The West Wind: Chapter 1

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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#41 Post by kmbll »


You shoot at the creatures but, although your shot rings true, the creature veers left moments before the shot lands.

Tsubasa shouts back, "Working on it!"

Robert J. Withers

You send a blast towards the creature and all five are gone before your bullets land, moving intuitively before the shot lands. The rain of bullets hits the mountain creating an echo that carries up the mountain.


You nail the first one square in the chest and it sinks down and lets out a guttural moan and a dark pink blood trickles out of the wound.


Tsubasa finishes behind the gravjeep and gestures frantically fro Eli to get behind him and back in the vehicle. He readies his rocket launcher and blasts it into the ground to distract the Coggers. The animals round the blasted ground at a distance and have a circle around Tsubasa within close range.

The four uninjured animals lunge at Tsubasa but to no avail.

At this point, they're still in range of that OP suppression shot but you should be able to get back into the vehicle unscathed as well.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#42 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

He leaps up onto the vessel grabbing Tsubasa to help him in. "I having been paid yet! So you better not die.". He is actually laughing as they narrowly avoid being lunch meat.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#43 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

Seeing that everyone is clear, I yell, Get us out of here, Tsubasa, I'll keep 'em off us!"
I then fire at the nearest one, focusing my fire.

to hit: [1d20+8] = 15+8 = 23
damage: [3d6] = 8
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#44 Post by Mister-Kent »

Jenny Body, Warrior

"Dammit," Jenny grunts when she sees the attacking animal seem to die by her fire. She fires again at the next beast in line, but at this point her heart clearly isn't in it--so long as Tsubasa's been recovered and they can escape, there's no reason to hurt these creatures any further...

NRG pistol: [1d20+6] = 1+6 = 7 damage: [1d6] = 6
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#45 Post by kmbll »


As you pull Tsubasa up, you notice that he's shockingly light. The weight of his suit or rocket launcher alone should be heavier - he's lighter in fact than a helium balloon, which at least would have the weight of its string to it. He hops to his drivers' seat and gets the Gravjeep running again.

Robert J. Withers
Your aim hits true and rips through and decimates one of the creatures - you catch it directly and not much is left afterwards. The remaining creatures break and run off in the opposite direction, towards the bottom of the mountain. As they run too close to a tree near the bottom, a spider-like creature appears and in the blink of the eye it and one of the reptilian creature both vanish.

Jenny Body
As the creatures break and run, your shot is clearly not in it and strays from its target.

Moving again, you head up the mountain a ways without any further disturbance. In about two hours time, the gravjeep comes to a steep canyon. It's still dark but the sky is starting to lighten and in this area the phosphorescent green grass seems especially bright. On either side of the canyon walls, you see red bulbous outgrowths. At the bottom of the canyon, you can just barely make out what appears to be a ship and you can faintly hear the echoes of voices from below.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#46 Post by Spectreman17 »

I whisper "Shush, if we can hear them up here, they can hear us down there. We can't just go down there guns blaing, or they'll take right off and just fly away. I'd hate to have to disable that ship, cause I sure as hell don't know how to fix it afterwards. We have to be quick or quiet. That ship'll be armored though, we have to clear anyone outside before they even know whats going on inside. anyone any good at sneaking? or more specifically, killing people silently?

I specifically look to Eli, out of hope, since he has not yet broadcasted his specialties
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#47 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

"You want me to go take a look? I could give it a shot..." He pulled out his mono-knife swinging it about on his fingertip.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#48 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

If you think you can sneak down there, we can follow behind to cover you if things get messy. What do you think? Can this jeep run quiet enough to get close enough to watch and react?
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#49 Post by kmbll »

Tsubasa shakes his head, "We could get closer but we would reach a point that would alert them - the valley echoes."

When it's running the gravjeep has an audible humming noise and the lifts give off a good bit of light.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#50 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

Well, if we can't sneak the jeep down there, we can always walk... I hate walking. Eli, do you think you can sneak down there and disable the crew or the ship (temporarily if you're gonna hit the ship) so that we can swoop in a steal it? If they can't take off, we can take our time and use the big guns. Or Jenny, do you know anything about ships?
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#51 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

"Well I can give it a shot. What would be the best way to disarm a ship like that?"
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#52 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

My question isn't so much if you can disable the ship, can you sneak into it? can you find the cockpit? if you can just sneak down there, get in the cockpit, clear it out and lock the door, it can't leave while we come in and clear out the others. My real question is whether or not you can sneak.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#53 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

He nods. "I can just creep up to the cockpit from the outside and if I get close to it enough to look through the visor...I can...uh..." Looks around a bit itching his neck nervously, apparently not used to telling that little tidbit about himself.. "just teleport in. If there is someone inside than I will do my best to ice'm. Than lock it up."
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#54 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

Oh, you're one of them psychics. You're not a mind reader are you? well it doesn't matter now. I say we drive the jeep as close as it can get, then you sneak up to the cockpit and seal it down, set off the signal and we come cruising in guns blazing. With my luck, they'll all give up before I even have a chance to shoot 'em
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#55 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

Smirked and nodded for a while. "Uh, well I uh.." Looked off whistling. Than nodded. "Your plan sounds great."
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#56 Post by Mister-Kent »

Jenny Body, Warrior

Jenny shakes her head. "I'm not much for vehicles or sneaking, so I'd go with Wither's plan."

She eyes Eli with newly formed suspicions. "You didn't answer the man, Mr. Alexander. Are you a mindreader? I'm not usually so forward, but I've been burned by psychics before..."
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#57 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander.

"That is your problem. We don't know one another so pardon me if I don't give you a copy of my biography. Your lucky enough I am letting you know I can teleport." He slipped out of the vehicle. "I'll try to make an obvious signal for you all when I get the chance."

(So I want to take the longest route I can to avoid any entrances or likely places people could break into a vessel as I don't plan to use them. Going to try to just get to the cockpit's external visor/windshield/whatever so I can teleport inside. Let me know how many rolls etc you require.)
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#58 Post by kmbll »

Personally, I like pictures:


So basically what we're looking at here is the valley you're currently in - the tank icon is indicating the gravjeep and the spaceship icon is indicating the spaceship - although at your height and distance you can't really make it out too too well. The white indicates what is probably the safest and most logical path - you'd follow the valley down towards it's end and then work you're way up towards the ship. Now, the alternative would be trying to find your way down the valley walls - now think Grand Canyon (albeit not that high) when picturing it. If you go the white route and try to stay stealthy then give me a stealth roll. If you go the yellow line then give me your preference of an athletics or survival roll.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#59 Post by Das »

Eli Alexander

Eli would take the longer route down into the valley and up towards the ship avoiding all those areas where you would mostly try to enter a ship, since he didn't plan to enter in a conventional way whatsoever. Sneaking along with short runs, crawling or time taking walks as the man well aware he is on his own...tried to show his usefulness to his new group, however that alliance lasted.

Stealth[2d6+1] = 7+1 = 8

My plan is to take my time to reach the ship, and get to a position where I can look into the cockpit from outside and teleport in.
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Re: The West Wind: Chapter 1

#60 Post by kmbll »

Eli Alexander

Tsubasa drives the gravjeep to the base of the canyon to best be able to provide support once you get into the ship. The canyon ahead is shrouded in darkness despite the lightening sky. As you progress onward you can see that the red bulbous things line the canyon from several feet above the ground to the very top. Up the entire way you notice there's large, mansized objects - as you approach the first you realize that they are Saros and appear to be dead. You can hear faint voices up ahead that grow louder as you approach the ship - you acknowledge that your steps, even as slow as you're going, are making some noise. When you get 40 feet from the ship you notice a man and a woman on opposite sides of the canyon, both are wearing white coats and using scanners. The man is crouched toward your left and is scanning the Saros on the ground. The woman is hanging on a rope to your right and scanning the red growths. The are talking faintly but the way the canyon projects their voices, you're concerned that if you go any further they'll hear your steps.

The ship itself is long, narrow and relatively flat. What appears to be the cockpit is facing towards you - you do notice guns also faced in your direction.
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