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#2 Post by thirdkingdom »

Klarmont 12, AC 1000
The Gates of the Threshold
6:00 am

As the sun's rays poke through the cloud cover on the eastern horizon, Severi gives the signal, which is relayed silently to the forces massed at the northern gate. Silently, both gates swing open, and the troops pour out to bring death to their enemies.

There are shouts from the sentries in both the Bonechewer and Fishstealer camps, but all appears relatively quiet. The long siege seems to have lulled the naturally undisciplined goblins into a false sense of security, and the timing of the sortie takes full advantage of the monsters' nocturnal habits.
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#3 Post by Wyzard »

Severi gives in to battle madness, and has his troops advance and begin firing immediately.
Round 1
All units advance two hexes south.

Round 2
The zero-level men at arms are occupying hex 72.56. They fire on the goblins in 72.59.
The un-led elves are in hex 72.55. They fire on the goblins in 72.59.
Severi's elves are in hex 72.54. They fire on the goblins in 72.59. Note that they can only do this because elves with longbows have a five-hex range.
The townsfolk advance two more hexes South. They now occupy hexes 71.57, 56, and 55.

Incidentally, can archers switch targets if one target is already dead? It's feasibly possible that Severi's unit and the zero-level men at arms could kill the unit of goblins in 72.59. If that were so, the un-led elves could fire on the goblin leader.
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#4 Post by MonsterMash »

Thurgan, dwarf

Thurgan advances his troops but only to let the humans fire missiles waiting for the initial damage to the goblins before the dwarves attack.
Thurgan advances his units two hexes south.

Round 2
The humans in 73.56 will open fire on the goblin camp directly south.

The dwarves will wait and counter any charge from the goblins.
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#5 Post by Atlictoatl »

Tev Meren, Fighter

Tev's men hustle forward, two squads of guardsmen getting within crossbow range and firing on a squad of goblins.
Round 1
All units advance two hexes south.

Round 2
Squad #19 and Squad #20 advance one hex south and fire on the unit in 74.59.
Squad #18 advances one hex south.
Squad #21 advances two hexes, to 75.55

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#6 Post by Alethan »

Rhys moves his squads forward in a quiet, orderly manner, repeating the need for everyone to stay sharp and work together.
1. Moves from 75.33 to 75.32
2. Moves from 74.33 to 75.31
3. Moves from 75.34 to 74.33
4. Moves from 74.34 to 75.33
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#7 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round One

The adventurers urge their troops forward, moving into position towards their enemies. In the goblin camps, small shapes can be seen scurrying back and forth desperately, attempting to rouse their sleeping kin.
I'm going to go ahead and give Koren a bit longer to post his units actions. Al, you can go ahead and post actions for Round Two, as well.
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#9 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Quint Kacie
Once it's clear that the Northern sortie has been spotted and the goblins are mobilizing against them, Quint urges his men to close within missile range and open fire on the enemy.
Round 1: Advance
All units move 2 hexes due north
5 to 73.32
6 to 72.32
7 to 73.31
8 to 72.33

Round 2: Advance & Missile Fire
Need to close within 3 hexes, so move 1 hex north, then attack
5 to 73.31
6 to 72.31
7 to 73.30
8 to 72.32
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#10 Post by Alethan »

thirdkingdom wrote:Round One

The adventurers urge their troops forward, moving into position towards their enemies. In the goblin camps, small shapes can be seen scurrying back and forth desperately, attempting to rouse their sleeping kin.
I'm going to go ahead and give Koren a bit longer to post his units actions. Al, you can go ahead and post actions for Round Two, as well.
Yep, just realized I'd only posted one round. Sorry.

Here is Round Two:

1. Moved from 75.32 to 75.30
2. Moved from 75.31 to 75.29
3. Moved from 74.33 to 74.31
4. Moved from 75.33 to 75.31
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#11 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round Two

Thurgan orders his troops to hold tight while the other units arc missiles over their heads towards the enemy troops. Two goblin units return missile fire of their own; Thurgan sees his unit composed of townsfolk fall to the ground, pincushioned with arrows, even as deadly bolts fall amongst his own unit! The dwarves are stout, however, and are barely scratched by the barrage. Meanwhile, his allies arrows destroy one of the enemy archer units, as well as another that are barely roused from sleep.

On the northern side of Threshold, Rhys leads his troops forward in an orderly advance, seeking to close the distance as quickly as possible. Quint advances his foremost unit to within the bowshot range, and fires at the command unit; arrows falling to some good effect. The unit returns fire, however, wiping out his own unit. The Fishstealer standard is raised high in the center of the command unit; its tabard composed of thousands of fish bones that click together ominously.
I'm having some issues saving the recent version of the map; Rhys' movements for Round Two are not taken into account. I'll try and have it fixed by this afternoon. Essentially, the Fishstealer command unit has taken 1 UHP while eliminating Unit 6; the southern forces have eliminated Units 2 and 3 of the Bonecrushers while losing their own unit 17 and doing 1 UHP to Thurgan's command unit. Destroyed units are marked with a red skull and crossbones. Let's get actions for Round Three, please.
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#12 Post by MonsterMash »

Thurgan, dwarf

"Advance, lets get these goblins killed" Thurgan says leading his units forward.
16 Advance to 74.57
17 advance to 73.57

Annoying not having any missile units.
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#13 Post by Alethan »

Division A, Units 1-4
Round Three Actions:

Rhys orders his units north a bit more until Units 1, 2, and 3 are all in a position to fire. Then all three units who are in range launch a volley of arrows and bolts into the two goblin units.

Star = Rhys's unit
Triangle = 0-level unit
Circle = townsfolk unit

Unit 1 moves from 75.30 to 75.29
Unit 2 moves from 75.29 to 75.28
Unit 3 moves from 74.31 to 74.30
Unit 4 moves from 75.31 to 75.30
Round Three Troop Position.JPG
Round Three Troop Position.JPG (101 KiB) Viewed 1049 times
Unit 1 fires at goblin unit in 72.27
Units 2 and 3 fire at goblin unit in 72.28
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#14 Post by Wyzard »

Severi Silvertongue, Elf

Severi drives his troops forward with barbaric yawps, and urges them to slay all that they see.
All of Severi's units move one unit south. All of them that are now within range fire on the goblins in 71.59. That's an attack by 1 unit of 0-level, 1 unit of townsfolk, 2 units of elves. I guess if the goblins advanced towards me, another unit of townsfolk might be able to fire? I'm not sure how that works.
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#15 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Quint Kacie
Quint urges his troops to hold their ground and return fire. Bravery in defense of their homes and families.
No movement this round, allowing +1 to hit on their attacks
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#16 Post by thirdkingdom »

Koren n'Rhys wrote:Quint Kacie
Quint urges his troops to hold their ground and return fire. Bravery in defense of their homes and families.
No movement this round, allowing +1 to hit on their attacks
All of your units are actually out of range of crossbows. You can move 5 and 8 each forward 1 hex to be able to fire at hex 72.28. They will still be able to fire after moving.
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#17 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Quint Kacie
thirdkingdom wrote:
All of your units are actually out of range of crossbows. You can move 5 and 8 each forward 1 hex to be able to fire at hex 72.28. They will still be able to fire after moving.
My mistake - I didn't look closely enough to realize my remaining units were out of range.

In that case, disregard the earlier commands and use this:
All units move 1 hex north,
Missile attacks: 5 & 8 target 72.28, 7 target 72.27

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#18 Post by Atlictoatl »

Tev Meren, Fighter

Tev's archers continue to fire, while Tev hustles his own squad closer to engagement.
Unit #18 moves two hexes SE to 74.56.
Unit #19 moves one hex S to 73.56 and fires on enemy in 73.59.
Unit #20 moves two hexes to 74.57.
Unit #21 moves one hex S to 74.55.

Vanco, Cleric

Vanco's archers stay steady and fire on the enemy, while the squads of clerics advance.
Unit #22 moves two hexes to 77.58.
Unit #23 moves two hexes to 76.58.
Unit #24 and Unit #25 fire on enemy in 75.59, with +1 Attack.
Last edited by Atlictoatl on Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#19 Post by thirdkingdom »

Atlictoatl wrote:Tev Meren, Fighter

Tev's archers continue to fire, while Tev hustles his own squad closer to engagement.
Unit #18 moves two hexes S to 73.57.
Unit #19 fires on enemy in 73.59 with +1 attack.
Unit #20 moves one hex to 74.57 and attacks enemy in 73.59.
Unit #21 moves one hex to 74.56.

Vanco, Cleric

Vanco's archers stay steady and fire on the enemy, while the squads of clerics advance.
Unit #22 moves two hexes to 77.58.
Unit #23 moves two hexes to 76.58.
Unit #24 and Unit #25 fire on enemy in 75.59, with +1 Attack.
Perfect. Thanks, man.
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#20 Post by thirdkingdom »

Round Three

A harsh, atonal braying of horns erupts from the goblin camps, to be echoed moments later farther away, to the northwest. The Fishstealer goblins, slippery as eels, advance whilst peppering Rhys' troops with arrows that luckily, are largely ineffectual. However, the arrows fired by the adventurer's units do not hit a single goblin.

South of town, chaos ensues. Thurgan urges his troops on. His other unit is close enough to charge into the goblin unit on the eastern wing, smashing through what little resistance they can offer. The goblin wing on the western unit has just formed, and lets loose a flight of arrows that tears through one of Severi's units before it is cut down by the massed fire of elves and humans. The injured human unit wavers, but Severi exhorts the on, and they remain firm. Advancing from the wing, one of Vanco's units peppers the command unit with arrows, as does the one unit of Tev's able to fire. The goblin command unit advances and closes the distance to Thurgan's personal unit, but the doughty dwarves fend off the gibbering goblin assault. The goblin's standard flaps in the breeze, bleached bones making a horrid clacking sound that seems to drive the humanoids into a vicious frenzy.
There is only one goblin unit left south of town. Severi's unit 11 takes 1 uhp, and is left with .5, but they pass their morale check. The goblins north of town are doing surprisingly better. Wyzard, it sounds as if Koren's going to be gone for a while, so if you don' mind running his troops that would be great.

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