0. Prelude

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Re: 0. Prelude

#141 Post by AleBelly »

Sylvan laughs heartily at the dwarf's irreverent joke.

"Six deities under one roof. What could possibly go wrong?" he laughs again, this time with a sharp sardonic edge.

"Well, if we're to be packed in with all these people, we may as well get some warm food and strong ale out of the deal. To the inn it is."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#142 Post by dmw71 »

After your meeting with the guard, you find yourself just inside the entrance to Sandpoint. Almost directly to your south is the impressive chapel, which is near impossible to miss. Immediately to your right, the three story tall structure that jumps out at you is your next destination -- The While Deer.
Entrance.png (429.99 KiB) Viewed 713 times
A pair of wooden life-sized deer, carved with painstaking care from white birch, stand astride the entrance to this sizable tavern and inn, which commands an impressive view of the gulf to the north. The building is new, recently rebuilt after the previous inn at this location burnt to the ground several years ago in the same fire that destroyed the original Sandpoint Chapel. The new White Deer is a grand affair, three stories tall with a stone first floor and wooden upper floors.

As you examine the impressive inn pointed out to you, the front doors fling open and two middle-aged men quickly file out. You notice the men hustle around the far side of the establishment. As you approach the entrance, an accented voice calls out in common to his left: "Hey, mate. You hold the door?" A glance in the direction of the voice shows the two men witnessed moments ago, returning in an equal hurry, this time carrying a large, heavy-looking wooden platform. Before you even has a chance to respond, the front door is opened again from the inside, this time by a bald, stocky male in a sleeveless shirt hold the door open for the men -- apparently workers -- to maneuver the wooden frame they're carrying inside with only slight difficulty.

"Excuse us," this burly man says gruffly. Then, when he fails to recognize your face as a local, he appears to reconsider his approach. "My name is Garridan. Garridan Viskalai." he says, extending a muscular hand in your direction. "I own this place." he says; his words absent any excitement.
Garridan Viskalai.png
Garridan Viskalai.png (46.55 KiB) Viewed 713 times
"As you can see --" he waves his hand to the inside of his establishment where you can see it is already filled well beyond capacity. "-- the festival tomorrow already has me overbooked, by a lot, so me trying to fit in some extra cots here on the floor." The man, clearly stressed, notices something inside the inn that is not to his liking and isn't shy about voicing his displeasure. "Excuse," he says as he hastily disappears inside allowing the front door to close behind him.

Garridan notices you when the front doors open and you enter the inn. "Can I help you?" he asks, and is actually relieved when you inform him that you're there to claim the blocked off rooms. "Was wonderin' when they was gonna fill those rooms. You'se lucky because I was about to give them away." The burly man leads you through the obstacle course his front room has become and up two flights of stairs to the upper level. He passes out three keys and indicates the last three rooms on the right at the end of the hallway. "Settle in, then come down for a meal." he says.

Upon returning to the main level, you're all led to a single, wobbly table as space is extremely limited, but it thankfully large enough to fit all six of you. The space becomes even more cramped as your food and drinks are delivered, but your meal, while not of extremely high quality, sure beats the rations you've been living on during your recent travels.


I'm going to leave things a little vague at this point. There are three, two-bed rooms available and six party members so feel free to discuss your overnight and/or future plans with each other. Also, there are still a few hours of sunlight available if anyone has anything they like to still do.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#143 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sparrow has no time or concern for the deities. He does like the sound of ale and a bath however. He sits and eats, listening to the conversation around them to see if he can pick up any gossip about the area. After the meal he try's to find someone who can set him up with a hot bath. He needs to get clean before the evenings festivities.

If we must be among all these people, let's at least find out if there are any lonely ladies around.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#144 Post by AleBelly »

"Seems the elf took his leave of us" observes Sylvan. "Strange folk, them."

The cloaked man absent-mindedly rubs his fingers together as he addresses several at the table. "Ciar, what was the surname on those coffins you saw? I'd like to ask about town to see if I can find who this fancy candlestick holder belongs to."

His expression changes a bit. "Sparrow, I'll go with you to seek companionship of the fairer sex. Maybe we should room together as e'll probably both have company tonight."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#145 Post by onlyme »

Fulp looks around and casually calls out...
Folks, I plan on taking that room there. Whichever of y'all dont snore can bunk up with me.

With that, he will go into one of the unclaimed rooms and offload his pack and shield under his bed. He will then look to freshen up for supper and a couple pints of ale with the rest.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#146 Post by Alethan »

When the owner points out the empty rooms, Ciar nudges Festus and says, "Figure we'd have more space if we shared a room, if that works with you."

Later, while eating, Ciar thinks for a moment at Sylvan's question. "It was... Ah, hell. Hold on... Oh, it was 'Carrick'. Woman's name was 'Marjorie', 'Marjorie Carrick'. An the other coffin just had the surname on it, no first name."

After the meal is done, Ciar hops down from his chair and says, "Imma go run an errand or two real quick. You gents be wide while I'm away."

Ciar approaches the innkeeper with a quick question before heading out the door.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#147 Post by Starbeard »

Eohannud responds to Fulp. 'I do not snore; as long as you don't either, I will share room with you.'

Finishing off his meal, he gets up and accompanies Sparrow on his quest to find a hot bath. 'I imagine the landlord of the inn can guide us. If there is a bath house in town, I will prefer that to soaking in a splintery barrel behind the kitchens.' He scouts around the inn trying to locate Garridan.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#148 Post by hedgeknight »

"Sounds like a good plan," Festus says, in response to Ciar, dropping his gear at the bed on the right side of the room, hopefully facing the door. After washing the road dust off his face, he eagerly takes a seat at the table and washes the dust out of his throat with an ale, quickly followed by a second.
After tucking under with some vittles and another ale, Festus belches loudly, and then goes off "a looking fer a general store."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#149 Post by dmw71 »

Over their meals, the sextet agree to divide into three paired groups for sleeping purposes: Sparrow and Sylvan, Eohannud and Fulp, and Ciar and Festus.

Sparrow and Sylvan look to secure female companionship for the evening, but Sylvan is also interested in trying to locate the next of kin of the couple they discovered earlier, which he agrees to do while Sparrow seeks a hot bath. The pair agree to part ways briefly, but meet up again in front of the inn before nightfall.

Fulp and Eohannud enjoy their meal and agree to join Sparrow in an attempt to find a hot bath.

After the meal is done, Ciar hops down from his chair and says, "Imma go run an errand or two real quick. You gents be wide while I'm away." Ciar ambles off and approaches the innkeeper where the pair have a brief conversation before the halfling disappears out the front exit of the inn. After enjoying an extra ale or two, Festus excuses himself from the rest indicating that he's going to look for a general store.


Okay, that's a recap of the current situation. For now, and probably for the remainder of this holiday weekend, I will begin updating the private forums for those that set off on individual quests (Sylvan, Ciar, and Festus), and will also provide another update here the public forum for those that remain in the inn (Sparrow, Fulp and Eohannud) tomorrow or Friday. I already owe a few private updates, which will be coming either later tonight or tomorrow, but everyone should feel free to use this or their private forums to indicate what their character is doing.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#150 Post by dmw71 »

Sylvan returns from his little venture into town and notices Sparrow seated at the bar, chatting with the barkeep. The hooded human whispers something to his seated companion and the two disappear upstairs.

A short time later, Ciar returns to the inn as well. Not seeing any of his companions there, he heads upstairs as well.

Fulp, who had left the inn for a quick stroll about the new town, returns at the same time as Festus. When none of their companions are immediately spotted, Festus suggests that they should check their respective rooms.

With almost everyone upstairs after their respective trips about town, everyone has a chance to catch up... except for Eohannud, who hasn't returned yet.


I owe many of you updates on your private forums, which will come either tonight or tomorrow. If your character is in the inn, feel free to share whatever you'd like publicly. Which means, no posting from Starbeard, please. All updates for Eohannud will remain in your private forum for the time being.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#151 Post by AleBelly »

A self-satisfied Sylvan visits everyone in the party. "Remember that candelabra nobody wanted? I found it had no rightful heir and sold it. Hanging around all of those traders in my youth seemed to pay off. I got a good price for it" he boasts. He doles out 105 gp from a small sack to each in private, away from the prying eyes of the townsfolk. "Sparrow, this may buy us some company for the night, if we can't find it on our own" he grins.

"I also learned the town hall serves as a bank of sorts. Anyone else find anything interesting?"

After doling out the gold, he has enough room in his pack for the lantern again, and stops carrying it around in broad daylight.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#152 Post by Alethan »

"And I was able to get a nice price for the gems..." Ciar adds in a hushed voice.

He quietly doles out 40 gold coins to everyone, keeping 40 coins for himself, and then puts the 105 gold coins in the small bag with the 40 and stows it back in his pack.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#153 Post by AleBelly »

"You met Maven, did you Ciar?" asks Sylvan. "Was his wife nagging him about the vault when you were there?"

"Thanks for taking care of the gems, friend."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#154 Post by Alethan »

"Hmmm..." Ciar thinks a moment, "No, she said not a word to me, truth be told. Maven said something about the wife not being happy because of something he'd bought earlier in the day, but I didn't hear a peep out of her. What was it about a vault, then?" he tries to ask casually...
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Re: 0. Prelude

#155 Post by AleBelly »

Alethan wrote:What was it about a vault, then?" he tries to ask casually...
"Apparently he keeps forgetting to lock it. Seems odd behavior for a jeweler" Sylvan replies.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#156 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sparrow nods his head and smiles at Sylvans comment.

Ive got a couple names for new places to try our luck. There are two places across town that may serve our "needs" better.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#157 Post by dmw71 »

It is now dinnertime.

Eohannud is still out, and Sparrow and Sylvan prepare to leave the inn in seek of female companionship, perhaps after a meal.

Antone else with plans for the evening?
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Re: 0. Prelude

#158 Post by hedgeknight »

Festus nearly chokes when Sylvan and then Ciar dole out the gold. "Stone and sea! I've enough to buy some good mail! Did anyone happen to see an armory on your rounds today?"
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Re: 0. Prelude

#159 Post by Alethan »

hedgeknight wrote:Festus nearly chokes when Sylvan and then Ciar dole out the gold. "Stone and sea! I've enough to buy some good mail! Did anyone happen to see an armory on your rounds today?"
Ciar shakes his head in the negative, "No, but I'd be happy to help you try and track one down, Festus. Always enjoyed a visit to armories and weapon shops. We could scout it out after the meal; might not be open, but we'd know where it is in the morning and my legs need stretching..."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#160 Post by dmw71 »

When Festus inquires about an armory, and Ciar indicates an interest in visiting one as well, Fulp mentions that he passed one - 'Savah's Armory' - while strolling through the town earlier. "A bit past the new cathedral, on the right," he says.
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