XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#121 Post by FantasyChic »

Leliana calls out to Sorsha, her companion for this bit, as the Kolbolds continue their onslaught, "There has to be something more we can do. I don't know how much longer I'm going to last here."
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#122 Post by tooleychris »

"The others must be busy on the other side of this swarm!" shouts the knife dancer trying hard not to slip on her own blood.
"I don't suppose they'll understand 'we surrender'?"
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#123 Post by Alethan »

Ciar moves behind Sparrow as directed, shifting to square 46. Hopefully he can still attack from this square...
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#124 Post by dmw71 »

Round 7
The sound of the battle on the far side of the cramped corridor involving Leliana and Sorsha falls quiet. Perhaps the conflict has ended, or possibly it has moved to an area distant enough the sound isn't loud enough to carry over the remaining conflicts.

Grim continues to wage battle with the kobold nearest the illusionary wall. After taking yet another scratch from the pint-sized lizard with a jagged sword, the dwarf slices the creature into two with a perfectly placed slash with his battle axe. The newest wound leaves the dwarf hobbled, but Sylvan continues to come through with charges from the healing wand, reaching past Fulp who's ready to attack as soon as he's given an opportunity. Another kobold is about to step up to assume the vacancy created by its most unfortunate companion, when it gets shredded from behind and ultimately trampled by the first of a trio of giant wild boars jostling and fighting each other for the right to enter the fray first.

Suddenly, a burst of flame erupts from further down the southwest corridor, near Ciar and Sparrow! Anyone that looks in that direction realizes the dark-skinned human has utilized more of his magical potion of fire breath. Screams and grunts and whimpers are heard coming from further down, out of view. The walls, already coated with flammable oil, completely ignite in flames and turns the entire length of the corridor beyond the bend into a fiery tube! A single creature -- another wild boar -- survived the blast; it's singed fur still smoldering as it erupts out of the hallway inferno and prepares to rage upon the human and halfling targets. Ciar, hoping to attack, finds himself out of position, and unable to mount an offensive, but will most certainly find himself a target with his next opportunity.
r07.jpg (36.52 KiB) Viewed 905 times


Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 7, PCs [1d10] = 7


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:49 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2); Leliana (mage-1st: 1, 0)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: Grim
Critical: Leliana, Sorsha
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#125 Post by Alethan »

Ciar leaps forward, attempting to drive short sword and dagger into the boar.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#126 Post by OGRE MAGE »

What did you think of that one, Ciar?

Man, I wish I had a whole barrel of that stuff.

After stowing the last gulp of his precious elixir, Sparrow also draws his weapons and attacks the remaining future breakfast meat.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#127 Post by Alethan »

As Ciar tries to take down the wild boar, he grunts, "We make it through this... and I'll buy you... another flask... of that stuff... Sparrow."
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#128 Post by AleBelly »

Sylvan taps Grim with his wand again, hoping to restore his health.

Healing wand [1d8] = 8 on Grim

As the flame erupts to the east, the young man smiles as he knows it means Sparrow is dispatching the enemy. The increased light allows him to regard the wild boars, and the druid seems to study them...
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#129 Post by saalaria »

Reinvigorated by the healing (again), Grim redoubles his efforts.

"It may be worth falling back if it gets wider down there then you all can join in."

Grim will keeping attacking but fall back if the others make room.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#130 Post by dmw71 »

Round 8
The wild boars erupt onto the scene in a rage. This giant mammals, standing over 4-feet tall at the shoulders and easily weighing more than 300-pounds, appear to have been poorly treated with evidence of scars and burns smattering their hides. They emit high-pitched, piercing cries as they look to eliminate the threats around them. The first through the illusionary wall targets Grim and completely tramples the dwarf! The immediate threat ended, the creature, feeling pressure from the equally eager to escape pair of boars behind it, turns right, towards Fulp, as it's choice of escape routes. Fulp, short sword in hand, lashes out at the wild creature and hits it with a perfectly placed shot in its shoulder, eliciting a loud huffing 'ukh! ukh!' sound. The creature appears hobbled, but still standing sturdily. Sylvan immediately turns his attention to Grim and reaches out with the healing wand, hoping to restore life to their fallen companion.

Now with room, the second wild boar escapes from the illusionary wall and turns right, away from Fulp and towards the idol room with Leliana and Sorsha, which remains eeriely quiet. The third boar follows the second.

Just beyond the bend in the corridor to the southwest, the tunnel continues to burn as a result of Sparrow's fire breath. The wild boar that escaped the blast charges at Ciar, but the halfling is able to jump out of the giant pigs advance and, in his typical double-weapon fighting style, lashes out at the creature with both his short sword and dagger, connecting with the later. Sparrow contributes his own dual-weapon assault, but fails to connect with either his club or dagger.

While difficult to focus on it given the rampaging boars wrecking havoc in the immediate area, all is quiet on the far side of the cramped corridor, in the direction of the room Leliana and Sorsha backed into.
r08.jpg (27.89 KiB) Viewed 876 times


Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Regarding Grim, I am awaiting the result of a check before able to determine.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 2, PCs [1d10] = 7
wb01 target, Ciar: 1-2, Sparrow: 3-4: [1d4] = 1
wb1 target, Fulp: 1-2, Room: 3-4: [1d4] = 2
wb3 target, Fulp: 1-2, Room: 3-4: [1d4] = 4


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:51 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2); Leliana (mage-1st: 1, 0)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: None
Critical: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#131 Post by Alethan »

Ciar gasps at the sight of the razor-sharp tusks on the mammoth boar as he tries to pierce its thick hide with his weapons...
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#132 Post by AleBelly »

Sylvan grits his teeth. First Grim falls. If Sorsha and Leliana were in a bad situation, it's even worse now.

"Sparrow, Ciar! If you're OK we need help getting Grim to safety here!"

More quietly, he mutters to Fulp as he draws his scimitar and shield. "Let's take care of this one...". He hacks at the boar, doing his best to fight off any attacks with its tusks.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#133 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sparrow continues his inept assault on the boar pig.

He studies the mannerisms of the pig as closely as he can during his flailing, thinking there might be something off about it.
Sorry Ale, I had already rolled before you posted.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#134 Post by AleBelly »

Didn't mean that either of the PCs should break off their attack, but Sylvan doesn't know if they're exploring, looting, etc.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#135 Post by dmw71 »

Round 9
As the far end of the corridor continues to blaze, the battle continues, with one boar on either end of the remaining party members in the area. Ciar and Sparrow continue their relentless, dual-weapon fighting style but are unable to penetrate the thick hide of the boar. The boar to the south seems to momentarily consider shifting its focus to Sparrow, but once again attempts trample Ciar, who thankfully is able to duck out of the way.

On the northern end of the corridor, Fulp and Sylvan swipe at the boar attempting to head past (or likely through) them, but the wild mammal fends off the attacks without slowing. It attempts to forcefully get past Fulp, but its progress is at least temporarily halted.

The two trailing boars continue down the other branch of the corridor and disappears for now.
r09.jpg (23.54 KiB) Viewed 863 times


Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Regarding Grim, I am still awaiting the result of a check, but it is relatively inconsequential to the current battle.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 8, PCs [1d10] = 3
wb01 target, Ciar: 1-3, Sparrow: 4: [1d4] = 3


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:53 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2); Leliana (mage-1st: 1, 0)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: None
Critical: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#136 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sparrow continues his assault on the pig as best he can in the cramped, burning tunnel.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#137 Post by AleBelly »

"Forgive me, my porcine friend, but the kobolds have demented you beyond return" says Sylvan mournfully as he hacks at the boar again.
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#138 Post by Alethan »

Ciar continues his attack on the boar...
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#139 Post by dmw71 »

Round 10
The party continues to wage battle against the pair of angry boars. To the north, nearest the illusionary wall, Sylvan begs forgiveness of the creature as he lashes out with his scimitar against the poorly-treated beast. The druid is unable to cut through the thick hide of the boar, but Fulp, in front of him, fares better and is able to issue a angry beast a gash, wounding it... but then suffers a terrible fate as the giant boar tramples over him, leaving him a bloody, unmoving mess.

Further south, Ciar and Sparrow continue to each attack their boar with two weapons each. Ciar manages to successfully slash it with his short sword, and Sparrow grazes it successfully with his club, but the boar shifts its focus and extracts its revenge against the dark-skinned warrior, trampling him horribly! He, like Fulp moments earlier, remains bloodied and unmoving as a result of the trauma.
r10.jpg (22.71 KiB) Viewed 844 times

Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 8, PCs [1d10] = 3
wb01 target, Ciar: 1-3, Sparrow: 4: [1d4] = 4


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:55 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2); Leliana (mage-1st: 1, 0)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: None
Critical: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

#140 Post by AleBelly »

Sylvan sees Fulp fall. He hears Sparrow fall. There are worse ways to die he thinks to himself. But he does not give up. He slashes again at the boar.
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