[Completed] - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#201 Post by Zhym »

Did they boy look like he was about to get agitated again, or like he was going to tell Ulf something useful? I think Ulf would wait to pick up the body if it looked like the boy was about to say something useful, even if Ulf didn't know the boy would vanish. Who knows what kind of information you might wish you'd known before picking up a dead body surrounded by dwarvish curse language?

For that matter—can Ulf make out anything about the nature of the curse other than what's already been described?

If everything's already locked in, however:

Ulf exhales. If he was hit with a wasting disease or an overpowering compulsion to smite the enemies of the Firedeep clan or some other curse, he can't detect it. But he finds himself disconcerted by the boy's disappearance—what was he about to say? Something Ulf needs to know?

If the boy did not look like he was getting agitated, Ulf lays the body back down on the altar to see if the ghost boy returns.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#202 Post by Keehnelf »

The movement was literally at the moment that Ulf was grabbing up the body and beginning to lift--i.e., too late. OOC, he likely sensed that he would vanish when the body was removed from its location at the last second, and was going to say something about it.

That said, when Ulf lays the body back down, there is no further effect.

The runes themselves are only semi-coherent, but what I've shared so far is what Ulf can make of them. A non-dwarf would pretty much just see weird scrawls and etchings.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#203 Post by Zhym »

Ulf picks the remains up again and finishes wrapping them in his cloak. "I will seek more of your kind to bring here," he says in the direction of the altar the wolf disappeared behind. "This I swear."

He and returns to Seadu and Martin outside the stones. "Let us return now to the tomb and complete our quest. I have another one waiting." When the clerics are ready, he sets off to the east.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#204 Post by Keehnelf »

May 29, 1 VC - 2:00pm

The group heads east, back toward the tombs. It is easier to make good time along a known path, and with no need to scout for tracks, and the party anticipates arriving back in less than two days.

The return trip is uneventful, until the group comes into sight of the flat-topped subterranean structure and they spy a trio of humanoid figures arrayed near the outside of the tomb entrance, with three horses tethered together nearby. A bright blue pennant flaps in the wind from a lance mounted on the side of one of the horses. The group seems to have spotted the party as well, and one of the figures hails them with a waving arm.

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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#205 Post by Zhym »

Ulf raises an eyebrow and keeps a hand ready near his hammer but returns the wave. He approaches the horsemen.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#206 Post by Starbeard »

(Back! Wow, a lot has happened in the meantime.)

During the conversation with the wolf, Seadu verbally laments having left the beleaguered hobgoblins behind—with their expertise in siege-building and surveying, perhaps they could have gained the wolf's cooperation by arranging to have the very black stones themselves physically transported back to the tomb.

The moment is lost, however, and in the end he expresses admiration for Ulf's diplomatic skills.

Days later back at the ruin, Seadu follows Ulf's lead as they approach the horsemen. He examines the blue pennant and the horsemen's livery for any signs of identification, and casually looks to the right and left for any further beings on the plains.

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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#207 Post by Keehnelf »

As the party approaches, Seadu makes out clear heraldry on the pennant and the presumed leader of the group: pale blue (almost robin's egg) field with a pale yellow (nearly white) bull's head forward-facing, with no secondary ornament or border.

The group steps forward to greet the party, hands confidently upon their weapons but not in an aggressive stance. They appear to be humans, in a kind of light plate armor comprising a breastplate and lightweight gorget, an open-faced helmet with high crest, light pauldrons, and a loose-hanging combination of mail skirt and lightweight greaves and vambraces. They move easily, and the armor appears designed for mounted soldiers accustomed to fighting comparatively lightly-armed enemies. They have long, narrow-bladed swords at their sides, and none of them appear to be carrying any missile weapons, though they do bear medium-sized triangular shields.

The leader steps forward from the rest and holds one hand toward the party, palm outward and his fingers splayed in a heavy leather glove. "Well met, travelers!" he calls out, his voice rich and comfortable with a projection over open land, from a distance of forty or so feet. He speaks a dialect of the common tongue that is familiar but also oddly accented, and he peppers his speech occasionally with words that none of the party recognize. "My name is Almaret of Gizal--my companions and I have encountered many tovozai upon our long road. I beseech of you that you can ultrecht us in your way. Let us treat as friends, or at least as fellow-travelers, and not enemies this day, while the sozoloi remains in the sky." He smiles, his dusky face half-hidden behind a thick dark mustache.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#208 Post by Zhym »

Ulf wonders what it means that Almaret of Gizal offers friendship "this day" and "while the sozoloi remains in the sky"—Ulf assumes that "sozoloi" means "sun"—and whether the offer of friendship today includes friendship tonight or tomorrow. But he does not let any sign of that thought cross his face.

He raises a hand, palm forward, in a gesture mirroring the leader's. "Hail and greetings to you!" he calls out. "I am Ulf Stronghammer, son of Thuin Stronghammer, at your service. My companions are Seadu Erana, the Twice-Born, and Martin Whyte, faithful of Falles. We welcome your peaceful greeting and return your offer of friendship in kind. May this auspicious meeting stand as the beginning of a long and glorious friendship between our people!"
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#209 Post by Keehnelf »

Almaret seems satisfied with this response, and takes his hand away from the hilt of his sword as he strides purposefully forward, his shield hanging loosely at one side. The shield and a lightweight tabard hanging over his breastplate both bear the bull's-head emblem of the pennant, which appears to be his own personal or family heraldry, as the plume on his crested helmet that wafts in the light breeze is the same pale yellow color.

"You are an interesting lot!" he laughs heartily as he approaches. "From whence have you come? Our path has brought us south and west, out of the hills of our home."He points off toward the northeast and the dim flinty hills on the horizon.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#210 Post by Zhym »

"We traveled here from the west," answers Ulf. "A nobleman named Vaul established a settlement there, before he was slain defending the town against a horde of goblinkind."

"Tell me, if you will, of your home. I regretfully admit that your heraldry is unfamiliar to us."
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#211 Post by Keehnelf »

Almaret smiles even more broadly. "It is good to meet you, Ulf Stronghammer. Truly you say, it is a glorious death, to fall in defense of one's home against the hordes of the grazithai! I honor your nobleman's sacrifice with my spirit. It is not unusual that you would not know my arms--I come from the city-state of Thryss in the Eastern Plains. My own home, the fortress Azamet, is in the steep eastern hills near the land of the groboi." He motions to the heraldry. "Thus the arms. Our outriders spotted a large band of grazithai moving across the plains and my men and I were sent by the Chancellor to investigate the cause and origin while our armies were dispatched to destroy them. What do you know of these barbarians, and what can you tell me of your homeland? Is it quite far from here?"
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#212 Post by Zhym »

"Indeed it is a proud thing to die for one's homeland," agrees Ulf.

"These grazithai—were they moving east or west? Your outriders may have seen the army sent to attack Vaul. We routed them, eventually, but suffered grave losses. One of their lieutenants met us a few days ago and tried to extract revenge. I now carry his head in a bag, to show the leaders of my town when I return that he is dead."

"I do not know much about the grazithai, but I will share what little I do know. The goblins occupied most of these lands when we arrived. Their numbers are greatly reduced. Some of their leaders, those with white skin, have been slain. I have not seen many orcs. I hear that their holes are closer to the remains of the mountain that we call the Finger. It was infested with all sorts of goblinkind and worse, I have heard, all under the rule of a dragon who could take man shape. He has left, and who knows what chaos reigns in the void he left?"

"I have encountered hobgoblins in battle and, recently, in the field. In battle they are fierce warriors. But among the goblinkind, the hobgoblins seem almost...honorable? The two we recently encountered wished to surrender and join us in our town, contributing as they could. I have never seen a goblin or orc do such a thing. Perhaps, then, there can be peace with hobgoblins."

"My home," starts Ulf, then pauses. "A strange word 'home,' in the common tongue. So many meanings for such a small word. In dwarvish, there are many words that could mean 'home.' There is the runedar, the haven. The Khazâd-dûm, the mansions of the dwarves, the ancestral home. The bunddûm, the place you rest your head. There are others."

"I was raised in a city many leagues south of the mountains. The town of Vaul, a few days travel to the west of us, is where I stay when I have no where else to be. I have no land, no delving of my own there, though I hope to build a place that all of my kind can call a heim—yet another kind of 'home,' one that raises feelings of comfort and belonging, though none live there and all are welcome. My Khazâd-dûm, my ancestral home—I have never known it. But I have known a place like it, the Khazâd-dûm of another clan, a doomed clan. But perhaps that is a story for another time."
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#213 Post by Keehnelf »

Almaret motions toward the flat-topped dwarven tomb. "Is this the place of which you speak? If so, it is indeed a sad and ill-fortuned locale." He frowns. "My companion, Feratte, senses that many uru-gili, the un-living, move within, so we have not dared to enter with such small numbers."

"The grathizai were moving to the north, past my homeland, but further to the north they would find less defensible and richer territories, and so they could not be allowed to pass. I expect that they were all destroyed." He listens to Ulf describe his interactions with the hobgoblins. He nods thoughtfully. "Yes, there are some among the grathizai who seem to have honor, of a sort: they live, however, only for warfare, no matter their intentions or the word to which they have been bound. In ages past, my people attempted a truce with these folk in the hope that they might prove allies someday. But some fault in their spirit or blood made them unable to hold themselves in check, and they could not live in peace with their neighbors. We call them borginoi, blood-letters, ever after for this reason, and none are welcome in our lands on pain of death for the crimes they committed."

He looks off toward the distant mountain, visible amid a wreath of smoke on the horizon. "We suspected that the mountain there, you call The Finger, was the source of these enemies. We have not approached too closely lest they still hold the mountain in force. Do you know the condition of that place now? It may be worth investigating."
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#214 Post by Zhym »

Ulf laughs softly and gives a friendly smile. "If you wish to investigate what's left of the mountain, expect to find yourself in a crowd. My companions and I may be the only ones not seeking out the Finger for some purpose or another. Where there is a tale of a dragon, there are dreams of a hoard. A hall that was once home to dwarves of legend calls to dwarves of today to attempt re-establishment of glory in ancestral halls. And creatures of all sorts seek to take power that has been abandoned. If you seek war and riches, I imagine you would find both in that mountain."

"I hope you are wrong about the hobgoblins," he says. He looks toward the tomb. "That is indeed the place of which I speak. Faratte is correct: many of the un-living move within. We seek to put an end the curse that keeps it so. I would beg you, in the spirit of friendship, never to attempt to enter there. It has seen tragedy and heartbreak and those within deserve their rest. The dead walk because of many stupid, foolish, greedy—and even well-intentioned—actions. Please, let the dead lie."

Ulf takes a heavy breath. "In fact, though I enjoy our company, we should now complete our quest. You are welcome to join us, if you wish, and if you would swear to enter the tomb only as observers—unless we are attacked—and to take nothing that you did not bring with you. If you do not wish to enter with us, I would gladly welcome a resumption our conversation when my task is complete."
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#215 Post by Keehnelf »

Almaret bows. "I will not gladly intrude where one can find misery but not fortune. I will leave you to your quest and, if you return before we continue our own, we can parley further. If not, I wish your spirit a swift and safe journey to the Far Shores!" He draws his blade quickly in salute slashing its slender length twice above him in the air, and then resheathes it.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#216 Post by Zhym »

Wow, it's amazing how the whole thing about going into the tomb to put things back instead of take things is a deal-breaker for so many people. :D

Ulf returns the bow and salute, touching his hammer to the hammer embossed on his breastplate—lightly enough, he hopes, not to give himself a shock. "It has been a pleasure and an honor to meet you," he says. "I hope we can resume our conversation soon."

He nods to Seadu and Martin and heads for the tomb.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#217 Post by Keehnelf »

dude has his own business to accomplish--not likely to go over well with his boss if he reports back dead.
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#218 Post by Starbeard »

Seadu the Twice-Born listens with interest to the dialogue between Ulf and Almaret of Gizal. He salutes them at the end of the conversation.

'We welcome your friendship, Almaret of Gizal. Already you have expanded my mental map of this region several times over: the City-State of Thryss and Fortress Azamet now loom large in my imagination. I hope to visit someday. Perhaps Vaul to the west and Thryss to the east might become allies. But what of your name? What or where is Gizal?'

As they make ready to descend into the tomb, Seadu turns to Ulf and Martin. 'What an interesting moustache on that man. I admit, it would have been nice to know about this city-state before half of Vaul was destroyed in the Battle.'
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#219 Post by Keehnelf »

Almaret smiles, humbly averting his eyes. "I have the pleasure of being raised in the province of Gizal, my family's ancestral territory. The Fortress Adamstown is the seat of our power. Who is to know? Perhaps we can be allies. It is not my place to say, but when I return home I will share the news of our meeting with my master."
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Re: Expedition - Ulf/Mission for the Dwarves - May 20, 1 VC

#220 Post by Zhym »

Starbeard wrote:As they make ready to descend into the tomb, Seadu turns to Ulf and Martin. 'What an interesting moustache on that man. I admit, it would have been nice to know about this city-state before half of Vaul was destroyed in the Battle.'
"Perhaps," says Ulf noncommittally when Almaret and his men are out of earshot. He seems to consider saying more, but does not.

When Seadu and Martin are ready, Ulf leads the way into the tomb. He says a silent prayer to Falles asking that the trio reach the burial chamber unmolested.

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