Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

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Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#1 Post by Keven »

JIMI: Yesterday was a rough day. Your ship, the Wanderfall, jumped into the Gralyn System and blew the jump drive on reentry. You headed into the up port, Kalinin, to dump cargo and set up repairs. While enroute, another ship jumped in a mere 25,000 km from you, bleating a Signal GK, the universal distress signal. You lead a team of boarders onto the Astra-Class liner Lotus Unfolding and discovered several things:
That the ship was one of the last ships out of Carrill during Chin's Raid a year ago.
That a near miss by a shipkiller nuke caused a DRASTIC misjump from Carrill.
That the ship ran out of environmental spares during the 12 week subjective/11 month objective jump causing the death of the 5 crew.
That the pilot was Grey Khamizov, lifepartner of your boss and a good friend whom you lost track of a couple years back.
That the 'cargo' was 500 emergency low berths full of refugees from the Topkapi Hab of Carrill.
That some of them had failed, and you rescued a girl from one of the ELBs on the brink of failure.
That this girl was the 'niece' of your boss.

You brought the Lotus in with another crewman from the Wanderfall where you were treated as a hero. A night on the town with your shipmates save the boss and the 'new niece'. You crashed out at a local hotel in the upport til morning.

RAMONA: You were on the first real leave in years, waiting for reassignment to Yet Another Troublespot in the Carrillian Assembly, back home in Topkapi awaiting your new orders in a few days. Then the government announced the arrival of an unknown fleet, and dispatched the spaceborne members of the Peacekeepers to intercept. The battle was brief and fierce, and the Peacekeepers lost to Chin's Armada, which continued in, destroying all military installations, industrial centers, and even Tabletop, the traditional home of the Assembly government. Then they started in on the habs. You were drafted to help keep order in the evac of some civilians, crowd control at the lock of a converted Astra-Class liner, the Lotus Unfolding. You knew you would never get off Topkapi alive, and frustrated that you couldn't strike back at the Sollies for destroying your star nation's capital and home. Then a nuke hit the hab and it all went dark. You woke up as somebody was prying the lid off an emergency low berth, a medium built vaguely asian man talking to you in heavily accented Erde that everything was going to be alright, you were safe, and such. His accent was bad, like he'd learned Erde in a whorehouse or something, but you ignored that. He lent you a jacket to wear to his ship, where you were surprised to see your 'aunt' Brandi, the woman who babysat you more years ago than you care to remember. You haddn't seen her in over 20 years, since she graduated from the Carrillines Merchant Academy and shipped out to seek fame, fortune, and the Carrillian dream. She lit up like a fusion exhaust to see you, nearly crushed you with her hug, lent you some clothes to put on you though they were a bit too small for you. The Peackeeper Ground Forces training had really filled you out.

Then the word came of the pilot, who turned out to be Aunt Brandi's lifemate. To you, she visibly shrunk into herself and started looking OLD, like the sterotypical 'dragon grannies' you see on every hab in Carrill. The others around you only saw her withdraw, but you KNEW her and could read her body language easier than the kinderprogs in your first year of lyceum. She stayed behind while her crew took you out on the town, first shopping, then dinner and beers at a restaurant on Kalinin run by Carrillian refugees called 'The Hydroponic Shed'. You stumbled back to a hostel thumbed by the Gralyn government for Carrillian refugees and tried to sleep it off.

JIAO: You got to Gralyn the hard way, catching a ride from Kremmling (RD 1636) on the latest of a long line of tramp freighters and liners, the Weeping Willow, a disreputable 200 dton Far Trader that had seen better days. The captain was a complete pig, never ceasing to make unwanted passes at his female 'crew', believing that 'keeping him company offwatch' was part of the job description. You had to thump him to get him to keep his hands off, and when you hit the up port, he fired you on the spot AND tried blacklisting you with the local tramp merchies, and threw you and an uplifted ape passenger off the ship. Still, it was better than being stuck on Kremmling. There wasn't much beyond the fence there, just a few warehouses and a 'customs shack' interested in generating paperwork for 'undocumented cargo'. You could find more excitement watching the interminal bugs flying around.

While the major trading companies here in Gralyn had offices in Kalinin, the main offices seemed to be dirtside, at Corbingrad, so you went dirtside. The air was a bit thin, but they took your Rintarnan piastres just fine. You settled into an optment in the section of town called 'Little Carrill', packed full of refugees sorting their lives out. The rent was cheap, and your landlord was a prince among men. You learned some of the finer points of Carrillian cuisine, and fell in love with their coffee analog, zapana. It was almost tolerable being grounded there as you made the weary rounds looking for another berth. But none of the gypsies would have you, and most of the lines took your resume dump and told you they weren't hiring at the moment. Then you got a call from the office manager of Outworld Partners, an up and coming trading house. You were told that the Big Boss had just come in system, and would like to see you in a couple days.

AADAM: It's been a long strange trip since you started out in what's become Margaret's territory, back before that bastard Dulinor put two in the Emperor and kicked off the whole damned meltdown. Having had enough of war and wanting to do something different, you decided to get the hell out of the line of fire, and the best way you figured was to head spinward, away from the Sollies and the different factions. So you wandered, and ended up on Gralyn, a couple more scars added to your collection, and still with a few Impy credits to your name. Up port at Kalinin was a crashing bore, so you went dirtside to Corbingrad. Outside the Fence, things were a bit too tightly wrapped for your taste, but the locals were friendly and so were the cops, amazingly enough. And they were even tolerant of refugees. The locals mostly spoke what you learned was called Novarus, reputedly with roots in the old Terran language of Russian, and the refugees from Carrill spoke Erde, but nobody would tell you where it came from. Sounded a bit like a mishmash of a couple Terran asiatic languages with some strange sounding words that didn't seem to come from anywhere, but you know languages do evolve, and Erde seems to. Just about everybody spoke Galanglic as well, though their accents were a bit strange at first. After awhile, you got bored again, and started thinking of moving on, putting the resume clip out and about, with no takers. You weren't in a hurry, you weren't a kid anymore, and you had the creds to last quite awhile if needed. You did get a surprising offer for an interview from an outfit called Offworld Partners LTD, the local office told you they might be needing pilots Real Soon Now, and the Big Boss had just jumped insystem and could interview you in a couple days.

CHASE: The Rebellion is still raging outside the antispinward borders of the Deep. The Solomani are pressing Duke Craig hard and tight, and that's an area you really want to steer clear of. You finished up your final enlistment with the [name] Navy as a doctor, and demobbed. You worked your way to Gralyn, outside the combat zone, for a needed rest. You've seen too much of war the last dozen years, and wouldn't mind quieter times. You decided to look around a bit, sell your skills as a ship's doctor, but nobody was hiring. You came dirtside to Corbingrad, the main port dirtside on Gralyn, hung around, and put in some time at a local clinic run by the Church of the Future Man. They were a bit weird, but reasonably harmless. The clinic was funded by the Gralyn government for the growing refugee population from Carrill. It was reasonably pleasant, but you are getting the itch again. You passed your resume about, and no nibbles. When you were just about to start hitting up the tramps for working passage, you got a call from an outfit called Outworld Partners LTD, and the office manager let you know that the Big Boss had just come insystem and would be grounding in a couple days, and would you like to be interviewed for a position?

IVAN: Getting out of the Sollie sphere of influence was a Good Thing for you. Their stupid war of expansion was causing all kinds of hell. You had a good berth on the Luck of the Draw but that ended months ago, though the skipper liked you and got you your First Officer ticket. Your data store seems intact up to a couple months ago, and it bothers you a bit that there seem to be gaps in it. Last entry was, you were headed for Carrill to see what could be done there, then nothing until about three weeks ago, when you woke up on a tramp freighter coming in from Kremmling (RD 1636) as a passenger. The 'captain' was a real dickhead, constantly trying to score with the women in his 'crew', if you could call them that. One of them, the engineer, finally had enough of the 'captain' and kicked him where it counts, following up with a few well placed kicks and punches and he went down for the day. You were in the passenger lounge when he tried to bushwhack her, you stopped him easily and warned him to NEVER try that again. But he kicked you off the ship at the next stop, Gralyn, along with the engineer, Jiao. Your gear is reasonably intact, though there's this weird program in your portable computer. Looks like some kind of display program, but you haven't figured out what it's supposed to display.

You ended up leaving the upport and heading dirtside to the section of town called Little Carrill. It's the home of the growing Carrillian refugee population. At first they were hesitant around you, not knowing quite what to make of a genetically uplifted ape, but they warmed up to you when they found out you were a likeable guy. Funny thing, though, you can understand their language nearly perfectly, though you don't remember just WHERE you learned Erde. The natives are very tolerant of outsiders, which is something you have VERY little experience with. Locals tend to be suspicious, but not here. You've met some Aslan, and even a couple Droyne. Not a bad place to spend some time, but you're getting the itch to get back out there and build up that retirement fund again. You kicked around your resume and made sure you had your current tickets updated at the local hiring hall, but no nibbles for a bit, until you got a call from the office manager of an outfit called Outworld Partners LTD. The local branch manager offered you an interview with the Big Boss, who just jumped insystem, in a couple days.


JIMI, RAMONA: You get a voicemail from the port authorities: "Good morning. If you would please, come to the Port Captain's office for your deposition in the Lotus Unfolding inquest."
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#2 Post by ottarrus »

Ivan is more than a little concerned about missing time, learning a language, and a display program on his handcomp. Clearly, something fishier than a dolphin's diet is going on here.
Nevertheless, a job's a job and if the Gralyns and Outworld Partners are willing to take his papers at face value and give him a shot, he'll take it. He'll make the appointment to interview with the Big Boss.

Since he has a couple days on his hands, he'll muck about with his handcomp a bit and see if he can figure out what the Hell is going on with it. He's not the best hacker in the universe, but he didn't get this far by showing his cards too early. He'll try to figure out the program himself.

/ooc: You want to use the Unseen Servant die roller or some other system? Ivan's applicable stats are: IQ 8, EDU 9, Computer 1, +/- whatever I might get for familiarity with a personally owned unit.
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#3 Post by joertexas »

Jiao spends her time between job hunting and conversing with the refugees while she tries to find her next passage off-world. It was a refreshing change from the months of travel aboard ships that ranged from well maintained to space going deathtraps. The local star was more orange than her homeworlds's, lending an odd tint to everything, and the gravity was a bit heavier. The air pressure was more to her liking, though she'd grown used to the standard pressures aboard starships, so it took a few days to acclimate herself.

She immediately accepted the job interview, and stepped out of her apartment to visit the local cafe for more of that wonderful zapana. Along the way, she spotted the uplifted ape who had pulled that -creature- off her. She refused to call such a thing a man, and she shuddered a little as she remembered the attack.

[quote="ottarrus"Since he has a couple days on his hands, he'll muck about with his handcomp a bit and see if he can figure out what the Hell is going on with it. He's not the best hacker in the universe, but he didn't get this far by showing his cards too early. He'll try to figure out the program himself.[/quote]

"Hello again," a voice intrudes on Ivan's ruminations, with a decidedly Solomani accent. The woman engineer he'd rescued aboard the Weeping Willow stands before him.
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#4 Post by Eris »

Jimi listens to his voicemail over a cup of zap and a bar of something he found in the hotel's fridge.

"Crap! Yeah, gotta talk to the Port Captain, I guess." Jimi mumbles sourly around the mostly tasteless breakfast bar, "Might as well get it over with sooner than later."

Finishing his breakfast quickly, he taps out a text to the boss,"Hey, Cap! I gotta go talk to the Port Captain about Lotus Unfolding this morning. As soon as I'm done there I'll check back in with you for orders."

Saying to himself with a sigh, "And check on YOU, too. You're taking this worse than you're letting on."

With that, he brushes crumbs from and a few wrinkles out of his ship suit and leaves for the Port Captain's Office managing a smile at those he passes and keeping a spring in his step. Jimi reminds himself, "Even if you don't feel it, act it and it will be so."
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#5 Post by Keven »

ottarrus wrote:Ivan is more than a little concerned about missing time, learning a language, and a display program on his handcomp. Clearly, something fishier than a dolphin's diet is going on here.
Nevertheless, a job's a job and if the Gralyns and Outworld Partners are willing to take his papers at face value and give him a shot, he'll take it. He'll make the appointment to interview with the Big Boss.

Since he has a couple days on his hands, he'll muck about with his handcomp a bit and see if he can figure out what the Hell is going on with it. He's not the best hacker in the universe, but he didn't get this far by showing his cards too early. He'll try to figure out the program himself.

/ooc: You want to use the Unseen Servant die roller or some other system? Ivan's applicable stats are: IQ 8, EDU 9, Computer 1, +/- whatever I might get for familiarity with a personally owned unit.
Works for me.
joertexas wrote:Jiao spends her time between job hunting and conversing with the refugees while she tries to find her next passage off-world. It was a refreshing change from the months of travel aboard ships that ranged from well maintained to space going deathtraps. The local star was more orange than her homeworlds's, lending an odd tint to everything, and the gravity was a bit heavier. The air pressure was more to her liking, though she'd grown used to the standard pressures aboard starships, so it took a few days to acclimate herself.

She immediately accepted the job interview, and stepped out of her apartment to visit the local cafe for more of that wonderful zapana. Along the way, she spotted the uplifted ape who had pulled that -creature- off her. She refused to call such a thing a man, and she shuddered a little as she remembered the attack.
ottarrus wrote:Since he has a couple days on his hands, he'll muck about with his handcomp a bit and see if he can figure out what the Hell is going on with it. He's not the best hacker in the universe, but he didn't get this far by showing his cards too early. He'll try to figure out the program himself.
"Hello again," a voice intrudes on Ivan's ruminations, with a decidedly Solomani accent. The woman engineer he'd rescued aboard the Weeping Willow stands before him.
Eris wrote:Jimi listens to his voicemail over a cup of zap and a bar of something he found in the hotel's fridge.

"Crap! Yeah, gotta talk to the Port Captain, I guess." Jimi mumbles sourly around the mostly tasteless breakfast bar, "Might as well get it over with sooner than later."

Finishing his breakfast quickly, he taps out a text to the boss,"Hey, Cap! I gotta go talk to the Port Captain about Lotus Unfolding this morning. As soon as I'm done there I'll check back in with you for orders."

Saying to himself with a sigh, "And check on YOU, too. You're taking this worse than you're letting on."

With that, he brushes crumbs from and a few wrinkles out of his ship suit and leaves for the Port Captain's Office managing a smile at those he passes and keeping a spring in his step. Jimi reminds himself, "Even if you don't feel it, act it and it will be so."
The Port Captain's office is easily found, just by asking directions from the grey uniformed Port Procters. You get there, and are escorted to a comfortable small conference room by a youngish man. His Galanglic is a bit accented, but still understandable. He advises you he's recording the interview, turns on the recorder and asks questions for about half an hour. At the end, he asks if you have anything else to add to the official record or any questions you may have about the incident.

The rest of you?
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
Posts: 52
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#6 Post by ottarrus »

[Street Cafe Segue]

Ivan looks up, surprised. Shutting down his 'comp, he offers a toothy smile....

"Oh, hey Jiao! Good to see you. Have a seat!"
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#7 Post by Eris »

Keven wrote:The Port Captain's office is easily found, just by asking directions from the grey uniformed Port Procters. You get there, and are escorted to a comfortable small conference room by a youngish man. His Galanglic is a bit accented, but still understandable. He advises you he's recording the interview, turns on the recorder and asks questions for about half an hour. At the end, he asks if you have anything else to add to the official record or any questions you may have about the incident.
"Nothing more to add."says Jimi, "But where do we stand on salvage rights to Lotus Unfolding? I mean we did board her and deliver her to port, here. And, if I'm not mistaken I did file a claim on her while aboard her on the way in, now didn't I?"

I do think I remember doing that many, many, moons ago. Captain didn't seem to care about it, but Jimi did and he figured after she got over her grief a little she would, too. IIRC, of course. :)
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#8 Post by Ramona »

Ramona scowls and pulls a pillow over her head when the alarm on her loaner phone goes off. Some hideous custom ringtone that began with a stripped trans-axle followed by a never ending bass riff accompanied by an electric theremin. She flailed about with her right hand trying to locate the offending device.

"Shut that goram thing off," a near by voice groaned.

"Ya, is way to blood early mate," another voice added.

A hand grabbed hers and guided it to the device, "If I ever hear that ringtone again muffin I swear I'll flush the blasted thing out an airlock."

Ramona groaned and nodded shutting the phone down, "You'll have to race me to the airlock." She glanced briefly at the text scrolling slowly across the cold flat screen, "Good morning. If you would please, come to the Port Captain's office for your deposition in the Lotus Unfolding inquest."

"Oh that is so not on my list of things to do today puddin." Ramona added flipping the phone to silent and tossing it into the drawer of her nightstand.

She rolled slowly out of her bunk and looked around the room, couch, vid-screen, 8 single person cots separated by white nano-weave sheets, a half dozen men huddled a table next to the screen playing cards and puffing away on cheap vap sticks. Ramona blinked and wandered in the direction of the unisex fresher, every joint and muscle in her body registered their protests as she made her way past the card table.

"Look, if you fella's ain't moved by the time I get out I'm calling a medic." Ramona said as she walked by, "I'm fairly certain you lot were all in the same positions when I racked in last night."

"Oh good," the largest of the men replied, "we should have 2 maybe 3 hours until you look presentable luv."

Ramona stuck her tongue out and gave them the finger as she walked into the fresher, the men all chuckled and went back to their cards.

The sight that greeted her in the mirror was worse than she could have possibly imagined. A year in a lowberth had long since bleached whatever color she may have once possessed out her system, her skin was white, her hair was white and even her eyes looked more grey than blue.

"God damn it guys you didn't tell me I looked like a friggin' corpse!" Ramona yelled through the door.

"Oh ya," a voice boomed from outside, "hey sweet pea, before you look in the mirror I should warn you, you look like a zombie."

An hour later Ramona opened up the fresher door and was greeted by a pair of port authority guards.

"Oh hi guys!" Ramona said with a wide smile as she adjusted her towel, "you fella's must be bursting at the seams. Sorry I took so long, this kind of pretty doesn't come easy. In you go, in you go, sorry about the steam."

"You still look like a corpse," the large man at the table said looking over his cards, Ramona gave him her best look of death.

"Miss Quinn?" One of the guards said looking at her carefully, "You need to come with us."

"Two questions," she asked holding up two fingers on one hand as she held up her towel with the other, "One: Why? B: Am I under arrest because I have only been in town one night and I can't not possibly have done whatever it is you think I did and Triangle:" she glanced over at the table with the gambling me, "Why the hell couldn't you have warned me that the goon-squad was out here waiting for me?"

The larger guard raised an eyebrow, "The Port Captain wants to talk to you, you could be, and that's three questions."

"The third questions wasn't meant for you so you weren't supposed to count that one and will there be handcuffs?" Ramona asked with a grin, "I like handcuffs."

"Just put your clothes on Miss Quinn."

"Oh poop, you're no fun."

Thirty minutes later Ramona found herself sitting between two security guards outside the Port Captain's office.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#9 Post by Keven »

Eris wrote:
Keven wrote:The Port Captain's office is easily found, just by asking directions from the grey uniformed Port Procters. You get there, and are escorted to a comfortable small conference room by a youngish man. His Galanglic is a bit accented, but still understandable. He advises you he's recording the interview, turns on the recorder and asks questions for about half an hour. At the end, he asks if you have anything else to add to the official record or any questions you may have about the incident.
"Nothing more to add."says Jimi, "But where do we stand on salvage rights to Lotus Unfolding? I mean we did board her and deliver her to port, here. And, if I'm not mistaken I did file a claim on her while aboard her on the way in, now didn't I?"

I do think I remember doing that many, many, moons ago. Captain didn't seem to care about it, but Jimi did and he figured after she got over her grief a little she would, too. IIRC, of course. :)
The young man consults his tablet. "The claim has been filed, yes. Disposition is up to the Maritime Tribunal after the inquest. I'm seeing it as scheduled for 250-1125, three days from now, here in Kaliningrad, pending the autopsy reports of the crew. I see one has been done already, the pilot, and his body released to his family." He looks up. "You need not be present for it, and your absence from the proceedings will not bias the results of the ruling, if you choose to not attend. The Gralyn Union cannot comment on the disposal of the ship, of course, and you may wish to consult a solicitor for further pursuit on that matter." He turns off the recorder. "Off the record?" He continues after you nod. "It will depend on the Tribunal, of course. I highly recommend you retain a solicitor for this, they'll be able to advise you on your options and such. Again, you need not be present to have the claim awarded, and I'm showing Outworld Partners LTD has already filed a quitclaim on any salvage rights." He frowns. "Rather odd of them. Usually, a trading house would press salvage rights hard to gain a new ship." You know Grey was a Carrillian citizen. The only 'family' you know of his would be Go0Go. "That concludes the deposition, Gospodin Woo. The Union thanks you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter."

Ramona wrote:"Miss Quinn?" One of the guards said looking at her carefully, "You need to come with us."

"Two questions," she asked holding up two fingers on one hand as she held up her towel with the other, "One: Why? B: Am I under arrest because I have only been in town one night and I can't not possibly have done whatever it is you think I did and Triangle:" she glanced over at the table with the gambling me, "Why the hell couldn't you have warned me that the goon-squad was out here waiting for me?"

The larger guard raised an eyebrow, "The Port Captain wants to talk to you, you could be, and that's three questions."

"The third questions wasn't meant for you so you weren't supposed to count that one and will there be handcuffs?" Ramona asked with a grin, "I like handcuffs."

"Just put your clothes on Miss Quinn."

"Oh poop, you're no fun."

Thirty minutes later Ramona found herself sitting between two security guards outside the Port Captain's office.
And now you know why I LOVE the character of Ramona so much

You are politely ushered into a small comfortable room. A youngish man gestures you to a comfortable chair on the other side of the table from him. The two guards bow to him, and exit, closing the door behind them. "Good morning Gospa Quinn. Apologies for the intrusion, but the powers that be are under pressure to get this incident wrapped up." He holds up a small holorecorder. "We of course are being recorded." He turns it on and ask you questions for about half an hour. Most of them you have no answers for. At the end, he asks if you have anything further to add to the proceedings or any questions you'd like to ask.

Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#10 Post by joertexas »

ottarrus wrote:[Street Cafe Segue]

Ivan looks up, surprised. Shutting down his 'comp, he offers a toothy smile....

"Oh, hey Jiao! Good to see you. Have a seat!"
"It's good to see you again, Ivan." Jiao sits down, and looks to her left as a waiter approaches the table.

"May I get you something?" the dark-skinned young man asks politely.

"A cup of zapana and a cheese danish, please."

"Of course. Excuse me."

Jiao smiles at Ivan as the waiter walks away. "I need to find a job, or I will gain ten kilos here in a month."
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#11 Post by ottarrus »

[Street Cafe' Segue]

The sound of an upApe chuckling can be a little... alarming... for people that haven't heard it before. And Aslan don't laugh much. The people at the neighboring tables look up for a moment and then go back to studying the local scream-sheets.

"I have no doubt you'll find some worthy soul to work it all out on. Besides, after half my life in a vacc suit I'll take fresh food anytime I can get it. No matter how good the rations, they all start to taste like the packaging after awhile."

He takes a sip of his zapana.

"But, hey, I got a lead on a shipboard position for a company that's hiring. Got an interview in a couple days after their boss ships back insystem. Company's called 'Outworld'-something-or-other. I was just about to boot up whatever I can find about them when you came by. You want I should put a word in for you? "
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#12 Post by joertexas »

ottarrus wrote:[Street Cafe' Segue]

The sound of an upApe chuckling can be a little... alarming... for people that haven't heard it before. And Aslan don't laugh much. The people at the neighboring tables look up for a moment and then go back to studying the local scream-sheets.

"I have no doubt you'll find some worthy soul to work it all out on. Besides, after half my life in a vacc suit I'll take fresh food anytime I can get it. No matter how good the rations, they all start to taste like the packaging after awhile."

He takes a sip of his zapana.

"But, hey, I got a lead on a shipboard position for a company that's hiring. Got an interview in a couple days after their boss ships back insystem. Company's called 'Outworld'-something-or-other. I was just about to boot up whatever I can find about them when you came by. You want I should put a word in for you? "
"I have an interview with the same company," Jiao says. "Which is a surprise, actually. That creep on the Weeping Willow blacklisted me; none of the traders here will even talk to me." Her face tightens for a moment, and then she shakes her head and sighs. "At least I have this interview, and this place is better than a lot of others I've visited in the last year."

She looks up as the waiter returns with her order. "Thank you."
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#13 Post by Eris »

Keven wrote:The young man consults his tablet. "The claim has been filed, yes. Disposition is up to the Maritime Tribunal after the inquest. I'm seeing it as scheduled for 250-1125, three days from now, here in Kaliningrad, pending the autopsy reports of the crew. I see one has been done already, the pilot, and his body released to his family." He looks up. "You need not be present for it, and your absence from the proceedings will not bias the results of the ruling, if you choose to not attend. The Gralyn Union cannot comment on the disposal of the ship, of course, and you may wish to consult a solicitor for further pursuit on that matter." He turns off the recorder. "Off the record?" He continues after you nod. "It will depend on the Tribunal, of course. I highly recommend you retain a solicitor for this, they'll be able to advise you on your options and such. Again, you need not be present to have the claim awarded, and I'm showing Outworld Partners LTD has already filed a quitclaim on any salvage rights." He frowns. "Rather odd of them. Usually, a trading house would press salvage rights hard to gain a new ship."

"My ship's Captain was really close to the pilot that died. Right now I don't think she wants anything to do with Lotus Unfolding." Jimi says, "The crew, otoh, knows we could really, really, use a cash infusion for jump drive repairs and this might be the only way to get it."

Jimi asks, "Could you recommend a good local solicitor who deals with spacetime cases?"

Jimi adds any contact information he gets from the official and then shakes his hand and departs.

He'll be heading for the Wanderfall when he leaves to check in on GoGo.
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#14 Post by Ramona »

Keven wrote:You are politely ushered into a small comfortable room. A youngish man gestures you to a comfortable chair on the other side of the table from him. The two guards bow to him, and exit, closing the door behind them. "Good morning Gospa Quinn. Apologies for the intrusion, but the powers that be are under pressure to get this incident wrapped up." He holds up a small holorecorder. "We of course are being recorded." He turns it on and ask you questions for about half an hour. Most of them you have no answers for. At the end, he asks if you have anything further to add to the proceedings or any questions you'd like to ask.

Ramona leans over the table and looks the man in the eye, "Couple things, where's a good place to get a sandwich around here? Not some prefab, made by a machine protein paste on a carbohydrate roll but a real sandwich, I haven't eaten in a year and I'm feeling a might peckish." She takes his glass of water and drinks it, "I know I've asked you at least twice but are you sure you're old enough to be doing this job? I mean you look like you're about 15, not that that's a bad thing to look young, especially when you hit your 60's."

She smiles not really waiting for an answer and heads towards the door, "Oh, all those people on the habs who didn't get vaporized, asphyxiated or starved to death after the fact. What happened to them? I mean most of my family was there," she shrugs, "might be nice to know if any of them are still alive, cousin Vino still owes me 15 pistachios..."

The door closes behind her and her voice disappears from the room leaving the interviewer sitting there in stunned silence.

Ramona looks at the two guards, "Gentlemen, you wouldn't happen to know where a girl can get a good soup and sandwich? I mean I know a guy who owns a bar but some numb nut lobbed a nuke at it so that's kind of out of the question for the next 10,000 years."

"I should probably find out where Auntie GoGo hangs out, woman is a rock, what do you guys do for fun here? Besides hold the walls up?"
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#15 Post by Keven »

Eris wrote:
"My ship's Captain was really close to the pilot that died. Right now I don't think she wants anything to do with Lotus Unfolding." Jimi says, "The crew, otoh, knows we could really, really, use a cash infusion for jump drive repairs and this might be the only way to get it."

Jimi asks, "Could you recommend a good local solicitor who deals with spacetime cases?"

The man says, "You might want to check with your company, they would have their own solicitor that might take your case, especially if they ask them to."

Eris wrote:Jimi adds any contact information he gets from the official and then shakes his hand and departs.

He'll be heading for the Wanderfall when he leaves to check in on GoGo.
You head to Docking Bay 74 and show your ID to the Port proctors at the umbilical tube. "Hey, I saw you on the vid last night. Good work there, Gospodin!" As they get ready to clear you, his partner remarks, "Your boss went dirtside about 5 hours ago."

Your comm beeps receipt of a text message. When you pull it up, it's from Go-Go:

"Jimi, I'm heading dirtside to make arrangements for Grey's funeral. Seems it falls on me. Our brokers will handle the sale of the cargo, so meet me dirtside soonest. You'll find a prepaid ticket attached to this message."

Ramona wrote:Ramona leans over the table and looks the man in the eye, "Couple things, where's a good place to get a sandwich around here? Not some prefab, made by a machine protein paste on a carbohydrate roll but a real sandwich, I haven't eaten in a year and I'm feeling a might peckish." She takes his glass of water and drinks it, "I know I've asked you at least twice but are you sure you're old enough to be doing this job? I mean you look like you're about 15, not that that's a bad thing to look young, especially when you hit your 60's."
The man looks somewhat flustered, he turns off the recorder and says, "I assure you, Gospa Quinn, I am old enough and trained enough for this job." He blushes a bit. "Your status here is as a refugee. You have the right to apply for residency and or citizenship. The Union looks favorably on fast tracking Carrillian refugees as desirable new citizens."
Ramona wrote:She smiles not really waiting for an answer and heads towards the door, "Oh, all those people on the habs who didn't get vaporized, asphyxiated or starved to death after the fact. What happened to them? I mean most of my family was there," she shrugs, "might be nice to know if any of them are still alive, cousin Vino still owes me 15 pistachios..."

The door closes behind her and her voice disappears from the room leaving the interviewer sitting there in stunned silence.

Ramona looks at the two guards, "Gentlemen, you wouldn't happen to know where a girl can get a good soup and sandwich? I mean I know a guy who owns a bar but some numb nut lobbed a nuke at it so that's kind of out of the question for the next 10,000 years."

"I should probably find out where Auntie GoGo hangs out, woman is a rock, what do you guys do for fun here? Besides hold the walls up?"
One of the guards says "Level 7, Gospa. That's where the commercial eateries are."

As you walk out the door, your comm bleats that annoying ringtone again notifying you of a text message. When you open it, you see it's from Go-Go:

"Ramona, I've gone dirtside for a bit to take care of some things. Please join me there when you can, I've attached a shuttle ticket to this message. We can discuss your future. I have a position with my company open for you, if you wish to take it. Let me know." You find a prepaid shuttle ticket attached to the message as stated.
Candles Against The Night:
Game Janitor, ZZZZZZ, Everything, 10 Terms
JOT-90, Admin-90, Fast Talk-90
In The Marches:
Carlos Matsumi, 79AAA7, Scouts, 33, 3.5 terms,
Gunnery-1, JOAT-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Slug Pistol-1, Vacc Suit-2. Blade.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#16 Post by Eris »

Keven wrote:
Eris wrote:Jimi asks, "Could you recommend a good local solicitor who deals with spacetime cases?"

The man says, "You might want to check with your company, they would have their own solicitor that might take your case, especially if they ask them to."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Jimi says, although, he's not too sure about getting GoGo's lawyer directly involved. He guesses he'll try that first, though.

Eris wrote:Jimi adds any contact information he gets from the official and then shakes his hand and departs.

He'll be heading for the Wanderfall when he leaves to check in on GoGo.

Keven wrote: You head to Docking Bay 74 and show your ID to the Port proctors at the umbilical tube. "Hey, I saw you on the vid last night. Good work there, Gospodin!" As they get ready to clear you, his partner remarks, "Your boss went dirtside about 5 hours ago."

"Damn! I was hoping to catch her here." Jimi says, "And thanks for the thumbs up Gospodin, but I didn't do anything you wouldn't have done. Just right place, right time."

Keven wrote:Your comm beeps receipt of a text message. When you pull it up, it's from Go-Go:

"Jimi, I'm heading dirtside to make arrangements for Grey's funeral. Seems it falls on me. Our brokers will handle the sale of the cargo, so meet me dirtside soonest. You'll find a prepaid ticket attached to this message."

"Okay, dirtside it is." Jimi says checking the prepaid ticket, "Gospodin, what's the fastest route to the shuttles heading dirtside?"

Thanking the Proctors, Jimi heads off for the shuttle at a jog.
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
Posts: 52
Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:33 am

Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#17 Post by ottarrus »

joertexas wrote:
ottarrus wrote:[Street Cafe' Segue]

The sound of an upApe chuckling can be a little... alarming... for people that haven't heard it before. And Aslan don't laugh much. The people at the neighboring tables look up for a moment and then go back to studying the local scream-sheets.

"I have no doubt you'll find some worthy soul to work it all out on. Besides, after half my life in a vacc suit I'll take fresh food anytime I can get it. No matter how good the rations, they all start to taste like the packaging after awhile."

He takes a sip of his zapana.

"But, hey, I got a lead on a shipboard position for a company that's hiring. Got an interview in a couple days after their boss ships back insystem. Company's called 'Outworld'-something-or-other. I was just about to boot up whatever I can find about them when you came by. You want I should put a word in for you? "
"I have an interview with the same company," Jiao says. "Which is a surprise, actually. That creep on the Weeping Willow blacklisted me; none of the traders here will even talk to me." Her face tightens for a moment, and then she shakes her head and sighs. "At least I have this interview, and this place is better than a lot of others I've visited in the last year."

She looks up as the waiter returns with her order. "Thank you."

Ivan looks up to the waiter, "Put that on my tab, please. And thank you."

Looking back to Jiao, "Well, let's take a look at these folks then."

He'll boot up his hand-comp and do a quick local records search on 'Outworld Partners LTD' to see if there's anything in the database.
-- Carl Hicks Jr.
Price of Freedom:
Yojiro 'Yo' Akiyama
DEX: 2d+2 [Guns 4d, Dodge 3d]; KNOW: 2d+2 [Survival 4d]
MECH: 3d+2 [Drive 4d, Navig 5d, Commo 5d]; PER: 3d+2 [Search 5d, Hide/Sneak 4d]
STR: 2d+2 [Brawl 3d, Stamina 3d] TECH: 2d+2 [Electronics 4d, Computer Opn 3d]

Ivan Erwin, Uplifted Ape UPP C7A895
Belter /Free Trader
Skills: Brawling 2, JoT 2, Navigation 2, Pilot 2, Vacc Suit 2, Computer 1, Engineer 1, Gun [Rifleman] 1, ZG Environment 1
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#18 Post by joertexas »

ottarrus wrote:He'll boot up his hand-comp and do a quick local records search on 'Outworld Partners LTD' to see if there's anything in the database.
Jiao eats her danish and sips her zapana while she waits for the search results.
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#19 Post by ybn1197 »

Keven wrote:CHASE: The Rebellion is still raging outside the antispinward borders of the Deep. The Solomani are pressing Duke Craig hard and tight, and that's an area you really want to steer clear of. You finished up your final enlistment with the [name] Navy as a doctor, and demobbed. You worked your way to Gralyn, outside the combat zone, for a needed rest. You've seen too much of war the last dozen years, and wouldn't mind quieter times. You decided to look around a bit, sell your skills as a ship's doctor, but nobody was hiring. You came dirtside to Corbingrad, the main port dirtside on Gralyn, hung around, and put in some time at a local clinic run by the Church of the Future Man. They were a bit weird, but reasonably harmless. The clinic was funded by the Gralyn government for the growing refugee population from Carrill. It was reasonably pleasant, but you are getting the itch again. You passed your resume about, and no nibbles. When you were just about to start hitting up the tramps for working passage, you got a call from an outfit called Outworld Partners LTD, and the office manager let you know that the Big Boss had just come insystem and would be grounding in a couple days, and would you like to be interviewed for a position?
Chase stutters for a moment, surprised at the turn of luck. He had figured getting work as a doctor was going to be easy. Reality always has a way of turning everything on its ear. "Sure, sure. I would love to come in for an interview. Where are you located?

Sorry all. RL has been bad the last couple of days and has kept me off the internet for the most part these last couple of days.
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Re: Funeral for a Friend: Gralyn RD 1835, 247-1125

#20 Post by Eris »

Jimi hustles into the shuttle lounge and looks up at the departures board.

"Damn!" he grouses, "A 30 minute wait, might as well grab a cold beverage and rest my puppies."

True to his word, he swipes his card across a vending machine's reader and grabs a bottle of SaSa, "the drink that peps you up!" and takes a seat in an empty row of seats.

Taking a swig of SaSa, he grimaces, "Blown Seals! That's vile!" but he cautiously takes another sip, "I guess it'll grow on me."

With a half hour to wait he spends his time people watching...

Wonder if Ramona will show up? :)
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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