Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#181 Post by Marullus »

Okay, 10' diameter sounds like enough for Bromric and Gilgamesh to work together (like a 10' tunnel can fight two-abreast). Proceed with plan as above...
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#182 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Perthrin assists in any way he can.

Is he remaining on the same level as our stony friend? If so, I'll strike up a conversation.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#183 Post by Keehnelf »

June 11, 1 VC - 8:10pm

The pair of dwarves begin work in earnest at the bottom of the shaft, after ascertaining that the thringrinir have run out of provisions but are still in reasonable condition, though time is now pressing.

Along one wall of the chimney, a pile of removed stone begins to form as they descend, eventually necessitating the removal of some of it up the shaft, which Perthrin and Grimdar help with, Grimdar clucking in his gravelly voice about consorting with the trapped creatures.

Eventually, sweaty and exhausted and near collapse, Gilgamesh breaks through a last remaining stone and unearths the small boulder directly atop the creature that identified itself as Jerdan. Jerdan himself appears as a massive, squarely-built humanoid with little clothing wrapped about his muscular frame. Deep, fibrous scars crisscross the exposed flesh, and his head, half-visible past the edge of the stone, is that of a grimacing, sweaty goblinoid with protruding tusks and deep-set, beady eyes. He grunts as Gilgamesh comes into view. "At last," he mutters. "Please, I can almost lift this stone. The others are beyond me. Once free, I can clear the rubble easily."
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#184 Post by Spartakos »

Gilgamesh's eyes widen as he sees the creature they have been working to free, and his knuckles momentarily whiten on the shaft of his pick, his instinct urging him to strike the ugly creature betwixt the eyes. He quickly regains his composure and lays his pick aside, but he shoots a glance at Bromric, half warning and half questioning, as he moves to assist Jerdan in rolling the boulder aside.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#185 Post by Marullus »

Bromric sets his lips grimly and helps to heave the rock and free Jerdan. Both in answer to Gilgamesh's silent concern and to establish with the leader of the captives, he extends his mailed hand to grip Jerdan's and help pull him free. "Jerdan: I am Bromric Gorak-Okri-Elgraz-Endrinkuli. I have kept my promise, returning to free you, for no creature deserves to die thus, trapped beneath a mountain."
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#186 Post by Keehnelf »

June 11, 1 VC - 8:20pm

The dwarves heave and pull on the stone with Jerdan, and find he is surprisingly strong even in his difficult position. After a few minutes, the three of them are able to remove the boulder, and Jerdan clasps Bromric's mailed fist with one of his as he clambers slowly to his feet. Below him, a small opening near where his head was appears to open out into a larger area that could be cleared without too much difficulty, and possibly even crawled through by a small enough individual.

Jerdan is naked apart from a stained and foul-smelling loincloth hanging around his hips, held together by a thick leather belt from which dangles a long, curved-bladed knife or small scimitar on a hook that slaps against his bare thigh, which bears the marks of more than one accidental cut from such haphazard exposure. In fact, the creature's skin is a veritable morass of criss-crossing scars of various thickness and irregularity, some appearing to have been generated by animal talons or fangs, and others by sharp blades. Even his face is not spared this trouble, though many of the scars are oddly discolored as though they were ritualistically generated and serve as the basis of some kind of chaotic tattooing. His head is covered with long, knotted black hair that hangs, thick and wiry, down to the middle of his back, though the front of his scalp is mostly bare.

He flexes his massive arms and groans as he works the stiffness of long inactivity out of his limbs. The dwarves note that Jerdan has a handful of small bruises on his legs that seem to be rapidly disappearing, but otherwise appears unharmed and quite healthy. "Jerdan is my only name, but it is enough. We are in your debt, Bromric Gorak. As we promised, once my companions are free we will take you to the Queen of the Thringrinir so that you may be rewarded for your service to us." He doesn't smile--it is hard for Bromric to imagine such a fierce and toothsome face shifting into such an expression--but the tone of his voice is friendly and relaxed.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#187 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

While working, Perthrin attempts to ask Grimdar about himself:
- how old is he?
- what does he feed on to survive? (hopefully not elves...)
- how did he survive under the nose of the dragon for so long?
- does he know where others of his kind may be? Which mountains, specifically.

In turn, Perthrin will offer his own biography, including the massive scarring across his face, new thanks to a bugbear.

When he feels the work pace slacking, he will call down to find out how the two dwarfs are faring.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#188 Post by Marullus »

Bromric mirrors Jerdan's posture and demeanor. Warriors relate as warriors, after all. He nods once in his own stoic response, "I look forward to it. There are many enemies in this mountain and few of honor and trust. I look forward to this journey to your queen. Tell me, how do we travel to find her domain? I have secured access back up this chimney to the surface if we can circle around to an appropriate entrance." He sets to work helping to free Jerdan's companions as they talk. "How many of your band are we freeing? How did you come to be trapped here?"
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#189 Post by Keehnelf »

While the dwarves work, Perthrin plies Grimdar with questions as politely as he can--he learns, over those hours, that Grimdar is probably older than the dwarven settlement in the mountain, though since he rarely sees the sun or moon he doesn't measure time in any way that Perthrin can identify with. He learns, too, that Grimdar has only passing interest in others of his kind, and is content to plumb the depths of the earth and think his solitary thoughts. He knows little of their comings and goings, but knows that there are no others in the mountain. Finally, he learns that Grimdar subsists on the stuff of the mountain itself. Certain rare ores and minerals are especially nutritious, but he can survive eating only granite or marble indefinitely.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#190 Post by Keehnelf »

Jerdan grunts. "We came through the low tunnels--under this collapse is a chamber. My companions remain there, trapped under some small amount of rubble themselves. Within sight of them is the entrance to the tunnels from which we exited. Below, deep under the mountain, is our domain--if we travel there, the Queen will be pleased to provide a reward for our safe return. Our numbers are few: every life is precious. As for how we were trapped: some weeks past, a great trembling shook the mountain. Before we knew what was upon us, the ceiling had fallen and we were imprisoned. We know nothing else apart from that. Do you know aught of this cause of this tremor?"

With his bare hands, he begins pulling at some of the rocks around the opening, but he seems unskilled in stonework and if left to his devices will likely trigger another collapse.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#191 Post by Marullus »

Bromric aids him to prevent collapse. "There is much to discuss between me and your people. I can tell you as we go."

So, our group needs to travel down through this way to their tunnels, rather than them coming up?

Also, what mechanic are you using for recruitment here? I intend to feel out their people and, if trustworthy, build an alliance against foes in the mountain. Also, I will look to recruit him as a companion/retainer if feasible (and trustworthy).
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#192 Post by Keehnelf »

If you want to reach their home, you need to go down, not up.

He currently owes fealty to his queen (it seems obvious from how he speaks of her), so you would need to either make him an offer that would potentially sway his loyalties (hard without knowing more about him), or the bond between him and his queen needs to be disrupted in some way to make him "vulnerable" to recruitment as a retainer.

On the other hand, if you meet the queen and hit it off, you can always approach her about establishing an alliance and/or recruiting support on a for-hire basis from among her people.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#193 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Did you make theethe tunnelth? Or ith it like when I grathe in the woodth? hoping not to offend, Perthrin asks where diamonds or other gems are located. Preferably already pulled free of the surrounding rock.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#194 Post by Keehnelf »

Grimdar ponders a long time before answering. "I made some of these tunnels, but not many. I do not require the open air for safety, the way creatures of flesh do. Sometimes I come to places like this and think, and enjoy the novel feeling of the wind upon my body."

He is silent on the subject of diamonds.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#195 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Not wanting to create a rift with their new ally, Perthrin lets the matter drop. Seeing the work below slow down, Perthrin calls to Bromric and Gilgamesh, asking how the excavation fares.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#196 Post by Keehnelf »

June 11, 1 VC - 10:30pm

The dwarves and Jerdan finish opening up the entrance to the chamber below, which they discover is part of the dwarves construction of the mountain's lower halls. It is roughly twenty five feet square, with one heavy wooden and well-aged door leading out of the north wall and a more recent opening tunneled in from the east. Near that crude tunnel, a significant pile of rubble from the half-collapsed ceiling in the southeast lies atop the prone forms of other thringrinir, though how many is unclear. All the party can see if several exposed arms or legs, much like Jerdan's in musculature and condition.

Jerdan sets to work immediately moving the stone from atop his companions, and soon two more thringrinir stand, oddly hale and whole despite their recent entrapment and crushing. Indeed, there is little sign of injury, apart from their ubiquitous scarring, on either of the lightly clad creatures. Before greeting Jerdan or the party, each checks the long knife or axe hanging at his side. The one with the knife, seeing the blade terribly bent, simply tosses it to one side before eyeing the party coolly.

After a long moment, Jerdan and the others address one another in their strange thringrinir language, which seems halting and mellifluous at the same time, full of slurred consonants, barked repetitions and uncanny lilts and cadences that make it seem more like ritualized chanting at times than conversation.

Finally, Jerdan looks back at the party. "These are Odoxi and Leinir, my blood brothers and fellow explorers. They do not speak your tongue, but I have explained the situation to them. You are all exhausted after your long day's labor--we should rest and then depart for our home once you are recovered. We will keep watch: no creature of the deeps will disturb you with three thringrinir protecting your slumber." He motions to the open section of the room which should comfortably house the party's bedrolls.

Indeed, as he says this, the dwarves especially become aware of how long they have been toiling, and the desperate need for rest they have.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#197 Post by Marullus »

Bromric greets the two new Thringrinir with respect. He asks Jerdan, "How long is the journey to your queen, then? I must make arrangements for our others above."

Once he has helped Jerdan with securing the pathway to his kin, Bromric ascends to discuss with all the others and prepare for the next leg of their journey. He considers what Grimdar has shared, and reaches into his bootflap, producing a cut diamond. He offers it to the stone creature. "Grimdar, I am honored by your friendship. Please, take this, and enjoy it in good health. No creature should live on granite alone." He smiles. "I face a hard road, bringing my kin and trying to make a home in the mountain once more. You and your wisdom are most welcome, and I am grateful for anything you may share to help us live rightly with the stone around us."

To the others he adds, "The creatures below are orc-kin, twisted by mages into new form. Their blood is acid on stone and they regenerate like trolls. However... they treated with us honestly and they appear to understand a warrior's honor. I do not see treachery so far in their offer of treasure given in gratitude by their queen." He pauses. "The mountain is full of enemies and scant few friends. They were wrought by men and not by evil gods and may yet have choice in their fates. Parlaying with their queen requires us to go deeper and further in, rather than out or around. I do not require any to go with me or to share this risk, knowing who it is we treat with. If any wish to turn back, I do not fault you, but ask you take the mounts with you safely back to the tower. If we all proceed, then I thank you for your bravery and intrepid steps on this journey, but we must also decide what can be done with the mounts and gear which cannot follow this route."

He looks to each for response.

He also asks of Grimdar, "Is there any cavern you know of nearby which our hooved beasts may reach and be safe within until our return?"
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#198 Post by Keehnelf »

Grimdar thanks Bromric silently for the gift, and places it up on the elevated shelf where he had rested when they first encountered him.

Returning below, he looks at the dwarf quizically: "Can they not descend in the manner that you did?"
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#199 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Perthrin agrees to descending into the mountain. He is intrigued by this young race and will learn more if he can.

And as long as the Thringrinir are not with us:

Perthrin explains that the Thringrinir are speaking a combination of elvish and hobgoblin. I could be wrong, but probably their name'th related to the elvith word, "Thur'in Grynnedaer." Forthaken childrun. But I don't thee what the relationthip would be to elf bathtardth.
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Re: Expedition - Bromric/Reclaim the Mountain - June 3, 1 VC

#200 Post by Marullus »

Bromric shakes his head to Grimdar, pantomiming a horse's gait with his fingers. "We have ponies, beasts with four legs and hoove but no hands. They cannot come down a rope or shaft. They carry great weights for us but cannot defend themselves. Is their a cave with gentle slope nearby that they could enter? A way to keep them safe while they wait? If you're unfamiliar with such above-ground beasts you might enjoy observing them and learning of their ways, perhaps."

He looks to the others for their decision. Will the venture deep into the Thringrinir's realm, or return with the ponies to the tower until it is time to secure the mountain's gate?
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