Character Sheets — "The Tablet of Heroes"

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Character Sheets — "The Tablet of Heroes"

#1 Post by Starbeard »

Current Heroes
Rex's Characters Silvermane's Characters
Past Heroes
Benaiah Shahar ('Smiling Ben'), dwarf male (LordVyktor) — Zizlimu (Oct, week 3)
Goroz Folami, dwarf male (smiler666) — Zizlimu (Oct, week 3)
Martellus senex, human male — in wilderness (Oct, week 4)
Neesha Blackmane, night elf Female (lordfalco) — in wilderness (Oct, week 4)
Reginald the Ratman (sirravd) — El-Shahabi (Oct, week 3)
Rentothep, human male (SterlingBlake) — El-Shahabi (Oct, week 3)
Serbius Nebbekudhar, human male (Keehnelf) — El-Shahabi
Simon, human male (arkansan13) — El-Shahabi
Last edited by Starbeard on Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:48 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#2 Post by Keehnelf »

Serbius the Snake is a well-known mercenary captain of the Southern Kingdoms, known for his lightning-fast attacks and his tendency to hiss basically all the time. Legend has it that he is the only living-meat child of a dark necromancer and was left to die in the Sand Wastes at the age of four in fulfillment of some dark bargain set by his evil wizard father (nothing is known or suspected of his mother, but it is most likely a demon of some kind). He is known as good-natured but slippery in negotiations, and leads his band of mercenaries with an iron will. He has been in the mercenary business as long as many can remember, and his age is unknown due to his tendency not to talk about such things and the odd effect of the weathering sands of the Wastes on his features that cause him to look both twenty and seventy.

Ymzir, the Amir of Kaffir, was the first to publicly disclose having contracted with Serbius for his services in quelling a small border uprising, and suggested at that time, almost thirty years ago, that Serbius appeared to be sun-worn but no more than fifteen years of age, despite leading a band of six doughty desert soldiers.
Last edited by Keehnelf on Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#3 Post by arkansan13 »

Simon is a scoundrel, a greedy git through and through. Once apprentice to a minor hedge wizard Simon sold him out to authorities for necromancy once he felt he'd learned all he could, well that and his coin pursue had grown empty. Getting a straight story from Simon is next to impossible, not even his origin is certain, sometimes he's from the north other times the south and from time to time he claims to have sprung full formed from the ground. At various times Simon has been a bandit, a city watchman (crooked as a hook of course), a pharmacist, soothsayer, and a trader.

The only constant in Simon's life is his desire to advance himself. Any potential situation is being played to whatever end Simon feels most to his benefit. Simon is a tall, wiry, man hawkish of features and raven hair. Typically he is dressed in simple tunic, trousers, and boots. His one peculiarity of dress is the many odd trinkets he wears, amulets, charms, and rings all intended to bring good fortune or ward off harm, Simon is simply to greedy to pass up an opportunity to draw the attention of whatever god he thinks may be of use.

One way or another Simon aims to see himself master of his own domain one day. After who needs goods when you have power?
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#4 Post by LordVyktor »

Benaiah Shahar, better known as 'Smiling Ben', is a known criminal, a mate on the infamous dwarf-pirate trireme, the Kuduz Kopek. Little is known of him before his career on the Kopek, but stories from shipmates suggest he was actually acquired as a galley slave from a captured trading vessel. Word has it that he proved his usefulness by daring to correct the navigator's mathematics, and eventually replaced the man. Since then he has continued to gain respect and position through cleverness and shrewdness of mind. He has been with the Kopek for almost ten years now, but has suddenly and mysteriously decided to quit life on the sea and has been assembling men to strike out into the wilds. Some wonder if he's learned of a secret treasure hidden deep inland.

'Smiling Ben' is young for a dwarf, hardly into adulthood, but bears many scars, a missing right eye and a generally grizzled, leathery, and sun-browned appearance. Only his short beard attests to his youth.

(finally figured out how to get rid of that gigantic picture. Sorry it took so long!)
Last edited by LordVyktor on Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#5 Post by lordfalco »

Neesha Blackmane,
Neesha blackmane is the youngest child of an old night elf tribe leader. Living in dark caves close to the dessert she learned how to survive in both. She always showed interest in swordplay and proofed fast she was really skilled at it. So skilled she was at age of 15 one of the best duelist in the tribe. Her Father was obviously proud of her and her 18th birthday he went with her deeper in the caves. On the hunt of the perfect mount for her, a cold one. After passing many old cold ones they found one young cold one, a strong one. She prepared the ritual for taming it and they quickly became acquainted, this is how she got Dixie.

Together with a group of tribesman and her father they went often out to raid in the dessert. Also here she proofed she was a good fighter, lacking a little bit of leadership still though. She learned the way of the dessert, how to find water, how and where to ride, how to navigate during day and night. Always travelling proudly with her cold one, dressed with a big white cloth to keep the sun from Dixie. When Neesha was 23 her father got really sick. On her 25th birthday it was clear he would not live long. Her oldest brother would take his place. Everyone knew this could be the death of all his younger brothers and sisters, especially for Neesha who was father’s favorite. This was when her father called her to him, told her that she needed to go, for her safety and to bring pride to the name Blackmane like he did and his mother did. He sended some of his strongest camel cavalry with her and a lot of money, they rode out in the night towards a small place nearby that they haven’t raided. (it was their place to sell many of the goods they plundered, since it was a small pirate haven). Here they took a boat to go far away. Towards El-Shahabi. A new life, a new place where their name is not known (yet). A fresh start far away from her brother.

Neesha Blackmane is a young night elf, clearly just matured. Has ice cold blue eyes, long white hair, her clothing is made to travel in the dessert, a lot of white with some other light colors. You can see a bit of chainmail underneath her clothing, two big swords on her back and always close to her Dixie her cold one, dressed in white cloth with a lance. She may look young, she clearly is not the cute type. With her cold intimidating stare, her weapons always clearly visible, her strong stance and ofcourse that cold one who follows her loyaly.

Edit: created paragrpahs more clearly
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#6 Post by Starbeard »

Martellus senex
(played through proxy by Starbeard)

Martellus is a wiry man of bronzed complexion, the wisdom of age just beginning to show in his eyes. His rough tangle of jet hair is kept cut in a simple, square fashion to cover his neck and ears from the sun.

Once a sergeant in the Pharaoh's Own Army, Martellus fought in a handful of small border wars in Qinmatu. During a large rebellion hosted by some disorderly satrap, Martellus' company was charged with holding a canyon pass to cut off the satrap's retreat. The satrap was cunning, however, and routed the company with his chariots, escaping unharmed. He was later cornered and killed, but not before the Foot of the Pharaoh had the company commander and every twelfth man under his charge executed. Martellus fortunately avoided punishment, and he and three of his former soldiers left Qinmatu for El-Shahabi, where they might make more profitable and lenient careers as mercenaries.
Last edited by Starbeard on Thu May 19, 2016 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#7 Post by smiler666 »

Goroz Folami
Fair skinned and pudgy bordering on fat (even for a dwarf) Goroz is the very picture of sheltered nobility, an image completed by his rounded features and long, mousy beard braided in whatever style is fashionable among the merchants and upper classes of Zizlimu.

Goroz was born the second son of the head of the Folami family, destined to inherit into much prestige but little land or wealth. And while Goroz fulfilled his destiny, he did not do so passively. Understanding his position from a young age Goroz has spent much of his life cultivating ties and business relationships with all sorts of important folk, scrupulous or otherwise, and perfecting skills in manipulating court and business. That said, he holds no grudges with his brother, Karl, after all he can hardly be blamed for the order of their birth; in fact Goroz has had more than a small hand ensuring his brother's inheritance of their father's estates went as smoothly as possible. Now, with his father dead and his brother's position as new head of the family established, Goroz is ready to carve out his own place in the world
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#8 Post by SterlingBlake »

Those who have met Rentothep know he cuts a powerful figure despite his youth. Those who have spent more than a few minutes with him know too that he his quick tempered.

Rentothep was raised by one of the finest weaponsmiths west of the Empire. In his youth, while serving in his father's business, Rentothep would spend endless evenings examining the weapons being forged there and practice with them. Being a very successful weaponsmith, and having the attendant contacts and respect amongst the warrior class, his father eventually indulged him in formal weapons training, hoping that his son would come back to the business with a keener eye for fine weapons and a greater interest in their manufacture.

Rentothep has skill in the making of a fine steel blade, but more in the use of it, and an eye for it as well.
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#9 Post by Rex »

Here is mine. I will come up with a description and story soon.
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Re: Tablet of Heroes

#10 Post by Silvermane »

Hopefully this works! *cross fingers*
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Re: Character Sheets — "The Tablet of Heroes"

#11 Post by lordfalco »

moment of truth:
stats are now not roll resutls but real values!


Jasmine was when a kid abducted by pirates, mistreated by pirates, the day she could escape she did. she joined a pirate hunter crew because she wanted justice on those who do what they did to her. no more of those she though. Sailing under the command of Captain Abe the pirate hunter they fought multiple pirates, one one of those ships she freed two young dwarfen ladies jsut like her, Abiguell and Nariska. These two ladies vowed to be her servant and help her on her quest to make the world a better palce as a thank you (the 2 servants she has), they do all kind of small thigns for Jasmine to make her life easier so she cna focus on her combat skills and defeating evil.

Sadly Captain Abe is getting old and went to their final palce before selling the ship to some merchant man and retire. Forcing Jasmine Nariska and Abiguell the ened to find a new place to do good in the world.
Last edited by lordfalco on Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Sheets — "The Tablet of Heroes"

#12 Post by rossik »

couldnt find the game ID. should i roll "for real", and just type here, or with the site tools? if the last, i do need the ID
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Re: Character Sheets — "The Tablet of Heroes"

#13 Post by lordfalco »

in the faq
Campaign ID: 331
Games Master: Starbeard
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Re: Character Sheets — "The Tablet of Heroes"

#14 Post by rossik »

Rat'azan, Fighter, Avarice

Social Status
96: Elder (Social Level 2)

Background Skills
Number of skills: 1-1=0

Basic Characteristics
Attacks 1
Wounds 1
Initiative 5
Strength 2 Strength 2
Toughness 4 Toughness B
Move 5/3 (i.e., 5" normal, 3" armoured)

Hero Characteristics
Intelligence 5
Cool 4
Will Power 10
Leadership 3 (+1 if Elder or higher)= 4

Combat Characteristics: Weaponskill (WS) and Bowskill (BS)
WS 3-2=1, secondary=1
BS 7 primary=3

Miscellaneous Statistics
Starting Age: 22+3=25
Starting Money: 6x4=24

Starting Equipment
I dont get how many slaves i have, but i would like a bow/arrow maker
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