Significant NPCs

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Significant NPCs

#1 Post by drpete »

A repository for stuff about NPCs, including contacts, friends, etc.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Significant NPCs

#2 Post by kalstone »

Solaine was born to an unknown mother in one of Adamas' more respectable brothels. She was raised in group fashion by the women there. The owner, Loiza, was the closest thing she had to a real mother. By her teenage years, she was starting to attract attention from the clientel and started to spend most of her time out on the streets. She was quickly forced to learn how to defend herself. One day, a bladedancer of Mavors, Juventia, saw her fending off a group of men and offered to take her under her wing and induct her into the sisterhood of Mavors.

It was a dream come true for Solaine, and the harsh but wise guidance of Juventia turned her from a street fighter into a soldier. However, she quickly grew disillusioned. The Bladedancer training was focused more on dance and performance rather than combat. Rather than a fighting force, the goal seemed to be to produce bodyguards who would subtly influence men of power. Solaine, whose fighting style was better described as effective than graceful, found herself an outcast. She spent more and more time sparring with the men of the city guards rather than endure the taunts of her classmates (led by the beautiful but vapid Caecilia).

One day, Solaine was called before the Blade-Mistress. There were rumors that Dwimmermount was reopened. She was ordered to explore the mountain and report back with her findings. Solaine was overjoyed; finally a mission that suited her talents. On the outskirts of Adamas, though, she ran into another bladedancer initiate, Galeria. She told Solaine the truth: the leadership had sent all the misfits and malcontents on the same mission. The plan was for one at least to survive long enough to provide information for the actual team that was to be sent. Galeria said she was going to renounce her vows and asked Solaine to join her. Solaine refused, determined to prove her worth to Mavors.

Loiza, brothel owner
Juventia, bladedancer of Mavors
Galeria, former bladedancer of Mavors
Drusus, city guard liason to the bladedancer cadre

Caecilia, blade-initiate of Mavors
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Re: Significant NPCs

#3 Post by Zorroroaster »

Taking the cue from Kalstone here...I posted some info via PM to drpete, but I'm now inspired to flesh it out a little more.

Torgyr was carved from the living rock in an underground city not far from Adamas. The population of his clan was rapidly diminishing, and the young dwarf noticed many areas of the city were barren and lifeless, no longer inhabited. A natural curiosity took hold of him, and he began delving deeper and deeper into the deserted parts of the subterranean city, learning about his people from the various trinkets and artifacts he found. Seeing where his son's interests lay, Torgyr's father commanded him to go out into the greater world and attempt to find a deeper meaning to the inevitable decline of the dwarves.

First travelling to Adamas, he took up residence above a general mercantile shop run by a friend of Torgyr's father, Baern. He had known Baern his whole life, as the merchant regularly brought a caravan to the city to bring supplies and trade goods. He knew all about Torgyr's insatiable interest in delving, and was often a source of good advice or much needed warning.

Torgyr made a few excursions into local ruins and barrows, bringing what he found back to Adamas. Baern introduced him to Balgrim, a somewhat shady character who made his living buying and selling things that others either found unsavoury or even dangerous to own. The word "fence" might spring to mind, but Balgrim rarely bought things directly from Torgyr, rather he was more of a "fixer," putting the young dwarf in touch with like-minded individuals who may or may not have a passing interest in whatever antiquity Torgyr was attempting to sell. Torgyr knew he had connections to the local syndicates, and doesn't completely trust him. That being said, his relationship with Balgrim is strictly business, and thus far their dealings have been profitable for both parties.

Torgyr spends time relaxing at a local watering hole near Baern's place of business, and it is there that he befriended two brothers, Ulag and Rorik. These dwarves hail from a city far from Adamas, and have found themselves more or less stuck trying to scrape together the funds for the return trip home. They hired on as adventurers, mercenaries, or even day labourers. Mostly, they spent their time and what little earnings they had sitting in the tavern drinking and telling tall tales. They struck up a friendly rivalry with Torgyr, as the youth had some exploits of his own to brag about. Ulag and Rorik were well known to embellish the tales of their accomplishments, and the impressionable Torgyr did what he could to keep up.

It was from these two scoundrels that Torgyr first heard of Dwimmermount, and the riches to be found within. The brothers dared Torgyr to travel there and obtain something to show that he had indeed braved its dangerous depths. Torgyr rashly took the brothers dare and left immediately, despite Baern's heated protests for him to stay away from the evil place.

Baern, merchant
Ulag and Rorik, layabouts, scoundrels, adventurers
Balgrim, fence/fixer
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
[]-Arnulf The Banal, Manchild SuperMage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
[]-Nai Tnam, Dwarven Cleric-[] Lair of the Black Druid - OSRIC
[]-Bronn Arnulfsen, Half-Orc Fighter-[] Valnwall, The Barrowmaze (LL)
[]-<[RIP]>Eduard d'Arnise, Elven Fighter/Mage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
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