Final Character Sheets

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Final Character Sheets

#1 Post by Marullus »

This thread will host the current, official copy of each character sheet. I'll ask you to post it once it is finalized so you can edit it and update beliefs/instincts as we move forward.


Farvick, the Half-a-dwarf. [Fulci]A dwarf of noble lineage who turned from his destined role in society to adventure in the world and returned to make amends too late.
Born Noble --> Ardent --> [Outcast] Adventurer --> Runecaster
72 Years Old

Íreth. [FantasyChic] Female Elf opposing the Necromancer
Born Wilder Elf --> Forester --> [Protector] Ranger --> Bower
1,700 Years Old

Durgar the Coward. [Spectreman17] A sole surviving Warrior from the battle at the gates
Born Guilder --> Hauler --> [Host] Banner Bearer --> Banner Bearer
46 Years Old

Glaiz Goldenhook. [PointyEaredRogue] outcast hand-that-rocks-the-cradle
Born Clansman, Herder, Wife, Lead to Dwarven Outcast, Oathbreaker
126 Years Old

Niping. [Starbeard] Old and Weary Dwarven Blacksmith
Born Guilder --> Apprentice --> Journeyman --> Trader
250 years old (mechanically, 107)

Whitfield. [lupinelegend] Human Scout
City Born --> [Noble Court] Falconer--> [Soldier] Scout --> [Outcast] Strider
28 years old


Drumrin, son of Trombley. [Rusty Tincanne] Carter/Trader with deep family ties seeking a new home.
Born Guilder --> Carter --> [Clansman] Husband --> [Guilder] Trader
157 Years Old

Gilkas son of Gimkas, son of Gilthur Bronzebeard, Chronicler/Historian.[Enoch] Recording the truth of this cataclysm for the annals of dwarfdom.
Born Noble --> Abdecart --> Chronicler --> [Guilder] Wordbearer
107 Years Old

(unnamed). [Dogma] Skilled Warrior, fallen as oathbreaker, seeking redemption
Born Noble --> Ardent --> Axe Bearer --> [Outcast] Oathbreaker
87 Years Old

Character Map
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Last edited by Marullus on Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:22 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#2 Post by Spectreman17 »

Name: Durgar the Coward

Concept/Bio: A sole surviving Warrior from the battle at the gates

Lifepaths: Born Guilder, Hauler, Lead to Dwarven Host, Banner Bearer, Banner Bearer

Age : 46

  • Wi: B3
  • Pe: B4
  • Po: B5
  • Fo: B5
  • Ag: B4
  • Sp: B3
  • Stride: 6
  • Ref: B3
  • Ste: B6
  • Hes: 7
  • Hea: B5
  • MW: B11
  • Greed: G2 (1 Persona spent)
  • Circles: B1
  • Resources: B1
  • Su: B3
  • Li: B6
  • Mi: B8
  • Se: B9
  • Tr: B10
  • Mo: B11
  • Persona: 2
  • Fate: 5
  • Oath: I swore to my father to gain honor and renown for my middle class family name (Ironpull) by making a name for myself as the remaining guard of our wandering people.
  • I want to be acknowledged as a hero of the tales of my youth, I must learn to use the proper weapons of a hero.
  • I must regain my honor from fleeing from the fight with Smaug, I will protect survivors till they can settle in a new place
  • I failed to fulfill my promise to my father, I will never make another promise, for fear of failing a second time.
  • I always step into harm to defend a friend, no matter the cost.
  • I always end my day by refolding my banner in the traditional manner.
  • When faced with death, I choose to flee on a failed steel test.
Traits: [Dt] Accustomed to the Dark, [Dt] Aura of Martyrdom, [Char] Bearded, [Dt] Greed, [Char] Heavy Drinker, [C-O] Lifting Heavy Things, [Dt] Oathsworn, [Dt] Obsessive (craftsmanship), [C-O] Resigned to Death, [Dt] Shaped from Earth and Stone, [Dt] Stout, [Dt] Tough

  • Banner-wise B4 (0/4R) (0/2C or 0/1D)
  • Cargo-wise B3 (0/3R) (0/2C or 0/1D)
  • Conspicuous B3 (1/3R) (0/2C or 0/1D)
  • Drunking B2 (0/2R) (0/1C or 0/1D)
  • Formation Fighting
  • Hauling B3 (0/3R) (0/2C or 0/1D)
  • Intimidation B2 (0/2R) (0/1C or 1/1D)
  • Road-wise B2 (0/2R) (0/1C or 0/1D)
  • Erebor-wise B2 (0/2R) (0/1C or 0/1D)
  • Brawling BL (1/6R)
Affiliations: 1D City guard of the Lonely Mountain

Reputations: 1D Sole Survivor of the Gate Watch, 1D Heavy Drinker

Relationships: My Father, Darbur, Who disowned me for failing at the gates (Significant, immediate family, hateful/rival)

Gear: Sturdy Shoes, Clothes




Code: Select all

Weapon  Power     WS     Add    VA
Branch     2      2      2      -
Greed Idiom: Power, Craftsmanship, and Riches.
Last edited by Spectreman17 on Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#3 Post by FantasyChic »


Name: Íreth


The clan must come first.

That's all she ever heard. From her parents, from her friends, from her King. The needs of the clan must surpass the needs of the individual. But what if the needs of the clan weren't being met? Surely one would do whatever possible to make sure those needs were met. Yet, here they were, constantly traveling, making homes in unknown lands, avoiding conflict, and doing whatever possible to stay away from their homeland.

Íreth didn't understand it. They were capable fighters, hunters, gatherers; men and women who excelled in areas others wished they could. Yet, they were dealt a heavy loss from the Necromancer's onslaught on their home. That much was clear.

She knows what the King wants and why he does what he does. She gets it. However, there are things that could be done, places to go see, people to talk to. They don't have to keep running and hiding like a bunch of scared children. They were elves, this was beneath them.

Faeldor and her often went on walks in the forest together. Ever since their mother died, Faeldor took over the responsabilities of the family, much to Íreth's desires. He looked out for her and she appreciated it, but she knew she could do more.

"No," Faeldor said, "I will not have you running off to fight a losing battle. If the King were to find out, he would exile you, no question. You would have no home to come back to, even if you win."

"You don't know that," Íreth said, "We can't keep this up. We will have no home to run to if we keep moving. We need to start fighting back. You know it as much as I do."

Faeldor was silent. She could see it in his eyes, as if he was saying "Yes, but how?" She continued, "Just let me try. I can do this. I can go out, find allies who will help, gather information, and come back. If things go wrong, I'll return."

Faeldor sighed, "No matter what I say, you will just go out and do it anyway. You have always been stubborn, just like Mother." He nodded, "All right, I can keep the clan at bay for a time, maybe gather some allies here who can vouch for you, but that is all I can promise. If the King finds out, I cannot promise he will be lenient."

With that said, Íreth packed her things and went out. The journey towards the fight wasn't tough, but her thoughts weighed heavily on her. She was doing something she knew was wrong, but felt was right. That was the struggle in her head.

She camped often. She liked watching the forest. Listening to the songs of the flora and fauna around her. She would dance occasionally to their music, singing along as she did. She had little trouble, save for a hungry animal or two who didn't know better.

It wasn't until a few weeks of travels led her to an unknown land. It was there that she head the Dragon's roar...

Lifepaths: Born Wilder Elf, Forester, Lead to Protector, Ranger, Bowyer

Age : 176

Stats: Wi: B5, Pe: B5, Po: B4, Fo: B5, Ag: B6, Sp: B5, Stride: 8

Attributes: Ref: B5, Ste: B6, Hes: 5, Hea: B7, MW: B10, Grief: B4, Circles: B2, Resources: B0

PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B6 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10


-There is nothing worse than abandoning your home to evil. I will convince the dwarves to stay and face their ancient foe.

-Family is important. I will strive to keep families together of any race, no matter the difficulty.

-Evil must not win. I will fight the Necromancer and his forces by gathering allies


-Never goes days without a bath

-Never backs down from confrontation, especially when it's a man

-Always puts others needs before her own (making sure someone is fed before her, making sure wounds are healed before hers.)

Traits: [Char] Born Under the Silver Stars, [Char] Circumspect, [Char] Drop-Dead Gorgeous, [Dt] Essence of the Earth, [Char] Fair and Statuesque, [Dt] First Born, [Char] Gray Mantle, [Dt] Grief, [Char] Joan of Arc, [Dt] Keen Sight, [Char] Stern

Skills: Animal Husbandry B3, Bow G4, Bow-wise B2, Bowcraft B2, Ceremony-Wise B2, Dance B2, Elven Script B2, Forest-wise B2, Lyric of Healing B3, Observation B2, Sing B3, Song of Arbors B2, Stealthy B3, Weather-wise B3, Foraging B2



-Minor Reputation (1D) (7pts): She is known pretty well in her clan as the headstrong elven girl who wants to take up this costly duty of getting their home back. Some people support her while others think she is doing it for the wrong reasons.


-Relationship (minor, relative)(4pt): She has a brother who, like her, wants the best for her clan and supports her in her endeavors. He is the one who stayed behind to keep the clan in check and protected should her adventures bring unwanted attention to them.

-Relationship (minor, hateful) (3pt): There is another elven ranger, Deluon, who wants to see her fail. He doesn't support her goal and wants the clan to remain where they are. They've also had a rivalry in their ranger days on who is the better and she has come out on top on more than one occasion.

-Elven Bow (5pts), Reinforced leather breastplate (3pts), Elven clothes (2pt), Travelling gear (2pt), Nice boots (1pt)

-Personal Item (1pt): She carries a song her mother wrote her when she was a young child elf. It's a song that shows the lengths she would go to protect her daughter and is one of the driving forces of her getting their racial home back.



-Lyric of Healing

-Song of Arbors


-Elven Bow
-Hunting Head Arrows: I: B4, M: B8, S: B11, VA: 2
-Elven Bow: Optimal 3D, Extreme 3D; Max Range 250 paces

-Utility Knife (0 Power, 2 WS, 1 Add)
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#4 Post by PointyEaredRogue »

Name: Glaiz Goldenhook

Concept/Bio: Glaiz was born into an incredibly poor family; striving to do better, she desired to start a family with her husband. However, seeming unable to have children, she grew mad in her desire to please her husband and be a good wife, and stole the child of a fellow villager. The child then died of a sudden illness, and Glaiz knew she couldn't return to her family until she had cleared her name.

Lifepaths: Born Clansman, Herder, Wife, Lead to Dwarven Outcast, Oathbreaker

Age : 126

Stats: Wi: B6, Pe: B5, Po: B2, Fo: B5, Ag: B4, Sp: B6, Stride: 6

Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B5, Hes: 4, Hea: B6, MW: B10, Greed: B5, Circles: B3, Resources: B0

PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B6 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10


Belief: I will save lives from Smaug to atone for the one I cost. I will offer my own life to the cause of whomever moves against Smaug.

Belief: I will prove myself to Lann, restoring his trust and his love. To do so, I must first find him and confirm that he is still alive.

Belief: I am a great mother and I just need a chance to prove it. I will protect my friends like I would a child.

Oath Belief: I swear to repay Hidratha for my dereliction. I will reunite her with her child by finding a wizard capable of bringing Ginny back to life.


I will never let anyone weaker go unprotected.

I will always prepare food when there is something important to be discussed.

I always carry a lock of Ginny's hair to remind myself of my transgressions.
[will be taken out when discouraged in order to keep motivated, or when stressed]

Traits: [Dt] Accustomed to the Dark, [Char] Bearded, [C-O] Booming Voice, [C-O] Disputesettler, [Dt] Greed, [Char] Matriarchal, [Char] Merciful, [Char] Oathbreaker, [Dt] Oathsworn, [Char] Psychotic, [Dt] Shaped from Earth and Stone, [Char] Self-loathing, [Dt] Stout, [Dt] Tough

Skills: Animal Husbandry B3, Baking B2, Child Rearing B3, Clan Wise B2, Family-wise B6, Haggling B4, Midwifery B2, Soothing Platitudes B6, Ugly Truth B2 Fear-of-Mirkwood-Wise B2

42 resource points, pick options below.

Urchins and Beggars of Dale 10 pts.

Infamous with guilder dwarves

1 pt - Lann the Husband Delver. (5pts -2 immediate family -2 love)

3 pt - Mother of the baby, Hidratha, guilder. (5pts -2 hostile)

2 pt - Glaiz's aunt, Melgiel, guilder. Hateful because she would have disappointed her late mother, Melgiel's sister, with her actions. (5pts -2 hostile)

Clothes 1 pt.
Shoes (sturdy) 1 pt.
Traveling gear 1 pt.
Decorative Dagger: Power 1, Add 1, WS X, VA -, Shortest, One-handed
Frying Pan: Power 2, Add 2, WS 1, VA -, Shortest, One-handed
A cute 'lil pony named Goldie 8 pts.

Property: none

Spells: N/A

Greed: 1. power 2. physical beauty 3. craftsmanship
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.
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Glaiz Goldenhook, The Rise of Smaug [BW]
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#5 Post by Enoch »

Name: Gilkas son of Gimkas, son of Gilthur Bronzebeard

Concept/Bio: A disgraced Chronicler-turned-Wordbearer

Lifepaths: Born Noble, Abecdart, Chronicler, (lead to Guilder), Wordbearer

Age : 107

Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B6, Po: V3, Fo: B4, Ag: B6, Sp: B4, Stride: 6

Attributes: Ref: B5, Ste: B4, Hes: 6, Hea: B6, MW: B9, Greed: , Circles: , Resources:

PTGS: Su: B Li: B Mi: B Se: B Tr: B Mo: B9

  • It is my responsibility to I must convince the King to tell me his version of the Fall of Erebor.
  • I'll avenge myself on <Dwarf X, whom I consider responsible for my fall>
  • Something about how the Penitents have gone astray.

  • In conversation, always explain the relevant history in great detail.
Traits: Dwarven common traits (Accustomed to the Dark, Bearded, Greed, Oathsworn, Shaped from Earth and Stone, Stout, Tough), Dvergar, Know It All, Quirky, Iron Memory, Quick Step

Skills: Obscure Text-wise B4, Ancient History B3, Oratory B5, Oath-wise B3, Rumor-wise B3, Clan History B3 Cartography B4, Dwarven Rune Script B4, Chronology of Kings B6, Hold-wise B3, Illuminations B3, Erebor-wise B3



Relationships: probably a hostile one with the king. Another hostile one with the dwarf I feel is responsible for my downfall.
  • Thrór, King of Erebor (hostile)(13 points)
  • Duril, cousin, hostile (2 pts)
Gear: 13 RP
  • Chronicles (+1D to History tests about Dwarves)
  • Clothing, shoes
  • Traveling gear
  • Finery



Code: Select all

Weapon  Power     WS     Add    VA
Branch     2      2      2      -
Greed Idiom:
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#6 Post by Starbeard »

Name: Niping, Son of Kerdmen

Concept/Bio: Old and weary blacksmith looking for a trouble-less life.

Lifepaths: Born Guilder, Apprentice, Journeyman, Trader

Age : 250 years old (pointwise, 107)

Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B6, Po: B4, Fo: B4, Ag: B6, Sp: B3, Stride: 6

Attributes: Ref: 5, Ste: B3 (sheltered (lazy) life, high perception), Hes: 6, Hea: B6 (Dwarf, Physically active as Smith), MW: B10, Greed: G6, Circles: B3, Resources: B2

PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10

  • Life was bitter and bothersome then. We lived as the servants of men and elves, and our halls were homely and unbecoming of proper dwarves. I will make the men and elves aware that it was they who brought Smaug, by relying so much on our industry that we became a defenseless target of the dragon's greed.
  • It is a terrible thing, but the lot of our kind is to suffer loss, and a dwarf can always make new things. I will convince others not to try to retrieve anything from the mountain, and either do without it or make a replacement instead.
  • Drumrin is a fine lad, but he lacks experience. I will get him to travel to to another dwarven hold, in the expectation that his trip will open his eyes and convince him that we would be better off elsewhere.
  • I will always refuse Valafl's generosity.
  • Never works on an empty stomach
  • Always tests a tool before using it
  • Always tidies up after he works
Traits: [Dt] Accustomed to the Dark, [Char] Bearded, [Dt] Greed, [Dt] Oathsworn, [Dt] Shaped from Earth and Stone, [Dt] Stout, [Dt] Tough; Seen Not Heard, Hungry, Old and Weary, Grudgekeeper.

Skills: Black Metal Artifice B3; Cartwright B3; Carving B3; Haggling B2; Mending B4; Persuasion B3; Scutwork-wise B4; Shrewd Appraisal B4;
Stentorious Debate B3; Fear-of-Mirkwood-wise B3; Dragon-wise B3

Affiliations: 2D Northmen across Rhovanion


  • Lann (0pt, shirking apprentice)
  • Drumrin (0pt, cousin, head of clan)
  • Valafl the Artificer (Minor, Rival)
Clothing, Sturdy Shoes, Traveling Gear
Rolling Home (Mule with Wagon)
Dwarven smithing tools (+1D with Black Metal Artifice)

(Lost to Smaug: Workshop and Large House)
10D Cash (possessions from home and workshop)



Code: Select all

Weapon   Power   Add     WS     VA     Length
Knife      0      1      X      -      shortest
Hatchet    2      2      3      -      short
Greed Idiom: Craftsmanship, Beauty, and Riches. (Not power.)
  • Lost prized possession (intricate gold and sapphire brooch made by his father).
  • Covets Valafr's masterpiece (a beautiful and sturdy helm said to perfectly fit any head).
NOTE: 1 Fate point spent (how many left?)
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#7 Post by Fulci »

Name: Favrick the Half-a-Dwarf

Concept/Bio: Wayward Dwarf adventurer/runecaster/prophet

Lifepaths: Born Noble > Noble Ardent > (Outcast) Adventurer > Rune Caster

Age : 71

Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B6, Po: B4, Fo: B4, Ag: B6, Sp: B3, Stride: 6

Attributes: Ref: B5, Ste: B4, Hes: 6, Hea: B5, MW: B10, Greed: G1, Circles: B2, Resources: B0

PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10

  • Smaug is the hand of fate, a punishment for abandoning the way of the First Dwarves. I will lead the dwarves back to the old ways, as the Penitents of Tumunzahar teach it.
  • I must be accepted by the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain again.
  • <Enoch's character> holds knowledge of our race's past. I must get him to sympathize with the cause of the Penitents.
  • Oath: I swear to sing lullabies to the children in Hagatha's care until she finds me humble.

  • I always carry a concealed knife
  • If something weird happens, I interpret it as an oracle.
  • If someone mentions "fate", "freedom of will" or anything along these lines, I get angry and defensive.

Traits: [Dt] Accustomed to the Dark, [Dt] Adventurer, [Char] Bearded, [Dt] Greed, [Char] Slave to Fate, [Char] Humility in the face of your betters, [Dt] Oathsworn, [Dt] Shaped from Earth and Stone, [Dt] Stout, [Dt] Tough, [C-o] Booming Voice, [C-o] Driven

Skills: - Brawling B3, Climbing B2, Crossbow B5, Rune Script B3, Firebuilding B3, Foraging B4, Knives B3, Lockpick B4, Obscure History B3, Rune Casting B2, Scavenging B4, Sing B2, Survival B4, Symbology B4
- First Dwarves-wise B5, Weather-wise B3

Affiliations: 1D Penitents


- Hagatha, Ageless Matron of the Lonely Mountain

Travelling gear 1
Shoddy crossbow 6
Shoddy arms 5
Toolkit - Runes 10




Code: Select all

Melee   Power     Add     WS    VA
Dirk       1       1      x  
Knife       1      1      x     (the hidden knife)
Light Axe    3     2     2     1    Long
Short Spear 3     2     3     Longer

Crossbow Range: Optimal 1D, Extreme 3D, Max. 125 paces
DoF: 1-3    3-4    5-6
    I: B4  M: B8   S: B11    VA 2
Actions: Fire Crossbow: 2

Greed: G1

Greed Idiom:
Power, Physical Beauty, Craftsmanship
G A M E S :
Running Vaults & Wastelands [Fallout]
Isaiah Bartlett in That Which Should Not Be [CoC]
Ingrid Esthof in The Horror at Briarsgate [1e]
Jónas Gillman in The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh [1e]

I N A C T I V E : (
Ballar Uh in Dungeonesque [LL/AEC]
Favrick in The Rise of Smaug [BW]
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Re: Final Character Sheets

#8 Post by lupinelegend »

Name: Whitfield
Concept/Bio: Ranger who has spent too much time on his own
Lifepaths: City Born, Lead to Noble Court, Falconer, Lead to Professional Soldier, Scout, Lead to Outcast, Strider
Age: 28
Stats: Wi: B4, Pe: B4, Po: B4, Fo: B4, Ag: B5, Sp: B4, Stride: 7
Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B5, Hes: 6, Hea: B5, MW: B10, Circles: B2, Resources: B0
PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B7 Se: B8 Tr: B9 Mo: B10
- Dale is in flames, but her spirit lives on. The government worked for the people and must be rebuilt. I will search for someone capable of leading our people.

- Smaug is a blight upon the land; a force of nature that cannot be ousted from his new roost. I will escort the survivors as they search for a new home.

- The greed of the Dwarves has brought destruction down on us; rendering into ash the work and achievement of generations of Northmen. I will denounce any attempts to shift blame.

- If I sense danger, I hide.

- Always have Gryff scout ahead.

- Use every opportunity to wash myself and resupply.

Traits: [Dt] Birdie Talk, [Char] Boaster, [Dt] Familiar Face, [Char] Loner, [Char] Wary
Skills: Bow B3, Falconry B3, Firebuilding B2, Rhovanion-wise B2, Hunting B3, Javelin B2, Observation B3, Orienteering B3, Spear B3, Stealthy B3, Survival B3, Sword B2, Tracking B3, Fear-of-Mirkwood-wise B2
Affiliations: n/a
Reputations: n/a
Relationships: Marsden Sheppard (Minor, hateful/rival), Favrick, Niping
Gear: Clothes, Shoes, Traveling Gear, Falcon: "Gryff", Falconer Toolkit, Full Gambeson
Property: n/a
Spells: n/a
Weapons: Run-of-the-Mill Arms (Short spear, Short sword, Dagger), Hunting Bow
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