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#21 Post by max_vale »

Good deal....and I have no idea what 'Faulty Towers' is; but I'm guessing a TV show or comic series or something? I'll look into when I get some time; which is almost never. :(

More background info on planes and weapons and such coming this week I promise.....and next game post soon.....I hope....:)
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#22 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

It was a tv series starring John Clease (of Monty Python fame). He portrayed the owner of a small hotel in England that took vacationers by also housed some people on a long term basis. The main server was Manuel, from Barcelona. He just enough English to cause lots of confusion.

Way funnier than I just made it sound... :lol:
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#23 Post by kipper »

Never heard of Fawlty Towers!?!?! What has this world come to?...

"I know nothing." :D
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#24 Post by Monsieur Rose »

So I guess introductions are in order. I'm Max's old friend he mentioned earlier. He's convinced me to join here so he can kill off more characters of mine. I think I've played with Kipper before on a Gangbusters game with Max, nice to meet everyone else.
I'm just getting up to speed on the setting and the house rules, so I"ll try and post character ideas soon. I'm thinking a russian displaced by the revolution. Yes, I've done the russian before, just seem to gravitate that way sometimes.

It looks like a good time, I'm looking forward to it.
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#25 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Monsieur Rose wrote:I'm thinking a russian displaced by the revolution.
One Spanish ex-pat chased out by fascists. One Russian ex-pat chased out by communists.

Could get interesting.
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#26 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Ok, so after figuring out the posting rights, I think I've got an outline for the Russian.

Name: Nikolai Ivanovich Klokov
Player: Monsieur Rose

Nationality: Russian
Height: 6'1" 185cm
Weight: 234 lb 106kg
Hair: Black as night
Eyes: Dark as coal

Attributes and Skills

- Guns 5D
- Melee 5D

- Language 3D

- Gunnery 5D
- Ordinance 5D
- Piloting 4D


- Brawling 5D

- Demolition 3D

Named after Tsar Nicholas II. Father was a physician for royal family and was executed along with them during the revolution. Nikolai has been fighting bolsheviks since then. Worked in coal plants for 12-16 hour shifts for a few years, seeing many co-workers fired for minor offenses, or die. Fought with the white Russians for many years, finally fled overseas as conditions worsened. Blames the seven members of the Politburo for the revoltuion and all the ills of Russia.
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#27 Post by max_vale »

Alright everybody; as 'Monsieur Rose' has said; we're old gaming buddies and he has graciously decided to join the ranks of this game and has created a Russian pilot to add to the quite International crew of the airship Stormcloud. I have posted his stats in the PC thread and also; I have updated the Zeppelin, Planes, etc. thread a little bit with some more names for the NPCs of the squadron and chosen a couple of planes for Kipper and Rose. I have a backstory for them too that I like and I know Rose does as well (we gamed this past weekend); hopefully it's cool with you too Kipper; if not; let me know and I can make some changes. (I'll post the idea later today/tonight)

Next post for the main thread is up; have at it and more will be coming over the next few days for background info; plane info; firearms and equipment info; etc.

Welcome aboard Rosie…..I mean, Monsieur Rose! :)
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#28 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Thanks Max.

So since I've been tossed into a firefight, I might need to have a weapon. If it's ok with you, I'll say I only have a .45. I reserve the option of something else at a later date. :mrgreen:
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#29 Post by max_vale »

Rose: So long as you don't 'suddenly remember I've got a hand-grenade in my jacket pocket' or 'a Light Machinegun in my backpack' that's no problem. :) The .45 is fine or if you want to stick to a Russian weapon a Tula-Tokarev TT 33 pistol would be period-appropriate. It doesn't hit quite as hard as a .45 (damage 4D+2 vice the 5D of a .45); but it carries 8 rounds in a clip vice the 7 in a Colt .45 and it has better range. Either choice is fine.
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#30 Post by max_vale »

Everyone: I forgot to mention that for most PBP games I've run; I do all the dice rolling (after you've decided what actions your characters are taking) and post the results….I find it makes for a more 'streamlined' game post. If you'd rather do your own rolling, let me know and/or I can make a thread to show everyone how the rolling works. (I.e.; Nikolai just declared he is shooting at the Bergman wielder….I would roll 5d6 for his Guns skill; let's say the result is a 16….this is compared to a Difficulty number of 10 for short-range; this means a hit is scored. I would then roll 4D+2 for damage (the damage rating of his weapon) against the target's Strength….in this case 2D+2…..let's say the damage roll equals a 14 and the Str roll equals a 7….the 14 is twice as high as the STR roll of 7; which means the bad guy is Incapacitated.

If you guys want to see these rolls, let me know….if you don't care; I'm happy to just make the rolls and post the results. Let me know and I hope eveyone is enjoying the adventure!
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#31 Post by kipper »

More details about Murdoch (for his character sheet):

Nationality: American (exact birthplace unknown)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: Lt.Brown
Eyes: Brown

Plane: Curtis Wright J2 'Fury' <-- I did a little online search, looks like a perfect choice: fast, manoeuverable, not for beginners. Thanks, Max!

Gear: Colt 1911 .45 <-- seems like a good american army pistol

ETA: Also, looking forward to hearing that backstory, most likely I'll give it a thumbs up.
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#32 Post by max_vale »

Everyone: Next post is up; have at it!

Kipper: I'm glad you like the plane choice! Okay, as for the story....I'm thinking at some point in the recent past, a plane-less Murdoch and Nikolai somehow got to talking in a bar/speakeasy of some kind and Nikolai let it be known that he had recently been 'let go' as a pilot in the noted pirate/ privateer squadron known as the Black Swans. At some point in their evening; fueled by alcohol and Murdoch's 'not-quite-there' mental state; they decided to go 'liberate' a couple of planes from the notorious pirates. So, using Nikolai's knowledge of the group's activities; they snuck out during the night to an airfield where some of the pirates' planes were located and jumped into a Raven and a Fury and took off with them.

The next day; after sobering up; they figured that there was NO WAY they could return them quietly to the Black Swans; so they joined up with the Thunderbolts as quickly as possible and made SURE the planes were hidden away aboard the Zeppelin when Natasha (leader of the Black Swans) flew over the airfield where the Stormcloud was moored. They told Hank Chalifoux that they were allowed to keep the planes by the Black-Swan herself AND the paint scheme. Exactly WHY they kept the paint scheme, nobody's quite sure....but no one is too nosy when it comes to the intimidating Russian or the mad-hatter Murdoch!

(The idea struck me when I was looking at my miniature collection and I saw that I had a Fury and a Raven in Black Swan colors) This sound cool?
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#33 Post by kipper »

Love it! :lol:
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#34 Post by kipper »

max_vale wrote:they snuck out during the night to an airfield where some of the pirates' planes were located and jumped into a Raven and a Fury and took off with them.
-Curtiss-Wright J2 'Fury'
The notorious 'Black Swan' herself flies a 'Fury'
zOMG!!!!!!!!! :o

What has Murdoch got himself into, luckily Murdoch's crazy or he might worry about things like this. :D
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#35 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Don't worry, I'm sure that lipstick we found in the cockpit belonged to someone else.
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#36 Post by max_vale »

Lol! :)

It doesn't HAVE to be the Black Swan's personal Fury.....it could just be one of her squadron mates' planes......but then again....maybe it WAS! Future plot-hooks, anyone? :)
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#37 Post by max_vale »

Oh yeah….I meant to say this at the beginning; just in case anyone was interested. This adventure is heavily based on the adventure 'The Peril of Sumatra' by Troy Wilhelmson found in the 'Astounding Adventures' book by Chaosium Inc. for thier BRP (Basic Roleplaying) system. I have never played the system (nor do I own the codebook); but this suppletment which has a lot of good info for running Pulp adventuresa long with several short Pulp modules; is a good buy!

I just wanted to give credit where credit was due!
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#38 Post by max_vale »

Post is up!
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Searching for players for "The Possible Highway"

#39 Post by Urson »

Thanks to Max, who gave me the go-ahead to post this here!

There is a Highway that runs through all possible worlds and times. Certain individuals have the ability to travel this road- to any world that has ever supported life. The Possible Highway is full of adventures- crosstime cargo runs, salvage operations, Road pirates, and multi-world treasure hunts.
You are a Traveller- one of the special individuals that can use the Road. You are being recruited to join Quanta Cargo, a newly-formed transport company

This is a homebrew campaign, based in large part on Roger Zelazny's novel Roadmarks, with generous doses of Mad Max, Time Bandits and anything else I think of added in. Characters can come from any world touched by the Road, and will be new recruits for Quanta, a company being formed by Harry Steele.

I use a highly-modified version of GURPS as my game system. I prefer a transparent game mechanic, so I handle all dierolls and numbers. When you submit a character, just message me or post to the Dramatis Personae thread, and I will handle the crunchy stuff.
The characters will begin as new Travellers. The basic kit will be food, clothes, a vehicle (no pedestrians, please :D ), and a sidearm of some kind, along with ammunition. Magic is OK, as are Psionics, and Cyber-enhancements ... all at relatively LOW power, please.

I am looking for a group of 3-7 players.
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Might be over my head....

#40 Post by Urson »

Folks: In-game, Max has pointed out that Jean-Claude is the most logical choice to be in charge. IRL, however, I know virtually nothing about aircraft, small-group strategy, or tactics. If I make a bad call that gets one or more of us killed off, I apologize in advance.
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