Expelled from jail

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Expelled from jail

#1 Post by Agnati »

(update for O'Reilly)
So we potioned-up in the room that the cannoneer came from before rounding the corner to find a larger room with nine cages to act as jail cells. They all appear to be occupied by dead corpses except the one in the middle-back which is inhabited by Galius's mentor, Quintus. Half the party moved into the room, moving between the cages and is ambushed by three more of the Shades we've come to adore and a duel-wielding rogue-looking baddie, (insert NPC's name here), who got a few hits on Zildjian before vanishing while we dispatched the three shades. While attempting to unlock Quintus's cell, the invisible NPC became not so invisible anymore.... all 12 copies of him... then they all begin emitting a black cloud of awesomeness.
We find ourselves in a graveyard residing on the Plane of Horror. Immediately after coming to our senses, we are beset by a troop of zombies, the leader of which is stumbling toward the party to the beat...
We dispatch the undead flash mob and enter the temple on the far side of the graveyard.

Approaching the temple door, we find a fountain (OOC: We each *see* the fountain as full. Drinking a hand full of the water reduces the water level by half, but restores half your missing health. Drinking a second handful of water makes the fountain appear (to you) empty, but restores the remaining health points. This happens for all PCs)
We enter the temple and find a small well in front of us. A few of the party approaches it and four tentacles reach out, attempt to paralyze the nearby party members, and then grapple them.
We fight off the tentacles. Lycia approaches what looks like a statue/shrine at the front of the 'sanctuary' of this room. A dozen black tentacles appear, surrounding an eye in the middle. She hits it with a spell and it doesn't seem to so much as flinch, so she backs away from it and it disappears again.
We then go through one of the two side doors and find some living chairs attempting to eat us. We dispatch them, find but do not open a secret door, and continue through the room to an outdoor patio-like area where we're attacked by a treant... who crits on Vis and turns his nunchunks into living sticks, so they get thrown over the outside wall.
The treant goes down in literal flames and we retreat through the 'sanctuary' to the other side door and dispatch the few zombies present before checking out the patio area on this side where we find a friendly ranger-type guy who says he's been in this place, incapable of escaping, for what seems like forever.

We go to the secret door Zildjian found and go down the stairs. Setting fire to two piles of wooden rubble blocking us in the corner, things that would have attacked us now writhe in pain and die. We go through one of two doors and find a bar, fit with a barkeep and skeletal patrons. We dispatch the skeletons and sit and talk to the barkeep. Basically, he says that there are two types of people who come to this place. Those who are sentenced and sent here and those who find their way here. We appear to be the latter, which is a good thing because we're free to go whenever we want. He fills a glass of "liquid courage" (his words) for each party member, telling us that we can leave if we simply see the door, we drink and he tells us "See your way out" as we leave.
we go through the other door to find a few crumbling rooms with some easily-dispatched skeletons.... after we kill them, Zildjian (I think) sees Galius's throat open as though it's been cut with an invisible blade and fall dead. Spare the dying has no effect. Meanwhile, Vis feels as though "someone's standing on his chest".
Downstairs level map here
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That's where we left off. We need to figure out how to escape the Plane of Horror. Others may be able to provide more or correct details I've remembered. Please feel free!!!
Craig, would you mind correcting anything I've said wrong and/or posting pics (even if it's just screen shots) of the maps to give Chris an idea of where we're at.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#2 Post by Tungsten »

Does anything about the prison in which we currently "believe" that we reside resemble the prison in which Quintus is being held? Little things like the stones of the floor or the size of the entire secret downstairs area. DM said that we felt like we had invisible hands upon us (like we were being manipulated). Z believes that this downstairs area is in fact Quintus' cage area. If you look at the map you can clearly see that the nine cages and walkways between them would perfectly occupy the same space in which we currently reside. The NPC is most likely the same NPC trying to kill us.

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Re: Expelled from jail

#3 Post by Tungsten »

DM said: You can feel confident that while the Bartender remains in the tavern. You will not find anything more in the lower level.

Two possibilities: 1) the Bartender is the NPC trying to kill us (which would not quite make sense since he seems to be giving us clues to escape and he could have just as easily poisoned us.
2) the Bartender is Quintus. The cage is anti magic but he could hand us a potion or something throw the openings. Perhaps the rolls we made were to see if we could overcome the Illusion spell cast upon us. I do not think that it is a coincidence that Galius, the Mage adventurer with the highest Intelligence, overcame the illusions created by the Plane of Horror.

We should get the Bartender out from behind the bar (or out from behind bars --whichever reality you choose) and then get him out of the Tavern, check the lower level with him in our party and if that comes to nothing take him upstairs and then outside.

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Re: Expelled from jail

#4 Post by Agnati »

Tungsten wrote: We should get the Bartender out from behind the bar (or out from behind bars --whichever reality you choose) and then get him out of the Tavern, check the lower level with him in our party and if that comes to nothing take him upstairs and then outside.
The bartender said that he's actually unable to leave the tavern and that if he did try, the door takes him to a different place than us...
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Re: Expelled from jail

#5 Post by Tungsten »

I don't think that what is said and seen in this place are strictly true. We are being manipulated. I believe we get a gist of reality at best. For instance, if Chris understood what was going on and disappeared before or eyes we would think that something was not right. So how would you cover that up? By having him appear to have his throat cut and die. I want to see what happens when we take the Bartender out of the Tavern with us next to him.
I don't care if he goes to another reality. I want to see what happens. At the very least it should be interesting.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#6 Post by Rhourk »

The Bartenders words were "have a draught of courage, and see your way out". You ascertain nothing magical about the beverage he served you, perhaps it was metaphorical?

When asked how the bartender found himself to be in the tavern, he said "sentenced", at which point Rackir bristled a little.

No part of the Temple of the Damned resembles the Dungeon of Xoltotoun.

Currently, only V (conveyed through telepathy to Lycia) is feeling the invisible hands upon him. If Galius felt the same way, he isn't saying.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#7 Post by Tungsten »

When we first materialized on the Plane of Horror in front of the graveyard and Thriller Gang, there was something to our right (on the map at the bottom right corner): it looked like the Eye of Providence. It most certainly caught Z's eye. Could you tell us more about it?
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Re: Expelled from jail

#8 Post by Agnati »

Tungsten wrote:When we first materialized on the Plane of Horror in front of the graveyard and Thriller Gang, there was something to our right (on the map at the bottom right corner): it looked like the Eye of Providence. It most certainly caught Z's eye. Could you tell us more about it?
I think you're thinking about the one at the bottom-right of the current Roll20 map
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Re: Expelled from jail

#9 Post by Agnati »

Lycia would like to go to the front of the "chapel" (for lack of a better word) and study the alter or whatever it was that the eye & black tentacles appeared from. Bearing in mind, she doesn't go as far as she did the first time, stopping just shy of when the eye appeared.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#10 Post by Tungsten »

OOC: Yep, I just got on Roll20 and saw the map. The Eye of Providence apparently says Bogie across it.

Z tells Lycia she's a wuss for not getting right up to the eye. For all we know we need to let the tentacles grab us and take us through the eyeball. You should test that theory.

OOC: In any case, I think the Altar is probably not just central on the map but also central to us solving this riddle.

I think Rackir could be very useful in killing the tentacles. We definitely need to look through the Altar Eye --it's the window into the soul and at this point, a window is a great point of egress!!!
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Re: Expelled from jail

#11 Post by Agnati »

I don't remember. Did the tentacles actually try and attack Lycia, or did I just assume they would?
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Re: Expelled from jail

#12 Post by Tungsten »

I don't think they aggressively came after you. Not like the face grabbers in the unholy water.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#13 Post by Rhourk »

Tungsten wrote:When we first materialized on the Plane of Horror in front of the graveyard and Thriller Gang, there was something to our right (on the map at the bottom right corner): it looked like the Eye of Providence. It most certainly caught Z's eye. Could you tell us more about it?
It's a logo, please ignore it.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#14 Post by Tungsten »

Then we need to go to the Altar. Remember one of the first things I said about it was that the two circular yellow and red windows looked like eyes. And then when you approach the Altar what appears but another eye --which would be the third eye. The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. (Thanks Wikipedia.) The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. How do you get out of Hell? You go out a gate!!!People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. We need to SEE our way out of this. YUP. I think out DM has Star Wars on the brain. This is a nod to Luke walking into the Cave on Dagobah. Yoda told him to go in unarmed. I seriously don't think we fight the black tentacles. I think we walk through the pupil of the eye. The only opening we haven't walked through is the hole of the Altar's Eye pupil. The whole shot of courage reference by the Bartender was a clue that we need to grow a pair and walk unafraid through the eye while ignoring the black tentacles. If I'm wrong, I'll send flowers.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#15 Post by Rhourk »

Agnati wrote:I don't remember. Did the tentacles actually try and attack Lycia, or did I just assume they would?
Sorry, if you don't remember, she don't remember.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#16 Post by Tungsten »

I don't think you were attacked. I think you did a range spell or attack that did not appear to have any effect and then you thought better of it and backed off. But having no effect can also mean that the black tentacles are an illusion. We should ask Rackir the Red Archer about his encounters with the black tentacles.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#17 Post by Johnny Champion »

A lot of information and speculation on this thread. I may have to reread a few times.

However: I take it that the party thinks I slit my own throat? Or did it appear it was slit by someone else? Is my body still visible in the hallway? Did I say anything before i did this gruesome deed? Or am I missing something?

And why the fuck did STD not work? why do we pay this cleric of ours if not to save a dying wizard?

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Re: Expelled from jail

#18 Post by Agnati »

Johnny Champion wrote:A lot of information and speculation on this thread. I may have to reread a few times.

However: I take it that the party thinks I slit my own throat? Is my body still visible in the hallway? Did I say anything before i did this gruesome deed? Or am I missing something?

Zil was the only one who saw it, but it appeared as though his throat simply opened up and he collapsed. Think invisible or extra-dimensional dagger (now that's a scary thought!). Nothing was said, though Lycia tried a Spare the Dying with no effect.
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Re: Expelled from jail

#19 Post by Agnati »

Rhourk wrote:
Agnati wrote:I don't remember. Did the tentacles actually try and attack Lycia, or did I just assume they would?
Sorry, if you don't remember, she don't remember.
For Lycia, it's been less than an hour. For Chris, it's been a week with a full-time job in between. lol!
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Re: Expelled from jail

#20 Post by Rhourk »

Agnati wrote:
Rhourk wrote:
Agnati wrote:I don't remember. Did the tentacles actually try and attack Lycia, or did I just assume they would?
Sorry, if you don't remember, she don't remember.
For Lycia, it's been less than an hour. For Chris, it's been a week with a full-time job in between. lol!
George's comments were correct.
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