Character Creation

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Character Creation

#1 Post by kmbll »

Please do not post in any adventure thread until you have finalized your character creation including goals and a couple sentences (minimum) for a background. I would prefer if you use this: ... RARh0/edit and make it available for me but if you'd prefer to use the site integrated for quick reference then I'm fine with that as well. Campaign ID is 274.

For the full instructions, see: ... ee-Edition

Character Creation Summary
Roll your character’s six attributes.
Roll 3d6 six times, and assign the totals in order to Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. Record the attribute modifier for each ability. You may move points between scores, lowering abilities above 13 and raising abilities below 8 to even out your scores. No such modifi cations can lower a high score below 13 or raise a low one above 8.

I would prefer if you do this distinctly rather than click generate the character.

Choose a class.

Warriors are survivors proficient in fighting and combat of all varieties. Psychics are gifted with unique
mental powers. Experts have expertise in a wide range of useful skills. You may replace one Prime Requisite attribute of your chosen class with a score of 14 if you so wish. Note down your class’ special ability.

If you want to use one of the classes from Other Dust or another supplement then feel free.

Pick a background package.
Select an option to reflect your character’s early training and origins and record the skills the package grants on your character sheet. Some packages have skills labeled “Tech/Any” or “Profession/Any”; this means you can select any one specialty from that skill type, such as “Tech/Postech” or “Profession/Sailor”. Skills labeled “Culture/World” mean that the character has Culture skill specialized in their homeworld, whatever it may be. Background skills start at level 0.
Pick a training package from your class.

Each class offers eight different training packages to reflect common skills and education for a certain type of character. Choose one appropriate to your character concept and record the granted skills on your character sheet. For skills labeled “Any”, any skill specialization may be chosen, but you may not double up on a skill already existing in the package. For example, a package granting “Combat/Any” and “Combat/Projectile” means you cannot choose “Combat/Projectile” twice. Training package skills start at level 0. If you already have a given skill from your background package, the skill starts at level 1 instead.

Choose a homeworld.
Pick one from the list below. If you don't like the options then feel free to talk to me.
Abbas-Ghulam – populated by hundreds of thousands, corrosive atmosphere. The major hub of commerce in the sector – its moon Gennadios is a huge spaceyard. TL 4.

Al-Mukhtar – populated by tens of thousands, temperate world. Isolated settlement of altered humans. TL 4+.

Areitio – populated by hundreds of thousands, relatively cold world. A world in ruin; Other Dust-esque. TL 4.

Aud – populated by millions, warm world. A civil war has torn apart the world. TL 4.

Danae – populated by hundreds of thousands, a temperate world. TL 4.

Parnika – populated by hundreds of thousands, thick atmosphere. Known predominantly for a local tourist spot. TL 2.

Patino – populated by hundreds of thousands, a warm world. Recent surge in commerce. TL 4.

Rebuelta – populated by tens of thousands in bubble cities as the environment is inhospitable. TL 4.

Valgerd – populated by tens of thousands, temperate but toxic atmosphere. Populated heavily by aliens, the Mo' . TL 4 w/ pretech.

Vasumati – legendary psychic academy. TL 5.
Roll hit points for your character.

All players get max hitpoints to start.

Choose languages.
Your character speaks English, your world’s native tongue if that differs, and one more language per point of Intelligence modifier bonus.

If you'd prefer an Alien language:
Hochog - from the core book.
Ssath - from the core book.
Qotah - from a free supplemental release from the developer.
Saros - An insectoid race.
Ozar - An energy-based, green-armored race.
Mo' - An insectoid race.
Yith – An avian race.
Hma - A gas-based race of turtle-creatures.
Buy starting equipment.
Spend 400 plus 1d6 * 100 credits on equipment of Tech Level 4 or lower. Any money unspent can be retained for later purchases.

If your character belongs to the Psychic class, choose your psychic disciplines.

A psychic’s primary discipline begins at level 1, and they have 1 more point to spend on a different discipline.

Your character’s initial psi power points are equal to 1 plus their highest attribute modifier between Wisdom and Charisma.
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Re: Character Creation

#2 Post by Spectreman17 » ... sp=sharing

Mr. Robert J. Withers, Ex Tank Gunner, Marksman, and mercenary at your service. I heard your envoy needed a security escort, and, well, you're in luck, because I'm looking for security work. Why me you may ask? well let me tell you why you want me as your head of security. I'm the smartest gun toting mother fucker out there, I don't just shoot this here bang stick, I also am damn good at figuring out how to keep myself and my assistants alive. I've thought myself out of many an ambush that would have killed dozens of lesser men.
Did you hear about the battle of Kartan Pass? no? Shame... Let me tell you then. I had a team of six grav tanks, with minor infantry support, and my superiors tell me, drive through Kartan Pass and regroup with the main march on the other side. We got "seperated", but that's another story for another time and a drunker me.
Anyways, We're cruising down this valley when i think to myself, this is an awesome position for an ambush, if we pulled these tanks up the cliffsides, no one would have time to back out before we clobbered 'em. So I says to my second, "How far behind us is that tailing group supposed to be?" and he answers me, " Sir, I thought they were supposed to catch us hours ago, them Hover planes they've got should've over run us hours ago, that's why we're double timing it." and at that moment, I thought, SHIT, we're sitting ducks in here. and wouldn't you guess it, there's a collapse in the cliffside up ahead blocking the main trails. I bet you know where this is headed...
Well I only had about two more seconds before those hover jets show up overhead, they had swung wide so as to ambush us in this narrow place. So in a moment of sheer tactical genius, I fire my Heavy Rail Cannon through the peaks of the cliffs overhead, turning them into flak cannons with all that stone knocked clear by the slugs. and would you know it, 6 antiarmor spec grav tanks knock 3 grav jets clean outta the sky, without a single casualty.

Now, you're more than welcome to hire one of them "Officer's School" trained captains, if you'd like, but they can't think on there toes. as soon as you throw into a real combat situation, they are useless. you run into a single pirate or bandit with any experience under his belt, and your captain will get confused when they don't follow the "rules of engagement". Plus my rates good, and no one can argue with low cost work. So what'll it be?

As far as PBP goes, I have no experience, is there anyway to link to my rolls to verify my stats are in fact what I say they are, or can you just view it on your end?
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Re: Character Creation

#3 Post by Mister-Kent »

Did you use the Unseen Servant's dice roller? If you did, and just clicked the button to roll stats automatically, then I don't think there's a way to link it--or, at least I haven't found it yet. I used the macro "Stats: [3d6][3d6][3d6][3d6][3d6][3d6]" for my rolls here.
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Re: Character Creation

#4 Post by kmbll »

Yeah - make sure you add a character to the campaign (274) and then choose that character when you make your rolls and then they'll be visible and linkable.
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Re: Character Creation

#5 Post by Spectreman17 »

Gotchya, I understand how it works now, and i did just press the roll stats button, which is where my problem is, would you like me to reroll where you can see it?
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Re: Character Creation

#6 Post by kmbll »

No I'm fine with using the honor system - I would prefer if you'd use the dice roller on a going forward basis though.
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Re: Character Creation

#7 Post by Spectreman17 »

Will do. now that i figured out how it works

Testing this thing out: [1d20] = 18
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Re: Character Creation

#8 Post by dok-el »

Hi everyone :)

Just made my stat rolls...

Stats: [3d6] = 7[3d6] = 8[3d6] = 14[3d6] = 12[3d6] = 12[3d6] = 8

Name: Kazandra ('Kaz')

Strength 7
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Charisma 8

Class: Psychic (Con raised to 14)
Background Package: Urchin
Training Package: Rogue Psychic
Homeworld: Areitio
Hit Points: 5
Languages: English

Precognition (Primary): 1
- Mastery (Omen)
Telekinesis: 1
Psi Points: 0/1


Combat/Primitive Weapons 0
Culture/Areitio 0
Culture/Criminal 1
Persuade 0
Stealth 1
Survival 0

Brief backstory: Street kid scrounging a living on a burnt out world. Discovered she could do special tricks, but the tricks made her head hurt. Then she met The Man. He showed her how to do the tricks without it hurting. Then They killed him. So, she killed Them. Then it seemed like a good idea to be somewhere else. Maybe go visit the school that The Man told her about..

Goal 1: Visit the Psi Academy on Vasumati and learn some new tricks.
Goal 2: Buy a sweet hovercyle... and learn how to ride it.
Goal 3: Bring home 'the big haul' (every scrounger's dream).

Starting Credits: 500 ([1d6] = 1)


Leather Jack (ready)
Monoblade (ready)
Low-light Goggles (ready)
Compad (ready)
Backpack (TL4)
Rations, 3 days (stowed)
Survival Kit (stowed)
Medkit (stowed)
Lazarus patch (stowed)
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Re: Character Creation

#9 Post by Mister-Kent »

Ooh, those'd be pretty decent numbers for a psychic type!
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Re: Character Creation

#10 Post by kmbll »

True and you get to revise a prime requisite stat upward to 14.
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Re: Character Creation

#11 Post by Mister-Kent » ... sp=sharing

Jenny Body
As a private security contractor on war-torn Aud, Jenny Body (Born Genevieve Botticelli) found she could make more money by working for both sides of the conflict. This mercenary streak of hers got her effectively exiled from her homeworld, and now she seeks her fortune among the stars.

Jenny is a buxom, well-built woman in her early 30s. She has long black hair pulled into a high ponytail, olive skin, and dark-brown eyes. She wears simple metallic armor over a black and red uniform.

STR 14 (+1)
INT 11
WIS 13
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 09
CHA 08
Class: Warrior (Dex raised to 14)
Background: Security Crew
Training: Mercenary
Business 0
Combat/Energy 0
Combat/Unarmed 0
Combat/Projectile 0
Culture/Aud 0
Culture/Spacer 0
Perception 0
Security 0
Tactics 1

HP 8
AC 5
Languages: English
Homeworld: Aud

5/500 credits left
5 - Backpack
50 - Monoblade
200 - Laser pistol
30 - Type A power cell x3
60 - Lazarus patch x2
100 - Compad
50 - Metal mail
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
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Re: Character Creation

#12 Post by Das » ... sp=sharing

Eli Alexander - Psychic (Telepathy and Teleportation)

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Re: Character Creation

#13 Post by kmbll »

Das wrote: ... sp=sharing

Eli Alexander - Psychic (Telepathy and Teleportation)
Couple questions on Eli - Can you give a sentence or two background? I'll add that to the characters list for quick reference. You know you have no armor, right? I'm fine with it if you are - baby psychics are just very squishy.
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Re: Character Creation

#14 Post by Das »

Yes. I plan to loot.
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Re: Character Creation

#15 Post by Das »

kmbll wrote:
Das wrote: ... sp=sharing

Eli Alexander - Psychic (Telepathy and Teleportation)
Couple questions on Eli - Can you give a sentence or two background? I'll add that to the characters list for quick reference. You know you have no armor, right? I'm fine with it if you are - baby psychics are just very squishy.
Eli spent his early childhood living amongst the Mo' and learning their language before being recruited (press-ganged) into the military as he was not registered and was caught stealing from a government food bank. He excelled in the army while discovering and refining his psychic ability in secret. After meeting a fellow soldier who talked him into going AWOL he escaped and traveled with them for a short period of time. But for the last few months he left their organization to try and use his Telepathy ability to help negotiations but the work is slow and he is getting hungry. So he is coming back to the old merc group to make some quick cash.
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Re: Character Creation

#16 Post by explosiveghast »

"Stoni" Owstoni Kuroyuki

Stoni is a former enforcer for the Kanezashi Syndicate. The Kanezashi Syndicate is a yakuza-like eugenics cult (Machiavelli, Vice Lords tags) that believes that their traditions and genestock are superior and the more powerful of the syndicate frequently utilize ghoul immortality tech to elongate their lives. In a play to capture more of this technology from one of his junior leaders, Hideo Kanezashi framed the Kuroyuki family for a genocidal attack on a colony station near Abbas-Ghulam. As a result, Stoni's older brother was forced to disembowel himself in public repentance, though he had been innocent. Other members of the Kuroyuki family were then summarily executed or shoved into backwater posts and treated as slaves. Stoni was assigned to a trading ship bound for Wayfair. To escape his mistreatment, he sabotaged the ship, forcing it to a spectacular crash on Nudar, ejecting himself prior.

He spent the next few years wandering the planet in anguish and self-loathing until finally he found some resolve to restore his family's name or at least make a name for himself. During his self imposed exile, he has brushed time and time again with the native Saros and has cultivated a trading relationship with several of their enclaves. He has learned to survive in the wilds of Nudar but he is ready to elevate his trade to interplanetary scale. He wants off Nudar. Stoni also would like to find out if any of his family have survived and do what he can to liberate them from the syndicate's grip.

Stoni tends toward brash, loud, headstrong and stubborn behavior. He was raised as a gangster and required to collect debts, abduct people, interrogate prisoners and perform other routine syndicate business. His conscience never weighed heavily until the tragedy of his own family's downfall. Now he has a different perspective and aims to be less callous but old habits may die hard.
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Re: Character Creation

#17 Post by BattleStag »

Hey, I couldn't do anything but view the Google Doc, so can someone please tell me how to edit it? I'll just use the in-site character sheet until I can transfer everything. Sorry!

Aleshire spent his childhood enamored with a museum near his home that displayed all manner of pretech wonders. He would spend days dreaming at the displays, thinking of life when it was at its peak, and with a lust for returning the universe to those glory days Aleshire enrolled into an off-planet technical school as soon as he could afford it. However, upon returning to his home planet Aleshire was horrified to learn that his childhood love, the great museum, had been torn down and replaced with a condominium! Convinced he was the only man in the universe who truly cared about the old ways, Aleshire took to the skies dead set on preserving every bit of history still out there. Even if he has to scavenge and repair every last HAM radio himself!

A salty old codger, Aleshire is most at home either keeping a starship running far beyond its expiration date or digging through flea markets for the junk other people don't see the obvious value of. May or may not have dreams of one day assembling all his various bits of pretech odds and ends into an entirely impractical hunk of "power armor".

Stats: STR:14, INT:9, WIS:10, DEX:8, CON:13, CHR:9
Starting money: [1d6x100] = 5x100 = 500

Class: Expert (INT:14)
Background Package: Technician (Culture/Traveller, Exosuit, Tech/Postech, Tech/Pretech)
Training Package: Adventuring Expert (Tech/Astronautic, Tech/Postech, Computer, Science, Perception, Combat/Primitive)
Homeworld: Valgerd
Hit Points: 6
Languages: English, Mo', Hma
Starting Money: 900 credits
Starting Equipment:

I'll buy gear after some clarification: are we expecting to spend most of our time on a spaceship or on a planet? Kinda determines if I focus on Postech or Astronautic skills and gear. Also, if no one wants to be a pilot I'm willing to shuffle things around and fill that role.
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Re: Character Creation

#18 Post by kmbll »

You'll predominantly be on land, I would think but you might occasionally be on a spaceship or station but I would think it'll mostly be on planet. The current plan is for you to get an NPC to be pilot. Also did you bring a prime requisite up to 14?

I'm not sure how to grant access to the sheet. Ghast was able to request it but I'm not sure otherwise..I'll update it this weekend when I have more free time if we don't reconcile it before then. Don't forget to pick goals.
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Re: Character Creation

#19 Post by Das »

I just copied and pasted it.
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Re: Character Creation

#20 Post by Mister-Kent »

I saved a copy of the Google doc and edited that, then sent the Share link to kmbll :)
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