Fourth Expedition

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Re: Fourth Expedition

#41 Post by beermotor »

"Well, so you say." Daryll shrugs. "Ain't got nothin' to hide, nor nothin' to lose, so I figure a di-rect approach most appropriate." He smirks. "So what's it gonna be? Ol' greeny here gonna shorten me neck, or are we gonna maybe do some business? Like you say, maybe I got some value to you."
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#42 Post by Raven Crowking »

beermotor wrote:"Well, so you say." Daryll shrugs. "Ain't got nothin' to hide, nor nothin' to lose, so I figure a di-rect approach most appropriate." He smirks. "So what's it gonna be? Ol' greeny here gonna shorten me neck, or are we gonna maybe do some business? Like you say, maybe I got some value to you."
"What can you possibly have of value to me? You have nothing I wish to possess. You are clearly not wise enough to beg pardon and seek a graceful exit. As an employee, I would sooner carry a scorpion in my pocket, and be far safer no doubt. You are desperate, you say, which suggests that letting you go would be a mistake, for surely you will make some other attempt. You leave me few options, boy."
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#43 Post by beermotor »

"Maybe I marked you wrong. I guess the tradin' life's nice and easy money, and all that. Maybe you ain't interested in no high risk, high re-ward engagement, it seems to me. And there's prolly gems a'plenty in the Barrowmaze, bigger'n what you got on yore fanger. I know I smashed a sapphire 'bout the size o' yore fist myself, personally. Course, it come out of the skull of something what shouldn't be walkin' about." He shrugs. "But you ain't interested in all that. My mistake. You ain't interested, you ain't interested. Business is business. Anyhow, I ain't made no 'attempt' on nothin' or nobody. I just got yore attention is all. You think I'mma go toe-to-toe with yore greenskins or try to do you in, you lost yore damn mind." He chuckles. "You ain't go no cause to kill me. But if that's what you aim to do, least let me stand up and fight fair and square."
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#44 Post by Raven Crowking »

"I told you, I don't gamble with my own money. Neither do I gamble with my own blood. Good bodyguards are hard to find, and come anything but cheap. Whysoever would I give you a fighting chance?"
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#45 Post by beermotor »

[So, what's Daryll's assessment of the situation? Fat merchant seems to be saying, he's going to have his bodyguards whack Daryll, and that's about it. If Daryll senses that this is really the likely outcome, then it's time to roll initiative and bolt for the door, heh. I mean, does he have any reaction to the talk of treasure in Barrowmaze at all? If not, and he's not interested in gambling, then there's not really much left to do except GTFO (going to burn whatever Luck is necessary to get out, btw). Thinking maybe Daryll and the fat merchant are talking past each other, somehow. If he can get him interested in sponsorship, or some sort of business arrangement, ANY sort of business arrangement, that's a win.]
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#46 Post by Raven Crowking »

Sorry. I can answer specific questions about what Daryll can observe, but only you can say what Daryll's assessment is, or what he will do.
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#47 Post by beermotor »

"Told you what I want, but you ain't said what yore price is."
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#48 Post by Raven Crowking »

The fat merchant folds his hands and sighs, clearly for drama. "I can do nothing with you. You have nothing I want. Go now, and I will forget having ever met you." His eyes glitter with amusement and malevolence as he says this, though.
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#49 Post by beermotor »

[What's the ruling on whether Daryll knows Thieves' Cant? ]
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#50 Post by Raven Crowking »

A 1st level thief knows the Cant, per the core rules.
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#51 Post by beermotor »

(In a low voice, almost a whisper, Thieves' Cant) "Ain't about what I got, its about what I can get. Care to roll the bones?"
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#52 Post by Raven Crowking »

The merchant makes a gesture, and the green-skinned warrior with his hand on the shoulder hauls you to your feet (unless you resist). You are then frog-marched to the door and tossed out (again, unless you resist).
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#53 Post by beermotor »

Is it just the one who marches him to the door? Daryll doesn't resist, but is gonna do something... :-)
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#54 Post by Raven Crowking »

Just the one.
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#55 Post by beermotor »

Okay, can you describe their gear and attire in detail?
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#56 Post by Raven Crowking »

The green-skinned guards wear grey linen tunics with a short woollen cape against the cold spring air, but no leggings. Their sandals lace up to the knee, and include a heel guard. Over the worn leather belt that carries sheath for sword and dagger is a reddish-orange sash; it does not seem likely to interfere with drawing either weapon. Their heads are bare, their hair long and straight, falling to about mid-shoulder in a braid that keeps it from their eyes. The one frog-marching you to the door has a beaten copper armlet around his left biceps.
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#57 Post by beermotor »

Okay. As the green-skinned swordsman releases his grip, Daryll will attempt to use Pick Pocket to reach and grab the guy's sword and pull it free, then SPRINT away. If he fails to grab it somehow, he'll still sprint away... not going to stick around to get killed.

Assuming you're okay with this, here's the rolls: 1d20 = 12 + 4 (Pick Pocket), and he'll burn 3 luck (grr, d3 for each and it went 1, 1, 2) for a total of 16 + 4 = 20.

If that's not enough, he might burn a couple more points of luck, but not a bunch.
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#58 Post by Raven Crowking »

As a reminder, Thief abilities are set against static DCs. Picking the pocket of a target that is actively watching and monitoring his or her belongings is DC 20, so a 20 succeeds. The target doesn't get a roll to resist. (A harder to get object, such as a ring or an armlet, might require a higher roll, naturally.) Normally, if a character had simply tried to grab the sword and run, the victim would be given a chance to make a free attack to grab him. The way I roll, pick pockets implies that the victim isn't immediately aware of the theft....although in this case, "isn't immediately aware" is only as long as it takes to notice Daryll sprinting away with a longsword in his hand!

As Daryll sprints away, he hears the green-skinned warrior growl something behind him....from the sounds of it, it is a curse, but it is not in a language he knows.
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#59 Post by beermotor »

Raven Crowking wrote:As a reminder, Thief abilities are set against static DCs. Picking the pocket of a target that is actively watching and monitoring his or her belongings is DC 20, so a 20 succeeds. The target doesn't get a roll to resist. (A harder to get object, such as a ring or an armlet, might require a higher roll, naturally.) Normally, if a character had simply tried to grab the sword and run, the victim would be given a chance to make a free attack to grab him. The way I roll, pick pockets implies that the victim isn't immediately aware of the theft....although in this case, "isn't immediately aware" is only as long as it takes to notice Daryll sprinting away with a longsword in his hand!
Right, but static DCs can be adjusted up or down based on circumstances (for example, surprise, or if he'd had it tied into the scabbard or to his wrist or something). Good deal, though.
As Daryll sprints away, he hears the green-skinned warrior growl something behind him....from the sounds of it, it is a curse, but it is not in a language he knows.
Haha... well well!

Seeing Daryll from across the street, Cisneros quietly slinks away to hide wherever he can.

Daryll runs and hides in some remote location, then examines the sword. What's it made out of? Then he'll stow it in his pack, and seek out Cisneros. Assuming he's able to locate him later, they'll discuss as follows.

"Well, that didn't work, but I learned some stuff," Daryll says. "There's a guild of guys called Haberdashers, that merchant says he's protected by 'em. He warn't interested in gambling much as I'd been led to believe, nor our expedition. Think yer fecked for now, at least. Best bet is back into the maze and hope to find a jewel." His eyes narrow, and he spits. "But ya still owe me, big time. Cause them boys is gonna be lookin' out for me when they pass through. I 'spect to be repaid."

[Sorry for the delay... assuming that's it for the action, we can fast forward to returning to the maze with everybody now...]
Barrowmaze Map (by Grim Oddson and Gunnar Ottarson): Updated 03/14/13

Barrowmaze Characters (Active in Expedition 5):
Gunnar Ottarson (Dwarf 1): AC 16 HP 7/7
Daryll One-ear (Thief 1): AC 13 HP 4/4
Cisneros (Elf 1): AC 11 HP 6/6
Howard Phillipson (Wizard 1): AC 13 HP 5/9
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Re: Fourth Expedition

#60 Post by Raven Crowking »

beermotor wrote:
Raven Crowking wrote:As a reminder, Thief abilities are set against static DCs. Picking the pocket of a target that is actively watching and monitoring his or her belongings is DC 20, so a 20 succeeds. The target doesn't get a roll to resist. (A harder to get object, such as a ring or an armlet, might require a higher roll, naturally.) Normally, if a character had simply tried to grab the sword and run, the victim would be given a chance to make a free attack to grab him. The way I roll, pick pockets implies that the victim isn't immediately aware of the theft....although in this case, "isn't immediately aware" is only as long as it takes to notice Daryll sprinting away with a longsword in his hand!
Right, but static DCs can be adjusted up or down based on circumstances (for example, surprise, or if he'd had it tied into the scabbard or to his wrist or something). Good deal, though.
The pbp format allows rulings to be explained without damaging the flow of the game, so I sometimes like to include why I am making a specific decision (when I think it appropriate). And, yes, static DCs can be adjusted up or down based on circumstances (as I mentioned with a harder to get object). And there is a reason why I brought this up, as you will see shortly.
Haha... well well!

Seeing Daryll from across the street, Cisneros quietly slinks away to hide wherever he can.

Daryll runs and hides in some remote location, then examines the sword. What's it made out of? Then he'll stow it in his pack, and seek out Cisneros.
The sword is a steel longsword, nicely made, but nothing special.

As Daryll is seeking Cisneros, he hears a voice behind him say, "Tried to warn you, Bo." just before he feels the dagger strike for 9 points of damage. The crit roll is a 1, modified by Daryll's current Luck to a 2, so the dagger removes Daryll’s left ear, inflicting another 5 points of damage and leaving a nasty scar, should Daryll survive. "Fraternal greetings from the Haberdashers" is the last thing he hears before sliding into darkness.

The thief removes Daryll's short sword, 2 daggers, and thieves' tools as well as the stolen longsword.

Let's assume that, being in the village, someone will find Daryll within the hour and turn over his body. If you roll equal to or under his Luck, he lives (-1 Stamina). If you roll over his Luck, he dies.

Oh, and if he survives, Daryll gains 4 XP.

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