BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#21 Post by kipper »

If Clark can safely fire his carbine from the back row past his friends, he will do so.
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#22 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Calling upon vast reserves of battle training*, Zuul launches a single round into the middle of the squad.

"I'll get you thiss time, my prettiess...."

*uses a force point
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#23 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin moves to the fallback position with the others.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#24 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Zinn's face becomes a mask of grim determination as he closes with the oncoming TIEs. "Two TIEs to the front, coming in hot," he says, noting her insistent aversion to his slang name for Imperial fighters and deciding not to take her to task for being unreasonable. "Gonna take a shot at each of them, and let 'em pass us. When they come around, hit 'em with the ion cannons."

Zinn will take a shot at the lead TIE (if one is in front; otherwise, he'll fire at the one to his right), then will start evasive maneuvers.
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#25 Post by max_vale »

Alliance Base in the caverns of the planet Fangol and sector of space near the captured I.S.S. Black Ice; Mortex Sector

-Clark, Gavin, Zuul

Doing their best to ignore the sparking wire in the makeshift rubble cover in front of them, the Rebels concentrate on the approaching squad of 8 Stormtroopers and open fire at their Imperial opponents some 30 meters away in the passageway connecting the 2 rooms....

Corporal Akin fires off a shot from his long-barrelled Rifle and curses when he sees his Blaster bolt just miss a zigging-and-zagging Stormtrooper...

Next to him, Zuul Ksska picked up his reloaded double barrelled Flechette Launcher and he fires off a blast that sends a canister down the 5 meter or so wide passageway to explode into dozens of razor-sharp projectiles just in front of the squad and in an instant, 3 of the Stormtroopers collapse to the ground in bloody pieces...

Professor Clark next takes a shot with his Blaster Carbine, but the Academic is annoyed to see that his bolt misses its intended target...

Then Gavin Storm takes careful aim and fires a blast which slams into the center torso of a fourth Stormtrooper and with a clatter of armor, his target falls to the floor, never to rise again...

The remaining four Stormtroopers include a trio of Carbine-wielding Imperials who each fire a blast as they charge forward another 10 meters or so to close within 20 meters; but the bolts merely slam into the cover the Rebels crouch behind and none strike home. A pair of those 3 Stormtroopers let go of their carbines with one hand to reach for grenades attached to their belts....

The fourth Stormtrooper however, carries a Light Repeat Blaster and he stands still and opens fires with a spray of blaster bolts that cut down Corporal Akin while another bolt burns a stinging scar into Zuul's tough hide*, though it does no permanent damage....

-Zinn (and Avarra):

Zinn maneuvers his Y-Wing towards the ace TIE fighter closing on him from dead-ahead and his hard turns and jukes cause some of the green laser bolts from the Imperial craft to zip past him without connecting, but he's buffeted in his chair a bit as some of the TIE's fire manages to score a hit that 'pops' the remaining deflector shields out of existence around his ship but otherwise does no damage. In return, he fires a blast from the twin laser cannon mounted in the nose of his Fighter and he snarls happily as his red bolts lance into and through the TIE, turning it into a short-lived fireball...

From behind him, Avarra utilized the joystick controlling the twin light Ion cannon turret to rotate the weapon 180 degrees to point forward and she opens up a series of blue-tinted blasts towards the remaining long-range TIE that leads to a glancing hit on one of the spars connecting the hexagonal solar-panel 'wings' of the Imperial ship to its central cockpit section. She calls out while staring at her sensor read-out; "Looks like the TIE's maneuvering thrusters have been knocked out, that TIE's not going to be very nimble for a little while!" Her happy tone suddenly stopped though as she noticed something else. "Uh-oh....looks like its weapons are back on-line though…right now he's maneuvering as violently as he can towards us!" she calls out to Vallimar as she rotates the Ion cannon turret back to cover the rear 180 degrees again....

*Zuul is merely Grazed
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#26 Post by kipper »

Clark fires again, aiming for the right-hand trooper who's going for a grenade.
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#27 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin will fire two shots at the stormtrooper with the repeat blaster. use a force point.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#28 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul glances at his shoulder, down to the riddled body of Corporal Akin, then growls at the troopers. "He hass one more boom, just for you!"

Zuul launches the second round at the group of three 20m away. =)
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#29 Post by max_vale »

Alliance Base in the caverns of the planet Fangol and sector of space near the captured I.S.S. Black Ice; Mortex Sector

-Clark, Gavin, Zuul:

The battle between 3 members of Black Team and the remnants of an Imperial squad of Stormtroopers taking place in the tunnels of the Alliance base came to a climax as the Rebels poured on the fire…

Zuul Ksska, with a a growl; launches the second canister from his Flechette launcher and grimaces when he sees one of the grenade-wielding Imperials and the Repeat Blaster gunner dive for the ground; but he's grinning a second later when the canister explodes and fills the tunnel with razor-sharp fragments that tear the other two Imperial troops to shreds….

Professor Clark takes a shot at the other grenade wielder and snarls in a most un-academic way in savage delight as his blast drops the Stormtrooper to the ground in a clatter….

Gavin Storm takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and then snaps them open and fires a pair of shots from his blaster carbine that proceed to drill the Repeat-Blaster wielding Stormtrooper right through the heart AND the face. The Imperial falls to the ground like a puppet with the strings cut off from it in mid-motion and doesn't move and it's only then that Gavin realizes he hasn't let out his breath from before taking the shot….

Theres' a long few moments of silence and then Zuul loads his last 2 cannisters into his Flechette launcher as the brawny Profesor moves forward to grab the Light Repeat Blaster and Gavin picks up one of the unactivated grenades the Imperials were about to use on them. At that moment, the Rebels picked up the comms call from Colonel Moonshot, the overall commander of Fangol base…

"This is Colonel Moonshot to all personnel on the base. The last transport is prepping for takeoff; make all haste to Hangar Bay 11! Repeat, we are ABANDONING BASE…make all haste to Hangar Bay 11! May the Force be with you all!"

The Rebels make thier way to the turboshaft and take it to the Hangar Bay Level and as they scramble out, they see the chaos as dozens of personnel make thier way towards the last Rebel Transport in the bay. Out of the one tunnel, Colonel Moonsht, Captain Io Dargen, Case Officer Mers and a few other senior officers were waving everyone towards the ramp of the Transport and clearly doing thier best to ensure they were the last Alliance members on the base before the Transport took off.

Out of another tunnel came Bothan Infantry Captain Sev Ma'Leth; cradling a shattered arm emerged from one of the tunnels and a half-dozen Rebel troopers, all of whom looked like they had gone through hell quickly made thier way over to him. The 3 members of Black Team; having been assigned to him, shrugged at each other and moved over in that direction as well. It was at that moment that a section of the wall blew out and 3 massive white shapes emerged….Imperial Zero-G assault troops; better known as: Spacetroopers*!


Captain Ma'Leth yelled out; "We've got to deal with them and give the rest of the base time to board the Transpor-"; he was cut off as one of the Spacetroopers raised its armored hand and opened up with a Repeat Blaster that sent bolts flying into the poor Bothan officer and ended his days; along with a couple of his nearby troops who were cut down as well...

A second trooper launched a grenade from the back-pack looking launcher that was carried on the back and had launch ports to either side of the armor's 'helmet'. The grenade landed in the midst of the remaining Rebel troops and exploded with enough force to shred the unfortunate Rebel veterans into ribbons…

The third and last Spacetrooper launched a different colored grenade towards the cluster of senior officers and the spherical object, instead of exploding began spewing a thick, dark-green colored cloud of gas which caused the officers to drop to the ground, coughing and clutching thier mouths with thier eyes shut tightly and tears streaking down thier faces….

They seemed to be ignoring the members of Black Team for the moment, but that was unlikely to continue…

Zinn Vallimar and Avarra:

Avarra was watching her scopes carefully and in a confused tone she wondered aloud; "…why is he so DETERMINED to try and close with us when his maneuvering thrusters are out and it makes it pretty easy for me to do this-"; she cuts her self off with a well-placed Ion Cannon blast that knocks out the TIEs engines and weapon systems, leaving it helplessly drifting in space; "-unless…"; she never has the chance to finish the thought as the comms crackle to life….


Zinn could clearly see the Assault Shuttle; fast, heavily armored and shielded moving to short range from the Container Train while still being Long-ranged away from his Y-Wing fighter. Maneuvering to point his fighter straight at the Imperial he gunned the Y-Wing's engines to maximum power and quickly acclerated to within Medium range of the ship and almost too late remembering to zig and zag as a blast came from the Assault Shuttle's turret-mounted laser. His Y-Wing had no shields and with the armor and shields on the Imperial ship; he'd probably have to use Proton Torpedoes to have any chance of taking it down before it docked with the Black Ice and its 40 man platoon of Imperials siezed control of the prized ship.

To use the torps though, he had to get to Short Range; which meant the Shuttle itself would be very close to the Container Train….AND it meant dodging enemy fire while he was at it. Sweat trickled down the Pilot's brow as the memory of the attack on the Nebulon Frigate in the prototype B-Wing suddenly flashed through his mind……

*You guys would know from Rebel briefings that Spacetroopers are basically an Imperial Stormtrooper in a big, boxy suit of Power-armor (maybe 2 or 2 and a half meters tall) designed for use in Space…though occasionally used in assaults, like this one. They have claw like 'hands' that can crush and tear metal (and flesh); a mounted Repeat Blaster on one 'arm' and a pair of Grenade Launchers in a boxy set-up on the back with the launch ports to either side of the 'helmet'; and typically one port is for standard grenades while the other one launches stun/gas grenades. They are also frequently mounted with mini-proton rocket launch tubes on the back when in space; to damage or take out small ships….but they are not armed with them now as they wouldn't really be of any use in this situation.

The armor on these things is SUBSTANTIAL….blaster pistols and carbines are unlikely to do much….your characters would know this.

Kipper: Clark is the last one with a Force Point…also, the Repeat Blaster has a snap down bi-pod, which will take a round to snap down and then get prone to use; and the Blaster can fire two ways: Bursts which is against one target and is just like anything else….or Spray…which fires in an arc to hit multiple targets (up to 5 people in a 5 meter wide area); but if fired 'from the hip'; requires a STR check of 10 (doesn't impact attack rolls) to ensure the recoil doesn't spoil the shots.
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#30 Post by kipper »

Clark, with a grim set to his jaw, swings the Repeat Blaster about and fires a Spray 'from the hip' at the three Spacetroopers (and using his last Force Point for the attack roll), his burly arms supporting the large weapon.

(This is assuming the Spacetroopers are in close proximity and not near any rebels, which seems to be so based on the description above)
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#31 Post by max_vale »

Alliance Base in the caverns of the planet Fangol and sector of space near the captured I.S.S. Black Ice; Mortex Sector

-Clark, Gavin, Zuul:

The battle in the Hangar Bay of Fangol Bay increased its intensity with the devastating arrival of 3 Imperial 'Spacetroopers' who had managed to take out all fo the remaining Rebel troops except for the 3 members of Black Team AND incapacitated the senior Alliance officers with a gas grenade. The trio of Rebel agents though sprang into action….

First Zuul Ksska let go of his Flechette launcher with one hand and used that free limb to snatch up his only grenade, arm it and let it fly at the trio of heavily armored Imperials about 10 meters away. The orb bounced slightly off target and ricocheted off a wall to explode half-a-dozen meters away from its intended blast-site, but still with enough force to knock one of the Imperials off his feet and inflict some damage on the armored suit….

Then Professor Clark trusted to the Force and with a sudden surge of adrenaline, he bodily swung the Light Repeat Blaster around and opened up with a long spray of fire while yelling out a battle-cry that would have done any hero of the vids justice! His spray of bolts lanced through one of the Imperials and leaving the Zero-G-Assault trooper a smooking pile of ruin on the hangar bay floor and his fire continued into the side of a second Imperial, smashing the Repeat Blaster mounted on its arm and tearing into and disabling the grenade launching 'back-pack' it carried as well; leaving the stormtrooper inside the armored suit wobbly on his feet…

Finally, Gavin Storm primed his own grenade and let fly, dropping to the deck as he did so and pulling his Blaster Carbine to the ready if needed. His throw was spot on and it detonated with enough force to utterly anhilate the 'disarmed' Spacetrooper who was wobbly on his feet after Clark's damage and made sure that the smoking ruin of a second Spacetrooper swept off his feet by the good Professor's blaster spray was even MORE of a ruin….

The last Spacetrooper, damaged for Zuul's grenade blast, slowly rose to its knees with sparks arcing from its destroyed grenade-launching 'back-pack' and raised its arm holding its still functioning Repeat Blaster and it fired a burst of bolts that caught the big Barabel in the side and leg with enough force to drop him prone with a hiss of pain and anger*...

Zinn Vallimar and Avarra:

Zinn closed his eyes tightly for a brief moment, took a deep breath and 'trusted to the Force' **as he zigged and zagged his Y-Wing fighter at maximum speed to close the range to the Assault Shuttle and lined up a shot with his Proton Torpedo tubes. A couple of blasts from the Imperial's turret whizzed past, VERY close, but not connecting and when Avarra yelled out that the scope showed he was in range, he let fly with a pair of torps; both of which slammed into the assault ship's rear engine compartment and with a terrific explosion, the Imperial craft rapidly transformed into thousands of tiny pieces of metal scattered throughout the cosmos.
A moment later, hard to hear distinctly due to Avarra's cheers came the call over the comms from the Black Ice; "This is Commander Bakarah; THANKS SO MUCH! Nice shooting and may the Force be with you!"…

*Zuul is Wounded (he'd have been worse if it wasn't for his high STR!) He'll be at -1D for all future actions until treated

**I spent Zinn's Force Point here and had him try to close the range; dodge shots from the Imperials and Fire 2 Proton Torpedoes if within Short Range… all worked out!
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#32 Post by kipper »

Clark attempts another shot from the hip, this time a burst at the remaining Spacetrooper.
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#33 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Zinn activates the mic and replies, "You're quite welcome, Commander. The Force has been with us today; let's get out of here while the gettin' is good!"

Clicking off the mic, Zinn says, "Excellent job out there, Avarra. It's good to have you in the cockpit with me."
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#34 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin also aims and fires twice at the spacetrooper.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#35 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Zuul rises to his feet, bellows in anger, then charges the spacetrooper in an attempt to knock him down.

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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#36 Post by max_vale »

Alliance Base in the caverns of the planet Fangol and sector of space near the captured I.S.S. Black Ice; Mortex Sector

-Clark, Gavin, Zuul:

Zuul Ksska, the big Barabel rebel, lurched to his feet and despite the pain from his wounds, he yelled out a roar and charged the last, shakily standing Spacetrooper. The big 2 meter tall reptilian alien smashed into the Imperial with enough force to send both the power armored Imperial and Zuul himself crashing to the floor…

It was perhaps a good thing then that the recoil from the burst of fire Professor Clark let loose with his aquired Light Repeat Blaster proved too much for the muscular academic and the shots sailed high over both the Spacetrooper and his Barabel teammate….

Then Gavin Storm took careful aim at the damaged sections of the Imperial's armored suit and he put a pair of well aimed blasts that lanced through the damaged section and ended the Imperial threat once and for all…

In the immediate aftermath of the firefight, the Rebels staggered over to the unconscious but okay Colonel Moonshot, Captain Io Dargen, Case Officer Mers and helped them along with the few remaining Rebels in the hangar onto the last transport and then told the Captain of the Rebel ship to take off. The ramp closed and the ship lifted off, tearing through the mists of planet Fangol's atmosphere and quickly into space. Once into Space, the abandon system message was sent out to all Rebel ships and fighters and the Alliance abandoned Mortex Sector to the Imperials; Black Ice and her invaluable cargo of fuel jumped into hyperspace with the rest of the Rebel ships….

Zinn & Avarra:

Given the clearence to land on the -Ice; Zinn piloted the Y-Wing into the small, tight hangar bay and within moments the captured container train was accelerating into hyperspace and leaving the battle at Fangol in the past….
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Re: BACK ICE - Episode 5: The Blitz

#37 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Pulling off his helmet and unbuckling his crash restraints, Zinn says to Avarra, "So...what's next for you? You were a big help today; we could definitely use you."

As he continues to disembark from the fighter, Zinn begins to think about going through the Ice, to gather intelligence and gear. He knows it won't bring back White Team, but claiming some of those assets would, doubtless, make his team better able to reconcile the loss of their comrades during the mission.
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