Adventure Log

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Adventure Log

#1 Post by Norjax »

A synopsis of encounters, events, people, places and things…
Last edited by Norjax on Fri Jan 24, 2020 3:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Adventure Log

#2 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 2-2-2015

Seeking fame and fortune, your adventuring group has come to Loge Thanos to gather supplies and information concerning your final destination; the mysterious region known as the Gam’A Zone.

You have met or been informed of several prominent and/or influential people in the community. Eggorus, the Mutant Squirrel and proprietor of Loge Thanos’ only dedicated inn, has informed you that the Gam’A Zone is about 300miles by 400 miles in size. It once caused sickness and death upon mere entry, but that appears to have subsided. You learned about the Karub Pirates to the south, who control the eastern Exica Sea and are rumored to have been entering the southern part of the Zone for some time. Eggorus claims that Angol Bord, the pawn master, has seen a large, reptilian bird flying into the Gam’A Zone.

You saw another group of presumed adventurers heading out of Loge Thanos. Word had it that they got into an argument with Angol.

You went to Angol the dwarf’s [Mutant Human] pawnshop and found him to be antagonistic. He had a musket with 10 bullets for sale and seven blast heads that can be fitted to arrows or bolts. His prices were extreme and he wasn’t in the mood for negotiations. He informed you that Vestal, the metal smith, could make ammunition and Rarps, a merchant, could make/provide powder. Your group had trouble maneuvering Angol’s cramped shop and an accident along with some finger-shopping caused Angol to become irate and kick your group out.

Vestal the Metal Smith [Mutant Human] was more sociable. He offered to make some bullets and casings. Based on the unfinished parts hanging in his shop, Vestal is capable of making firearms too. He told you of a different person, Ress on the Mount, who could make powder for the ammunition.
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Re: Adventure Log

#3 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 4-29-2015

The group met Ress on the Mount who lives in a bizarre, multi-colored abode. She was friendly in demeanor and offered to make some gun powder for you. She mentioned a danger of ‘metal beings’ in the Gam’A Zone who are called Abductors. She sold you the requested powder along with some ‘headache medicine’ for Bart.

Pooling your money, you purchased supplies and loaded ammunition (from Vestal) before heading down the Long Road to Lantica and the Gam’A Zone.

The first leg of your journey passed through the Gugas Scrublands, a mixture of grasslands, swamps and arid scrub brush. On the 8th day, you encountered some large beetles that attacked your group. The beetles were capable of spraying a noxious vapor (which forced Luke to withdraw from the combat). The beetles were easily defeated and you continued down the road after deciding not to search for the bug’s nest. Bart attempted to eat a portion of a beetle, but it didn’t agree with him.

You journeyed for two more days until a glow in the eastern sky was noticed, leading to an investigation and discovery of a Jipzee Ormani camp across a river from you direction of travel.
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Re: Adventure Log

#4 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 8-21-15

The Jipzee Ormani crossed the Orgama River on a ferry barge owned by Angel Fithert. Their group included 12 Jipzee Ormani, their leader Murse Valatt, 4 Drot Swyne pack animals and the mysterious bat mutant Bruze Whane. The Jipzees hailed from Nuv Vano on the coast of the Eastern Sea and are heading to a bazaar in the Zatox Territories. Murse Valatt is a mutant human with the lower body of a giant slug. He must be carried in a metal litter to keep the slug portion of his body moist in order to prevent painful abrasions. Bruze was invited to join your expedition into the Gam’A Zone, for he sought the lost vaults of See-Ghee-See rumored to be somewhere in the Gam’A Zone.

Both Murse and Angel warned you of the dangers in the Gam’A Zone, including metal spider-men, stinky areas, freak lightning storms and areas of reverse gravity. They also acknowledged fabled buried cities full of ancient treasures. You were also warned of roving bands of pigmonn possibly traveling the Long Route.

Traveling further east along the Long Route, you skirted the arid environment of the Pah Addle Desert without incident. You then encountered a group of pigmonn raiders from the Kaftsmonn Clan at an old, ruined bridge.

You fought the pigmonn raiders down to one who survived (briefly) as your prisoner. The battle took its toll in ranged weapon ammunition, the serious wounding of Bruze and the near-death of Oor-zak, both earning their marks with heroic hand-to-hand combat. The experience taught you that pigmonn (also known as orks) do not surrender easily and the leader types appear to possess an energy ray discharge that may be employed regularly after short intervals. Two drot swine pack animals, a harnessed cart, two pigmonn rifles, miscellaneous arms and armor, Kaftsmonn coinage and 6-days additional group rations were recovered from the orks.

Proficient in the guttural pigmonn language, Oor-zak interrogated the prisoner who informed you of pigmonn activity along the Long Route and within the Gam’A Zone. Some of his boasts could not be verified, but you were made wary of the ork menace. After some discussion on what to do with the prisoner, Oor-zak swiftly beheaded the captive forcing a quick conclusion to the debate. Reaction from the party varied from outright support to indifference and moral opposition.

There were no more encounters along the Long Route and you began to see the green lightfalls of the Gam’A Zone border during the night hours. You soon made a determination on where to enter and began the cautious journey into the Zone, choosing to travel at night so the lighfalls were visible and better negotiated.
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Re: Adventure Log

#5 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 2-21-16

The barrier of the Gam’A Zone consists of multiple, parallel curtains of light or other energy that slowly cascade from high in the sky and sink into the ground. Random holes and slots are in each curtain, and it was decided to pass through each curtain using these holes. Night travel was chosen, because the barrier is invisible during the day; only the discolored, orange sand gives indication to the location of the barrier.

Between the curtains, ambient sound was muffled by a droning hiss at the threshold of hearing. Green fog existed between the light falls, impairing visibility beyond 200 ft. A carcass of a giant rabbit was discovered with its exposed bones apparently melted. After crossing 43 curtains of light, you entered the Gam’A Zone proper and set up camp to sleep for the day.

On the first day, Jack heard a faint hum traveling on the wind from the south. Part of the group moved forward to investigate, and discovered a small canyon blocking the route of travel. The source of the hum got louder and was emanating from the canyon. Frekken used his chameleon epidermis and crawled to the edge of the canyon, to observing a swarm of ten, 3 ft.-long flies devouring a giant lizard. You decided to avoid the flesh-eating flies and moved back from the canyon. A new course was set to the east to try and find away around the canyon. You plan to travel an arc through the Gam’A Zone and head east to Lantica and the city of Nuv Vano.

You traveled for a full day east before finding the end of the canyon. You turned south the next day, passing between the canyon and a large hill. On the third day, you spotted a 75-ft. high hill in the middle of a flat plain and decided to investigate. Jack spotted an artificial protrusion at the top of the hill along with disturbed soil indicative of excavation. You followed a path leading to the top and explored, based on a map you found inside, what was once a wind power tower. The structure appeared to have been stripped of any useful items and the skeleton of a dead adventurer was discovered at the bottom of a well, which once served as the ground level entrance millennia ago. The map showed a line of power towers that corresponded with similar 75-ft. hills to the south of the first tower. The group headed south to the next hill, intent on exploring it. Halfway to the next hill, Jack spotted a flying figure on the sky to the west. The creature, a winged baboon, introduced himself as Belial – the sole survivor of a pigmonn attack a day or so prior. With your new companion, you continued on to the second hill.

The second hill had no signs of excavation or exposed structures. Disappointed by the lack of opportunities to explore the new tower, you made plans to surprise and attack the pigmonn who killed Belial’s companions.

When you woke the next morning, your frogman companion Frekken had left during the night to parts unknown.
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Re: Adventure Log

#6 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 8-2-16

Disappointed with the loss of your frogmonn companion, you quickly move on as Bruze, Belial and Blixx return with news of the pigmonn encampment. Your plans to bombard the sleeping pigmonn and then have them chase the three flying mutants is change at the last minute when Blixx proposes to use his Vampiric powers to silently life-drain the sleeping pigmonn without raising an alarm. The three take off, leaving the rest of the party a mile to the east from the pigmonn camp.

Blixx took 10 minutes to slay the sleeping pigmonn and Belial and Bruze swept in and engaged the guards. The remaining comrades could only watch and hear the sounds of battle back at the ambush site. Bruze subdued one of the pigmonn guards for interrogation and the camp was plundered for booty, including a pigmonn rifle. Oor-zak, the lone member who speaks the pigmonn language, assisted in the questioning of the captive. The ork reveals that his group was looking for rumored treasures in the Gam’A zone. His squad was assigned to track down Belial and kill him for sport while the other pigmonn made their way north, back to the Confedorksy. He had no additional information about the Gam’A Zone. During the interrogation, a lone figure was spotted walking towards you from the east.

The figure turned out to be a red-skinned, artificial person known only as Ghar. Its memory being fragmented, it only had knowledge that came from the east and heard of a “god” named Motter. Ghar joined the party and helped load the bounty of victory without further conversation. Belial served his revenge on the pigmonn prisoner by snapping his neck and dropping him onto the dirt. The group camped and rested from last night’s battle before proceeding south to the next watch tower mound.

The next mound appeared to have had some excavations done at the top, but nothing of interest was seen or found. More hills were spotted miles beyond to the south and southeast. During your search of the hill, Jack and Frank were able to determine that a series of tracks were left by 6 or more bipedal insects. You decided to follow the tracks into the northeast. After two miles, the terrain changed to jagged sandstone formations interspersed with large sinkholes. Belial flew an aerial recon over the area and confirmed the sinkholes being 30-300 feet across and up to 100 feet deep. Nothing interesting was noticed during the flight, so you decided to move to the next watch tower hill.

Bruze flew up and over the hill, seeing that it had an exposed metal cylinder at the top, making a well full of sand. A valley or canyon could be seen to the east and two more hills lay beyond to the south. Bruze flew into the pit and landed in the sand, sinking into the loose soil and was attacked by a tentacle monster with serrated mandibles. Bruze was momentarily caught in its grasp and the party battled the beast, severing its tentacles. Before everyone could move away or press on for the final kill, the Saktrap belched forth a toxic liquid and retreated below the sand. Belial alone did not resist the venom and was temporarily blinded by the toxin.

You moved on to the next tower, southeast of the Saktrap lair. The new hill had a 30 foot cylindrical tower jutting out of the hill, albeit at a slight angle. Bruze and Blixx took flight and reconned the tower, but could not see inside the shadowed interior. The canyon to the east was seen to continue into a large valley to the south with a floor containing red and yellow foliage. You decided to camp for the night and search in the morning.
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Re: Adventure Log

#7 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 11-8-2016

During the night of day 30, Blixx heard a buzzing sound emanating from a canted tower discovered that day. Soon, 30 blinking red lights rose from the tower and headed to the east. The lights were from nocturnal Gam’A Bees that soon spotted the party. Thinking quickly, you gathered burnable refuse and other supplies to create a circle of fires to ward off the bees. The bees swarmed around the ring of smoke and several of you engaged the bees with missile weapons. Ghar remained outside the ring and attacked the swarm with his polearm. Belial hastily plunged into the swarm, sustaining multiple hits and succumbing to the poison of the stings and fell to the ground unconscious. Blixx used his vampiric field against the swarm, but many survived long enough to sting the mothman and he too fell unconscious to the bee poison. Bart and Oor-zak worked together to lasso and telekinetically move the victims into the safety of the ring’s interior.

Frank created a makeshift oil bomb that Oor-zak telekinetically lifted into the middle of the swarm and then Luke and Jack shattered one of the flasks with their firearms, killing several of the bees. The remaining insects buzzed away for the safety of their nest in the old tower.

The cart pulled by the Drot Swyne was scavenged for fire wood, so supplies and booty from the pigmonn encounter had to be abandoned for the remainder of the journey. The two Drot Swyne were retrieved and loaded down with enough supplied to reach Nuv Vano.

After a day’s travel, you make camp near one of the mounds explored earlier. During the night, you were awoken by a metallic screech from Ghar who was surprise attacked during his watch by eight bipedal roachmen; Thorax Scavengers! The Scavengers destroyed Ghar before anyone could come to his rescue.

The Scavengers were formidable foes, one used an energy whip that stunned several members of the group; taking them out of action. As the party gained the upper hand, two additional Scavengers launched javelins down from the heights of the hill. A pursuit was mounted against the two remaining attackers, but they escaped into an excavated tunnel at the top of the hill. It was decided to move out of the area, not knowing if more reinforcements would arrive.

Two days later, you reached the northern canyon first encountered when entering the Zone. The onset of night brought distant lightning storms and the canyon filled with a glowing, violet haze.
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Re: Adventure Log

#8 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 1-14-2017

The party returned to the Long Route and headed towards the town of Nuv Vano, a settlement at the edge of their known world. After traveling east, they come upon a shallow cliff that marks a border between terrain types. The land beyond the barrier slopes down and away and is a desolate waste containing high concentrations of salt pollution. Twin marker stones, originating from an ancient structure flank the route at the cliff. Graffiti is written of one of the stones and is a mocking warning to the pigmonn, who have a phobia to salt. Blixx and Belial continued to fight the infection they received from being clawed by the Thorax Scavengers.

On day 39, a group of five travelers is spotted ahead on the Long Route. The group of adventurers is heading into the Gam’A Zone in search of ruins called Sott’ Urwa. They are introduced as Vol Bork (PSH), Olidani the (gun)Slinger (PSH), Appicia Verj (Mutant Human), Urgor (Mutant Human Hulk), and Szesta Vezin (Mutant Human Dwarf). The encounter was somewhat uneasy as the leader Vol Bork had a somewhat arrogant tone. Eventually they informed the party that Nuv Vano is weeks away on the coat of the Eastern Sea, but a settlement called Hagalton was three days ahead.

Oladani diagnosed Blixx and Belial’s affliction as scavenger’s tetanus and informed them that it would run its course in a couple of week and not cause any permanent damage. There is cure, but it is hard to come by.

The party traded one of the drot swyne (Chops) for a two-wheeled cart that the adventurers had.

You met a stray mutant in the form of a fungal amoeba named Jiminy. It joined the group and traveled with them to Hagalton.
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Re: Adventure Log

#9 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 5-24-2017

In Hagalton, you became acquainted with several town personalities:
  • Bartender [34], Gunas Pell (Human)
    Foodstuff Provisions [2], Sig’Sayg’Ryth (Snakemonn)
    Boarding House [1], Lejis Mews (Human)
    Merchant [8], Dhe Tema (Human)
    Jeweler and appraiser [37], Lirb (Human)
    Merchantile [3], Nols Ezzan (Human)
    Arms and Armor [4], Po Ellol (Human)
    Money Changer [38]
    Information Merchant [39]
    Waste Mining [51], Gengu-I (Mutant)
    Healer [56] (Mutant)
    Tailor [27], Jeffs Hari
    Specialty merchant [10], Den Lo & Chis (Manimals)
    Specialty Merchant [11], Teeko Stooart and wife Dani (Humans)
    Lantica Slavers [16-17] (Humans)
    Trading Silo [9], Obo Grittz (Mutant)

    Karps Ennis (Mutant)

Den Lo informed you of Motter and her metal machines and the anti-gravity plasma that sometimes forms in the Zone. He drew a schematic map of the Zone for your guidance.

He informed you of various “nations” inside the Zone:
  • Motter a mysterious entity with metal minions
    The Ki-Ro-Tab Knights
    The Beast Masters
    The Barnakal Nomads
Motter’s domain is in the eastern half of the Zone. The Knights are from the inner zone and are arch foes to Motter. They ride giant beetles and fight with static lightning lances. The Beast masters are in the south. The Barnakal nomads are rarely spotted, but wander the entre Zone. They wrap themselves in cloth, wear grotesque masks and fight with a bolo weapon.

Den offers to purchase any Gam’A Bee honey collected and 500gp for a rare Nomad mask. He shares that Yar Burnblak hires people for high paying, short-term jobs in his “trawler” that mines the Crack in the Earth.

Den tells of Sott’ Urwa and its nests of Thorax Scavengers and mutated insects. There are also many artifacts in the ruins worthy of plunder.


Luke, Oor-zak and Bruze depart for Lantica. Luke and Oor-zak are Bruze’s bodyguards for his mission to spread his faith into heathen Lantica.

Frekken the Frogmonn rejoins the group after an absence.

Belial visirted the Ironfross Bridge at the edge of town. It is the only passage into Lantica and spans the Crack in the Earth (chasm). The region above the chasm contains alien energies and flight over the crack is not possible.


Blixx purchases a mushroom remedy for Scavenger’s Tetanus from the blind and mutilated healer.
Blixx obtains mushroom descriptions from the healer. They grow inside the Zone and he offers to pay for any samples collected.

Teeko identified a radiation detector for Blixx.

Jiminy purchase a Pigmonn pistol from Po Ellol.

Belial purchases a loud, wildly-colored shirt.

You purchased gas masks and smoke grenades for dealing with the Gam’A Bees when harvesting their honey.
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Re: Adventure Log

#10 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 12-19-2017

You returned to the Gam’A Zone and attempted to harvest honey from the Gam’A Bee nest you discovered inside an old metal tower sticking out of a mound rising from the desert floor.

Securing a rope to a ladder inside the open-ended tower, several scaled the rope while Belial flew cover and Jiminy sloshed around the base. Bart tossed a smoke grenade into the nest compartment hoping to flush out the bees. Half a dozen bees exited the smoke-filled tower and Belial flew in circles leading them on a chase and away from the tower. The flying baboon was attacked many times but continued the chase.

Inside, Bart and Jack leaped across a gap into a debris chamber at the top of the nest. The gap was the entrance to a deep pit into the nest proper. More bees rose and entered the debris chamber while thick, black smoke billowed out of the pit. The smoke grenade started a fire which burned the bee nest and killed all of the valuable larvae and destroyed most of the honey. Three jars of the treasure were recovered as the remnants of the nest and tower were explored. Some scrap metal items and geometric jewelry was recovered, but the spoil of massive honey reserves was destroyed.

Leaving the bee tower, you continued south to explore another mound. Nothing artificial was exposed at the mound, so lacking excavation equipment; your fliers flew farther south and spotted a mushroom filled canyon with multiple cave openings. With supplied limited, you ventured back to Hagalton to resupply for an expedition into the fungal canyon.
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Re: Adventure Log

#11 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 8-13-2018

Heading back to the Gam’A Zone, a party of adventurers was encountered on the Long Route camped near the marker stones.
  • Hiona Plateface (Human)
    Tamah Nojaz (Mutant Hulk)
    Tikol (Floating Mutant)
    Murv Northkin (Human)
    Zuma Babboi (Mutant Horror)
They were traveling to Nuv Vano on the Eastern Sea to seek their fortunes hunting Cylopean Whales in the Radiac Sea. After an exchange of information and pleasantries, you continued on into the Gam’A Zone.

After 6 days of travel, you entered the fungal canyon and decided to explore the fungal forest populated by mushrooms between 4 and 12 feet high. After a cursory investigation of the fungi, May-Jor used her axe to chop down one of the tall, furry mushrooms. Chopping into the truck produced streams of spore clouds that jetted forth from the cut. May-Jor was unaffected by the spores thanks to a mask she was wearing. When the shroom fell, dozens of slimy worm-like creatures spewed forth and attacked the cybernetic bear. Some burrowed into her lower leg. Belial and Frekken inhaled some of the spores and collapsed unconscious

After overcoming the fungal worms and spore cloud, Belial and Frekken recovered from their slumber and Silvestri psychically healed May-Jor’s wounds and infection. It was decided that the dangers of the fungal forest outweighed the benefits, so one of the caves was selected for investigation.

The cavern chosen was constructed from artificial stone and contained metal rails to guide a vehicle known as a hyper pod (which was discovered later). Exploring the depths of the tunnel system you discovered two hyper pods and were able to power them up using control boxes and an unseen ambient energy source.

Your deepest foray into the tunnels was blocked by a large swarm of beetles that nearly overwhelmed your group. An area retreat was initiated and you backtracked to explore side passages that were bypassed earlier. These side tunnels lead to parking areas for the pods and a room once used by people to board the vehicles. In this room, you discovered several items and containers that were recovered for sale in Hagalton. An old map of sorts was found permanently marked on the floor, so Blixx made a copy for your records. The map indicated a complex series of tunnels beyond the location you encountered the insect swarm.

You decided to head back into Hagalton to sell the spoils of your initial expedition and to resupply for a deeper exploration of the tunnel system.
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Re: Adventure Log

#12 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 12-25-2018

Frekken, May-Jor and Jack departed the group and headed north in search of adventure. Frank Rock rejoined the party after deciding not to seek fortune elsewhere. Two new members joined the party; Ron Spartan – a manimal Cyborg and Bruce Lee Mark VIII – a synthetic Android. 30 days worth of rations, a second two-wheeled cart and a Quicksten flightless bird were procured for the expedition back into the Gam’A Zone and the underground tunnel system.

On the 5th day of travel down the Long Route, a pack of 6 Dreadtooth descended upon the group. They were easily dispatched using ranged weapons, but behind them came a charge of a 15-member Pigmonn Troop! Using a combination of ranged weapons, mutation powers and melee carnage, the troop was eliminated. A large collection of loot from the pigmonn was collected, so it was decided that a return trip to Hagalton was required before returning to the Gam’A Zone.

After three, slow days of travel back to Hagalton, a group of strangers approached from the south out of the Gam’A Zone. A blue-skinned dwarf, a wild-haired man with pink, sunburned skin and a brown skinned man with two one-eyed monkeys. An initial psychic probe from Silvestri indicated that the group was tired, hungry and malevolent. Belial chose to fly recon towards the group, but (unknown at the time) he was subjected to a mental influence and flew away into the opposite direction.

The group continued to approach slowly, and a dialog was established. They spoke in an odd, delirious manner. As the group discussed how to proceed, the squeals of pigmonn warriors caught everyone’s attention. Belial could be seen circling above the group of 20-30 orks over 300 yards away. As everyone prepared for another battle with pigmonn, the strangers attacked without warning, incinerating Blixx with a mysterious energy staff. Kurot was successful in neutralizing most of the attackers using his eye flash, and a swift battle ensued. Frank killed the blue dwarf and the others were stunned by Kurot’s attack. Repeated blows were landed on the remaining two strangers, but they vanished without a trace along with the pigmonn warriors, who were determined to be an illusion. The only item left was the mysterious staff that was knocked out of the wild-haired man’s hands by Ron.

Silvestri, Kurot, Ron and Frank studied the staff and tried to determine how it functioned. Unfortunately, a serious error occurred and the staff violently exploded. All three were injured, but none severe.

Silvestri healed the wounded during the journey back to Hagalton.
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Re: Adventure Log

#13 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 1-26-2019

Day 287-292/81

On your return to Hagalton, you solicited the treasures and trinkets found in the underground tunnel complex to the myriad of merchants in town. In addition to supplies, you sought information concerning the trio that attacked and killed Blixx on the Long Route. Gunas Pell, the bar tender, recalled seeing the group before and after the moment of your encounter. He relayed that the Blue Dwarf did not accompany his companions, who visited the healer before leaving town once more.

Silvestri bought a Pard horse from Obo Grittz to offset his slow movement due to increased mass from a mutation gain. You bid a final farewell to Blixx and provided for an appropriate funeral. Before departure, you met MacMak, an avian manimal, who joined your group to explore the Gam’A Zone. After replenishing supplies of food and ammunition, you left Hagalton for the tunnel complex under Gam’A Zone.

After a couple of days on the Long Route, you met a group encamped at the marker stones on the Long Route; The Exhalted Merchant Troop of Vildal En Tripalli. The troop had a dozen wagons in a circle with defensive shields raised to the outside. Vindal, the Merchant Primate of the group, was a six-armed mutant with a bulbous body and alien face. Her captain of the guard was a human named Kurhn. Kurhn commanded a female warrior, a tattooed man wearing an animal skull for a mask and a short, stocky, flamboyantly garbed individual who spoke in squeaks and clicks.

The Merchant Troop gave you a map of the local region for exchanging information about Hagalton. They bid you safe travels and left for Hagalton while you entered the Gam’A Zone.
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Re: Adventure Log

#14 Post by Norjax »

The adventure thus far; 11-15-2019

Day 293-318/81

Except for an encounter with a piece of metallic trash, the journey through the Gam’A Zone was uneventful. After three days, you entered the fungal canyon and returned to the entrance to the tunnel system. There, you tied the Pard horse, quicksten and drot swine inside the cave opening before you loaded into the two pod vehicles to travel the rails of the tunnels. First, you bypassed the branch tunnel with the beetle swarm and rode deeper and deeper into the rail passages until you turned north and encountered a collapsed portion of the tunnel. There you were attacked by giant mutated grubs while clearing the rail debris. The creature’s tentacles delivered a paralysis toxin that affected Frank, Silvestri and Denslow. You killed three of the creatures and forced one to withdraw. Beyond the tunnel blockage, you were stopped at a turntable room with the lower table removed and missing. Entering the nearest Station Stop, you encountered a group of Thorax Scavengers that descended from above. They engaged you with energy grenades, slime grenades, various melee and a handheld energy blaster. The group appeared scared of Kurot and repeated the word ‘MOTTER’ several times.

After the battle, you recovered the blaster weapon, two organic grenades and a stun baton. Bruce’s voice box was damaged by a bug-man’s sword and he lost the ability to speak. Bruce ascended a vertical tube in the Station Stop and discovered a large ring hallway above. After a quick reconnaissance, he located three other tubes connected to other Station Stops and additional floors above. Everyone climbed the tube and explored several rooms at the ring level and found various trinkets to sell back at Hagalton.

You descended a different tube and entered another Station Stop down at the rail level. There, you discovered another type of rail vehicle in a tunnel east of the broken turntable and blocked by a web-like barrier. After an hours’ travel with the new vehicle, you came to another barrier constructed from mushroom trunk logs. This barrier was guarded by hulking humanoids with gray skin, pale eyes and tattered clothing. Belial tossed one of the organic grenades at the humanoids. That and a hail of gunfire forced the under-dwellers to flee back down the tunnel and into the darkness. You decided to clear the log barrier and pursue the creatures down the tunnel. There, you discovered a wooden stair leading up to a side tunnel. Using the rail trolley to smash the stairs, you arrived at a three-way turntable littered with bed mats, debris and humanoid skulls. A barrage of spears and javelins forced you to withdraw out of the chamber. You were attacked from two directions by the pale hulks and encountered Farmanus under the parasitic control of the underground mutants. An epic battle commenced using mutation powers, guns and melee weapons against brute savagery! Denslow, MacMak and Belial were severely wounded and Silvestri used his psychic powers to command the last survivor to go and recover Famanus’ equipment. After ten minutes and distant beast-man barks you probed ahead into their presumed lair only to discover that the true lair must be above and the pale ogre retreated there using a vertical tube. You decided to withdraw west to the Station Stops under the Ring Room and recover from wounds. There, you decided to camp inside the pod cars and plan an assault on the ogre’s lair.

During the night, someone placed light-emitting devices as a bread trail for an energy entity to enter the broken turntable chamber. You wisely decided to move the pod vehicles south and away from the potential danger. Returning in the morning, you discovered an amoeba organism was placed on the rail trolley you needed to travel east. Denslow communicated with the creature and learned it was forced by the Thorax Scavengers to guard and prevent use of the vehicle. They removed a chunk of its body and forced it into servitude under threat to harm its symbiotic colony.

You sought the lair of the Scavengers in order to retrieve the missing part of the amoeba’s body and engaged in a difficult two-front battle that cost Ron Spartan his life. For your efforts, you acquired a pair of ancient tech goggles and many trinkets and scrap worth coin in Hagalton. The pulsing amoeba segment was returned to the vehicle guardian who thanked you and asked to be returned to the fungal forest outside the tunnel complex.

It was decided to return to Hagalton and resupply before seeking out the Gam’A Morlocks and Farmanus’ gear. At the tunnel entrance, you discovered the carcasses of the drot swine and Pard horse presumably killed by nocturnal Gam’A Bees. The quicksten flightless bird was missing and never found.

A six-legged, burrowing creature was encountered on the way out of the Zone, but was quickly dealt with.

Hagalton was reached without further incident on day 318.

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