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Re: Rolls

#121 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round Fourteen
Ur-orc hp: 12-4 5#2d8+1 10 10 11 9 13 10#1d6 4 3 5 3 1 3 2 4 4 3
Bruno: 5
Quint: 4
Rhys (+2 Dex): 6
Semele (+1 Dex): 7
Severi (-1 Dex): 3 1d20+7 16 1d12+3 13 1d20 20
Tev (+1 Dex): 7 1d20+8 27 1d12+3 4
Thurgan (-1 Dex): 3
Vanco: 2 1d20+3 14 1d6+1 7
Ur-orc: 3 1d20+5 15 2d4+2 9 1d3 1 1d20 10
Phlegmatic beetles: 2 Save v. Dragon Breath, PCs in alphabetical order:: 5#1d20 2 8 8 18 12 5#1d5 2 1 3 4 4
Hits Quint, Bruno, Semele, Rhys once.
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Re: Rolls

#122 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round Fifteen

Ur-orc hp:8-7
Phlegmatic Beetle hp: 10-3, 10-4, 11-5, 9-4, 13-2-6 10#1d6 6 5 2 3 1 4 3 4 6 2
Bruno: 7 Bruno throws torch 5#1d8 3 4 5 4 2
Quint: 6
Rhys (+2 Dex): 5 1d20+7 27 1d12+3 13 1d5 3
Semele (+1 Dex): 4 1d20+2 20 1d6 6 1d5 5
Severi (-1 Dex): 3 1d20+8 11 1d12+3 5 1d20 12
Tev (+1 Dex): 3 1d20+8 10 1d12+3 10
Thurgan (-1 Dex): 4 1d20+5 18 1d8+3 10 1d5 5
Vanco:4 1d20+3 23 1d6+1 2 Yay Vanco!
Ur-orc: 6 1d20+5 10 2d4+1 6 1d20 4 1d3 2
Beetles: 2 3#1d20+2 7 5 9 3#1d4 4 4 4 3#1d5 5 5 4
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rolls

#124 Post by thirdkingdom »

Wandering Monster Checks

Getting to the Gold (Turns 13-17) Exiting the Dungeon (Turns 17-25) What is the first Encounter? 1d8 2 Leftover construct of the ancients. Attacks blindly. Surprise (PCs first 1-2 on 1d6, Warrior robot 1-2 on 1d6): 2#1d6 1 2
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Re: Rolls

#125 Post by thirdkingdom »

Rabbit-headed Warrior Construct

Round One 5d8 18 18-4 4#1d6 4 5 2 5
Rhys (+2 Dex):
Semele (+1 Dex):
Severi (-1 Dex):
Tev (+1 Dex): 6 1d20+8 24 1d12+3 4
Thurgan (-1 Dex): 2 1d20+4 15 1d8+2 7
Construct: 6 1d20+6 15 1d8 6
Round Two
Construct hp: 14 3#1d6 2 1 2
Tev: 1d20+8 10 1d12+3 14
Thurgan: 1d20+4 15 1d8+2 5
Construct: 1d20+6 26 1d8 4 1d2 1 1d20 16
Round Three
Construct hp: 14 3#1d6 3 1 3
Tev: 1d20+8 15 1d12+3 14
Thurgan: 1d20+4 13 1d8+2 3
Construct: 1d20+6 22 1d8 5 1d2 1 1d20 5
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Re: Rolls

#126 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round Four
Construct hp: 14 3#1d6 6 5 4
Severi: 1d20+7 10 1d12+3 10
Thurgan: 1d20+4 14 1d8+2 4
Construct: 1d20+6 21 1d8 2 1d2 2 1d20 14 1d20 13
Thurgan takes 2 hp, makes save.
Round Five
Construct hp: 14 3#1d6 6 3 2
Severi: 1d20+7 15 1d12+3 4
Thurgan: 1d20+4 10 1d8+2 5
Construct: 1d20+6 24 1d8 5 1d2 1 1d20 11 1d20 16 Severi deflects
Quint: Roll to hit, save as F6 (Death Ray), 1d6 damage if fails: 2#1d20 17 14 1d6 2
Round Six
Construct hp: 14 3#1d6 1 5 1
Severi: 1d20+7 16 1d12+3 13
Thurgan: 1d20+4 14 1d8+2 9
Construct: 1d20+6 23 1d8 7 1d2 1 1d20 15 1d20 18
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Re: Rolls

#127 Post by thirdkingdom »

Which way does NPC party go? 1-3 indicates to the left, towards the lair of the ur-orcs, 4-6 indicates to the right, towards the bathhouse. 1d6 6

Okay, I had previously rolled three straight wandering monster encounters in a row: the rabbit warrior was the first, the NPC party the second. There is a 1-3 in 6 chance the NPC party encounters the third wandering monster, instead of the PCs: 1d6 5

Okay, so the PCs run into their third wandering monster. Note that due to reduced movement, this encounter occurs right outside the Room of Scalding Springs. 1d6 6

6. Troglodyte patrol. Surprise (PCs first, both 1-2 on 1d6), distance (1d6x10 in feet), reaction roll: 2#1d6 2 3 1d6 4 2d6 8
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Re: Rolls

#129 Post by thirdkingdom »

Showdown in the Hall of Columns
I gave Rhys a pretty decent chance of observing the Hall without being spotted. Since y'all are going in with torches blazing, there will be a standard 1-2 in 6 chance of gaining surprise from inside the corridor. Once in the hall, of course, the thing will notice you. 1d6 3
Round One
Mother hp: You know what, I'm giving the Mother near to max hp: 70.
Beetles (6): 6#2d8 11 11 5 10 8 10 10#1d6 3 4 2 2 5 2 4 2 1 1
Bruno: 1d20+1 6
Quint: 1d20+2 4
Rhys (+2 Dex): 1d20+4 9
Semele (+1 Dex): 1d20+2 18 Direct hit for 1d8 4
Severi (-1 Dex): 1d20 5
Tev (+1 Dex): 1d20+3 17 for 1d8 2
Thurgan (-1 Dex): 1d20+1 8
Vanco: Messed that up. Vanco rolls a natural 20, for max 8 damage.

Okay, there are three direct hits from the oil, doing a total of 14 damage to the Mother. The oil will burn for one additional round, doing another (let's roll it now to make it easy on ourselves): 3d8 15

As per the ACKS rules (p. 103) a splash (or indirect hit) occurs if the attack is able to hit the target, ignoring AC. We're going to say that, for this purpose, the Mother has an effective AC of 14 (lower than typical, but she's huge). That means all rolls of 6 or greater deal splash damage for one round. There are three such indirect hits, for an additional 3d3 6.

I'm going to say the beetles are at approximately 7 o'clock (from 3 to 9). Rolling 1d7 (with a 1 being 3 o'clock, a 2 being 4 o'clock and so forth) we determine that a roll of 5 will hit the beetles. 3#1d7 4 2 3. Nope, none hit.

Now for the misses. There were two outright misses. 2#1d7 5 6 2#1d10 9 3 Note that the second roll is for the distance from the intended target (The Mother, in this case). The beetles must make a save v. Breath to avoid being splashed). In addition, The Mother potentially is caught in the blast from the second flask. The beetles have to roll a 15 or better to save, The Mother a 10 or better. 6#1d20 6 12 3 20 18 5 6#1d3 2 3 3 3...

The Mother takes another 2 hp, Beetles 1, 2, 3 and 6 take 2, 3, 3 and 1 damage, respectively.

The Mother takes a total of 23 damage this round. 70-23
Beetles 11-2, 11-3, 5-3, 10, 8, 10-1

Mother: 1 Cries out in pain:Save v. Death Ray: 9#1d20 7 17 20 11 19 9 6 14 12
Bruno, Tev and Thurgan fail, taking a -2 penalty on attack rolls and AC.
Quint, Rhys, Semele, Severi, Vanco and Nigel all make it, amazingly.
Attacks with pseudopods, final roll is Save v Death to avoid grapple: 4#1d20+10 20 12 23 20 4#1d6+2 4 7 4 8 4#1d9 2...

Severi's chance to deflect (11 or better): 1d20 8
Beetles: 1 6#1d20 16 7 9 13 3 6 6#1d4 3 3 3 3...

All beetles miss.
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Re: Rolls

#130 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round Two
The Mother hp: 47-1-15-6-5 (continuing oil damage)
Initiative, PCs first, then the Mother, then beetles: (1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=5, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=5, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=4, 1d6=5)

Bruno: 5 Throws oil: (1d20=19) 1d8=1. Will inflict 1d8=5 hp the following round.
Quint: 3
Rhys (+2 Dex): 8 1d20+7=12, 1d12+3=8
Semele (+1 Dex): 6 Throws oil: (1d20+1=7). Miss. Direction of splash. Again, the beetles are at 5, and I'm going to say Quint is at 3: (1d7=3). Save v. Breath for Quint (16+) and Tentacle (11+): Quint first: (1d20=5, 1d3=3, 1d20=2, 1d3=3)
Both Quint and the tentacle take 3 hp.
Oh, you know what? I forgot to save for Rhys (13+) and Thurgan (11+): 1d20=17, 1d3=2, 1d20=16, 1d3=2 They both make it.
Severi (-1 Dex): 2 Casts Sleep: 2d8=10. Five beetles fall asleep.
Tev (+1 Dex): 7 1d20+7=9, 1d12+3=8
Thurgan (-1 Dex): 6 1d20+4=14, 1d8+2=6
Vanco: 5 1d20+3=17, 1d6+1=5 Vanco hits for 5 hp.
The Mother: 4 Final roll is Save v. Death to avoid grapple: (1d20+10=24, 1d6+2=6, 1d8=4, 1d20=16, 1d20+10=18, 1d6+2=8, 1d8=8, 1d20=10, 1d20+10=27, 1d6+2=3, 1d8=4, 1d20=20) First hits Semele for 6 points of damage, she makes the save to avoid a grapple, but that's enough to kill her. Second hits Vanco for 8 damage, grapples him, third hits Semele again for three damage, saves to avoid grapple again.
Beetles: 5 1d20+2=9, 1d4=2, 1d8=6, 1d20+2=11, 1d4=3, 1d8=8, 1d20+2=8, 1d4=4, 1d8=5, 1d20+2=13, 1d4=4, 1d8=7, 1d20+2=3, 1d4=1, 1d8=3, 1d20+2=3, 1d4=3, 1d8=6 And the beetles prove to be amazingly ineffectual.

Each tentacle has 6 hp and an AC of 6
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