On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#301 Post by Alethan »


Bog does not remove his armour or unbuckle his sword belt. "A warrior must live in his armour, if need be. A little sleep is nothing."

OOC: Bog is ready whenever everyone else is...
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#302 Post by onlyme »

Manoah will be ready as well.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#303 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich, like Emm, uses his healing spells on whomever needs them most from among the wounded. After doing so, he meditates briefly with Lord Jovak, with whom he entrusts the care of Li'l Pickles. Ulrich feeds the baby dragon turtle some of the crab meat.

Before attempting to "merge" with the gem, Ulrich takes off his armor, although he still wears his new magic boots. I should probably upgrade to plate mail anyways, he thinks as he takes off his chain mail.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#304 Post by onlyme »

Manaoh says he final goodbyes to uncle, and picks up and stows his newly inherited gear. He asks the others,

"Does anyone know how I can replenish my stock of arrows? Is there a good whittler or fletcher among us? I had to use quite too many on board the ship during the crossing, and then lost just as many on the other island. I am generally handy with a bow, but not much good without something to shoot from it.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
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ASC (Day 11): the party performs the merging...

#305 Post by Argennian »

~ Details for the party's upcoming merging event with Jorelle and the Khoryloh gem are laid out. Everyone appears on board to do so save the High-elf magic-user/thief...
Nuke66 wrote:Lauranna explains herself. "I am curious to observe the process before I choose whether or not to undergo the 'merging' or whatever it is." The maiden flashes a quick gesture to Ziller before continuing. "Though, I feel that I am the cusp of a significant boost in my"....she hesitates, finding the right word...."Capabilities"

"As long as my spell use is not immediately required, I am not really concerned about it." Lauranna adds.

Ziller acknowledges Lauranna's gesture and hesitation with a look of concern before rubbing his nose and scratching his cheek in earnest...

onlyme wrote:Manaoh says his final goodbyes to uncle, and picks up and stows his newly inherited gear. He asks the others,

"Does anyone know how I can replenish my stock of arrows? Is there a good whittler or fletcher among us? I had to use quite too many on board the ship during the crossing, and then lost just as many on the other island. I am generally handy with a bow, but not much good without something to shoot from it.

Ziller smiles and responds. "We have plenty of arrows, Manoah. Once the gem-merging is done, we'll make sure to see you have everything you need..."

The halfling commander then shares a few private words with Gentleman Billy before departing the fire pit to head back aboard the Seahawk. Lauranna finishes her eggs, giving Wily any remaining bits and crumbs, and sets down her plate to follow*. The old master thief then makes his way around to everyone gathered to see if they have any needs or issues before committing to the merging with the powerful and mysterious holy stone of the ancient island dwarves...

Emm finishes her island breakfast and grabs some extra morning rats to-go before departing to board the ship. She stops by the infirmary first, casting her two committed cure light wounds spells on the interns there (+3hp,+2hp). The druidess uses oak leaves instead of mistletoe with her spells, which only provide half the magical healing power, but feels she must do so to conserve the dwindling supply of her main material component. She next seeks out young Sam and beckons her spend some time with her whilst she feeds the giant baby owl. The child is all too willing and with faithful Sheba in tow, proceeds to join her. The overgrown owlet is on it's support beam perch down in the hold, up above Emm's cot and sleeping area, and is all big yellow eyes when awakened. It appears uncomfortable with all the attention at first, but as soon as Sheba lies down and Emm casts her speak with animals spell, the infant island avian settles. The druid begins to nature-speak with the youngling raptor, and it eliciting a series of hoots, chirps and head bobs in response**...

Back down on the beach, Bogdan, Manoah and Ulrich finish their morning meal and go about getting themselves sorted before their upcoming meeting with the supposed ancient magic.

Bog decides he's going to stay armed and in his armor for the duration of the merging. Screw comfort. He points out a warrior pretty much wears their armor all the time anyway, so no big deal. Besides, if any shite goes down while they're merged, the big fighter's coming out armored, armed and swinging!

Manoah nods to Bogdan and the others and returns to his new quarters aboard the ship to lie down and wait out the next hour. He looks over some of the items his uncle bequeathed him but cannot help but think back to what he experienced when he and Liston, under Jorelle's guidance, merged with the gem. He knows what it did for him before and wonders what it will do for him this time...

Ulrich also leaves the beach with a doggy bag, his intended for the not-so-little-anymore Pickles, but first visits the infirmary. The cleric casts his three prayed-for cure light wounds spells, all of which yield incredible results (+8hp,+7hp,+7hp!). The Half-orc warrior Mila is now healed enough to be discharged and returns to duty. Yousef, the adult eastern warrior also on Ziller's rescue mission, is now conscious and almost halfway healed from his vast injuries. Things still do not look good for the light-skinned halfling rogue, Liston, however. The native assassin's blade that was buried in his back was imbued with some strange, evil magic that has him on death's door and in peril of falling through despite all aid and curing attempts, magical and mundane...

The young dwarf priest and soon-to-be curate then joins Lord Jovak for prayer and meditation. The blinded general and high-priest/fighter lord has been oddly distant since his cousin Jorelle's return and seems to want to avoid discussing the subject. Like Ziller, he too has his reservations about using the holy stone as they are, but also feels the ship and crew are in grave danger and need to take advantage of any and every opportunity afforded. With glossy white unseeing orbs for eyes, he watches Ulrich feed Lil Pickles the crab meat and agrees to make sure the creature is fed and cared for while the merging is ongoing. The tiny little hatchling that fit in the dwarf's hand just yesterday morning is now the size of a small cat and growing by the segment! Hopefully it won't need a bigger crate before their training is completed...


~ The wait passes quickly and the party eventually make their way to the armory. Billy is there to see everyone through the steel and magically-reinforced door, where they find Ziller, Jovak and Jorelle waiting. The embattled halfling commander and sightless dwarf general are standing to the sides, both armed, armored and fully equipped. Towards the rear of the huge armor, weapon and gear depository is Jorelle. The younger cousin of Lord Jovak sits on a mat in a circle of other mats around a chest turned up on end to act as a table or podium. The big dwarf is without arms and armor, and wears naught but a green silk robe and his silver holy symbol of two great axes crossed together, the denotation of Clanggedin Silverbeard, the Dwarven Father of Battle. His long red hair and beard are impeccably braided as he bows his head in apparent prayer...

Once all attendants are seated, Jorelle looks up and around to each individual in the circle. The dwarf's deep green eyes are wide and watery, the well-worn trails of tears that streak his hardened cheeks and scarred visage project a solemn turbulence and clash of emotion. He takes a substantial pause to stare at each party member, as if attempting to assess what's in both their minds and hearts. Only after everyone's been specially scrutinized does the cleaned up cleric/fighter speak.

"Good morning. For those I have not yet been acquainted with, my name is Jorelle. I am a cousin to General Jovak, disciple of the Obsidian Order and one of the captains that serve Commander Ziller. I arrived with Manoah," he trails off, indicating the young ranger with a nod, "and others... It was on the island we became shipwrecked on that we befriended a banished old native named Cahbal...

"The commander informed me he already spoke of him with you, so I won't offer unnecessary or repeated detail now. What I can tell is he was a good, loyal man. He helped us and trusted us when he did not have to... he brought us to a hidden cave, a secret holy place, so we could hide from pirates and also from his tribe's shaman and warriors that were trying to capture and kill him. They were after this."

Jorelle lifts one of his arms from his lap. In his huge barrel fist is something large and glowing. He leans forward and places the object on the upended chest at the center of the circle, so that everyone might see it for themselves. Initial reactions? Likely a hotel foxtrot sierra exaltation or close derivative.

Sitting on the chest is the biggest gemstone anyone's ever seen. Or possibly even imagined. A massive, apple-sized diamond! It is cut with strange angles that give it a unique design and it glows softly with a pure whitish light that appears to pulse gently from time to time.

"I present the Khoryloh gem, also known as the great holy stone of my ancient kin! It was created by dwarves long ago, during the Age of Birth, and imbued with incredible powers, it's said by the gods themselves. From everything I have witnessed and experienced, I see no reason to doubt these claims..."

The dwarf's incredible declaration would, in all normal circumstances, surely be thought folly and poppycock, or at best unverifiable legend or forgotten folklore. One look at the massive, glowing gem, however, is enough to win over even the staunchest skeptic and make anyone present a believer. Everyone can surely now feel the energy emanating from the glowing stone as it sits there in front of them...

Jorelle nods to Ziller, who lights some of Shanny's incense and moves to both sides of the armory to snuff the lanterns there. The only light now present in the chamber is the Khoryloh gem. The halfling then moves over to the doorway, where he takes up small cube and a distinct seashell. General Jovak remains standing nearby with his holy symbol in both hands, his eyelids closed over unseeing eyes. He nods to Jorelle and the junior cleric/fighter again speaks.

"I would like each of you to join hands with me and meditate. First, I want you to take a few moments to think about and consider all that has happened since we left the shores of Karagonia. Afterward and perhaps most importantly, I want you to relax and open your minds. Allow all focus and intention to drift away. Allow your thoughts to flow from you, out and away... and be ready, and accepting, of whatever returns. You must trust me and do this of your own free will..."

Everyone in the circle nods their final agreement and joins hands. Jorelle takes a deep breath and smiles, allowing more tears to fall unabated down his strange visage of both joy and pain. The cleric/fighter lowers his head and begins humming a low droning tune. Looks of uncertainty are exchanged as nothing happens at first. When everyone eventually relaxes, however, the drone becomes mesmerizing. The incense is heady and strangely supplemental to the sound. Captivation is not long in establishment. The gem begins to grow brighter and pulse quicker...

Jorelle stops humming and begins to pray. He speaks in a tongue alien to all save Jovak and Ulrich, who both recognize words from the long lost dialect of their ancient kin. Eyelids grow heavy. Before the participants can figure out what the blazes is going on and try to put it all together, they feel themselves falling backward. First through the floor, then the hull of the ship, then the water of the cove, and the rock of the island, then the center of the aerth, then through time and space. Past all realms, known or imagined, they fall, to a place where no one, save mayhap Manoah, has ever been before. Not in their most faraway thoughts nor wildest dreams...

~ Colors and intangible shapes speed past as you continue to fall. There is a sudden feeling of overwhelming cold, as if you've just jumped in a mountain lake fed by melting snow, but this is followed soon by a strange numbness. When next you realize, you're brought back to the first moment of memory you remember. You recall your childhood and growing up. Times were peaceful and simple then. Regardless of your past and family's station, each of you remember times of joy and pain, well before the Great War changed everything. The love of family, siblings and childhood friends, whether in abundance or not, is what comes to mind. The easy days versus the hard. One's hopes and dreams of what will happen, what will become them...

Fast forwarding to the days of the Great War and all the horrors that came with it. The circle of young adventurers are reminded of the pain, strife and suffering of not just their families and people but of all the other races that, until that time, lived peaceably in and around the lands of Karagonia. It took an incredible combined effort of all these races to put aside their past differences and isolation, and join forces to defeat the terrible enemy from the east. When victory came, it was most bittersweet and the losses suffered were too much for even those in the highest ranks to truly know and realize.

In the days after the Great War, the previous cooperation of the Allied Alliance waned, the races went back to their tattered lands or migrated to new ones. The benevolence of the Karagonian crown gave way to a terrible shift, causing and promoting the harsh persecution and suffering of the common people. It was in these days that the Hands of Balance were formed and everyone present was close to at least one that joined it's ranks...

Fast forwarding again to that fateful day when everyone received the secret note, the communique telling them they were being sought out by the King's Eyes, or Eyes of Blood as they were commonly referred to, as conspirators against the crown, and to escape at once and go to that secret place northwest of the capital where they first met one other. They then retrace their departures and their fateful voyage across of the Bay of Ghosts to the Sprice Tridents. The discoveries and adventures once on the islands, the loss of family, friends and mates. Some of the true history of whom inhabited this place in times long since past...

As these events and ideas speed by slowly, they begin to swirl together and culminate. Everyone's struggles, the highs and lows, their ongoing fight for survival and all that they've been through and learned from begin to cohere into something tangible in their minds and souls. It's as if all their efforts over these last weeks are now coming to fruition and exacting the results of these experiences upon them like a massive wave breaking against an immovable stony shore...

After consideration of all these events, those gathered suddenly "come to" and find themselves deep underwater and swimming desperately for the surface. Strange and alien images of things that make no sense sink past as they struggle for the lifesaving air now up above them. Just as each believe they can hold their breaths not a segment longer, they open their eyes and find themselves drenched with sweat and gasping for breath in the circle! By their aching and soreness, it feels as if they've been there together for the entire day! Ziller and Jovak are there and still on alert.

Jorelle opens his tired eyes and lets the hands of those next to him go. It is also at this time that the party once again realize how physically drained they are. "You have relived your past. These things which you have experienced have... changed you. They also now afford you a very special gift. All you have yet to do is touch the Khoryloh and receive... The Gift..."

He indicates the still softly glowing, fist-sized diamond on the upended chest and bids everyone reach over and touch it...

~ When you do, you're instantly bathed in a pure, white light, even brighter than mighty Hazara's omnipotent golden rays raining down from the heavens above. There's also an intense, almost unbearable heat that instantly washes over, as if one just jumped into a pool of liquid fire. Your soul or inner being cries out from the intense stimulus input. In the moments afterward, something slams into each of you with a force and weight of an entire world. Again you are blasted through time and space. Every effort to regain composure and understanding is thwarted into bleakness and nothingness...

Just as it seems they will be lost forever to space and time, the massive wave of tangibility and experience they felt previously slams into them from behind and holds them firm. They feel themselves absorbing that new force as it coalesces into a strange understanding and alien familiarity. Although unsure of how they know it, it seems to have yielded a boon of benefit upon each of them...

... when next you awake, you are lying on the mats around the upended chest. Jorelle and the Khoryloh gem are gone, as well as Lord Jovak, but Ziller remains. He moves around to each of you one at a time to help you up and give you some water. Once everyone has awakened, he addresses the assembly.

"Good day, or should I say, good evening, my friends. Welcome back! It's now nearly dinner time of the following day. I can only imagine how hungry you all must be. Care to join me for dinner in the stern castle?"

Two days?! It does feel as if a lot of time has passed. You check yourselves over, unsure of what happened and what you experienced. Although that uncertainty does not diminish, you do realize you've been changed. In fact, you seem to have gained something incredible. Something that would have normally taken many weeks if not months of training and study to accomplish. It is a treasure that could only be summed up as the wealth of experience...




* ~ ongoing PMs with Nuke for Lauranna!

** ~ ongoing PM to Rexx for Emm's SWA spell!!

OOC: alrighty then fellas, the magical mystical tour of the Khoryloh has been completed! ........ Fah-lah!!! :P

~ Please respond to Ziller IC, if so desired, otherwise we'll move the action to dinnertime in the stern castle. Had a bunch of pms coming back these last couple days that have me going back over stuff again to confirm, and will do so today/tonight as able; TOD updated.

POP: everyone was able to level up and actually achieved an additional level(s) on top of where they were previously! One thing that the merging does, however, is age you!

*** Every PC ages 2 years (for gaining 2 levels), except Lauranna, who ages 4 years (2 levels in m-u, 2 in thief) ***

~ Looking to post everyone's accumulated XP, along with treasure distribution, and respond to the remaining pms/DM queries no later this evening!

TOD: 6:22pm Day 12 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 22 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Manoah 27/27 , Ulrich 22/22
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – none / Karagonian masterwork spears & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – none / spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs or SC / short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – none / Argie the longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 16 of 20)
Ulrich – none / mace & shield / li'l pickles
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: CLW x2; speak with animals
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: CLW x3

In the Seahawk armory: Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#306 Post by Alethan »


Bog slowly stands and stretches, getting the kinks out of his back as best he can. Maybe sleeping in his armour wasn't such a great idea after all? Nyah... he's fine.

He turns to Ziller, "I could eat a whole bloody horse... but I'll settle for crab."

He nods to the others and heads to the stern castle for an over-due meal.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#307 Post by tkrexx »

Emm struggles to rise, a series of halting, painful-sounding gasps and moans issuing without restraint. Ohh, I don't feel so well... Did I vomit? I'm so hungry... What was in that incense? She manages to stagger after Bog.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#308 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna wakes with a growl from her belly. She open her eyes to see as Ziller speaks. She flashes a quick series of signals before rising and looking at the others waking themselves. "I am famished, but first I gotta pee" The maiden say unabashedly
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#309 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich wakes, dizzy, hungry, mildly confused. But also stronger, somehow. A healthy sampling of food helps. As he munches on crab and bacon, he wonders idly if Pickles has grown any bigger....
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ASC (Day 11): the party regroups after the merging...

#310 Post by Argennian »

~ The party rises from their mats, bodies aching and sore, not to mention being extremely parched and absolutely famished. Although unsure of exactly what happened over most of last two days, those involved come to the same realization they have somehow... matured, and also acknowledge they came away from the strange experience with something real and tangible. Attempts at recollection are blurry, the details not clear enough to place mental fingers on, least not at present. Cryptic, to be sure, but there is also a counter stroke of reaffirming confidence, coupled with an aberrant sense of resolution that was not present prior. Each participant is physically and mentally spent alright, but it was not an exercise in vain...

Although weak and numb from inaction, everyone manages to get to their feet. Manoah seems the worse for wear and is noticeably unsteady. Ziller takes notice and is right there to catch him when his knees buckle. The young man is terribly pale, drenched in sweat and moves lethargically, as if he'd been at the merging much longer than anyone else. Ziller is concerned and enlists Ulrich's assistance in checking him over. The dwarf curate confirms the ranger's extremely dehydrated and malnourished state, and recommends he get one of Shanny's healing elixirs asap. The halfling commander produces one and helps Manoah hold it up so he can consume it. Doing so instantly returns color to his features, restores some strength and grants better balance, allowing him to be able to stand and support himself. With all members finally up and mobile, the just magically-leveled assembly depart the armory.

The first thing the party notices when they exit the reinforced compartment is the sound of heavy rain pounding the Seahawk. Ziller announces that ominous looking storm front did in fact roll in from the west, just after dawn at high tide. The large waves and violent winds put a stop to outside repairs and forced everyone to hunker down. There are leaky drips throughout the hold here and there, mostly originating from the seams around the two large cargo hatches, but nothing too concerning. Billings and those of the crew not outside on guard duty are hard at work at the stern, behind the galley where the rudder control channels lie. He acknowledges the halfling commander and exhausted party with a curious if not concerned look and shares a few strange nose scratches and facial scrunches when the two pass...


~ The newly-awakened band of Island Hands brave a short scramble on deck through the downpour to the stern castle. The early evening air is chilly, the sky already dark and wind gusts rip and howl about the ship and cove. There are a few flashes of light in the thick clouds and echoing boom of thunder rolls in the far distance. Rain is coming down hard and fast at a 45 degree angle, and although it stings on exposed skin and faces, it also feels good and helps shake away some of the grogginess of the merging.

The large table in the main ready room is already set for dinner and folks find Shanny's revitalizing tea and even some of the strong, addictive southern coffee ready and waiting. Once everyone's arrived and seated, Rip and Thomas deliver a wonderful meal, consisting mostly of seafood main courses like crab, fish and chowder. There's also chicken and even some small salted wild island boar steaks and bacon left to go with the mash potatoes and gravy, steamed onions & carrots, corn, spinach salad, and freshly baked biscuits and dinner rolls. The food tastes even more delicious than it looks and smells and the ravenous band of island hands immediately launches a bold frontal assault of intense consumption...

For a long time, no one speaks. A sense of sustenance is eventually achieved and folks begin to come about and feel their strength returning. A soaking wet Gentleman Billy arrives to debrief with Ziller. Once the low-volume exchange is done, the old master thief turns to consider those at the table, proffering a nod and warm smile for everyone whilst he conducts scrutinizations. Seemingly satisfied, and also relieved, he nods back to his longtime halfling mate, winks to Lauranna and heads back out in the storm. There are no further interruptions, save the occasional weird squeaking and scratching sound coming from the captain's cabin, followed by familiar dwarven curses and oaths. Ziller informs the party the little hatchling dragon turtle has more than doubled in size again and is starting to test it's breath weapon of scalding steam when it gets hungry, which is pretty much all the time. Needless to say, it's quickly outgrowing the ship, her store of fresh seafood and the general's patience. The halfling commander looks Ulrich in the eye as he explains it's presence is now common knowledge amongst the crew and that they are not at all happy about it...

"... As was said previous, that creature is top three for a sailor's worse bane. Some want to see it destroyed before it can grow up, start sinking ships and hoarding their cargoes and treasure. That being the case, perhaps we should consider letting it go before it ends up damaging the ship, let alone pushing the general too far. Otherwise, we run the risk of giving the crew an excuse to see it adjudicated..."

Ziller slams the rest of his coffee after delivering the "baby dragon turtles soon to no longer be allowed on board" communique, and moves over to a massive chest and two large footlockers against the back wall. He opens them, indicating the contents as the articles the party took off the slain Karagonian cleric, as well as the remaining items needing identification from the assassin vine's hoard, including the newly-resized magical leather armor that's been fitted for Emm. The halfling commander explains what each item is, what it does and how to use it before letting the party go about splitting up the loot amongst themselves. He also confirms requests from Manoah for more arrows and a better, more protective suit of metal armor from Ulrich. A large 24-count quiver of more silver-imbued flight arrows is given to the ranger and a suit of dwarven banded mail is brought up from the armory for the cleric before Ziller relays what's been happening over the last two days and what's on the agenda for the morrow.

"... One good thing about the storm is it should keep ships from navigating too close to the island, for fear they'll strike the outer reef. That pirate ship is still anchored north of us, and according to the latest intel report from Cutler and Caelvanna, the pirates that landed their longboat on the southern side of the island are still hunkered down at the same camp they made three days ago. They look to be waiting for their two mates that traveled eastward to return...

"Cutler's also still been on the prowl for our missing Karagonian lieutenant. He believes the man's either still inside the island's cave complex or perhaps found another way out in a different location. I'd very much like to see him captured and taken alive, if he's still on the island and can be located, but won't be too upset if he ends up dead. Regardless, we need to find him if'n we can, and still need to get a good look about the area at daybreak from a high vantage point, to ensure no ships or other surprises approach the island..."

Ziller pauses to check everyone's reaction before reaching into a pouch and producing two of the multicolored woven cloth bracelets that allow access through the nearly transparent spell bubble surrounding the ship. One is normal size and the other much smaller. He hands the larger of the two to Manoah, telling him to put it on and wear it all times and explaining what it does in relation to countering the powerful magic effects of the eastern concealment and protection spell. He then hands the smaller one to Emm, telling her to affix it to one of the giant baby owl's taloned feet as she did with her long lost seagull companion Kuda, so it doesn't freak out when it comes into contact with the bubble.

Once distributed, the halfling commander then hands over one of Billy's break in emergency distress crystals to Manoah, as well as a small earthenware flask containing Shanny's powerful healing elixir (1d8+1). He queries the others to see if anyone used theirs and ensures each party member has one before continuing.

"Captain Billings and the crew have made good progress on the repairs, and we should be ready to sail within the next two, mayhap three days. So other than capturing that missing mage and avoiding any further pirate contacts, we should be close to getting back underway on the voyage west...

"If there's anything else anyone has need of, please let me know now before you retire for the evening. Regarding tomorrow, I'm looking for volunteers to head out early and meet up with Cutler and Caelvanna. They need to be relieved and I want to know of anything new they've learned. We'll also need a good reconnoiter of the island and surrounding waters from high up on the edge of the crater.

"Any takers?"


OOC: okay then, fellers! Please respond IC with a yea or nay on joining those heading out tomorrow am to meet up with Caelvanna & Cutler and we'll fast forward through the night. Anyone not wanting to go along for any reason can stay with the ship and assist in repairs, research unidentified items, take guard duty, etc.; TOD adjusted.

POP: looking like everyone's rolled for and applied their new HPs from leveling up, so GtG there. Also wanted to make sure folks have adjusted things like Thac0, saving throws, total XP, added weapon proficiencies, etc. from leveling up. Please be sure to detail your PC's new items on their character and battle sheets, as once the party leaves the ship, if it's not noted it's assumed to have been left behind!

TOD: 7:30pm Day 12 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 22 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Manoah 27/27 , Ulrich 22/22
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – none / Karagonian masterwork spears & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – none / spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs or SC / short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – none / Argie the longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 16 of 20)
Ulrich – none / mace & shield / li'l pickles
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: CLW x2; speak with animals
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: CLW x3

In the stern castle "ready room": Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#311 Post by Alethan »


Bog is the first to stand and nod that he is happy to relieve Caelvanna and Cutler or explore the island some more. Or both.

"Been sitting too long. Need to stretch me legs and flex me arms again. Maybe swing a sword, throw an axe..." he adds quietly at the end.

He dons his armour and shoulders his pack, taking many of his personal possessions with him, minor though they might be. He takes a bit of time with the ship's tailor to make a sheath for his axes that holds their heads close to his lower back and allows one-handed access to them for throwing.

Sword sheathed and shield slung over his left shoulder, Bog grabs one of the Karagonian masterwork spears to take with him, fully aware of its usefulness in ways other than just being a spear.

OOC: Will make sure my saving throws and THAC0 and such are all updated.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#312 Post by Nuke66 »

"I too want to see that bastard again, I will definitely join this excursion, ready to do some investigating" Lauranna adds, "Let's do this"
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#313 Post by tkrexx »

He will die, Emm's dark eyes are serious, I have sworn it. I will try to bring him alive, but it's for nothing. If he answers your questions or no, it matters naught. He dies in the end.

The Priestess' eyes take to the sky. This storm fills me with such power as I've only imagined, A great smile brightens her face, We should use this power, before the weather changes. The Fire Fiend will have little chance! And yet... Her expression changes, If he is residing in the caves, and we track him there, the weather will be of no use.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#314 Post by Nuke66 »

"I can provide some help, though lightning from the sky is somewhat impotent against a single foe." Lauranna adds.
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ASC (Day 12): the party wakes & makes ready to head out

#315 Post by Argennian »

~ Bogdan is first to respond. He's definitely going on the mission. The big fighter stands up and works through a series of stretches and flexes to get blood pumping through his muscular frame and counter the inaction of lying about during the longer than expected merging. He explains as much and moves over to pick up his weapons and gear...

Lauranna confirms she's in as well and can't wait to make contact with their elusive adversary. The High-elf magic-user/thief is definitely looking forward to the upcoming action and flexing her new magic muscle and stretching her sinewy stealthiness every opportunity she gets...

Emm simply replies straight up the wand-wielding cur is as good as dead. Captured alive to be questioned or no, it matters not, because the conclusion of this whole archipelago allegory ain't going down any other way. The druidess asserts the storm's powers could be harnessed to do the job, and her eyes burn with anticipated satiation of that goal realized, but it's then countered by realization of the chance the bastard might already be underground inside the island and thus out of range of her tempest-powered magics...

Lauranna offers to help Emm get it done while Bog starts gathering up his split of the booty. Ziller looks with concern at Manoah and Ulrich. The young ranger seems out of it again, and has nodded off, but looks to be resting comfortably. The dwarf curate appears locked in meditation or prayer, perhaps regarding the upcoming action or what they're going to do with Pickles. Or both...

Dinner is concluded and everyone grabs their share of the loot and additional equipment requested before heading out to get some sleep before tomorrow's mission to relieve Caelvanna and Cutler. Bogdan stops by to see Tamber with a request for some custom holsters for his new magical throwing axes. Shanny's young helper and the ship's new tailor acknowledges the big fighter's order and promises to have them ready for him before the party departs predawn. Emm retreats back to her bunk and makes sure to install the specially-made small charm bracelet of invisible bubble barrier passage on the giant baby owl before settling in to pray for her new compliment of spells. Lauranna heads back to her bunk to do the same and go over her new logistics and materials to be ready for deployment. Manoah still appears lethargic and makes his way back to his new sleeping quarters with some assistance from Ziller. The halfling commander urges him to drink another one of Shanny's healing elixirs, which he does, and instantly feels better for it before hitting the rack. Ulrich rejoins Lord Jovak in the captain's cabin. Lil Pickles is now the size of a large dog and has already destroyed two larger crates! After a colorful debrief of strong adjectives and sharp curses from his beyond-irritated mentor, the newly-leveled dwarf curate moves over to inspect the growing lizard-turtle. Of immediate and most curious note is that the creature instantly calms down when he approaches, as if it recognizes him, and wants to "cuddle" with him like a cat! Jovak appears momentarily incredulous to this display but recovers in a minute or so to tell Ulrich what Ziller already did, regarding revocation of any and all baby dragon-turtle housing accommodations on the ship. The high priest/fighter lord urges him to let it go in the morning...

~ It is still dark with rain pounding the ship and wind whipping around her and the island cove when the early morning wake up call is sounded. Party members are roused, told to make ready and asked to meet with Ziller in the ready room of the stern castle for a final sitrep update before undertaking their morning mission. It seems the halfling commander has some new intel and wants a final headcount of who's going...


*** Please respond by posting that your character heads to the morning meeting & sitrep, if going on the mission! ***

OOC: okay gang, was hoping for a post from onlyme for Manoah and SL for Ulrich to confirm that they're going along. All casters have their full compliment of spells and please make sure to post those on your PC's respective battle sheet before the party departs the ship!

~ Seems there's still a few loose ends still trying to get sorted but all pms have gone out and it's nothing that will hold us up (any longer!) from moving forward!

POP: please note your PC's hp total below, WIH, etc., and let me know if it needs to be updated!

TOD: 6:00am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 38/38 ; Emm 20/20 , Lauranna 19/19 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – none / Karagonian masterwork spear(s) & longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – none / spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs, short sword & throwing knives & SC (& Wily!) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – none / +1 longsword or short bow / dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – none / +1 mace & shield / holy symbol & SC
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

In their respective bunks, cots & hammocks: Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna (& Wily) , Manoah , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#316 Post by onlyme »

!$%^$ Sorry bout that.
Manoah adjusts his pack to account for the equipment changes and heads out with his new found allies.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#317 Post by Alethan »

Bogdan readies his gear and shoulders his pack before heading to the meeting place, ready and eager to do some more exploration.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#318 Post by tkrexx »

Emm makes the whistle call that mimics the young owl's name as closely as she can, then uses what spells she currently has to inform her of the decision to again take to the wild on the morrow. She tries to encourage her new charge to continue being brave, even amongst all these strange beings who will be babysitting her. She makes sure to bring Sam with her, and asks the child to also try to mimic the bird's name call, so the two can nurture a bond in her absence.

In the morning she appears fully armored in the darkest of brown leather, all her gear apparent. She makes certain that her cudgel has a place of its own well within reach. She approaches the others, and tho she greets them all with her eyes, she remains silent.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#319 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich decides to join the team on the expedition.

To Lord Jovak, he says, "Perhaps it would be best if I take Li'l Pickles with me on this quest. He appears to have ... bonded with me somewhat. Perhaps it means nothing, and we will have to destroy the beast eventually. But I don't believe that to be Moradin's will, at least not yet. And having him away from the ship should help morale here.

"What do you think, m'lord?"

After the conversation with Jovak, Ulrich makes ready to leave.

OOC: Sorry for the delay!!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#320 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna too, appears on deck, fully dressed for this mission. She nods at Emm, exchanging the a knowing glance with the other hunter.

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