Players' Notes

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Rider of Rohan
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Players' Notes

#1 Post by Zhym »

I thought it might be useful to have a thread where we could keep notes of things we've found as players. As a start, here what was written in the journal Elethil and Rand found:
Rukellian wrote:The pages inside are tattered and worn, but still in relatively good condition considering its almost ancient look. The first twenty or so entries appear to be part of the previous owner’s personal journal, a recounting of his activities before reaching the mainland known as Kinra.

The first few entries in the Kinra section of the book are marked by the cold months. The previous owner had just arrived at one of the icy ports to the north and was making his way to the capital city of New Dathan by hired wagon.

I’ve finally arrived at the port of Ocubus. The people have maintained their distance from me and for good reason too. I had the air of a foreigner about me, that and I was draped in dark robes, a fairly damning practice I would soon find out. I had no idea that their fear of magic had run so far deep…. Bah! The ignorance of the sheep bothers not the herder. They were all mine to soon manipulate anyways, and my secrets were still my own.

I had heard from half way across the world that this was one of the few places that abhorred magic and all of its practices, an evil that was to be shunned. Most of my brethren feared too much for their own safety to practice in such a land, but I… I saw this area low in competition, an opportunity. I would keep my magics hidden, let it seep into the hearts and minds of those around me, poisoning them to any which way I saw fit, and there wouldn’t be any guilds or rivals of such sorts to stop me!

I had to change my appearance to fit in with the locals. My robes drew too much ire from the guards I would pass through towns and cities. Tis’ fortunate that my tongue moves quickly and smoothly, for it has saved me through many a sticky situation. Coin speaks loudly for many though, as I suspected, and it was easy to buy off a few guards, hire some muscle for my travels ahead. ‘A weak and fragile merchant needing help deliver his goods’, ‘a nobleman who has been invited to a party some miles away in another city’. As my alibis grew, so did my collection of masks. I thought myself well hidden, my footwork grounded in these lands, but HE knew!

The man, if you can call him that, was both a blessing and a curse. He knew of my true nature, my plans in these lands, and he also had the power to do what he wanted, when he wanted, however he wanted it done, to whomever, wherever. His status was frightening and his abilities beyond the political were even more so. I grew to respect him, even if it was a forced relationship derived out of fear aggression. He went by the name of Fenrin, and he was the current advisor to the good king.

Upon reaching the shining jewel of the human empire here, New Dathan city, my correspondences with him were regular and always in secret. He had great plans in store for this country, this continent, this world, far greater than anything my limited knowledge could come up with. The dark lords themselves! He made a deal with the dark lords of the abyss, and who knows what else. The resurrection of magic, the true magic, that’s what he told me. Such a feat would require a sacrifice unparallel to anything the world has seen so far, and this city, this continent, will be just the beginning. He spoke of a great dark war that would envelope the world, giving rise to a new world order; and under his control, he further explained, he would have in possession an artifact that could mold new planes of existence, and that everyone who had served him faithfully would become rulers of their own dimensions!

Such promised grandeur, the opportunity to do so much, to not be restricted in my arts, and knowing that I may one day rule a realm of my own. The opportunity was too good to pass up. I had my suspicions and doubts, naturally, but when he sent me to the dark cathedral, buried deep inside the mountain of a realm he already fashioned, I knew…. I KNEW that our grand plan was destined, fated in the channels of history itself.

Just as he promised, the steady flow of sacrificial materials came in. Bandits…criminals…. Adventurers…. Fools and nobles, everyone who have been wronged, even priests of holy goodness! He sent many in preparation for the grand summoning that was to be taken place here. Our numbers swelled, as did our halls full of undead sentinels and guardians. Someone even set up a lair of particularly aggressive spiders to prevent any unwanted guests, or stop any escapees….

Soon, very soon, our plans will come to fruition. All of those days laboring in the darkness of this cathedral, it finally comes to an end. On the morrow, the ritual will begin. May the dark lords look down upon us with favor today, and may Fenrin secure his rightful place as ruler of the new world to come!
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Players' Notes

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Good idea. I will leave it to you guys to assemble such information. It will surely help you guide your decisions in the next game, and perhaps the end of this final chapter.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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