Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#41 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Afternoon - Westward Mountain Path

The band convenes about the dead body of the odd creature. Neither Malone or Ozborn have an inkling of what it might have been.

Ogirdor Knowledge Roll: [1d100] = 79

Ogirdor searches among his memories of ranger lore and the inner nature-mysteries of Python, but he comes up blank. He cannot recall any of his mentors ever having spoken of a creature such as this.

Andrin Knowledge Roll: [1d100] = 63

Andrin's druidic training is likewise unhelpful. Although his mind carries nearly encyclopedic knowledge of forest and woods in these mountains, located Gods know where in Oerth, he is somewhat out of his element.

There is no cave visible or openings in the rock face from where the creature rolled down. But Ogirdor, scanning the whereabouts finds what appears to tracks. Indentations much like those eroded into the stone by falling boulders but too regular in pattern to be simply the silent witnesses of the actions of inanimate elemental forces. If these are indeed trails left by the creature, and assuming it has a lair or place of refuge nearby, could they lead to it?

If Ogirdor and the rest of the party wish to follow the "tracks" I will need a Tracking roll from the Ranger.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#42 Post by Buzz »

"I imagine this creature has made simple paths around its territory. If we follow it home, we might take one of its routes down. Who knows what else we may find there." Malone says reattaching his halberd to his back, a bit down for not being able to do anything.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#43 Post by Ra the monk »

Staring at the creature a little bewildered Oz says, "Well I knew I was handy with a sword, but never knew I was that handy. If you say there is a lair about I would say we attend to it, if nothing else it may prove a nice place to stay for the night." He will then wipe the ichor off his blade and re-sheath them both. He then runs back to pick up his pack, keeping a wary eye on the mountain.

"I also wouldn't mind stopping for lunch if you folks are interested. I am a might bit hungry."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#44 Post by Sir Clarence »

Witnessing how quick this weird and threatening creature is being killed, Andrin walks over to Ozborne and pats him on the shoulder.

"Well done, friend! You seem to be a more than capable warrior, and I must say I'm glad to have you around." Concerning the possible location of the creature's lair nearby, Andrin adds: "Usually I would advise against testing our luck in such a situation. Who knows how many more of these things might lurk there? But then you dispatched this one here really quick, and I also would love to find some shelter and ask the gods for some new and better suited spells. Perhaps we should give it a try."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#45 Post by Ra the monk »

"Aye Andrin I would tend to agree, but as this one was easy enough to dispatch I have little doubt we could handle a few more. Plus it would be better to confront them during the day, than to wait and test out luck come nightfall. Do you perhaps have any idea on what it was? or where it may have made it's lair?"

OOC: What time is it? I would assume after 5 hours or so of walking it is getting to be around noon or so. I would think now would be a good time to find a place to camp and plan our strategy for getting out of here.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#46 Post by zebediah »

Ra the monk wrote:"Aye Andrin I would tend to agree, but as this one was easy enough to dispatch I have little doubt we could handle a few more. Plus it would be better to confront them during the day, than to wait and test out luck come nightfall. Do you perhaps have any idea on what it was? or where it may have made it's lair?"
"It seems we are all thinking along the same lines, friends. What forces have put us together in such a situation I cannot tell, but it is reassuring to see that we are working effectively as a team. I will try to follow the trails, please keep your eyes open for any other creatures. This guy's mother might be just around the corner..."

Ogirdor will hang the hand axe on his belt and, spear in the other hand, will trace back the marks and "footsteps" left by the creature as well as he can.

[1d100] = 84
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#47 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Late Afternoon - Westward Mountain Path

I had prepared an aptly descriptive text of events, but the forums ate them...twice. :evil: So here is what happens:

The party, led by Orgidor finds the creature's lair, a 6 cubit feet oval recess in the cliffs. Inside are chewed animals bones, pretty but useless peebles, a gold nugget and a large unardorned metal shield of fine make.

Ra the monk wrote:OOC: What time is it? I would assume after 5 hours or so of walking it is getting to be around noon or so. I would think now would be a good time to find a place to camp and plan our strategy for getting out of here.
Three quarters of the afternoon have passed. So there should be a couple hours worth of light suitable to travelling left. Time of day and location are always indicated at the top of each GM post.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#48 Post by Sir Clarence »

"Not what we were expecting to find", says Andrin after he has taken a cursory glance at the lair. "Let's return and follow the main path. We should be able to make it to the lake before it gets dark, unless the path becomes dangerous to follow."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#49 Post by Ra the monk »

"Mmm indeed, might as well grab what we can here. These pebbles might come in handy, and gold is always nice. It also seems that we are getting into the habit of picking up shields." Oz will take out one of the belt pouches stored in his backpack and fill it with the pretty pebbles, thinking you never know when they might come in handy fleecing an unsuspecting mark. He will leave the shield and gold nugget for someone else to carry, feeling it will be a good test of their character to see whether he ever sees a copper for any of it. "Well then I agree with Andrin let's make as much distance as we can before dark, we may just happen upon a village of some sort."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#50 Post by Buzz »

Malone grabs the nugget and puts it in one of his belt pouches, then binds the shield to his back. "Looks like we are agreed. Let's get moving again."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#51 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Late Afternoon - Westward Mountain Path

And so the party continues travelling the westward path, hoping to find some locus suitable for shelter before nightfall. Towards their front the sun continues its slow descent, as if seeking to hide behind the mountains purposefully top deny them precious light...

See you next week, folks. Have a good one until my return.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#52 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Early Evening - Westward Mountain Path

The adventurers walk on. The orb of the sun finally vanishes behind the mountaintops to the west and soon the fleeting ambient light follows. It is obvious unless a suitable path descending southwards through the last mile separating them from the icy valley such a trip will be impossible, or at least considerably risky for those braving it under the night's dark.

The darkness seemingly deepens desperately with each step taken. At last, when the mantle of stars starts to become visible in the sky, where the passing clouds aren't obstructing their glimmer, the path takes a very sharp turn to the left and down the mountainside straight to the valley below. It soon becomes the serpentine collection of ledges that seem to be common on this mountain, resembling in most aspects the climb the party forsook some time prior on this very path. Although not as alarmingly steep the lack of daylight will increase the difficulty of the descent unless the companions choose to camp out here until dawn.

To stay or brave the climb at this late hour? What shall the decision be?

Gentlemen. the show is back on the road.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#53 Post by Sir Clarence »

"Night has fallen too quick for us", Andrin addresses his comrades. "As much as I would have liked to reach the valley, continuing would be too dangerous now. Let's look for some shelter nearby."
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#54 Post by zebediah »

""Agreed master Andrin." the ranger tries to identify a crevice or some similar area nearby where the party can take shelter or, if none such location is available or withing reach, at least a point where the group would have a more favorable position in case there is need to defend themselves.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#55 Post by Buzz »

"I will leave myself to your judgement." Malone says, letting himself slouch. "Where are we setting camp?"
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#56 Post by Ra the monk »

"Agreed. Camp is the best plan. At least in is a clear night.". Oz seems to be ok sleeping anywhere as no sooner has the suggestion of stopping been purposed then he is rummaging through his bag for a meal and laying down for a nap. Placing his pack behind his head as a makshift pillow and removing his swords and placing them beside him Oz begins gazing at the stars as he muches through his hardtack.
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Re: Action Thread #1 - The Mountain

#57 Post by Vargr1105 »

DAY 1 - Evening/Night - Westward Mountain Path

The group find suitable location for camping nearby, on a recess by the curve just before the path turns downward into the succession of ledges that are lost to the darkness. Not only is the recess somewhat sheltered from the cold breezes that have lifted with the setting sun it provides vision for a watchman of both the path trodden and the beginning of the ledges. Any approaching foe traveling by means other than flight is bound to be spotted.

After breaking bread the adventurers retire for the night leaving one of their number as vigil, to be replaced in sequence as the moon threads its path through the skies.

Random Wilderness Encounter Roll: [1d12] = 4

Fortunately, no encounters take place this night. The four take their seat as watcher until the wine-tinted hues of dawn make appearance on the eastern horizon without rest being disturbed.

A new Action Thread will be started. Link will follow shortly.

Edit: new Action Thread opened: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=681
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