(CLOSED) The Haunting of Griffon Manor

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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#141 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Darkness Within

After a bit of drama and a tense moment or two the party readies to enter the manor. Caiden peers into a nearby window, now wide open, giving ample view into the interior, and returns to the group to report his findings.

Uh, There’s nothing in there. It’s all dark and stuff, but I can see what’s left of a living area. Mostly just dust though. That’s all.

As the rain falls, lightly padding against the rotten decrepit manor, Seeker pushes through the front door finding exactly what Caiden reported. A dark interior. A quick flash of lightning reveals a rotten couch, two nearly unrecognizable chairs, and a busted table in the center of the room. On the far side of the room is a single door.

No sign of the kooky Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot yet.

What you know so far:
> There are ghosts disrupting daily life on the west side of town.
> The only business you know of on the west side of town is The Belfrey Tower (inn & pub) (owned and operated by a Human - John Tom) (Everyone made a short stay here when they first arrived at Dragons Belch)
> The ghosts may be coming from a place called Griffon Manor which may have been owned my a man named Gunter Weiss who may have married a young lady named Erika and something very bad may have happened there.
> Phlunk believes there is additional information in a local library which he has offered to take the party to.
> Zirus and Tobias believe the Giant Humanoid to be a warrior class of a spacefaring race that comes from the moon.
> Seeker can speak to the Giant Humanoid in some strange language no one has heard before.
> Gunter Weiss was a Wizard toying with rejuvenation and longevity magics
> Phlunk is in fact a magic user under the tutelage of Netheril and may have a drinking problem. But he is very serious about magics.
> Griffin Manor was once owned by Gunter Weiss, a Wizard. It's age is unknown.


The Party:


Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong - Male - Gully Dwarf - Magic-User 2

Ghost-like Elf maiden ???


6:15 pm
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:38/8:30
Temp: 73.9°F
Visibility: 8.0 Miles
Wind: 8.1 mph SSW
Cloud: light Rain
Humidity: 93%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:07 am/8:36 pm
Moonlight: 3%


Special Weapons in Play
Pills of Devouring: Chewers Delight
Mouth increases in size by 4 times
8 pills total
Duration: 1d4 Turns (1 turn = 10 rounds, 1 round = 1 min)
Damage: 3d6 hp per bite

The Ghost Trapper
This wooden contraption consists of a long shaft, several feet long with a narrow slot running the length of it and a jumble of heavy spider thread-like material protruding from the end. Attached to the other end is a shoulder stock with two dials and a trigger mechanism. A length of the spider thread comes out of the barrel at the stock end and hangs out several feet. One end of the lasso attaches to the character’s waist, sight the incorporeal entity (ghost) along the barrel, and pull the trigger. The lasso shoots out entrapping the entity. A dial on the top of the gun retracts the lasso once the entity has been dealt with and another dial sets the trigger

Range: 50’
Requires and attack roll
Effect: Holds incorporeal entity indefinitely
Secondary Effect: delivers a shock to corporeal entities (living beings) dealing 2d6 points of electrical damage.

The Orc Slayer
The Orc Slayer is a magically hardened Obsidian axe head mounted to a thick Bois D’arc wood shaft with Liana cord. The extremely sharp nature of obsidian, hardened by magic, and coupled with the resilient tenacity of the Bois D’ark wood makes this a formidable weapon in its own right. It has one additional secret though, when used against Orcs it becomes a cleaving weapon of death. Any successful attack against an Orc of equal or lessor level than that of the wielder instantly cleaves the Orc in two. Any attack on an Orc whose level is over that of the wielder does double damage.

Normal Damage: 2d6
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#142 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)
Action: A door? A Door!

Seeker walks into the place, eyeing the darkness and briefly lighted objects. With a huff of breath he then makes his way to the door, a brief glance to see if the others follow him but otherwise heads towards and opens the door himself
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#143 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
Actions: Readies Light

Zirus peers around the entryway for anything of interest, investigating if there is anything more to see than an empty space.

As Seeker approaches the door, Zirus considers whether the visibility is good and lights a grey candle if it is not.

The Lizard Man maintains silence as they enter in case they are being watched.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#144 Post by badams30 »

[Gort – Human (Nordic) - Savage 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 11)
Action: Follow Seeker and Zirus

Gort silently follows Seeker and Zirus, OrcSlayer at the ready...
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#145 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gorthak remains silent and gives a look of "now what smart ass?" to Seeker.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#146 Post by Antman9 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: Follows the party inside

Caiden peeks through the open door and then strolls into the middle of the room, "Doesn't look so bad to me. Just looks old and dirty is all. Maybe this isn't the right place after all, huh Gorthak?"
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#147 Post by Antman9 »

[Formerly known as Tobias – Grimalkin] (HD: 2) (AC: 12)
Actions: Follows

Tobias, still in his Minotaur garb, follows Gorthak and the others into the main room. "Oh my, what a musty old place. I don't know Caiden, if I were a ghost this is certainly where I would hang out; old, musty, dark. Just the sort of place I would hide, if I were a ghost." Tobias moves around the room to inspect the furniture, or what's left of it, trying to find anything of interest. He'll try to find a stick and poke things with it.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#148 Post by Antman9 »

[Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong – Gully Dwarf Magic User 2] (SP: 20/20) (HP: 18/18) (AC: 7)
Actions: Joins the crew tentatively

Phlunk slinks into the room, first peering on either side of the entry door, then inspecting the floor before he places a foot in the door. As Seeker strolls across the room, obviously determined to disturb any and all apparitions that may lurk within, Phlunk cringes and calls out tentatively, "Ah, uh, Seeker, um, you might ought to watch your P's and dot your i's young man. A Wizerd once called this home, if you'n recall. I wouldn't care to get trapped into one er his surprise-I-gotchu traps. Wizerds cun be a might beet testy, if'n ya know what I mean." Phlunk sidesteps into the room and then skirts along one wall eyeing everything before placing each step while talking to himself, "Wizerds is crafty folk, they is. Not gonna git this here fella, nope."
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#149 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Let there be light!

Seeker, having agitated the hulking mass of a Minotaur, and ignoring common sense altogether, strolls through the front door and makes a b-line for the far door, intent on getting to the source of the matter as quickly as possible. Because apparently he has more important things to be doing than babysitting a bunch of adventurers and chasing ghosts.

Zirus, on the other hand takes a more tactful approach by lighting a candle, inspecting the entry, and being thoroughly observant before entering. Gort follows suite, followed by Gorthak with a disapproving smirk.

Caiden tries to cheer the mood up with a bit of levity, while Tobias moves about the room, looking every bit the son of Gorthak, with a stick and poking everything he can find.

Phlunk, having a wee bit more experience under his belt and knowing the nasty ways of Wizerds, is much more careful about his entry, placing each and every step with extreme caution and delicate action. He tries to warn Seeker, who seems bent on the sledgehammer approach to ghost hunting, to show a bit of caution. He begins to take a meandering route through the room, only making it several feet before Seeker unceremoniously jerks the far door open.

Seeker discovers a pitch-black hallway leading to the left and the right. Before he can call for light his wish is instantly granted. With a loud bang, the front door slams shut and the old decrepit dusty musty nearly in ruin old manor suddenly turns into a luxurious manor with all the accoutrements of a plush lifestyle. Oil lamps on the walls come to life, illuminating every inch of the room and the hallway. The nearly unidentifiable couches and chairs turn into velvety cushioned delights of craftsmanship. An oblong Oak table appears in the center of the room, complete with a handcrafted white lace doily and silver candle holders with blazingly lit white wax candles. A wooden desk is stationed in the center of the east wall, a fireplace with blazing fire on the west, and several painted urns with lively vivid growing plants of various kinds adorn the various niches in the room. The floors are of a highly polished Hickory plank and the rugs of a thick fine silk with wool backing. The stone of the fireplace is a hand carved granite of various colors and textures. The heady scent of spice and perfume fill the air. There is a painting above the fireplace mantle with a Human male dressed in fine wools, his arm around a beautiful female High Elf. The man has a wide brimming smile, the female’s is pert and barely creased. The windows, previously void of any material, now sport a thick almost clear glass-like substance. On the outside is a lush garden bathed in sunlight. Birds chirp and butterflies flit here and there.

The top of the map is SOUTH. Everything you see on the map is present in game.
Entry_and_Hall (2).jpeg
Entry_and_Hall (2).jpeg (96.24 KiB) Viewed 669 times
No sign of the kooky Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot yet.

What you know so far:
> There are ghosts disrupting daily life on the west side of town.
> The only business you know of on the west side of town is The Belfrey Tower (inn & pub) (owned and operated by a Human - John Tom) (Everyone made a short stay here when they first arrived at Dragons Belch)
> The ghosts may be coming from a place called Griffon Manor which may have been owned my a man named Gunter Weiss who may have married a young lady named Erika and something very bad may have happened there.
> Phlunk believes there is additional information in a local library which he has offered to take the party to.
> Zirus and Tobias believe the Giant Humanoid to be a warrior class of a spacefaring race that comes from the moon.
> Seeker can speak to the Giant Humanoid in some strange language no one has heard before.
> Gunter Weiss was a Wizard toying with rejuvenation and longevity magics
> Phlunk is in fact a magic user under the tutelage of Netheril and may have a drinking problem. But he is very serious about magics.
> Griffin Manor was once owned by Gunter Weiss, a Wizard. It's age is unknown.


The Party:


Tobias - Male - Grimalkin
Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong - Male - Gully Dwarf - Magic-User 2



6:20 pm
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:38/8:30
Temp: 73.9°F
Visibility: 8.0 Miles
Wind: 8.1 mph SSW
Cloud: light Rain
Humidity: 93%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:07 am/8:36 pm
Moonlight: 3%


Special Weapons in Play
Pills of Devouring: Chewers Delight
Mouth increases in size by 4 times
8 pills total
Duration: 1d4 Turns (1 turn = 10 rounds, 1 round = 1 min)
Damage: 3d6 hp per bite
The Ghost Trapper
This wooden contraption consists of a long shaft, several feet long with a narrow slot running the length of it and a jumble of heavy spider thread-like material protruding from the end. Attached to the other end is a shoulder stock with two dials and a trigger mechanism. A length of the spider thread comes out of the barrel at the stock end and hangs out several feet. One end of the lasso attaches to the character’s waist, sight the incorporeal entity (ghost) along the barrel, and pull the trigger. The lasso shoots out entrapping the entity. A dial on the top of the gun retracts the lasso once the entity has been dealt with and another dial sets the trigger

Range: 50’
Requires and attack roll
Effect: Holds incorporeal entity indefinitely
Secondary Effect: delivers a shock to corporeal entities (living beings) dealing 2d6 points of electrical damage.
The Orc Slayer
The Orc Slayer is a magically hardened Obsidian axe head mounted to a thick Bois D’arc wood shaft with Liana cord. The extremely sharp nature of obsidian, hardened by magic, and coupled with the resilient tenacity of the Bois D’ark wood makes this a formidable weapon in its own right. It has one additional secret though, when used against Orcs it becomes a cleaving weapon of death. Any successful attack against an Orc of equal or lessor level than that of the wielder instantly cleaves the Orc in two. Any attack on an Orc whose level is over that of the wielder does double damage.

Normal Damage: 2d6
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#150 Post by Antman9 »

[Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong – Gully Dwarf Magic User 2] (SP: 20/20) (HP: 18/18) (AC: 7)
Actions: Chastises Seeker

Phlunk freezes like a brass statue. "Oh dear. I told you Seeker! Didn't not I tell you? I know I did. I tel'd you and now look. Just look! Oh my, oh my, oooooh my. We are soooooooooooooo dead. Sooooooo dead." Phlunk crouches down as small as he can make himself and scooches up next to Gorthak while he fumbles around in one of his belt pouches, "It's in here somewhere."
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#151 Post by MonkeyWrench »

["Seeker" Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye - Lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:11)

Seeker stands in the doorway, his back to the group as they look around or panic from the sudden change to the once old and decrepit manor. His head lowers and his shoulders begin to quake, after a brief moment the silence from seeker turns into a chuckle, then into a loud laugh. Seeker calms himself down after a moment, tapping his staff to the newly refurbished floors and listening to the sound of wood striking wood. He doesn't look to his companions, instead walking out into the hallway of the door he just opened, looking around at the now fully lighted area, a wicked smile on his face.

He speaks openly now, more so to himself rather than the group, "I must admit, I had a very good idea on what would happen, but I was wrong. Close, but still wrong." He looks back to the group, a wild look in his eyes, a complete contradiction to the previous brooding and irritated Seeker. His face forms a smirk as he looks them all over, "This is where the fun truly begins. What I once thought to be a simple rift has blossomed into some that may be just... tragically beautiful, his voice sounding strange at those last words, somehow deeper and sending a melody though the air." He looks at the stairs going up briefly before looking back, "Be careful in here, all of you, things just became much more dangerous." It is odd though, as the man speaks of danger he still has the wild look and smile as if this is the funnest thing he's done all month.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#152 Post by Sol »

[Zirus - Lizardfolk Aspiring Cleric 0] (MP: 0.5/2) (HP 10/10) (AC: 19)
In play: Chewer's Delight
Actions: Follows Seeker, cautiously

Zirus blinks twice at the change that has come over Seeker. He looks to Caiden, narrowing them for a moment, and then saying, "Keep that trap at the ready, sir." To Plunk, the Lizard Man merely waves him forward. "The danger is less if we stay silent. Let us-s-s-s-s see what is ahead, then, and perchance we shall not die for a while more still."

As Zirus passes through the door, he takes care to search what is beyond before following Seeker. What is it about Seeker now? So ready for his fate, so excited. Something strikes the Lizard Man as being wrong, and at first he wonders if Seeker is possessed. Perhaps-s-s-s, he thinks to himself. All the same, there is nothing overt for now, and so the Lizard Man will remain on guard and proceed.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#153 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Question is a creature of Gorthak's size even going to fit in this place? I don't wish to repeat the underground elven home scene all over again.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#154 Post by Antman9 »

With the lights now on you can see that the manor was once (and apparently is again) a very extravagant (posh) manor. The entry door is 3'6" w x 9' h and the interior doors are 3' w x 8' h. ceilings are all 12' high. Gorthak shouldn't have too many issues here unless of course he's claustrophobic, in which case, ummmm, uh oh!
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#155 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Antman9 wrote:With the lights now on you can see that the manor was once (and apparently is again) a very extravagant (posh) manor. The entry door is 3'6" w x 9' h and the interior doors are 3' w x 8' h. ceilings are all 12' high. Gorthak shouldn't have too many issues here unless of course he's claustrophobic, in which case, ummmm, uh oh!
Claustrophobic Minotaur hmmm tempting but no.

Gorthak enters the manor last and says no a word. Looking around at the "ruins" thinking hmm this sets a familiar mood.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#156 Post by badams30 »

Gort - Human Savage

Gort follows closely beside Gorthak, quietly observing, OrcSlayer ready for chopping!
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#157 Post by Antman9 »

[Formerly known as Tobias – Grimalkin] (HD: 2) (AC: 12)
Actions: Entertained by the sudden appearance of poshness

Tobias looks around the room, newly lit and sparkling clean, blinking his Minotaur eyelids at the sudden brightness of it all. "Well. Now this is more like it. I rather fancy a fine sitting room over the musty dusty rotten stench that came before." Tobias strolls casually to the large couch on the south wall and tentatively takes a seat.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#158 Post by Antman9 »

[Caiden Cross – Human Rouge 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
Action: A bit jumpy

Caiden jumps at the sudden change in scenery, "Whooa! What the...This ain't good guys. What just happened?" Caiden rapidly ensures his Ghost Trapper gun is ready and then checks that his Elven knife is ready for anything else that might come.
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#159 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Let the games begin!

With the lights now on and a new game to play, Seeker’s demeanor suddenly changes, catching the ever wary eye of Zirus. Phlunk quickly chastises Seeker for toying with fate but he is too enchanted by the prospects of challenge to listen or care. Seeker heads up the stairs to see what lies beyond. The stairs turn toward the south and end at a firm intricately crafted wooden door. The door itself could be worth no less than several hundred gold pieces at a minimum. It feels solid and real to the touch.

Zirus blinks rapidly at the rapid sudden change of lighting and quite possibly the environment too. The plush vivid scene now surrounding the party is quite a stark change from what they have seen of late. Zirus scans the room before following Seeker in to the hallway. The scene within is similar, a 10’ wide hallway leads east and west with a door to the east (left on the map) and a set of stairs to the west where Seeker is advancing. Intricate sconces, holding beautifully crafted oil lamps, installed every ten to fifteen feet, light the way. The scent of burning oil wafts through the air. There are very few shadows for things to hide in the main room and hallway. On the south wall are two evenly spaced doors along with several oil paintings of finely dressed old people (Humans) looking grim and impertinent. The strangest thing of all may be the lack of musty moldy smells having been replaced with the heady scents of spice and perfume. The miasma of smells overpower Zirus’ and Gorthak’s olfactory senses and may quite possibly possibly confuse Gort.

Tobias on the other hand seems to be enjoying the new scenery and takes a seat on the very real, firmly planted, couch on the south wall of the main room. The supple velvety Persian cloth feels exquisite on his newly donned Minotaur behind.

Gorthak and Gort follow along with whatever everyone else does, keeping mostly quiet and out of the way. They seem to be a bit out of place and their actions follow suit. Caiden, the most shocked of all nearly jumps out of his drawers before quickly composing himself and readying for battle.

It soon becomes abundantly clear that the new scenery is no illusion. Everything within the mansion so far is quite real. The oil lamps are warm to the touch, their glass chimney’s clink when flicked, the rugs move underfoot, and the fire in the fireplace burns when touched. Things have certainly turned a corner. The question is, what corner have they turned, and where will it lead?

Everyone please make a Perception check: WIS-DC [3d6 ± modifier]

The top of the map is SOUTH. Everything you see on the map is present in game.
Entry_and_Hall (2).jpeg
Entry_and_Hall (2).jpeg (96.24 KiB) Viewed 674 times
No sign of the kooky Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot yet.

What you know so far:
> There are ghosts disrupting daily life on the west side of town.
> The only business you know of on the west side of town is The Belfrey Tower (inn & pub) (owned and operated by a Human - John Tom) (Everyone made a short stay here when they first arrived at Dragons Belch)
> The ghosts may be coming from a place called Griffon Manor which may have been owned my a man named Gunter Weiss who may have married a young lady named Erika and something very bad may have happened there.
> Phlunk believes there is additional information in a local library which he has offered to take the party to.
> Zirus and Tobias believe the Giant Humanoid to be a warrior class of a spacefaring race that comes from the moon.
> Seeker can speak to the Giant Humanoid in some strange language no one has heard before.
> Gunter Weiss was a Wizard toying with rejuvenation and longevity magics
> Phlunk is in fact a magic user under the tutelage of Netheril and may have a drinking problem. But he is very serious about magics.
> Griffin Manor was once owned by Gunter Weiss, a Wizard. It's age is unknown.


The Party:


Tobias - Male - Grimalkin
Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong - Male - Gully Dwarf - Magic-User 2



6:21 pm
June 27th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:38/8:30
Temp: 73.9°F
Visibility: 8.0 Miles
Wind: 8.1 mph SSW
Cloud: light Rain
Humidity: 93%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:07 am/8:36 pm
Moonlight: 3%


Special Weapons in Play
Pills of Devouring: Chewers Delight
Mouth increases in size by 4 times
8 pills total
Duration: 1d4 Turns (1 turn = 10 rounds, 1 round = 1 min)
Damage: 3d6 hp per bite
The Ghost Trapper
This wooden contraption consists of a long shaft, several feet long with a narrow slot running the length of it and a jumble of heavy spider thread-like material protruding from the end. Attached to the other end is a shoulder stock with two dials and a trigger mechanism. A length of the spider thread comes out of the barrel at the stock end and hangs out several feet. One end of the lasso attaches to the character’s waist, sight the incorporeal entity (ghost) along the barrel, and pull the trigger. The lasso shoots out entrapping the entity. A dial on the top of the gun retracts the lasso once the entity has been dealt with and another dial sets the trigger

Range: 50’
Requires and attack roll
Effect: Holds incorporeal entity indefinitely
Secondary Effect: delivers a shock to corporeal entities (living beings) dealing 2d6 points of electrical damage.
The Orc Slayer
The Orc Slayer is a magically hardened Obsidian axe head mounted to a thick Bois D’arc wood shaft with Liana cord. The extremely sharp nature of obsidian, hardened by magic, and coupled with the resilient tenacity of the Bois D’ark wood makes this a formidable weapon in its own right. It has one additional secret though, when used against Orcs it becomes a cleaving weapon of death. Any successful attack against an Orc of equal or lessor level than that of the wielder instantly cleaves the Orc in two. Any attack on an Orc whose level is over that of the wielder does double damage.

Normal Damage: 2d6
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)
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Ranger Knight
Ranger Knight
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Re: The Haunting of Griffon Manor

#160 Post by badams30 »

[Gort – Human (Nordic) - Savage 0] (HP: 10/10) (AC: 11)
Action: Examine table and surroundings

WIS check: Difficulty Check WIS (11) [3d6-1] = 13-1 = 12

Gort sniffs the air and shakes his head in apparent confusion. "Dis not smell right. It smell pretty, but Gort not think dis right smell here. Gort no trust house..."

Gort then catches sight of the shiny candelabra and says with a childlike grin "Shiny candle things... Gort like." And Gort goes to examine them and the area around the table and desk.
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