First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

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First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#1 Post by Spartakos »

16th of Shining, 8:00 am

Having laid plans to venture forth in search of these storied Caves, you all assemble in the bright sunshine of a clear summer's day. Varied motives drew you here...wanderlust, greed, altruism, thrill-seeking. But you are all reasonably confident in each other's mettle, and are willing to hazard your luck against the fearsome reputation of the Caves of Chaos.

When all are ready, you set out...

A few things:

1.) I assume you are taking the shortest route, which is about 30 miles westward through the forest. For a lightly laden party (120' move) it would be a trip of about a day and a quarter, but some among you are burdened by your gear; it will take you about 2 and a half days at a move of 60'. If some could transfer some gear to Wilbur the donkey or Geert's pony, that could speed your trip.

2.) On that note...Geert, are you bringing both your beasts? Henry, bringing your donkey?

3.) Any last minute purchases or preparations?

4.) Looks like you have fair consensus on your marching order (if anyone doesn't like it, speak up).

5.) Watch schedule, when camping?
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#2 Post by badams30 »

Henry - Cleric

Henry offers Wilbur's services if requested. "He doesn't look like much, but he's quite strong and capable." Henry doesn't have much gear, so Wilbur's load is light.

If the group elects to NOT bring animals, Henry will notify the boarding folks that Wilbur will be staying for a while.

Henry cheerfully falls into marching order and is ready to proceed!
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#3 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Geert likewise offers his pony up for gear carrying. Gone are his smiles from the night before, replaced by a grimly set jaw. A faint scar splits his overnight stubble to the right of his chin.

"Might be we can set us up a little camp half a day from the caves. Ag here ain't the most ferocious, but she'll stand by and guard a couple pack beasts from wolves and such if we set her up right. Defensible fallback spot, outcropping or such. Might serve well if things go south of all right."

I'll go with the group consensus. If it's no beasts on this trip, it's no beasts. If Aggie is to stay behind, Geert will try to shop her services to the stablehands in exchange for Aggie's keep. Otherwise, he'll see if the daughter at the tavern will look after her. Geert volunteers for the middle watch.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#4 Post by Tamerlaine »

Cormac falls into place, his axe resting solidly over one shoulder. He's quiet on this auspicious day, a squint etched deep into his eyes. The hulking behemoth is nursing a massive hangover yet he's eager to leave. He's not for the comforts of civilization nor the incessant wagging tongues of their women. Give him the wilds any day; the rivers and forests, the hills and mountains, the rain, the storms. Ye gods, he thought bitterly, what did he drink last night?

HIs only solace was waking up to find his face resting squarely on Thea's considerable bosom. A better pillow no man could ask for. And the other...the thought of treasure among those caves.

Coramc turns his head, his bloodshot eyes glaring at the others. "Well, which is it? Stand around like a herd o' sheep bleatin' all the morn, or do we kick some dust?"

OOC: First watch for me
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#5 Post by Scott308 »

Eglistrum Paharis

A slender young man with a scraggly blond beard and greenish robes that mark him as a student of the arcane arts, wooden staff at hand, ambles over and eases into the center of the expeditionary force. I take it this is the group setting out for the Caves of Chaos? A rather... he pauses briefly, as if trying to come up with the appropriate word, grandiose...term for a cave, I should think. I'm sure someone had an over-inflated sense of self when they named it, but I guess we shall see for ourselves if the title is truly warranted,won't we?

As far as watches go, casters should probably not be last as they need to prepare spells after 8 hours of rest, and that will take an hour for them to do so. Other than that, I am fine with Eglistrum taking any watch that doesn't affect his ability to memorize his spell.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#6 Post by Gelatinous Q »

OOC: I'm for using the pack animals.

Lardo lightens his load by transferring his backpack to Wilbur, then falls in next to Henry. "You sure you're ready for this?" he prods his companion, only half-joking. "This will be a far cry from dispensing alms to beggars, I warrant. You might see some things you'd rather not." He unleashes a great belch: last night's slops at the tavern didn't entirely agree with him. "Well, let's be off then. Daylight's burning."

Lardo will take third watch.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#7 Post by Zhym »

Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third falls into place, ready to adventure. He's not quite all of 2'9" unless you count the six inches or so of white hair that rises in a chaotic spiky mass from his skull. He wears leather armor under a short tabard of colorful and rather busy design. Four small throwing axes are hung about his waist. On his back is a pack the size of a small purse.

"Lets get goin', ye knaves!" he says with a wink to those towering over him. "We got a long trip to the caves!"
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#8 Post by Spearmint »


Throws his longspear over his shoulder and hoists his shield on his back, marching down the road, whistling a little guard tune beat and sings in a deep tenor voice.

"Wele goelcerth wen yn fflamio
A thafodau tan yn bloeddio,
Ar I'r dewrion ddod I daro,
Unwaith eto n un:
Gan fanllefau'r tywysogion
Llais gelynion, trwst arfogion,
A charlamiad y marchogion,
Craig ar graig a grbn!
Arfon byth ni orfydd.
Cenir yn dragywydd;
Cymru fydd fel Cymru fu,
Yn glodus ymysg gwledydd,
'Nghwyn oleuni'r goelcerth acw,
Tros wefusau Cymro'n marw,
Annibyniaeth sydd yn galw,
Am ei dewraf dyn."

recalling songs from dwarven history of them vanquishing besieging bestial foes.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#9 Post by KingOfCowards »

Aron quietly falls into line at the rear. He concentrates on his surroundings, and less on his companions, as if he is trying to commit each landmark to memory.
When it finally becomes time to rest, he would be more comfortable at one of the first watches so that he could memorize spells for the next day.

He'll also make use of the pack animals if it helps speed up the journey. I know he is one of the characters down to 60' movement.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#10 Post by Spartakos »

17th of Shining, 10:30 am

If Aron puts his pack on the donkey for the journey to the caves, he can move at 120'. Same for Littbarsky.
If Lardo puts his iron spikes on the donkey, likewise.
If Eglistrum puts his bedroll and wineskin on the donkey, likewise.
Since Henry offered and you mostly seemed willing to accept, I assume you do this to make better time.

The party winds its way through the northern wood, a mixture of beech, ash, and birch trees, often leavened with thickets of holly, juniper, and blackthorn. The forest is not dense, and here and there game trails wind through, so they have little trouble in making their way. Occasionally they stop to rest on fallen logs, or to take a cool drink from a mossy brook. They day passes without significant event, and by the end of a long day's march they've covered a goodly distance, and notice the terrain growing a bit rockier, studded by occasional boulders and outcroppings.

A fairly defensible spot is found to make camp, near a large jut of rock. Cormac offers to sit up and keep first watch, and Aron joins him. Geert relieves them midway through the night, sitting up with his dog, and Lardo and Eglistrum take the last watch.

(Those who didn't list a watch apparently slept through. The night passed without event.
Geert mentioned possibly leaving the pack animals a bit behind, with his dog to guard them. Do you wish to do leave them here?)

Rising early the next day, the group continues on their journey, and by midmorning they break free of the forest into rocky foothills, and know they must be nearing their destination. The country is still dotted with growth, but more stunted evergreens and gorse bushes. Rounding a sharp stony rise, they suddenly find themselves confronted by a wide ravine, with cliffs rising sharply on either side. As you peer into the ravine, dim with shadows, you can see the cliff faces are dotted here and there with the gaping black mouths of caves. The floor of the ravine is strewn with rubble, boulders, and dead branches...and here and there, the gleaming ivory of bones and skulls. The area is silent except for the cawing of crows and ravens.

At its mouth, the ravine is perhaps 150' across, but it tapers as it proceeds in. About 500' or 600' along it is about half that wide, and it appears to curve around to the left.

(The numbers are just to make it easy for you guys to identify which cave you are entering.)
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#11 Post by badams30 »

Henry - Cleric

OOC: Henry has no problem leaving Wilbur back as described. He'll tie him near some food source (and cover, preferably) and he gives him a vigorous nose rub and hug before departing.

Henry's effervescent smile fades as he shifts his gaze from one cave entrance to the next, occasionally pausing to gawk at the skulls and unidentified remains strewn about.

"Well, this is certainly an ominous place, is it not?" He points toward the nearest cave entrances (1 and 7 on the map) and says "They are closest, and if things go badly we have a shorter distance to run for it."

OOC: Henry is fine with any choice, he's not a tactician, just practical.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#12 Post by KingOfCowards »

I assume we are approaching from the east, nearest to caves #1 and #7. It wouldn't hurt to take a cursory look at the entrances to both of them before deciding on a definite path.
Aron suggests as much in hopeful manner. "Perhaps we study the entrances to the caves first. We may be able to better judge the dangers inside through our observances."
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#13 Post by Zhym »

Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third

"I think one hole's as good as another," opines the gnome. "And the joke that goes here ends, 'your mother!'"

He grins and looks around the group for signs of mirth—or better yet, groans.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#14 Post by Gelatinous Q »

OOC: Lardo grabbed his pack before they left Wilbur behind.
Zhym wrote:"I think one hole's as good as another," opines the gnome. "And the joke that goes here ends, 'your mother!'"
"Augh, let's not go draggin' that sow into this," Lardo growls. He surveys the cavern entrances to left and right, and lets out a soft whistle. "Those what can see in the dark might want to scout the entrances," he says. "Myself, I'd need to light a torch and that'd give us away dead certain."
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#15 Post by Spearmint »


Will poke his spear through some of the rubble and bones. Does anything look recently chewed, still bloody and fleshy or all just dry bones.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#16 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Geert hobbles his pony with a couple lengths cut from a leftover rope in his saddle bag. If there's vegetation enough for Gal to munch on and a stream nearby, he figures that should do it. He feeds Aggie a fresh ration ("That ought to hold you over, there's a good girl.") and commands her to stay and guard the pack animals.

At the ravine, Geert offers to scout the two nearest cave mouths. "They won't even know I'm there."

He sets off without waiting for an answer, picking his quiet halfling way over to the cave on the left, then back to his friends to report, and then across to the one on the right. He'll wait for about 5-7 minutes outside each cave mouth, crouching behind whatever cover of stones and rubble he can find, listening and watching for movement within. If he hears or sees anything, he'll wait a bit longer to try to get as much information as possible (unless someone's coming right out; he'll try to warn the party if that happens).

Outdoors, Geert has the best chance of not being noticed. With some daylight, Geert should be able to see at least a few feet in. And then if someone wants to scout further who can see in the dark, he'll gladly step aside. He's also willing to scout further into the ravine if so desired, but that's just an offer for now. I'm personally curious if there's not something more around that bend... :D
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#17 Post by Spartakos »

17th of Shining, 10:40 am
OOC: Lardo grabbed his pack before they left Wilbur behind.
That's cool; I understood that putting stuff on Wilbur was just for the trip to the Caves, so everybody got their stuff back before moving in.

As the group quietly discusses what to do, Littbarsky pokes through the detritus of the canyon floor. There are quite a few bones, and they range in age...from old and brittle, to no more than a few days old, some with bits of rotting flesh still clinging to them. Many are animals--he recognizes deer, rabbits, and wild boar--but some are recognizably human, or at least humanoid.

When the possibility of scouting is raised, Geert readily volunteers, and heads off to do just that without waiting for caution or counsel. He catfoots his way across the litter-strewn rocky ground to the cliff wall, then creeps up to the cave mouth. He pauses to listen, then carefully and slowly peers around the corner, keeping as low as he can.

The cave leads into a tunnel-like hallway; the walls are carved from the stone of the cliff, but they have clearly been shaped and smoothed by something with intelligence. The ceiling is perhaps six or seven feet high, and more irregular than the walls or floor. The floor of the tunnel is very dusty and scattered with dead leaves, twigs, and gravel. The only illumination is from the sun shining into the cave mouth, which rapidly dims before the tunnel runs out. But perhaps five yards inside the tunnel, he can make out a slumped humanoid shape sitting against the wall of the tunnel. It resembles a figure about Geert's own height, but with a horned, dog-like face and a scaly hide the color of rust. A javelin in the crook of the creature's arm is propped against the wall, and its head is leaned down, chin resting on its chest. It looks asleep. It takes no notice of Geert, so he sits and observes for a time, breathing as shallowly as he can manage. The creature makes no move or sound.

Slowly withdrawing, Geert backs away and quietly makes his way back to his companions to report this.

(Thought I'd stop there, in case you changed your mind about scouting the other side.
Scott308 and Tamerlaine, hope you don't mind my not waiting, but the group as a whole hasn't taken any direct action yet; thought Geert's little foray would provide you all with some more data to make your decisions.)
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#18 Post by Spearmint »


Sounds like a sleeping kobold. Either pick him off with a few arrows from cover or let him sleep. Littbarsky readies a javelin to throw. "Greet you want to go sneak further in, we can cover you if you snap a twig."
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#19 Post by badams30 »

Henry - Cleric

Henry listens intently to Geert's report. He grabs his mace and shield and says quietly "Everyone be careful, okay?" He says a quick silent prayer for good fortune.

OOC: Henry will fall into marching order for the trek to the cave.
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Re: First Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#20 Post by Tamerlaine »


Wouldn't be easier to try and lure it out?
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