The investigation continues.....

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Re: The investigation continues.....

#461 Post by Grognardsw »

Orando moves the reassembled holy symbol near the creatures of Chaos to see if there is any change in the charms.

The decadent dweomercrafter awaits Tomas' explanation. He wonders if this Sally is sister or daughter to April. Could the demon-worshipping necromancer be their father, or brother?
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#462 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Inferno wrote:Krual Caine, half-human monster:
OGRE MAGE wrote: It is as I have feared all along…… The old man looks more confused than ever at this moment. He drops to his knees and begins to cry again.
"AND WHAT WOULD THAT BE? WHAT HAVE YOU FEARED ALL ALONG?" Caine barked as he loomed over secretive, weeping priest.
Brother Tomas stops his sniveling and confesses what he was initially hesitant to tell you.

Many years ago, the Lady April and I were very close. Then after our attack, and her almost being killed, as you could imagine, things started to change. One day soon after that, she just started ignoring me completely and would actually go out of her way to avoid me. I have not really seen her since then.

We have spoken since yes, but never privately. She only sees me for business at the hall. That is it. The only other way she corresponds with me is through messenger. I have had my suspicions about her behavior for many years now, but every time I acted on them, things just came to another dead end.

The priest looks like he is going to barf and seems terrified to continue.
I believe that the Mayor Lady April Mayweather may be possessed by some means.....or could possibly even be an imposter altogether.

We were very much in love at one time, April and I. Yet, even though I once could, I have not felt her spirit inside me for a very long time. Perhaps it is just seeing this necklace again but, I can actually feel her presence right here in this room. I know my true love yet lives. I can feel it in my soul. But I no longer believe that the mayor back in town is the same person that I once knew.

The priest takes the two necklaces, comparing them as he continues.

Sally was an old, dear friend of Lady April's. She used to work for the Mayweathers as a house maid. But she was let go around the same time as my suspicions began. Sally really liked this necklace I got for April so, because she could afford it, April had a similar necklace made just for Sally.

Orando repairs the priests holy symbol and holds it out towards the poor captives. He does feel the same sensation from the magical amulet as before, but it is a very faint signature this time. No where near the same intensity as the last time.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#463 Post by Inferno »

Krual Caine, half-human monster:

The towering barbarity snarled at the doddering old priest: "AND WHERE IS THIS SALLY NOW?"

As he heard Tomas' confession, Caine's terrible, inhuman eyes glared at the cage from whence came the necklace. He reached in with a gigantic hand, pulled out the old clothing and showed it to the sniveling priest. "RECOGNIZE THIS?!"
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#464 Post by Storm11 »

Angella pats the priest gently on the back.

"I think it's time to be completely honest with us, if we are going to stand a chance of finding this culprit or culprits we need to know all the facts good brother, all at once. Be brave sir, and share everything you know or even suspect might be relevant like this, any changes in people's behaviour, any divinations you have performed on them to ascertain any shifts in their aura's, any behaviours exhibited that are radically different etc,Is this Sally still around?" she asks as kindly as she can.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#465 Post by OGRE MAGE »

You are pretty sure that you already have knowledge of this Sally, or at least of her death.

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Re: The investigation continues.....

#466 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Inferno wrote:Krual Caine, half-human monster:

The towering barbarity snarled at the doddering old priest: "AND WHERE IS THIS SALLY NOW?"
"I believe she was the dead old woman, killed by the mysterious blast in town," says Ozwaldus. Red Caine nods in agreement. "When you say the true April is alive and you can feel her presence... clearly she is not one of these... things." He indicates the poor wretches in the cages. "Perhaps her spirit is trapped here somehow? Orando, have you heard of such magic?"
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#467 Post by Grognardsw »

"The holy symbol and charms can detect the magicks on or of these creatures," says Orando. "Perhaps we should use it near the mayor."

Answering Ozwaldus: "Aye, there are such soul entrapment or imprisonment spells. If not physically transformed, she may reside in an object or hidden place. The imposter April may have her somewhere."

To Father Tomas: "The old crone alchemist. What do you truly know of her? I know she covets the ring April has."
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#468 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I know that the old crone was in cahoots with Mad Mortimer many years ago and then she did a lot of business with the now dead Pitchfork. However, I have never known or heard of her acting out in an evil manner. She has been around these parts longer than most, so I personally don't believe that she has anything to do with all of this.

She is obsessed with gaining wealth and magic items. She is good at what she does which allows her to overcharge greatly for her services. She may have information about what is happening here, but she won't give it away freely. She obviously covets Aprils ring because it is one of the most powerful magic items around. An item that allows full body regeneration at a rapid pace is an extremely rare and valuable thing.

The priest attempts to aid Steve as he looks around at the carnage.

This abysmal place here must be shut down completely. We must put these poor souls out of their misery and get Steve back as quickly as possible. I can send people back here to clean this horror out and take proper care of the corpses.

The priest begins to search for a way to carry Steve's legless body out of the room and up the shaft.

I believe the elf Orando is correct. That was an image of the demon lord Demogorgon, and this place is rife with chaos. This lab looks to have been used to alter the common demonic creatures of the abyss. They are used as fodder in battle and often simply sacrificed to sway power towards the varying vying factions of the abyss. It seems that by adding or transplanting various other parts to their disgusting forms, they were possibly trying to make some type of super soldier.

The other room looks to be a battle area, possibly where they put their concocted monsters to the test. Despicable! Absolutely despicable! The pentagram looks like some type of summoning device to me.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#469 Post by Storm11 »

"Perhaps we could at least destroy or breat the pentagram?" asks the monk, moving over to it and trying to scrub out the lines with her foot. If it's embedded she will try and chip away at its borders with her weapon.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#470 Post by Inferno »

OM, any reply to this?
Inferno wrote:Krual Caine, half-human monster:
...Caine's terrible, inhuman eyes glared at the cage from whence came the necklace. He reached in with a gigantic hand, pulled out the old clothing and showed it to the sniveling priest. "RECOGNIZE THIS?!"
Thanks. :)
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Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#471 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sorry! :oops:

The priest looks at the old clothing but nothing catches his eye as familiar.

I can't be sure, but I know for a fact that this necklace is definitely the same one that I got for April.

Can I have my holy symbol back now, please? I really feel like that thing still has some significance in all of this. Why would the mage have left it behind for me to find otherwise? It is as if he knew it would play a part in all of this eventually.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#472 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Ozwaldus Maximus, Human Illusionist

Ozwaldus scratches his chin in thought. Red Caine begins to deflate, like a balloon. With a start, he snaps his attention back to the monstrosity and it begins to regain volume. "I'm not able to give the evidence my full attention at the moment, but..." he addresses the priest "as gruesome as it sounds, given that you suspect the mayor is an impostor, and that you feel Aprils true presence here, that the clothes could be her... remains? And perhaps her spirit is trapped here somewhere? Or... since there seem to be no signs of a body, she may somehow be intact? Though I must admit, I don't see how. I propose we leave immediately to confront the 'mayor.' Or... well... how do we intend to deal with her?"
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#473 Post by Grognardsw »

Orando hands the holy symbol back to Tomas.

"It served as a key into this place, which is an abode of Chaos. The charms work in conjunction with the symbol to detect either the evil or magick. If the mage left it for you, perhaps it was because he knew it would be needed someday to battle the evil. That assumes Mortimer is not the demon-worshiping necromancer."

"I have doubts, but if the mayor is an imposter, we had best be prepared to take her by surprise. It would be nice if we had proof, otherwise she would likely relieve us of our job. If she is an imposter, it seems counterproductive of her to have hired us to solve the mystery. Which is the reason for my doubt."

Orando thinks back to the first introductory meeting they all had with the mayor.
OGRE MAGE wrote:In your line of work, you have seen your fair share of deception and "faking it" over the centuries.

Something seemed just a wee bit off when the Mayor reacted to your porter. There was something a little disingenuous about her reaction. Or should I say, overreaction. You can't quite put your finger on it.

None of the others seemed to notice it though so, it's possible you simply imagined it.
He never fully trusted her.

"I had wanted to provoke the mayor before our trip to the tower. It may be time to do that, in conjunction with a mind-reading spell."
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#474 Post by Inferno »

Krual Caine, half-human monster:

The savage beast joins the attempt to obliterate the pentagram.
Grognardsw wrote: "I had wanted to provoke the mayor before our trip to the tower. It may be time to do that, in conjunction with a mind-reading spell."
"THEN WHAT? CALL THE SHERIFF TO ARREST HER? HAH HA HA!" laughs the heinous affront to mankind.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

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Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
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Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#475 Post by Cauchy »


"Um...folks we cannot declare someone responsible for this evil, particularly the mayor, based on a vague suspicion of guilt. We need some proof, or at least a plan to gather some evidence."
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#477 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I was waiting to hear from Scott but I will move the action along here.
More ideas are thrown about as the groups next moves are decided. Destroying the pentagram, although a great idea, all things considered, proves to be a tougher task than first thought. The thing is etched into the stone floor by what looks like powerful magic. After a while of chopping at the stone, you are somewhat convinced that you have done enough damage to render it unusable.

Brother Tomas is delighted to get his holy symbol back, and in one piece again too. He continues his attempt at making the thing that used to be Positive Steve as comfortable as possible. He weakly lifts him out of the cage, trying to be as gentle as he can without falling on his own ass due to his current lack of strength.

He addresses Orando again. I believe you are correct on both counts. It is possible that Mad Mortimer was dabbling in the summoning of evil creatures to aid him in his dark magics. It is also possible that he got in a bit too far over his head and the summoned became the master. Mort was a highly intelligent man but I think his lust for power finally took over his mind. He may have realized this too late and that is why he left someone else his powerful amulet.

I think we need to get back to town immediately! I can help Steve while you see to this funny business with the mayor.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#478 Post by Cauchy »


The ranger will carry out the grim task of putting those deemed beyond help out of their suffering. If the doors are opened (or if she can open them) she will do so with her sword. If not she will use some arrows to finish the deed. "May your gods watch over you in death as they failed to do so in life."

She will then turn to the others, "I have a blanket and some rope. I think we could fashion a makeshift stretcher to get Steve out of the pit and back to town."
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#479 Post by ChubbyPixie »

As they leave on their way back to town, at 100 ft or so from where he cast the spell to "summon" Red Caine, the creature will stop and whimper and finally completely deflate. Ozwaldus, without making it obvious that he is doing so, will draw out the "death scene," causing the image to whimper comically and seem alarmed at its demise before going completely flat. In its deflated state, an air valve on the lower back becomes obvious to anyone who looks. Ozwaldus feigns grief as they part. "Farewell, my dear red brute, you served me well," he says, then chuckles as they walk on. He winks at Orando, being the only party member aware that he is a "mere" illusionist.
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Re: The investigation continues.....

#480 Post by Scott308 »

Father Dowling
OGRE MAGE wrote:I was waiting to hear from Scott but I will move the action along here.
Sorry, didn't realize I hadn't posted anything.

Dowling will help with the stretcher conveying Positive Steve back to town.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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