it cannot remain on or nearby the ship...

"I do not wish to see any defenseless creature harmed, even that thing, so perhaps you should set it free? I feel that would be a better course of action than bringing it with you and the others. Besides, the captain and commander are both nervous of what would transpire if this thing's mother were to return, find it missing and then stumble upon it with us..."


SocraticLawyer wrote:OOC1: Mitch, what response (if any) does Jovak give regarding bringing Li'l Pickles on the expedition?
OOC: apologies for passing over this before my last action post, SL. Had originally thought to send you a pm on that but then got running behind with the on call and desperately wanted to get the next post up while I had the time! :oops:
SocraticLawyer wrote:OOC2: Re marching order, with Ulrich's improved armor and fancy boots, he can take a spot near the front. He can also act as rear guard, leaping up to the front as needed.
Most assuredly! 8-)
SocraticLawyer wrote:OOC3: WIH is good--enchanted mace and shield, with spells at the ready. If they make it to the cave, Ulrich may stow his shield to carry a torch. ...
So noted!
SocraticLawyer wrote:... If Pickles is coming, he may need a leash. I'm assuming Ulrich can carry a leash and shield in the same hand....
Okay, this is where things get complicated... :?

Firstly, I think the idea of a dwarf cleric leading a baby dragon turtle around on a leash is both incredulous and beyond awesome! :P

BUT the reality of the matter suggests it wouldn't be possible/practical. The creature is pretty much a turtle with a dragon's head. And walking a turtle around on a leash? Well, that speaks to itself without need of further explanation. Besides, it is a sea dwelling creature, and although it can move about on land (most times in it's lair), it cannot do so for any kind of substantial distance. That being the case, it would have to be carried. It now weighs close to 100 lbs. (!) and is continuing to grow at an accelerated rate (granted it can keep getting fed constantly). There's also the consideration of this thing screeching (crying) when it's hungry and the chance it may fire off it's breath weapon randomly (scalding hot steam!) when in proximity to others.

As noted above/previously, there does appear to be some form of bond or kinship between Ulrich and the creature but this does not mean it's been trained or will act/react in a desired manner. I won't bother going into all the scenarios of having to set it down to fight or lugging it through/up/down rough terrain, let alone trying to keep it quiet when the party needs to be quiet/stealthly, etc., etc. Mainly because I'm the DM and it's not my job to try and talk a player out of something they want to do! :ugeek: But all things considered, I want to make sure we're all on the same page in regards to the logistics of the matter and possible/potential outcomes. So it's yours and the others' call there, brother!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#329 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Indiana... let it go...
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#330 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:OOC: Indiana... let it go...
OOC: Coffee meet keyboard! :lol:

Ahh, South American coffee tastes so good... even through your nose! THAT was a good one, Al!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#331 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Before the group heads out, Ulrich brings Li'l Pickles down to the beach, as far as possible from the ship but still within the protective "bubble." He brings some extra crab meat with him.

Setting Pickles carefully in the water, Ulrich pets him gently and says, "It is time for us to part ways, little one. We cannot care for you here, and besides, the water is your home. You are a wonderful, magnificent creature, a testament to the Dwarf-Father's power and grace. But your place is out there," he says, indicating the waves.

Giving the baby dragon turtle a gentle push out towards the deep sea, he says, "Go." If Pickles is at all reluctant to leave, Ulrich throws some of the crab meat into the sea for the creature to eat.

Wiping his face, Ulrich rejoins the group, ready to head out.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#332 Post by tkrexx »

Emm's dark eyes fly open in shock. Ulrich, I beg you not to do this, regardless of your good intentions! I feel this infant's Mother still resides near or even within this isle; it may well be the difference between life or death if we confront such a creature. I understand the crew's trepidation regarding the Dragon child, but if we indeed encounter the bairn's Mother, would it not be better to promise safety, rather than to feign ignorance?
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#333 Post by Alethan »

Bog indicates he will take the lead, as long as the others just tell him which direction to go.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#334 Post by SocraticLawyer »

tkrexx wrote:Emm's dark eyes fly open in shock. Ulrich, I beg you not to do this, regardless of your good intentions! I feel this infant's Mother still resides near or even within this isle; it may well be the difference between life or death if we confront such a creature. I understand the crew's trepidation regarding the Dragon child, but if we indeed encounter the bairn's Mother, would it not be better to promise safety, rather than to feign ignorance?
OOC: Assuming this dialogue happens on the way to the beach to release Pickles into the wild.

Ulrich shakes his head. "I am sorry, my friend," he tells the druidess. "But Pickles cannot stay with us. He She? is a sea creature, and belongs in the sea. If we encounter an adult dragon turtle, Pickles would not save us; his mother will devour us without regard to our care for Pickles.

"Besides, we have not the resources to feed and house him. We must let him go.

"You know, perhaps better than all of us, that Nature must oft be cruel to be kind. And so it is with Li'l Pickles."

OOC: If Bog is taking the front of the marching order, Ulrich will take the rear guard position. If there is an encounter up front, he'll literally leap into action from the back. :)
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#335 Post by Alethan »

OOC: nice!
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ASC (Day 12): the party departs for their mission...

#336 Post by Argennian »

~ Uncle Ziller garners no questions from the party and the meeting is officially adjourned. Folks finish stuffing their faces and filling their stomachs to their particular genealogical capacities. Extra rations are also appropriated and squirreled away for the mission...

As others begin selecting rain gear, checking over their weapons and securing their items against the elements, Emm does proffer a nervous point of order about whatever it was Shanny sensed was not disseminated by the baby giant owl whilst it was on watch, so logic would dictate it could not be natural. Ziller and Billy both nod agreement, the old master thief's visage turning noticeably white at the apparent thought of what happened last time they tangled with it and the halfling commander's growing grim that he was not present to fight alongside his men.

"I most wholeheartedly agree, Emm," Ziller replies, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "It is our hope that the creature can only come out at night, and during the small window of the witching hours. Nonetheless, we do not know for sure and so therefor must be vigilant. Shanny is helping Najania develop a way to seek out it's location, so that we may know where it resides on the island and whence it comes forth.

"So I again caution you, friends. There are likely dangers here that we have not yet discovered or are aware of. Be vigilant at all times. Remember and trust in your training, as well as each other. And always keep a sharp eye out for your brothers and sisters in arms in times of trouble..."

It's sound advice to be sure, if not overly redundant. Everyone in the room, save Manoah and Hollis, recall what happened that night. They also remember and dearly miss Sergeant Zimba, who tangled with the beast and paid the ultimate price...

Whilst Bogdan marvels over the ever-sharp edges of his new magical throwing axes, wishing his specialized weapon of choice was also so endowed, and Lauranna offers follow up confirmations to Emm and Ziller to her hopes that they will indeed confront their missing Karagonian adversary, the door to the captain's cabin flies open. A shirtless and somewhat disheveled Lord Jovak emerges with Li'l Pickles in his outstretched arms. What was a mere hatchling just three days past, and the size of a small cat not two days ago, is now the size of a large dog! It fidgets and flaps it's reptile head and clawed turtle feet as it screeches in protest, but to no avail in the high priest/fighter lord's iron grip. As soon as the creature looks forward and sees Ulrich, it's annoying crying becomes a soft whimpering.

Jovak clears his throat and raises his head higher. "It is time, Ulrich..."

It's now the younger dwarf's turn to get solemn and confront the sudden blast of emotion that arrives with the reality of the moment. A moment he tried not to think about but one he surely knew was inevitably coming. He steps forward and takes hold of the baby dragon turtle, straining under the creature's weight. Pickles stops struggling and begins snuggling, licking and nipping him affectionately!

An awkward pause transpires whilst everyone looks on and around to each other. Jovak clears his throat again and crosses his massive arms in resolve, which are covered with dozens of scratches and steam burns from his daycare duties. Ulrich, drops his head in resignation, turns to grab the bundle of crab meat he already made up and moves for the door. Emm suddenly realizes what's happening and tries to intercept him to lodge a protest but Gentleman Billy steps in front of her and grasps her magical leather-armored shoulders as he shakes his head softly in a please don't manner.

The recently magical gem-leveled Curate and his unlikely pet emerge from stern castle and make their way to the starboard rail to depart the ship. Whether curious, incredulous or indifferent, the others follow. The rain is coming down in sheets and the wind whips about the cove with vindictive fury as the procession disembarks the Seahawk. Ulrich makes his way toward the cove entrance and looks to want to stop short within the spell bubble, but with Ziller's gentle urging, passes through the invisible barrier and follows the halfling commander all the way to the beach outside the cove and just south of the inlet. The morning light is barely making headway but it's enough for all to see when the cortege halts and Ulrich walks out into the waves...

SocraticLawyer wrote:... Setting Pickles carefully in the water, Ulrich pets him gently and says, "It is time for us to part ways, little one. We cannot care for you here, and besides, the water is your home. You are a wonderful, magnificent creature, a testament to the Dwarf-Father's power and grace. But your place is out there," he says, indicating the waves. ...
The baby dragon turtle lets out an excited squeak to be in its natural element for the first time. It swims and thrashes about in a playful manner as it circles around the cleric, not really realizing what's happening. Emm takes advantage of the moment to step forward and plead her case...
tkrexx wrote:... Ulrich, I beg you not to do this, regardless of your good intentions! I feel this infant's Mother still resides near or even within this isle; it may well be the difference between life or death if we confront such a creature. I understand the crew's trepidation regarding the Dragon child, but if we indeed encounter the bairn's Mother, would it not be better to promise safety, rather than to feign ignorance?
SocraticLawyer wrote:Ulrich shakes his head. "I am sorry, my friend," he tells the druidess. "But Pickles cannot stay with us. He is a sea creature, and belongs in the sea. If we encounter an adult dragon turtle, Pickles would not save us; his mother will devour us without regard to our care for Pickles.

"Besides, we have not the resources to feed and house him. We must let him go.

"You know, perhaps better than all of us, that Nature must oft be cruel to be kind. And so it is with Li'l Pickles."
Pickles stops swimming and thrashing about and watches the exchange between the cleric and the druid...
SocraticLawyer wrote:Giving the baby dragon turtle a gentle push out towards the deep sea, he says, "Go." If Pickles is at all reluctant to leave, Ulrich throws some of the crab meat into the sea for the creature to eat. ...
The creature looks back up at him curiously for a moment and then seems to somehow understand. It nuzzles up against the dwarf's banded grieves as he stands knee-deep in the surf, and whimpers until he produces some crab meat and feeds it to him. It gobbles up the succulent morsel and looks back up for more. Ulrich produces more, but this time stands tall, winds up and throws it out into the waves. Pickles dives in after it like a dog going after its ball whilst everyone looks on in wonderment.

A half minute later, the baby dragon turtle reemerges in the surf and begins to approach but Ulrich's resolve remains firm. He points out and away to the open sea and declares his intentions with another "Go!", this time louder.

The baby dragon turtle looks to him longingly for a handful of segments, and then seemingly arriving at an understanding that the time for it to leave has come, turns and starts swimming back out to deeper water. Ulrich's eyes well up as he watches his previous pet and the future sinker of ships and bane of all sailors disappear under the surface. To most folks relief, it does not return. With reaffirming pats on his armored shoulders and back from his mates, Ulrich complies and the group departs the beach to head back to the ship and cove...

Final preparations are made and the party is soon ready to depart. With an official salute from Uncle Ziller and wave from Gentleman Billy, they depart the cove and head out on the southern trail...


Ok gang! Let's pick up the action here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1690&p=307782#p307782

OOC: Apologies for the delay here all, been brutally busy at work. All pms responded to and went back through everyone's Battle & Character Sheets to confirm total encumbrance & updated movement rates. Marching order & WIH is also listed below, so please make sure to confirm that looks good when able!

TOD: 6:30am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 38/38 ; Emm 20/20 , Lauranna 19/19 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – Karagonian masterwork spear* & shield / longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs, short sword & throwing knives & SC (& Wily!) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – +2 short bow* & fine flight arrow / +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – +1 mace & shield / holy symbol & SC
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

Departing ship & cove for southern trail: Bogdan , Emm , Manoah , Lauranna (& Wily) & Ulrich
Following close behind: Griffo, Hollis & Thalion

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