Chapter 12b - Chet recounts their visit to the prison

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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#21 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus is in two minds. If it's feasible for Chet to use his spetum over the Druids head safely then it might be wiser if the halfling goes first with Chet second and fluffy at the rear. However Chet is the main man who can search for traps so it kinda makes sense if he goes first. Two abreast could be the Druid and the hound, with the monk bringing up the rear incase there is a trap that Tempus needs a hand climbing out of. Either that or Chet walks some ten feet ahead checking for traps and such like and the drip ups follows carefully with Fluffy behind. At least that way the Druid could stand a chance at casting his magic successfully without getting skewered.

"There there good man, there are many things that walk the deep earth that are immune to such simple tricks. I have some magic of my own that might suffice besides. Onwards and upwards it seems," Tempus says reassuringly. He plucks a candle from his pack and proceeds to light it with some flint and steel.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#22 Post by AleBelly »

Chet will lead one abreast, but since he can't see in the dark very well he'll allow Fluffy and Tempus to lead two abreast. He's fast, and will follow them 10' behind. I assume you'll be 5' in single file...let me know if this is ok.

The light from the candle illuminates 20' into the darkness. The grey stone floor, smooth, continues into the room. There are beads of condensation on the floor...and on the walls within.

Chet pulls rations from his pack. "Maybe this will help with the hunger he says" munching quickly. He holds some food out to Tempus. "Want some?" he asks.

"I'm going to check to check the arch for traps, but first" he he wipes the condensate on the floor with his finger. "I want to see if this is blood." His finger returns with a clear liquid like water. "Know anything about this?" Chet asks, holding his wet finger up to the druid.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:04
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Lanterns hung along stairwell, Tempus' candle until 08:34
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#23 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus will eat some of the rations, feeding some to Fluffy as well.

"It doesn't appear to be blood which is good. Is it water, or something more sticky?" the Druid asks looking up above the group to check the ceiling for oozes etc
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#24 Post by AleBelly »

The trio munch happily, satisfying their hunger.

Chet deducts a day's rations.

"I don't know" replies Chet, who seems reluctant to test it any further. "It seems like water."

Just as he is about to test the arch for traps, and Tempus is looking at the dripping ceiling for oozes and such, the pair are surprised by light coming from the north (at least, they think it's from the north), ahead of them.

Surprise? party 1-2 [1d6] = 1 Others 1-2 [1d6] = 6

They look up, and see several humanoid figures with the heads of crows duck back out of sight (see map, they appeared in the 10' wide corridor and then disappeared from sight to the west, which they are able to do due to surprise).

Fluffy, surprised, begins barking wildly (and loudly).

However, the light the crow figures cast illuminated much of the room, if just for a split second. It illuminates a room with a low ceiling - only 7' at the ends, vaulting to 11' in the center. In the northeast corner is a ghastly sight. A crumpled figure lies in the corner. It looks much like an astronaut suit. It cradles what looks like a lump of flesh that extends into the "helmet," where a malformed head of a child can be seen. It seems the crumpled figure the lump of flesh?

As the crow figures retreat, their light does too, and the figures in the corner are dark again - Tempus' candle only illuminates a 20' area. In response to Fluffy's barking, the a whisper comes from the corner. "Shhhhhhhhhhh!"
IMG_1850.JPG (83.15 KiB) Viewed 848 times
Note that no light has illuminated any walls to the east, so those aren't drawn in yet.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:05
Conditions: 75F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Tempus' candle until 08:34
Injury Status: None
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#25 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus asks Fluffy to be still and quiet, praising her when she does so.

"I haven't ever seen bird people before, seems they scare easily. As to the kneeling figure, perhaps we should split up and approach them from two sides. What say you good Chet?"

If the monk agrees the halfling will head out across the cavern carefully, getting Fluffy to heel as he goes. He will take out his scimitar just in case there is trouble.

When the kneeling figure is just within his candles light, the halfling will call out softly to it.

"Hello there, are you alright?"
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#26 Post by AleBelly »

Chet nods in agreement, and stays about 15' from Tempus. As the candlelight flickers off of the strange astronaut-like suit-shell, they get a better glimpse of the fleshy creature within. It appears childlike, and has conformed to the inner features of the cradling suit. Its lumpy head, filling the "helmet" of the shell-suit, has a barely visible nose and tiny mouth. It is ugly, mottled and bald. The suit and its occupant fill a plush chair. A couple of pouches sit next to it. Tempus can see the glint of gems in one, but the contents of the others are unknown.

As Tempus asks "Hello there, are you alright?", an arm of the shell-suit waves the party along. "SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" is hisses...though where the sound comes from is difficult to say. It is most peculiar. The deformed flesh sleeps, but the suit is animated.

Chet and Tempus hear footfalls and creaks from the direction that they saw the crowmen, but can not see anything nearly that far.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:07
Conditions: 75F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Tempus' candle until 08:34
Injury Status: None
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#27 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus asks Chet to watch the baby creature, whilst he moves over to the exit tunnel with Fluffy and peers within.

If the crowmen are returning he will call out to them in a friendly manner. "We mean no harm here. What are you doing here guys?"
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#28 Post by AleBelly »

Tempus follows the crowmen into the north corridor, asking Chet to remain behind. But the monk would be left in darkness, so he follows the halfling. As he enters the northern corridor, he sees that it terminates after about 20', where a sturdy-looking rope bridge heads west, then north. This area too is lit by lanterns. The rope bridge jogs west for about 60', where it might be anchored to a wall in the south (Tempus can't see from this angle). The rope bridge heads north about 30' into another doorway, set in a depressed arch. Tempus arrives just in time to see three red-robed crowmen scurry off into the arch. They do not answer his call.

Why are the rope bridges there? To span a great chasm. The chasm continues down at least 60', reaching the limit of the lantern light. No bottom is visible.

The suit begins its lullaby again, now in the darkness.

No crowmen are visible.

I'll post a map later today.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#29 Post by Storm11 »

If it's possible to appropriate one if the lanterns Tempus will recommend that Chet takes one down and uses it.

Seeing that the crowmen have gone through the archway the Druid is confident he can follow them should the need arise.

It's clear the crowmen do not want to interact with the company, small as it is, and so Tempus believes it wise to let them go for now.

He turns back to the weird baby suit thing and steadily approaches it.

They are gone now," he says to the creature. "can you talk to us now? Tempus will keep his sword and shield up incase it isn't friendly.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#30 Post by AleBelly »

They approach the baby-suit ( :lol: ) again. Tempus holds his candle (and either sword or shield) and address the creatures. The suit continues to wave them on, but the childlike creature stirs and cries. It opens its eyes and regards Tempus, then Chet. When his eyes meet the monk's, he begins to wail. A blood-curdling scream emits from the child-like creature. Tempus feels his mind trembling, resonating with the scream!

Please give me a d20 and a d3.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:09
Conditions: 75F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Tempus' candle until 08:34
Injury Status: None
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#31 Post by AleBelly »

Chet rolls 1d20 = 16, 1d3 = 2

The monk's blue sleeves flap as he raises his hands, covering his ears. "Run!" he yells, but waits for direction from the druid.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#32 Post by Storm11 »

[1d20] = 15 : [1d3] = 1 (dunno if there are any bonuses for saves etc)

Tempus covers his ears and staggers away, calling fluffy to him as he does, heading for the doorway the crowmen went through.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#33 Post by AleBelly »

Oops! Forgot to add a request for rolls for Fluffy too...please do if you get a chance.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#34 Post by Storm11 »

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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#35 Post by AleBelly »

Nice saves!

The trio make their way quickly along the rope bridges, making their way north, away from the terrible wailing. Fluffy has to be coaxed onto the gently swaying bridge, but it is clearly sturdy. They proceed northward, stepping on to solid stone again. They proceed through an arch set in a 10' wide wall, and find a wide, expansive room before them. Once through this arch, the sound is mercifully muffled, and now barely audible.

To their left is a 40'x40' chessboard. Only one side of chessmen are present...and those are missing the rooks. The chess pieces are about 3' tall, made of stone with strange striation marks. They are set in the proper positions on the back two (most westward) ranks. To their right, they see a 4' tall humanoid figure with a huge, insect-like head. It gibbers about "$@thgththgrth! x!grthig", licking the stone walls.

"I don't speak that language" Chet says as he looks at Tempus. The monk looks at the chess pieces. "Maybe that's one of the things the Lady wanted."

The party has one surprise segment before the insect-man sees them.


Map below (north is to the right, sorry, it got rotated)
IMG_1854 2.JPG
IMG_1854 2.JPG (109.72 KiB) Viewed 852 times
Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:13
Conditions: 75F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Tempus' candle until 08:34
Injury Status: None
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#36 Post by Storm11 »

"Can you get to the insect mans side swiftly? Tempus says pointing at the crazed creature licking the walls.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#37 Post by AleBelly »

"Yes" replies Chet.

Chet can get to the insect man in a round...and get a surprise charge attack in, and is willing to do so if Tempus is in favor.

The diminutive insect man (though still taller than Tempus) has a pouch on his belt and a short sword in a scabbard next to it.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#38 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus is in favour, especially if he can subdue or stun the creature quickly.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#39 Post by AleBelly »

Chet rushes the insect man, attempting to deliver a flying kick.

Tempus can begin any action he wants, but if longer than a segment (including drawing a weapon, etc) it will carry over to what looks to be a combat round.

I think I forgot to mention last post too that the lanterns are fused to metal rings where they are hung, though the oil can be easily added or flames ignited extinguished easily too.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#40 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus will rush toward the insect man as well, more slowly obviously due to his non monk smaller legs.

"Let us try not to hurt the creature unduly Chet, but let's make sure it doesn't get away or hurt us either yes!"

He will charge the creature and hope to use the flat of his blade or the pommel to do non lethal damage.
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