Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#61 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin puts his sling away when he sees that his comrades make short work of the bats, and hurries over to where the elf stands.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#62 Post by Sheldomar »

The elf watches with fascination as the dwarf and the bat roll around on the ground, each trying to get the upper hand. Unsure how to proceed, the elf casts all doubt from his mind and jumps head-long on top of the bat, attempting to drive his dagger into its body.

To hit with dagger in hand: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4, damage vs s/m: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2 vs l: [1d3+1] = 3+1 = 4

OOC: Sorry for the delayed post, all. Life is settling back down a bit now and I will be present. By the way, can someone cast Remove Curse on my dice tower? :evil:
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#63 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 2 - Mid-morning - The Icy Valley/Southern Snow Fields

Round 3

Party Initiative: [1d6] = 2, NPC/Monster Initiative: [1d6] = 4

Malone: 4, Ogirdor: 5, Ozborn: 5

Ozborn fires twice and the bat that flew by Andrin and grimaces at his abysmal accuracy when both missiles fail to hit.

Ogirdor, bow specialist extraordinaire, is quite more successful. His first arrow hits dead center on the bat's chest and surely destroyes some vital organ. The flying beast collapses and falls even before it gets the chance to begin turning for another flyby at Andrin.

With no other aerial targets in sight besides the bat flying away Orgidor manages to loose two arrows at it, but both miss the distant mark.

Malone, who was planning to strike at the giant bat Ogirdor slew, decides to follow his lead and use the readied arrow on his bow against the distant and fleeing bat. His shot comes closer than Ogirdor's last but fails to hit the creature, which continues flapping away as fast as its wings permit.
The Onnwalian fighter then starts dashing in the direction where Stonjuz, alpha bat and the mysterious elf are.

Stonjuz is ducking it out with with alpha giant bat the critter continues to rend his arm with its teeth.

Giant Bat Attack Roll: [1d20] = 16, Damage: [1d4] = 1

Bracing the pain, the dwarf pushes the body of the giant bat upwards as best he can even while he shouts to any who can hear for the death of the hostile creature.

Is call is answered by Thurinor the Elf, who nearly jumps onto the beast atop the dearf who came to his aid, trying to discover a nice spot to plunge his dagger in. Sadly his martial inexperience only allows him to further annoy the thing, not wound it.

Current tally is 3 dead bats, 1 quite wounded, distant and getting the heck out of dodge, 1 wrestling with a dwarf of the ground with an elf nearly one it.

Moving on to Round 4. State your Actions and make your rolls. GM will take care of initiative.

Boy, these bats are thougher cookies than I assumed. Do not forget to tally your used arrows and missiles, we will deal with recovering from the field later.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#64 Post by Sheldomar »

Thurinor curses under his breath as his dagger comes back clean from his attempt to impale the winged creature. Timing his thrust into the teaming mass of of dwarf and flying rat is proving quite difficult. Rolling on the balls of his feet, he lunges forward again as the Dwarf struggles to separate the bat from his body.

To hit with dagger in hand: [1d20+1] = 10+1 = 11, damage vs s/m: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4 vs l: [1d3+1] = 3+1 = 4
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#65 Post by Ra the monk »

Seeing one winged beast still flapping around Oz quickly shoulders his bow drops his pack and draws his sword. Charging the last remaining beast.

To hit w/ Short Sword, main hand: [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9, damage (s/m): [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6, damage (L): [1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11

OOC: Nothing added in for charging, because I am not sure what to add in. I will look in the book and make a macro for it later when I have time. Seems to be I am doing it a lot.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#66 Post by Stonjuz »

Stonjuz continues his defiant horzontal dance with the ravenous rodent.
punch [1d20] = 13 dmg [1d2] = 1 Noticing that more help is ensuing, he gives up on the push upwards to deliver the bat into an advantageous angle for his party and braces for more discomfort by letting the bat bleed his wound once again, this time laying on his back and extending the arm out with the bat at ground level, meanwhile reaching for his hand axe at his belt for next round.

str [1d20] = 7
With a grimacing roar he prepares to accept the pain, and maintains the position, but anticipates relief now that the bat is at least one arm's length from his torso, allowing a better attack for allies.

edited - pummel attack
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#67 Post by Buzz »

Malone stand still surveying the area. The elf and dwarf seem quite busy on their end. He take the chance to unstring his bow and pack it. Retreiving his halberd he prepares to intimidate the elf into explaining himself once the fight is through. Can't trust those point-eared heathens... He thinks to himself.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#68 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin steps forward and smashes at the bat with his staff:
To hit with staff: [1d20] = 1

OOC: I hope, this won't hit the dwarf.... ouch!)
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#69 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 2 - Mid-morning - The Icy Valley/Southern Snow Fields

Round 4

Party Initiative: [1d6] = 4, NPC/Monster Initiative: [1d6] = 2

No action has been declared for Ogirdor yet but as you will see below it won't matter.

While Stonjuz struggles and smacks the giant bat's snout, Thurinor succeeds in stabbing the beast's back with his dagger. The oversized bat lets out a shrieking "SKREEeee!!!" sound and flails madly in despair to go suddenly limp just a moment latter.

By the time Andrin arrives with his staff readied for a strike the creature's death convulsions have ceased and the dwarf Stonjuz is attempt to crawl out from under its carcass.

Oz is some distance away, decelerating from his running start now that he sees the threat is finally over.

Malone is further away still, bow placed away and with halberd in hand.

Combat is over. Returning to normal narrative/dialogue time.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#70 Post by Stonjuz »

Stonjuz arises out from under the wings and without direct eye-contact says to the elf, ...
"Nice work." The dwarf begins to kneel over the folded wingspan of the creature, displaying the hand axe that he was reaching for just as the bat fell upon him. "Tell me wizard...", raising his axe above head, and swooping it down to the shoulder socket of the bat, "Do you think these bat wings could be of any use in ... say...spell...crafting...or some such?" Raising his bloody newfound trophies in the offhand, and extending the prize, with a smile, towards the elf in anticipation of his reply.
As the rest of the group arrives and Stonjuz continues... "Stonjuz D'Eyeurnhed I am, And if you please, would these be your homelands?"
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#71 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor approaches the others, an arrow still nocked and looking around at the distance trying to locate any potential threat.

"Everyone okay?" he nods at Thorinor "I am Ogirdor of Celadon and we are trying to find our way out of these mountains."
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#72 Post by Ra the monk »

Oz saunters back to pick up his pack and mutters to himself that today just isn't turning out the way he expected. He then unstrings his bow and heads over to meet this new character.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#73 Post by Sheldomar »

Leaving his dagger in the back of the over-sized bat, the elf steps back, blinking is surprise until the Dwarf rolls to his feet and raises his axe. As if wakened from a dream, the elf steps back another step, relieved to see the axe drop onto the back of the bat. The dwarf was speaking to him and he strained at first to understand the common tongue and accent. "...spellcrafting...?" was all he made out at first as the wings were raised to him in an apparent offering. Seeing this, the elf grabs the wings from the dwarf with a smile and then fixes them in his hands.

"Stonjuz D'Eyeurnhed I am, And if you please, would these be your homelands?"

Speaking in Elvish, almost overtop the dwarf , he yells while replaying the creatures dive with his new-found wings, "Did you see that? It swept out of the sky like a dart, pointed right at me..." He stops mid-giggle, as he remembers the gash on his shoulder and the dull throb of pain emanating from there. He drops the wings, processing the latest from the dwarf as the others run toward him.

"No, this is not my homeland", he responds in stilted common, while making an attempt to pull the sleeves of his tunic over his wrists. "I am Thurinor. Thank you for pulling that creature off from me."

"Everyone okay? I am Ogirdor of Celadon and we are trying to find our way out of these mountains."

"Mountains? I know nothing of this place and have been wandering here for several days.", Thurinor responds to the newcomer, his common coming more fluently now.
Keeping his dagger at hand, he kneels down to examine the head of the bat, murmuring "Who could create such a creature? It is not natural."

OOC: If the bats has external ears, the elf will remove them with his dagger.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#74 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin is glad that the battle is over. His fighting skills have never been good, and this situation here proved it once more.

"Well met, Thurinor", he greets the elf, "my name is Andrin. I'm a druid from the far-off Oytwood. Have you been magicked to this strange place as well?"
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#75 Post by Ra the monk »

Oz saunters up to the strange seen of a dwarf and an elf speaking in stilted common over the carcass of a very large and very strange bat. He muses to himself about how this scene would go well in a play of some kind and resolves to write it down given the chance. After the elf gets done examining the bat and possibly cutting off an ear or two Oz introduces himself "Pleased to meet you elf, my name is Ozborn Greynight, though you can call me Oz. Must say we have had a series of interesting events happen to us these past few days and I am not at all opposed to you joining us if you see the need or the want. I personally met these fellows a few days ago in the nest of what appeared to be a giant bird. Been trying to get back home for a while now, or at least to get our barrings. You wouldn't happen to know of any towns around here would you?"
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#76 Post by Stonjuz »

Seeing that the elf is not hurt bad, with his basic knowledge of the elven tongue, Stonjuz asks...
Extending an arm and finger towards the lake, "There's fish over... ,he turns his head in the direction of the lake, only to see Malone, with a not-so-friendly face and anxiously holding the halbred in a not-so-safe position.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#77 Post by Sheldomar »

The elf greets the newcomers with a nod, listening closely to their introduction and questions. "...I am not at all opposed to you joining us if you see the need or the want." Wrapping the two ears carefully in velum retrieved from his pack, Thurinor winces briefly, appearing a bit more agitated with each new introduction. "I do not well with others.", he replies, rushing the last words together making his accent more difficult to understand. "But I do not believe I will survive here alone. Towns? I don't know this place and how I arrived is...not important. Who is in charge?"

As the friendly dwarf begins to speak, the elf fights back the barest of smiles. "Hungry? There's fish over.....there." Thurinor shakes his head to the negative. "I'll not eat anything that walks, swims or flies in these mountains. Giant birds...giant big were the fish?"
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#78 Post by Stonjuz »

"Bite-size" Leaving the elf to his own judgement.
Stonjuz begins surveying around for the other fallen bats and what's left of the first carcass, laying them out methodically. Scanning the lot, rubbing the Boccob symbol, he eventually says...
"We better see what they have been eating" .
Using the tip of his axe for a scalpel, he gets busy, as the others talk, he cuts.
"Anybody else want a set of wings?"
After a bit, he raises an entrail up for all to see....
"You know what we got here?....THIS is full of guano. Every mage knows what bat droppings are used for. And we got four of 'em. Do we have anything to squeeze it into?"

OOC Can I tell what the bats have been eating?
Leaving at least one field-dressed outer bat pelt intact.
These little procedures may take awhile, so let me know what he accomplishes before he has to stop.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#79 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 2 - Early Late Morning - The Icy Valley/Southern Snow Fields

The five and their new acquaintance rest and talk after their ordeal with the flying creatures.

Stonujuz does some crude field dissection and exposes the giant bats' inwards to daylight. He is able to determine they seemed to be subsisting mainly on small mammals; mice, rabbit and the like. The remains of small birds indicate they were also part of their diet.

Pressed for time, the dwarf attempts to carve out a bat pelt in good condition.

Stonjuz will get an intact outer bat pelt if he makes a successful Dex check.

While he labors and the others talk and rest the sky grows more overcast and a weak wind begins blowing from the Eastern direction where the cliff lies, still some distance away.
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Re: Action Thread #2 - The Icy Valley

#80 Post by Stonjuz »

Knowing that he'd probably have a better chance with someone's knife, he will attempt it anyway.
"Now, if I can only ...."
holds his breath a little...dex [1d20] = 6..... "there."
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