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Forums: Public vs Private

#2 Post by dmw71 »

Private Forums
Each player will have their own private forum. Only three people will have even view access to these private forums:
(1) The Player
(2) The DM
(3) ToniXX (website admin)

What Goes In These Private Forums?
While there may also be other uses, the four items below will appear in each private forum:
(1) The player will post and maintain their character sheet.
(2) The DM will publish their records of the current hit points and experience points for the character.
(3) An 'ooc' thread.
(4) An 'action' thread matching the the 'action' thread in the public forum.

There are three primary reasons:
(1) Keep all character-specific data completely hidden.
(2) Replace the clunky private messaging system (use the appropriate topic in your private sub-forum instead).
(3) Provide the player with an easy means of posting any secret activities they want their character to perform.

How Will the Game Work?
Essentially like any other play-by-post game here on the boards. The DM will post an update in the main public forum. In response to the DM update, each player will publicly post the action(s) taken by their character. Any general question a player may have for the DM can be posted in the designated 'ooc' thread. Additionally, a player can take advantage of their private forum by posting actions or questions specific to their character that isn't or shouldn't be public knowledge.
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Expected Posting Rate

#3 Post by dmw71 »

Expected Posting Rate
The expectation is that all players involved will post once per day during the week (weekends and major U.S. holidays are excluded).

Most major updates will be completed and submitted while I am commuting to and from work.

Train Schedule (Monday - Thursday)
Morning Train: 7:45-9:00am (CST) <--- Daily Update
Evening Train: 5:00-6:15pm (CST)

On the rare occasion I am unable to complete the update in time to post it during my morning train ride, I will attempt to complete it during my lunch hour or, worst case, while on my train ride home in the evening.

I work from home on Friday's, so posts on that day will sometimes be more sporadic, but I will still aim to produce the daily update in the same morning update window.

In order to keep up a consistent pace of play, any player not providing an update for their character before the DM submits the morning update will have their actions NPC'd. Players can (and should) provide default actions for their characters, but the DM will always attempt to play the character intelligently and in a logical manner. If you know that you're going to miss any extended amount of time, please post the days you'll be missing in the 'Known Absences' thread.

Excessive Absences
Any player consistently or frequently failing to meet the expected posting deadline risks being removed from the game. The DM will attempt to contact the "missing" player before issuing any official warnings or taking other, more drastic measures.
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Initializing the Die Roller

#4 Post by dmw71 »

Before any official dice are rolled, the character in the die roller will need to be initialized. To initialize, all a player needs to do is make a roll -- any roll -- for their character and post a link to that roll in 'ooc' topic in their private thread. Once the DM replies to this post containing this link, that character has been initialized and can be used.

Campaign ID: 208

No rolls made prior to this initialization will be considered valid, and only rolls made using an initialized character will be accepted.
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Player Rolls

#5 Post by dmw71 »

Roll Timing
I do not carry over or "bank" rolls. Any roll posted but not used will be considered burnt and will not carry over to a future round.

Missing Rolls
Any required rolls not provided by the player will be produced by the DM.
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Character Positioning

#6 Post by dmw71 »

Character Positioning
When a map is provided, each 5-foot square will be numbered (or, its number will be easily assumed based on neighboring squares).

I like the idea of allowing my players to decide the exact positioning for their character, in stead of my arbitrarily making that decision for them. This positioning may not be meaningful in every room, but there will be times when knowing where a character is, or what route they take, will be necessary.

Unless your character isn't going to end up anywhere on the area shown on the map, please indicate on which square your character will be at the end of their turn, and what route they took to reach that point. If a route is not specifically stated, it will be assumed that a character takes a direct line to arrive at their destination.

In the event no map is provided, this exact positioning requirement does not apply.
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Ability Scores

#7 Post by dmw71 »

Ability Score Generation
All players will generate their ability scores as follows:

Method V
Roll four six-sided dice (4d6). Discard the lowest die and total the remaining three. Repeat this five more times, then assign the six numbers to the character's abilities however you want. This is a fast method that gives you a good character, but you can still get low scores (after all, you could roll 1s on all four dice!).
Chapter 1: Player Character Ability Scores > Rolling Ability Scores > Alternative Dice-Rolling Methods
Die Roller Macros
The 'Roll Stats' option in the Unseen Servant Dice Roller will not be used under any circumstances. Only ability scores generated using the following macros will be accepted:

Set 1: [4d6c1], [4d6c1], [4d6c1]
Set 2: [4d6c1], [4d6c1], [4d6c1]
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Defensive Adjustment Limits

#8 Post by dmw71 »

Defensive Adjustment Limits
Any 'Defensive Adjustment' penalty will always apply, but the maximum 'Defensive Adjustment' bonus possible is limited by the weight of any armor worn, as follows:
  1. 0-25 pounds: Unlimited
  2. 26-30 pounds: -3
  3. 31-40 pounds: -2
  4. 41-50 pounds: -1
  5. 51+ pounds: No bonus
Chapter 1: Player Character Ability Scores > The Ability Scores > Table 2: Dexterity
Chapter 6: Money and Equipment > Equipment Lists > Armor
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Other Characteristics

#9 Post by dmw71 »

The only physical characteristics I require for your character are:
1) Gender
2) Height
3) Weight

There are no limitations or restrictions for female characters. Feel free to use the 'Average Height and Weight' table to determine the height and weight values.

Any other details are encouraged, but not required.

Edit: Per this post, I do require that player's provide a physical description of their character, including items their character is wearing or openly carrying, so your fellow players (and the DM) can refer to it to get a snapshot of what your character looks like.

Questions such as:
What is their gender? How tall are they? What is their approximate weight? Do they have any distinctive physical characteristics? List any armor work. Weapons carried. What physical possessions are visibly being carried (e.g. backpack, pouches, etc...).

Since a character background isn't visible or public knowledge, I'm thinking players, if they want to include one with their character, should do so in their private forum. I think having the questionnaire data publicly posted, though, will be helpful for the rest of the players involved in the game.

Chapter 2: Player Character Races > Other Characteristics
Chapter 2: Player Character Races > Table 10: Average Hieght and Weight
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Hit Points

#10 Post by dmw71 »

Starting Hit Points
All player characters will begin with the maximum number of hit points at first level.

Hit Points Beyond First Level
The minimum number of hit points a character is guaranteed per roll for all levels beyond first level are as follows. Note: If you roll less than the minimum for your class, just take the minimum (do not re-roll).
Warriors: 4
Wizards: 1 (No minimum)
Priests: 3
Rogues: 2
The Complete Fighter's Handbook > Character Creation > Classes
Chapter 3: Player Character Classes > Class Descriptions > Warrior >Table 14: Warrior Experience Levels
Chapter 3: Player Character Classes > Class Descriptions > Wizard > Table 20: Wizard Experience Levels
Chapter 3: Player Character Classes > Class Descriptions > Priest > Table 23: Priest Experience Levels
Chapter 3: Player Character Classes > Class Descriptions > Rogue > Table 25: Rogue Experience Level
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Damage and Death

#11 Post by dmw71 »

Zero Hit Points
If a character is reduced to exactly zero hit points, that character will simply fall unconscious. An unconscious character is otherwise stable.

When any character is reduced to negative hit points, they are rendered unconscious and will continue to lose 1 hit point per round until ultimately dying (see, 'Death').

Death due to hit point loss occurs when a character reaches an amount of negative hit points equal to their 'Alive Until' amount, which is equals their constitution ability score divided by three (normal rounding rules apply).

Alive Unitl

Code: Select all

Ability   Alive
Score     Until
  1-4     -1
  5-7     -2
 8-10     -3
11-13     -4
14-16     -5
17-19     -6
1. Monsters are considered dead at zero hit points.
2. Any character will have the ability to simply "bind wounds" to prevent further hit point loss, but only characters with the 'Healing' non-weapon proficiency will have the knowledge and skill necessary to be able to restore lost hit points immediately through their intervention.
Chapter 5: Proficiencies (Optional) > Nonweapon Proficiencies II > Nonweapon Proficiency Descriptions > Healing
Chapter 9: Combat > Character Death > Character Death
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Gaining Levels

#12 Post by dmw71 »

Gaining Levels
All benefits (including hit points) from attaining a new level will go into affect after a successful night of sleep (~6 hours).
Chapter 8: Experience > Training Experience
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Non-Weapon Proficiencies

#13 Post by dmw71 »

We will be using a combination of 'using what you know' the non-weapon proficiency system. Most characters will possess a general knowledge of most common skills; the selected non-weapon proficiencies will represent areas where your character excels, or any additional languages your character has become fluent in.
Chapter 5: Proficiencies (Optional) > Acquiring Proficiencies
Chapter 5: Proficiencies (Optional) > Table 34: Proficiency Slots
Chapter 5: Proficiencies (Optional) > Non-weapon Proficiencies I > Using What You Know
Chapter 5: Proficiencies (Optional) > Nonweapon Proficiencies II
Chapter 2: Player Character Races > Languages
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#14 Post by dmw71 »

Encumbrance will be tracked and players are expected to keep accurate records of items they're carrying and how much those items weigh. Be sure to add 5 pounds for clothing worn.

50 coins = 1 pound
Chapter 6: Money and Equipment > Encumbrance > Encumbrance (Optional Rule)
Chapter 6: Money and Equipment > Encumbrance > Specific Encumbrance (Optional Rule)
Chapter 6: Money and Equipment > Encumbrance > Table 50: Stowage Capacity
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Movement Rates

#15 Post by dmw71 »

Base Movement Rate

Code: Select all

Race       Rate 
Human      12 
Dwarf      6 
Elf        12 
Half-elf   12 
Gnome      6 
Halfling   6 
Modified Movement Rates
Please use the 'Modified Movement Rates' table to determine your movement rate.
Chapter 14: Time and Movement > Movement > Table 64: Base Movement Rates
Chapter 6: Money and Equipment > Encumbrance > Table 48: Modified Movement Rates
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Weapon Specialization

#17 Post by dmw71 »

Weapon Specialization
The following modified version of weapon specialization is available:
1. Only single-classed fighters can take advantage of weapon specialization, but they do not begin the game specialized.
2. All initial weapon proficiency slots will be filled as normal (with one exception, see step 5).
3. At the time of creation, a character wishing to specialize must indicate which of their selected starting weapons will become their specialized weapon.
4. Once the character seeking specialization qualifies for a new weapon, this new weapon proficiency slot will be used to complete the specialization process. This process will absorb the new weapon proficiency and no new weapon will actually be added.
5. If the intended weapons is of the ranged variety, it will still cost three total slots in order to achieve this. In this situation, a character must leave one of their initial slots left open. This vacated slot and the newly gained proficiency slot gained once reaching 3rd level will both be used in order to become specialized in the intended ranged weapon.
Chapter 3: Player Character Classes > Class Descriptions > Warrior > Fighter
Chapter 5: Proficiencies (Optional) > Weapon Proficiencies > Weapon Specialization
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Initial Wizard Spells

#19 Post by dmw71 »

Initial Wizard Spells
All wizard characters will begin the game knowing six spells, including 'Read Magic,' 'Detect Magic,' and two spells of the DM's choosing which are all automatically known. The remaining two spells will be the player's choosing, but these elected spells will be subject to the 'Chance to Learn Spell' percentage based on the wizard's intelligence.
Chapter 3: Player Character Classes > Class Descriptions > Wizard > Wizard
[DMG] Chapter 7: Magic > Initial Wizard Spells > DM Choice
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Spell Books

#20 Post by dmw71 »

Spell Books
All starting spell books will be of the traveling variety.
* Encumbrance: 10 pounds
* Total Pages: 50 (Note: Each spell requires a number of pages equal to its level plus 0-5 (1d6-1) additional pages.)
[DMG] Chapter 7: Magic > How Many Pages in a Spell Book
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