Player Characters

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Player Characters

#1 Post by ToniXX »

Post them here. One post per character. You can use the Unseen Servant character sheet or use the below template.
Please don't post discussion here.

AleBelly - Styrk Fjell, Fighter
barna10 - Harick Rathbone, Cleric
dmw71 - Lenore, Fighter
FronkyDondo - Elrohir, Elf
Marcel - Cmo, Halfling
max_vale - Beya "the Blade", Magic-User
OGRE MAGE - KranK HamFist, Dwarf
thirdkingdom - Crowcenty the Crass, Magic-user

Magic item loadouts (Select by number. Enter your selected items on the PC sheet and post the loadout number in the char gen discussion thread)
  1. Ring of fire resistance, sword +1
  2. Wand of paralyzation, dagger +1
  3. Sword +1 (casts light upon command), Ring of protection +1
  4. Leather armor +1, displacer cloak
  5. Plate armor +1, Mace +1
  6. Bag of holding, elven cloak and boots
  7. Snake staff, Potion of gaseous form
  8. Gauntlets of ogre power
  9. Shield +1, wand of fireballs
  10. Staff of striking, potion of Control Human
  11. Chain mail +1, two-handed sword +1
  12. Dagger +1, Ring of invisibility
TEMPLATE HERE ******************************
Copy the text in the section below, then paste it into a new post, and fill it out.
It includes BBCodes that help format your PC sheet.

This is how it will be formatted:
Last Updated:
Update Reason:


Hit Points

Armor Class

STR: x
INT: x
WIS: x
DEX: x
CON: x
CHA: x



Clothing Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Armor Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Weapons Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Adventuring Gear Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Magic Items Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Wealth (starting gold: 180 gp) Total Weight: 9 coin (0.9 pounds)
PP: 0
GP: 0
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0

Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison:
Magic Wands:
Paralysis or Turn to Stone:
Breath Attack:


Special Abilities

Physical Details
Gender: M/F | Age: X | Height: X | Weight: X pounds | Hair: X | Eyes: X




Medical Record


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#2 Post by dmw71 »

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 28, 2014
Update Reason: Updated inventory to reflect arrow fired.

Name: Lenore
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points (1st: 8, 2nd: 1, 3rd: 2, 4th: 6)
Total: 17
Damage: 0
Current: 17

Armor Class (Movement: 90'; 60' at 601 coin) (leather armor +1 and shield)
Front: 5
Rear: 6
Surprised: 6

Ability Scores (B7)
STR: 8 -1 to hit, damage, and opening doors.
INT: 13 Reads and writes native languages, + 1 added language.
WIS: 8 -1 on magic-based saving throws.
DEX: 9 No adjustment.
CON: 12 No adjustment to hit points.
CHA: 10 Adjustment to Reactions: None | Maximum number of retainers: 4 | Morale of retainers: 7

Level: 4 (Max. 36) (X7)
Experience: 9,000 | 16,000 (-10% from earned experience points) (B7)

Weapons (B27)
Normal Sword (with serrated blade) (1d8)
Short Bow & Quiver
- 20, 19, 18 arrows (1-6)
- 10 silver-tipped arrows (1-6)
Normal Dagger (1-4)
Silver Dagger (1-4)

Armor Total Weight: 300 coin
Leather Armor +1 (200 cn)
Round Shield (100 cn)

Weapons Total Weight: 120 coin
Bow + 20 Arrows (30 cn)
10 Arrows (10 cn)
Normal Sword (60 cn)
Dagger (10 cn)
Dagger (10 cn)

Adventuring Gear Total Weight: 80 coin
Backpack (Capacity: 400 coins) (B20)
- Stakes (3) and Mallet
- Tinder Box (flint & steel)
- Torches (6)
- Garlic (1 clove)
- Holy Water (2 vials)
- Wolfsbane (1 bunch)
Small Sack (Capacity: 200 coins) (B20)
- Standard Rations (7 days)
Small Sack (Capacity: 200 coins) (B20)
- Coins
Rope (50' length)
- Grappling Hook
Water/Wine Skin

Magic Items Total Weight: x coin
Leather armor +1
Displacer Cloak

Wealth Total Weight: 40 coin
PP: 0
GP: 40
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0

Total Encumbrance (B20)
Armor: 300 coin
Weapons: 120 coin
Adventuring Gear: 80 coin
Magic Items: x coin
Wealth: 40 coin
Total Carried: 540 coin
Character Movement (B20)

Code: Select all

                                  Normal     Encounter   Running
Character Encumbrance             Movement   Movement    Movement
400 coins or less or unarmored    120'/turn  40'/round   120'/round
401-600 coins or leather armored   90'       30'          90'
601-800 coins or metal armored     60'       20'          60'
801-1600 coins or metal armored    30'       10'          30'
             and carrying treasure   
Attack Rolls (X26)

Code: Select all

* Melee (+1 str penalty)    * Ranged or Thrown (no adjustment)
  AC -3: 20+1 = 21              AC -3: 20
  AC -2: 19+1 = 20              AC -2: 19
  AC -1: 18+1 = 19              AC -3: 18
  AC  0: 17+1 = 18              AC  0: 17
  AC  1: 16+1 = 17              AC  1: 16
  AC  2: 15+1 = 16              AC  2: 15
  AC  3: 14+1 = 15              AC  3: 14
  AC  4: 13+1 = 14              AC  4: 13
  AC  5: 12+1 = 13              AC  5: 12
  AC  6: 11+1 = 12              AC  6: 11
  AC  7: 10+1 = 11              AC  7: 10
  AC  8:  9+1 = 10              AC  8: 9
  AC  9:  8+1 = 9               AC  9: 8
  AC 10:  7+1 = 8               AC 10: 7 
Saving Throws (X24)
Death Ray or Poison: 10
Magic Wands: 11
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 12
Breath Attack: 13
Rods, Staves, or Spells: 14
Note: -1 on magic-based saving throws. (B7)

Languages (B7)
Alignment (Neutral)

Special Abilities

Physical Details
Gender: Female | Age: 23 | Height: 5' 4" | Weight: 117 pounds | Hair: Blonde, with long braided ponytail | Eyes: Deep blue
When she was much younger, Lenore's father -- whom raised her by himself -- used to take her out to a nearby graveyard at night and spin frightening tales of all forms of horror... and she loved it! That is, until one night one of the horror stories she had heard came true and she witnessed her father be viciously murdered by a gargoyle while she cowered in fright. While the creature never did spot her, and she survived the encounter, but the pain of being orphaned, especially in the manner in which it happened, turned her into a complete recluse. She became obsessed with the undead, especially gargoyles.

15 years later....

Lenore is fearless, and capable enough with her chosen weapons to be dangerous. While physically attractive in the estimation of many, most of those same people find Lenore to be shy, or perhaps standoffish, as she rarely makes any effort to interact with other people. While she is capable of being friendly, and is willing to work in groups, she largely prefers to keep to herself due to the fact that she is still extremely bitter and traumatized by the event that took her father so many years ago.

Medical Record

Starting experience points: 0 + 10,000 (-10%) = 9,000

Accounting (1 pp = 5 gp = 10 ep = 50 sp = 500 cp) (B47)
'Walking around' gold: [1d6x10] = 4x10 = 40

Link to Rolls ... ts&pc=1846
Last edited by dmw71 on Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:54 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#3 Post by max_vale »

Last Updated: September 8th, 2014
Update Reason: First Posting
Name: Beya "the Blade"
Class: Magic User
Alignment: Neutral (with good tendencies)
Hit Points
Total: 11
Current: 11
Armor Class
Front: 5
Rear: 8
Surprised: 8
STR: 9
INT: 16
WIS: 12
DEX: 18
CON: 11
CHA: 13
Level: 4
Experience: 10,000
Weapons 1 Silver Dagger, 6 Daggers
Clothing Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Armor Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Weapons Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Adventuring Gear Total Weight: x coin (x pounds) Backpack, Spellbook, Waterskin, 1 Week's worth of Iron Rations, 2 small sacks, 1 Steel Mirror, 1 Lantern, 2 Flasks of Oil, 1 Tinderbox
Magic Items Total Weight: x coin (x pounds) Wand of Fireballs, Ring of Protection +1
Wealth (starting gold: 180 gp) Total Weight: 9 coin (0.9 pounds)
PP: 0
GP: 160
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0
Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 13
Magic Wands: 14
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
Breath Attack: 16
Spells: 15
Common, Dwarven, Goblin
Special Abilities
Physical Details
Gender: F | Age: 25 | Height: 5'7" | Weight: 133 pounds | Hair: Dark Brown | Eyes: Brown
Background Born into a family of sea-going merchants; Beya grew up hearing about all of the far-away lands her family travelled to while doing buisness. Stuck at home learning the arts of magic; Beya excelled at this; but grew restless. Indulging in the art of 'knife throwing' at an early age; Beya became quite talented at it and soon aquired the nickname of 'the Blade' due to her habit of carrying many throwing daggers with her at all times. When she came of age; she decided to take her Spell Book, her Blades and some gear and set off for adventure in the far-away lands her parents had always told her stories of...
Medical Record
Last edited by max_vale on Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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#4 Post by FronkyDondo »

I'll be an Elf.

Rolls: 17,15,12,16,13,11; hp:6+6+3 (Link to rolls:Stats: STR:11, INT:15, WIS:12, DEX:16, CON:13, CHR:17)

Last Updated: 9/10/2014
Update Reason: Magic Items, Added spare armor
Name: Elrohir
Alignment:Neutral (Good tendencies)
Hit Points
Armor Class
Front: 2
Rear: 3
Surprised: 3
STR: 18 (+3 To Hit, +3 Damage and Opening doors)
INT: 16 (Reads and Writes Native Lang., +2 Add. Lang.)
WIS: 9 (None)
DEX: 13 (+1 To Hit, +1 Init., -1 AC)
CON: 16 (+2 Per Hit Die)
CHA: 11 (None, 4 Retainers, Morale 7)
Clothing Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Armor Total Weight: 500 coin (50 pounds)
Plate mail
Weapons Total Weight: 130 coin (13 pounds)
Normal sword (1-8)
Long bow (1-6)
Spear (1-6)
Dagger (1-4)
Adventuring Gear Total Weight: 80 coin (8 pounds)
50' rope
Grappling hook
1 Week Iron rations
Large Belt Pouch
12 Iron Spikes
Small hammer (non-weapon)
Tinder box with Flint and Steel
Water skin
Large sack
Spell components
Traveling Spell book
20 arrows
Spare Leather Armor (200 cn, in bag of holding)
Magic Items Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Cloak and boots of Elvenkind
Bag of Holding
Wealth (starting gold: 180 gp) Total Weight: 9 coin (0.9 pounds)
PP: 0
GP: 23
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0
Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 12
Magic Wands: 13
Paralysis or Turn to Stone:13
Breath Attack: 15
Spells: 15
Special Abilities
60' Infravision
Find Secret doors 1-2 on d6
Cannot be paralyzed by Ghouls
+10% on Experience (Strength and Intelligence)

Physical Details
Gender: M | Age: 150 | Height: 5' 8" | Weight: 135 pounds | Hair: White/blonde | Eyes: Grey
Elrohir is very tall for an elf, slender yet muscled. He has long white-blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail much of the time. He is very fair skinned, with grey eyes. He has long, raptor-like features - he reminds others of a hawk in appearance.
Elrohir left his elven community to explore the wide world. He is fascinated by humans, and believes he and his brethren can learn a lot from the young species. He is a gifted, brave adventurer, who believes almost everyone should get a fair shake. He believes in maintaining a balance between Law and Chaos, but he is good at heart. While strong, intelligent and doughty, he sometimes leaps before he looks - this has gotten him into trouble in the past.
Medical Record
Herpes outbreak : Aug '05
Chlamydia '04; Patient claims he was exposed "while using a public toilet"; Dubious at best. Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Spell books
1st Level
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Magic Missile
2nd Level

1st Level
Sleep, Detect Magic

2nd Level
I draw fantasy art in my spare time - here are a couple I used as inspiration for my character:
elrohir3Sm.jpg (174.88 KiB) Viewed 2003 times
ElrohirSm.jpg (173.4 KiB) Viewed 2003 times
Last edited by FronkyDondo on Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:48 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#5 Post by AleBelly »

Last Updated: Sep 18, 2014
Update Reason: update background
Name: Styrk Fjell
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful
Hit Points
Total: 31
Current: 31
Armor Class
Front: 0
Rear: 3
Surprised: 3

Ability score roll: Stats: CON:18, CHR:9, STR:16, WIS:12, INT:11, DEX:14
STR: 18 (+3 to hit, damage)
INT: 9
WIS: 10
DEX: 14 (-1 AC, +1 to hit with missile)
CON: 18 (+3 hp per die)
CHA: 9
Level: 4
Experience: 10,000
Several blue silk shirts with embroidered yellow lion (symbol of the house of Fjell) Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Plate mail, shield +1 Total Weight: 600 coin (60 pounds)
Sword +1 (lights on command), short sword, long bow, 30 arrows Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Adventuring Gear
50' rope
7 days iron rations
6 torches
Flint and steel
10' pole
Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Magic Items Sword +1 (light), Shield +1 Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Wealth (starting gold: 180 gp) Total Weight: 9 coin (0.9 pounds)
PP: 0
GP: 0
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0
Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 10
Magic Wands: 11
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 12
Breath Attack: 13
Spells: 14
Special Abilities
Physical Details
Gender: M | Age: 23 | Height: 6'5" | Weight: 230 pounds | Hair: Black | Eyes: Green
Styrk has known no hardship in his life. Born to a high family, he was raised in privilege and has always been superior in physical activities. An unparalleled melee fighter, he's also a skilled bowman. With his handsome looks, one would expect him to be charismatic, but he can be insufferably condescending and many find him to be poor company. In fact, his own family has given him the cold shoulder, and granted him lands at the outskirts of their holdings to keep from dealing with him. Feeling he was cheated of his birthright, he struck out on his own to find his own fortune and build a kingdom of his own someday.
Medical Record
Had the flu once as a child. Was also poisoned once (perpetrator unknown to him), but recovered quickly.
Last edited by AleBelly on Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#6 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Not sure why more guys don't use these nice US sheets.
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Re: Player Characters

#7 Post by barna10 »

[ progress]
Last Updated: 09-10-2014 12:29 AM Eastern
Update Reason: more work

Name: Harick Rathbone
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points
Total: 25
Current: 25

Armor Class
Front: 0
Rear: 3
Surprised: 2

STR: 17 To hit/damage/open doors: +2
INT: 11 Able to read and write known languages
WIS: 17 Save vs. Magic: +2
DEX: 17 AC: -2 Initiative: +1 Missiles: +2
CON: 16 HP: +2
CHA: 17 Reaction: +1 Retainers: 6 Retainer morale: 9

Level: 4
Experience: 10,000 / 12,000

Warhammer 1d6+2

Clothing Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Armor Total Weight: 600 coin (60 pounds)
Plate Mail 500cn
Shield 100cn

Weapons Total Weight: 70 coin (7 pounds)
Warhammer 50cn
Sling 20cn

Adventuring Gear Total Weight: 136 coin (13.6 pounds)
Large sack 5cn
Hammer 10cn
Rations, Iron 70cn
Holy water (x5) 5cn
Wooden Holy Symbol 1cn
Backpack 20cn
Waterskin 5cn
Bedroll? 20cn

Magic Items Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Snake Staff
Potion of Gaseous Form

Wealth (starting gold: 180 gp) Total Weight: 9 coin (0.9 pounds)
PP: 0
GP: 0
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0
Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 11
Magic Wands: 12
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14
Breath Attack: 16
Spells: 5

Common, Neutral

Special Abilities

Physical Details
Gender: M | Age: 30 | Height: 6' | Weight: 215 pounds | Hair: Black | Eyes: Green
Medical Record
Last edited by barna10 on Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#8 Post by thirdkingdom »

Last Updated:
Update Reason:
Name: Crowcenty the Crass
Class: Magic-user
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 10,000/20,000
Level: 4
Hit Points
Total: 14
Current: 14
Armor Class
Front: 8
Rear: 9
Surprised: 9

Ability Scores
STR: 7
INT: 17
WIS: 14
DEX: 15
CON: 15
CHA: 15

Daggers (4)
Clothing Total Weight: Basic gear (not counted towards encumbrance)
Armor Total Weight: --
Weapons Total Weight: 40
3 daggers
1 dagger +1
Adventuring Gear Total Weight: 80 coin (x pounds)
One week iron rations
Two small sacks
One large sack
Two waterskins
Six flasks of oil
Magic Items Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)
Ring of invisibility
Dagger +1
Wealth Total Weight: 30
PP: 0
GP: 30
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0

Total Encumbrance: 150
Move: 120'/40'/120'

Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 13
Magic Wands:14
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 13
Breath Attack: 16
Spells: 15

Special Abilities
Spell book:
1st level: Read Magic, Sleep, Detect Magic
2nd level: Invisibility, Web

Typically Memorized
1st: Sleep (x2)
2nd: Invisibility, Web

Physical Details
Gender: M/F | Age: X | Height: X | Weight: X pounds | Hair: X | Eyes: X
Crowcenty is a middle-aged wizard venturing out into the world to seek his fortune. He lusts after both gold and magical knowledge.

Medical Record
Last edited by thirdkingdom on Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#9 Post by Marcel »

Last Updated:
Update Reason:


Hit Points[1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 5, [1d6] = 5
Total: 17
Current: 17

Armor Class Leather + Shield
Front: 5
Rear: 6
Surprised: 7

STR: 13 "+1", +1 Dmg.
INT: 9
WIS: 10
DEX: 14 -1 AC, "+1" w/missle
CON: 11
CHA: 12


Short Sword
Short Bow
24 Arrows

Total Weight: 55 coin
Backpack (Capacity 400cn)
- 3 Stakes and Mallet
- Tinder Box (flint & steel)
- 6 Torches
- 2 vials Holy Water
- Wolfsbane (1 bunch)
- Small Sack (Capacity 200 cn)
- Standard Rations (7 days)
- Rope (50' length)
- Water/Wine Skin

Magic Items Total Weight: x coin (x pounds)

Wealth Total Weight:
PP: 0
GP: 0
SP: 0
CP: 0
Gems: 0
Jewelry: 0
Other Valuables: 0

Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 6
Magic Wands: 7
Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 8
Breath Attack: 10
Spells: 10

*Reads + Writes

Special Abilities
"+1" w/missile, -2 AC vs. Large, +1 Initiative,
90% Hide in Outdoors, 33% Hide in Shadows

Physical Details
Gender: Male | Age: 55 | Height: 3'6" | Weight: 70lbs
Hair: Sandy | Eyes: Blue

Background Cmo was a travelling companion of Sir Strengtall, a
most noble and respected knight.....who fell in battle against....2 Red Dragons,
4 Trolls and a Demon with blue fire breath.
After their separation, Cmo fled to the docks in search of passage away from
his pursuers.....and his dept to them.
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