(IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

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(IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#1 Post by Q.Q Elf »

It's a large Starbucks. Larger than the one across the street in the fancy shopping mall. There are many individual tables, seating areas, and open places for coffee drinkers to congregate.

Lucinda Price, Summer Batlett, Victoria Johnson, and Cassidy Van Sarloos all sit together at a table. It's Wednesday, October 15, 2014. The mid-day sun is shining through the shaded glass of the Starbucks store. Acrewood College Prep has been shut down for the day while the police conduct their investigation of the murder of Frederick Adams.

Lucinda stares at Summer, and asks, "What happened to your face?" She runs a familiar hand along Summer's left cheek and jawline, with a look of almost genuine concern. Lucinda still seems shaken by her brush with death. Her muted personality is reflected in the modest green DARTMOUTH college sweatshirt that she is wearing... paired with an immodest short pink skirt, and her favored pink cowgirl boots to match.

Cassidy (wearing her Acrewood school capris and polo shirt) says, "Don't you remember? Oh yeah, you were on the floor when that chair got smashed over Summer's head! It was crazy!" Cassidy reaches out with her own attempt to be on Team Lucinda, taking Lucinda's hand in a friendly and consoling way. Interpreting the situation as she wants to, Lucinda looks back at Cassidy with a predator's smile.

Victoria looks anxious in her chair. She's dressed for a walk in the woods. Hiking boots, warm socks, worn jeans, a knit sweater. She carries a heavy handbag, and has a juice drink in front of her. With a distant look on her face, Victoria says, "I think I will go for a hike today. I can't stay around here. I... need to go out to the woods. There's something I need to do."
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The Hunting Grounds, Scene 4

#2 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Out in the woods, Vanessa still looks out of place. Maybe it's the newness of her transformation into the Wolf. Maybe it's the smell of brimstone and ash hanging around her. Something about her transformation is wrong. Other members of the Pack stay well away, watching from places of shelter and safety (if they approach at all).

She still stares at Seth as if he is some sort of prey animal, the Horned Prince ever in the back of her mind, whispering things to her subconscious. "I still hate you, Seth. Why by the Prince of Hell did you do this to me? I just want to go home, again, Seth. Can't I just go home again? I'm not going to sell your secrets to anyone. I promise!"

She puts a sweet smile on his face, the air thick with the smell of sulfur and ash.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#3 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Seth stares at her for a moment, his calm demeanor ever present, that is until he starts laughing suddenly, throwing Vanessa off guard. He wipes the growing tears from his eyes, his face now a more strained look, his eyes showing a form of pity as he look over the girl.

He sighs, "I am sorry for putting you in this position, probably should have just killed you; I would have if I hadn't been shot a few times by something invisible holding your gun." He gives her a mischievous grin though, "I suspect I gave back just as good as I got though, so there's that..." He stands up and walks the few paces towards her, offering her a hand to stand up, "Lets take a walk, I'll try to explain everything from my end..." he sniffs the air, smelling that same smell of ash and decay, he blanches at the smell, "And I'll be expecting you to explain your side as well, that way I can still maybe help you out, even if you still say you hate me." He chuckles slightly and gives her a wink.

Depending on her answer to Seth outstretched hand his response will be different, but lets say she decides to take his hand and go for that walk...

As they walk through the forest Seth begins to explain a little bit of what happened, "So, to start things off, you can't go back to your family. The good news is, you get a new family, under some conditions of course." He gives her a sideways glance as they walk, "You know, we can smell the taint on you; Like ash and decay, unnatural... Why did you do it?" His body language and tone are easy and calm.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#4 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Because I got nothin better to do... :lol:
For Rukellian:
The world between life and death is mostly scentless, and heavily shadowed with greys. The light from the real world is muted somehow, and undercut with emptiness and void, like a thin sheet of paper over a black background. While Clarence can see and participate in the real world, the void of death stretches out beneath his feet.

There's a polite knock on the door to Clarence's apartment, and a piece of paper slides underneath. Clarence walks over to pick it up. The paper reads: TURN AROUND.

Behind him is a figure, wreathed in flame. The smell of ash and sulfur fills the room, and an unmistakable heat washes over Clarence. It's a feeling that he has never known as a Ghost.

The apartment suddenly appears empty, run down, condemned. Boxes and refuse litter the floor. The walls are covered in graffiti. The ceiling sags from leaking water above.

The flames part around the figure, which is unmistakably feminine. Lush, and full of soft curves. Black feathered wings curve from her shoulderblades, which are partly hidden behind a veil of jet black hair. She's naked, or at least seems to be, with smoke and flames artfully concealing her most feminine secrets from view. Her once-Angelic face is twisted in a wicked smile as she looks over at Clarence, seeing him clearly.

Without speaking, the fallen Angel says, We are the Emissary of the Horned Prince, Clarence Georges Dufonte Price. Your soul belongs to him already, Clarence. And yet you remain here, potentially an obstacle to my master's plans. We come to offer you another bargain. The Horned Prince bids you return to the world of the living. If you persuade Lucinda Price to give herself fully to my master, you will gain what you most desire. You will return to the world as Clark Defray. And when Lucinda bends her will to my master, the veils will be lifted, and you will be Clarence Georges Dufonte Price again, both in mind and in body.

A sheet of grey paper appears in her wicked hand. It is a contract, with a space for a signature. She smiles, and nods towards the bedroom. Sign the contract, consummate our arrangement, Clarence Georges Dufonte Price, and the bargain will be struck.


MC Voice: Okay, because I'm impatient about getting you out of Ghost form, there's your bargain:
You can work to turn Lucinda 100% over to the Horned Prince. Clarence has a good time with a fallen angel.
Then he's reborn as an Infernal. You lose your Ghost powers. You'll take your 1 Advancement over to the Infernal side. You'll operate as "Clark Defray" until Lucinda turns, and then Clarence becomes himself again... back to life, such as it is.

This is purely an optional bargain, but it provides you with an out. You'll probably be screwed over (in more ways than one), but you've got this out from Darkest Self, if you choose to take it.

And I can do this because I'm the MC & I can hand-wave a lot. :lol:
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The Hunting Grounds - Seth and Vanessa

#5 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Vanessa, still shaking with rage and the effects of her transformation, hesitates before answering Seth's question. "I have been so tired, Seth. You don't know what Frederick did to me. I... did things I'm not so proud of, and Frederick completely flipped out. Like some kind of psycho stalker. I thought he was my friend, and he totally messed me up inside.

"I just got so tired of feeling broken, Seth. So very tired. I tried some stuff Marcus was selling, and then he mentioned something else... a bargain I could make, to make myself feel better again. Not just for a little while, from the drugs, but really feel okay again, you know? I had to make the bargain. I had to."

Vanessa didn't seem to upset when Seth mentioned that she could not return to her former family. In fact, she still seems rather calm, outside of the rage and the fever.

"I know you don't want to leave here, Seth. Why can't we stay, you and I? This can be our place. And, you know, the one that I made the bargain with... he can help you, too. The Emissary. You don't have to run around out here in the woods. You can join us, all of us who've made deals with the Emissary. We're all outcasts, yes, but we're outcasts together, Seth. And we're growing by the day. There's more and more of us all the time. Before long, all of these losers who oppose us will be the outcasts, and we'll be the ones calling the shots!

"Come with me, Seth. Let's go off into the woods, and I can show you what I mean..."
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#6 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Summer takes Lucinda's free hand and smiles, a little lopsided. "I don't know what that was, the chair—some kind of poltergeist, maybe? Bizarre. I'm glad you didn't get hurt, though. You looked so scared…" Remembering it, Summer succumbs to a moment of Stockholm Syndrome and brushes her thumb gently, tenderly, across the back of Lucinda's hand.

Turning Lucinda on: 2d6-1=7 and Lucinda has the choice.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#7 Post by Rukellian »

Q.Q Elf wrote:Because I got nothin better to do... :lol:
For Rukellian:
The world between life and death is mostly scentless, and heavily shadowed with greys. The light from the real world is muted somehow, and undercut with emptiness and void, like a thin sheet of paper over a black background. While Clarence can see and participate in the real world, the void of death stretches out beneath his feet.

There's a polite knock on the door to Clarence's apartment, and a piece of paper slides underneath. Clarence walks over to pick it up. The paper reads: TURN AROUND.

Behind him is a figure, wreathed in flame. The smell of ash and sulfur fills the room, and an unmistakable heat washes over Clarence. It's a feeling that he has never known as a Ghost.

The apartment suddenly appears empty, run down, condemned. Boxes and refuse litter the floor. The walls are covered in graffiti. The ceiling sags from leaking water above.

The flames part around the figure, which is unmistakably feminine. Lush, and full of soft curves. Black feathered wings curve from her shoulderblades, which are partly hidden behind a veil of jet black hair. She's naked, or at least seems to be, with smoke and flames artfully concealing her most feminine secrets from view. Her once-Angelic face is twisted in a wicked smile as she looks over at Clarence, seeing him clearly.

Without speaking, the fallen Angel says, We are the Emissary of the Horned Prince, Clarence Georges Dufonte Price. Your soul belongs to him already, Clarence. And yet you remain here, potentially an obstacle to my master's plans. We come to offer you another bargain. The Horned Prince bids you return to the world of the living. If you persuade Lucinda Price to give herself fully to my master, you will gain what you most desire. You will return to the world as Clark Defray. And when Lucinda bends her will to my master, the veils will be lifted, and you will be Clarence Georges Dufonte Price again, both in mind and in body.

A sheet of grey paper appears in her wicked hand. It is a contract, with a space for a signature. She smiles, and nods towards the bedroom. Sign the contract, consummate our arrangement, Clarence Georges Dufonte Price, and the bargain will be struck.


MC Voice: Okay, because I'm impatient about getting you out of Ghost form, there's your bargain:
You can work to turn Lucinda 100% over to the Horned Prince. Clarence has a good time with a fallen angel.
Then he's reborn as an Infernal. You lose your Ghost powers. You'll take your 1 Advancement over to the Infernal side. You'll operate as "Clark Defray" until Lucinda turns, and then Clarence becomes himself again... back to life, such as it is.

This is purely an optional bargain, but it provides you with an out. You'll probably be screwed over (in more ways than one), but you've got this out from Darkest Self, if you choose to take it.

And I can do this because I'm the MC & I can hand-wave a lot. :lol:
Clarence needed help, was desperate for it. He wanted to resolve his past and come to terms with why he died, what lead up to it.

As he looks over the fallen-angel, a new, and very interesting thought comes to mind, a dangerous one at that. Does it really matter anymore? Someone is offering more than just help now, they are giving him the chance to live once again.

Why should I settle for death and misery, when I can be alive and experience so much more.... Yes, I'd be a fool to turn down such an amazing opportunity. And it's not like I am being told to kill anyone. No, just persuade them to listen to reason.

Memories of his encounter with Vanessa in the cemetary come to mind, and with that a smile. He has a family waiting for him, a new one. He won't be alone any more.

Clarence's gaze falls to the ground as he lets loose a dry laugh, smiling. He walk towards the bedroom, stopping by the fallen-angel to look her directly in the eyes with a crooked smile of his own. His answer is as plain as day now *the scene fades to dark* ;)
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#8 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Lucinda looks at Summer with eyes misting over with tears. The girl is still a wreck. Whether the vulnerability is temporary or not, only time can tell.

Lucinda takes Summer's hand and gives it a kiss before placing the hand over her heart. "Summer, you have been such a great friend to me. I l...l...lll...luhhhh...

"I luh... luh... I luhhhh..."

"I'd like to do something positive today, you know?"

okay, Summer takes a String on Lucinda.

Lucinda looks over at Victoria, who is getting ready to leave. "So where are we going? And who is going to get their ass kicked?"

Lucinda giggles nervously at the thought of joining Victoria on a possibly dangerous walk through the woods.
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Clark Defray's bedroom

#9 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Immaculate in her disarray, the Emissary of the Horned Prince smiles at the mortal she has just bedded. She emerges from the bed, her black feathered wings stretching out, and temporarily shielding her from view as she plucks the signed contract from the bedside table.

Returning to view, clad in a suit of brazen armor, the Emissary drops a leather satchel upon the bed. Within the satchel are three things. A black cellphone. A black key fob with a BMW logo on it, which is actually one of those keyless electronic keys for a modern automobile. A black dog collar with a heart-shaped dog tag, engraved with the name Lucinda.

The smell of ash and brimstone linger as the fallen angel vanishes into shadow.


okay, I'm giving Metal Fatigue and MonkeyWrench a beat here before fully throwing Clark into the world.

I'll assume Summer's and Seth's next choices happen before Clark's since the board just got flipped over and we have to pick up the pieces.
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Re: The Hunting Grounds - Seth and Vanessa

#10 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Q.Q Elf wrote:Vanessa, still shaking with rage and the effects of her transformation, hesitates before answering Seth's question. "I have been so tired, Seth. You don't know what Frederick did to me. I... did things I'm not so proud of, and Frederick completely flipped out. Like some kind of psycho stalker. I thought he was my friend, and he totally messed me up inside.

"I just got so tired of feeling broken, Seth. So very tired. I tried some stuff Marcus was selling, and then he mentioned something else... a bargain I could make, to make myself feel better again. Not just for a little while, from the drugs, but really feel okay again, you know? I had to make the bargain. I had to."

Vanessa didn't seem to upset when Seth mentioned that she could not return to her former family. In fact, she still seems rather calm, outside of the rage and the fever.

"I know you don't want to leave here, Seth. Why can't we stay, you and I? This can be our place. And, you know, the one that I made the bargain with... he can help you, too. The Emissary. You don't have to run around out here in the woods. You can join us, all of us who've made deals with the Emissary. We're all outcasts, yes, but we're outcasts together, Seth. And we're growing by the day. There's more and more of us all the time. Before long, all of these losers who oppose us will be the outcasts, and we'll be the ones calling the shots!

"Come with me, Seth. Let's go off into the woods, and I can show you what I mean..."
Seth stops walking once Vanessa finishes, sighing deeply he turns around to face her, his face is calm, not revealing what he could really be thinking. He walks closer to her, looking into her eyes the entire time, "Why would I give up what I am to follow another master? You asked me what I did to you, I gave you another life. A life where you no longer need to feel broken, lonely, scared, weak." He steps closer now, just inches away from Vanessa's face before slowly walking behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders he leans in closely to her ear, speaking softly, "close your eyes, take in a deep breath and open your ears. Smell the forest around you, listen to the life surrounding us that you never even knew existed." He gives her a few more moments, coaching her through the process, before turning her around as she opens her eyes, "You don't need to make a contract with death, because you are no longer a scared little girl, waiting for someone to help you; You are a Wolf, You are the hunter now... That is what I have given you, I gave you life; But you must choose it over your bargain."

Rolling to turn Vanessa on, Seth Hot Roll: [2d6+2] = 7+2 = 9
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#11 Post by Metal Fatigue »


"You can't go for a hike dressed like that," Summer points out. "Those boots? These shoes, for that matter? Neither of us would last a mile."

Shutting down Lucinda: 2d6-1=7 and she can have the Condition "impractical" and give me a Condition. Also, I advance: +1 Volatile for a total of +2.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#12 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Vanessa considers the situation. She cured her self-loathing by making a pact with the devil. She's still pissed off at Seth for almost killing her, and then making her into a Wolf. She still has an urge to run off and join the Horned Prince. And, so, of course, there is only one way to respond.

"Seth. You are a scum bag, and I hate you."

She grabs Seth forcefully, and kisses him on the mouth as she tears at his clothing.

We fade to black.

mc voice: No bargain or promise out of her. No Strings. I still get the option of having her run off into the woods by herself, to join the Horned Prince. A win-win resolution, I think. :lol:
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#13 Post by MonkeyWrench »

I can live that, nothing wrong with a little fun in the woods. ;)

Too bad though, Seth will be forced to kill her if she chooses to side with the devil... Big bad evil doesn't get a werewolf of his own!
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#14 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Lucinda seems relieved that Summer has kept her from trying to do the right thing. "Okay, Summer. Maybe you are right. Victoria can go off by herself... We might just get in the way. But I want to do something! Being out of school would be awesome if I weren't so worried about what might happen next..."

Lucinda buries her face in her hands.

"I know! We should visit Mrs. Meecher, and help her clean up her yard. You really screwed it up when you TP'd the
place, Summer. Want to come along, Cassidy? I need people to supervise."

Victoria, shaking her head in a mixture of amusement and disapproval, gets up to leave.

mc voice: I'll go and fast forward it to the yard. If course, now Clark is free to screw things up.
Last edited by Q.Q Elf on Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#15 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Lucinda needs to give Summer a Condition.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#16 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Lucinda needs to give Summer a Condition.

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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#17 Post by Metal Fatigue »

D'awwwwwwww confirmed.

Did you mean to call Cassidy by the wrong name?
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#18 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:D'awwwwwwww confirmed.

Did you mean to call Cassidy by the wrong name?
whoops, corrected.
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#19 Post by Q.Q Elf »

There are pieces of dissolving toilet paper all over Mrs. Meecher's yard, which Summer and Cassidy are diligently stuffing into trash bags while Lucinda lays out on a beach towel, taking in the sunlight on this unusually warm day. She lies on her stomach, her exposed back gleaming in the light. Her discarded sweatshirt and t-shirt lie in the grass nearby.

Lucinda yawns, and calls out to Summer, "I was amazed at how understanding Mrs. Meecher was when you told her that you TP'd her house last week. Could you go inside and get me more lemonade? And get the lotion again for Cassidy? My back is getting a little toasty."

Inside the house, Mrs. Meecher watches over her yard through partly closed curtains. When Summer comes in, she asks, "Summer, why do you put up with her? If I could, I would bend her over my knee and give her a good spanking...

"I don't know why I just told you that... But I think you understand what I am going through. I've seen you, how she treats you. I don't have any choice, but you're young. You don't have any reason to listen to her! If I can help you... get her claws out of you, I will do what I can, Summer."
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Re: (IC) Parkdale Road Starbucks, Scene 4

#20 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Summer drops to one knee and looks up at Mrs. Meecher with haunted eyes, thoughtlessly showing off her cleavage in the sweaty, clinging T-shirt. She takes the teacher's hand and says, "I'm the one with no choice, Mrs. Meecher. She made me; she'll never let me go. I wish I could do something to help you."

Turn-on roll: 2d6-1=2 ouch.
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