Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

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Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#1 Post by Urson »

Harry has wrangled a conference room from someone, and the mission brief takes place here.

I told ya we'd be searchin' out Uniques an' ... 'aquiring' them for collectors. The first one we're goin' after is The Dark Pharoh. (your guides project a photo of a sculpture made of some black material). This is it- a pretty ordinary sculpture of an Egyptian Pharoh. The thing is, it's carved from some material nobody has been able to identify- the thing is glassy-smooth, but it doesn't reflect _any_ light at all. It's about 3 feet tall, and probably 100 pounds. Nobody on Eldritch 1985 can figure out what it's made from, who made it, or how.

Eldritch 1985 is a real backwater world- nobody knows a whole lot about it. The technology is at about the Mainline 1985 level, plus there's some kind of magic that works there. History has followed the general flow, with some divergences due to magic. You'll be arriving near New Orleans- it's another one of those worlds with just one Off-Ramp. I'll provide $1300 in currency that should pass there. You'll need to find The Dark Pharoh, most likely steal it from a museum, and get it back to the Highway.

OK- I'm sure you got a ton o' questions, and I got very few answers for 'em. Ask away.
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#2 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel swallows. "Magic?! I... jeez-o-pete, I didn't know there were worlds where... Now, when you say magic, do you mean "magic" magic? Like, curses and faerie circles and living broomsticks?

"I... guys, give me a minute, this is lot to wrap my head around. I've seen some pretty far out stuff. There's a kind of star-drive that can only be repaired during dreams. Not to mention the Highway itself. But, you know, no matter how far out there, the basics of mechanics held up—cause was linked to effect. Magic throws that right out the window.

"We're going to need someone who... can any of us work magic? Or... navigate it? Do we need to recruit a consultant?"
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#3 Post by Urson »

Harry nods. Yeah, real magic. If it helps think about it as another kinda technology. There are rules, and limitations, and power requirements, and all the stuff you're familiar with. I don't know any magic, but from what I know about it, a lot of it is based in Quantum Mechanics.
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#4 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel looks instantly relieved. "Oh! I'm familiar with sufficiently advanced technology, no problem. I was pretty much weened on quantum physics. You had me worried that we were talking about fundamentally analogical physics. That would have left me up a creek without a propellant.

"Still, it would be good to bone up on as much of the local conditions as possible. Can Jiminy access appropriate materials on the subject? Or should I be in contact with a specialist?"
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#5 Post by Urson »

If ya wanna hire an expert, you'll need to visit some of the Sideroad worlds- There aren't really any mainlines that have enough magic to make 'em useful. Yer guides have some data on magic, but there's always variations between worlds.

Bad GM! No cookie!
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#6 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Axel pulls Tel aside: Magic isn't that big a deal, still controlled and used by people. People have the same motivations and limitations no matter the time.

If you need a demonstration, I can help you with that. Mind, I don't specialize in that flashy fireball stuff.
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#7 Post by Urson »

Duh! I forgot about Axel and his Thaumacratic homeworld. In general, Axel should be able to function as the resident expert.
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#8 Post by Grognardsw »

I only now saw this new thread. :oops:
Isaac C. Heinlein, spaceman

"One of my favorite late 20th century Earth writers, Arther C. Clarke, said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. If we could figure out their science, we could be wizards."
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Re: Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985

#9 Post by Urson »

"Prolly not, Ike. Even if ya learn the mechanics of it, there's a metaphysical element. If ya ain't born with The Touch, you won't be able to the magic. Like a guy in a wheelchair could know everything about dancin' , but he'd still never be able to tapdance."
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