Action 1: Over the Rainbow

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Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#1 Post by Keehnelf »

I-C200FA-FK026. It had a certain poetry to it, if you squinted at it just right in bright sunlight from an odd angle. Like ancient long-dead alien runes, signifying nothing of import to anyone.

Dars Quade turned from the newly-stenciled flight designation of the fresh-off-the-assembly-line 200-ton Class-A merchant ship he'd just signed over life and limb to command and reflected that a true romantic would have already had a name in mind when taking over their first ship. Something with flair to catch both the eye and the mind.

Dars Quade was one of the least likely people in this part of the galaxy to be slapped with that label, however. His former crews with Charter would describe him as pragmatic and dour, if they were feeling especially generous with their praise, but he was always fair with his pay and quick to forgive when the inevitable problems occurred.

Still, it was good to be away from Company-supplied crews and out in open space where he could make his own decisions about where to go, and when, and what to haul. And of course whom to hire.

The lot he'd picked up to man his not-yet-delivered starcraft on its maiden voyage from its factory on Marenau had surprised him--he'd expected to have to weed through a number of Republic agents just trolling for intel on the Savari resistance, given his family history, but his background checks had revealed nothing of the sort. Just the opposite, in fact. Most of the crew seemed to have good reason to stay a bit wide of the Navy's reach, which suited Quade just fine and it would mean they themselves would ask fewer questions if things got a bit unusual.

The young CTC petty officer Olive Haro had agreed to join him as his first mate and general go-to after they had forged a bond of trust during their last terms in the Company based equally upon their mistrust of the powers that be and their recognition of talent and ambition in one another. When she was drummed out of the Company for insubordination a week after he had retired, he knew she would be top of the list.

The first hire they'd made in Marenau was a former Navy pilot by the name of Samantha Nelson, who looked young until you saw her eyes. He'd never seen credentials or skills like hers, though--Republic Class-S certification in piloting all kinds of military and non-military craft and obviously something to prove that she wasn't going to make happen working for the feds. An easy choice.

Quade hadn't even been sure he wanted to hire any dedicated security personnel until Nate Neyland, three-time Western Ring Gravball All-Star had showed up at the little office he'd rented portside looking to sign on, he didn't know what else to do with him. He had a little "Chief of Security" badge printed up locally with a tacky holo of Neyland's rookie Vanguarders mugshot embedded into it just for laughs, but he just chuckled as he pinned it to his broad chest. A man like that would certainly come in handy in a pinch, whether for muscle or for helping Quade sweet-talk his way through a deal or some trouble.

Former Scouts often make the best merchant crews because they have an appetite for adventure and seldom ask indelicate questions. Carter Jacks was, in that regard, a typical example when he arrived at the office with his credentials, but as Quade put him through his paces it became apparent that the young man was anything but. He seemed to know a little bit about every subsystem in the engine of a Free Trader Class-A and most of the other systems to boot, and he didn't let the wheelchair get in his way a bit as he successfully navigated a holosim exam Quade had had commissioned for testing recruits. He took him on as Chief Engineer with a wink--a ship this size would have no need of more than one engineer.

That being said, when Eugene Suldanto showed his face, looking desperate to get off-world and with credentials in piloting, navigation and engineering, it was hard to say no. The young man's navigational expertise would fill a noticeable gap in the crew thus far and his other skills would allow for some redundancy in case of accident or departures. Quade offered Soldanto half the pay he was providing the other crew members and the young man accepted without a complaint--surely something to worry about, but hopefully not yet.

Dars himself would serve as the ship's steward, which would keep him from meddling in the affairs on the bridge too often, a tendency he had learned with time to curb (but only just), and allow him to keep a closer eye on his passengers to watch for suspicious behavior. He was in possession of his own trader because he was thoughtful and careful about his business, and he wasn't about to let those traits lapse in his middle age when he still had a lot to lose.

The passenger list so far was all high passage types, but a mixed and surprising group as they often were. Loraine Zane, the first to book a stateroom, was only recently ex-Navy and a quick background check didn't show any obvious business on Asgard XI, though from her bearing it looked like she was gunning for Neyland's job, or a paid berth if that failed. She was obvious ex-milsec from her bearing and demeanor, but hard to read. Well, her money was as good as anyone's and as long as she didn't find a way to blow a hole in the hull he was glad to have her on board.

Isaac Heinlein was more of a here-and-now concern. The young man was big and dim-witted, a former scout who could be visiting a service buddy out on Asgard, but every now and again Quade would catch a flash of serious cunning in Heinlein's eyes that worried him, especially as it usually accompanied a long look at another passenger or a bank of sensitive electronic equipment. Further, Quade was having a hard time confirming Heinlein's credentials, though his Credits were sticky and plentiful enough to help him overcome his misgivings for now.

September was the next young fellow's name, completely broke apart from the passage voucher he handed over when he booked. He had a satchel just big enough for a couple of changes of clothes that he clutched to him like it was the last precious thing in the world. For all he knew, it might just be--a kid from a good home with something to fall back on doesn't just book passage to the ass end of nowhere with just the clothes on his back.

Quade got a similar vibe from Johan Gendrich, a marine retiree who admitted with a bit of embarrassment as he confirmed his passage that he was headed out to Asgard to investigate the remains of an advanced alien civilization that had been unearthed a number of years ago. He was obviously a xenotech buff, but also didn't look like the scientific type. Quade guessed when you retired from the military life it was hard to find good hobbies to hold your attention.

The final passenger booked when the cargo was already in the process of being loaded. He got up from a half-finished sandwich at a cafe portside and walked straight over to Quade in such an amiable manner that for a moment Quade lost his usual suspicion. The old man introduced himself as "Vinnie" and asked where the ship was headed. When Quade told him, the old man considered for a moment, drawing a long face and sticking his hands in the pockets of his tailored slacks before handing over the required fee and arranging for his bags to be brought aboard from one of the most expensive portside hotels in Marenau City. Over the years, Quade had learned to distinguish between the different types of High Passage travellers--those who looked like money and smelled like money; those who looked like money but were on the edge of ruin; and those who looked like money and smelled like trouble. Upon that first meeting, Quade was sure this "Vinnie" was the first type, and a lucrative prospect if the old man could be convinced to keep on traveling. Unfortunately, it wasn't until the ship was already out of orbit of Marenau and on its way that he had a chance to do a background check on the old man and discovered, to his immense concern, that all the records also suggested that he was the first type, which was never, ever a good sign.

And the damn ship still needed a name.

We'll start with the crew and passengers aboard ship as it makes its way far enough out from Marenau to make its first jump. I'll be PMing individuals with a bit more information to flesh out what's been alluded to here, but you should be able to do some initial meetings/interactions to get into your characters a bit before the trouble really starts.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#2 Post by Amalric »

The clump of heavy boots on deck was a sure sign that Nate Neyland, Chief of Security, was doing his rounds. In truth Nate could move as quietly and as stealthily as the best when he felt like it, but when he felt there was nothing to worry about - or not much, at any rate - he liked to make his presence known: it calmed people's nerves, for one thing. Nate had a certain presence, and he knew it, and he felt people would be a lot less likely to provoke trouble if they knew they would have to answer to him.

And so he did his rounds, the new ship now out in space and on its way to Asgard XI. All was quiet... far.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#3 Post by Pulpatoon »

September Calindarias sighs deeply, releasing tension that he hadn't known he was carrying, when the ship is safely out of Marenau's local space. Looking around, he is eager to meet his fellow passengers, but wanders around the publicly-accessible areas of the ship first. When he feels everyone has had a chance to settle in, he begins making the rounds.

Beginning with a polite knock at Vinnie's cabin door, he introduces himself. "Hello, is this a good time? I'm Sept..." Oh! Should he use his real name? His family name is pretty recognizable. But it's on his passage papers, so it's not as though he could pull off an alias for very long. He really should have thought this through, earlier. Well, ambiguity will have to serve as discretion, for now. "...September." He cringes at the thought of being seen as one of those upper-class dilettantes who declare they are too unique to need anything more than a given name. Still, better than setting the small population of this ship abuzz.

"Have you been to Asgard before?"
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#4 Post by DadsAngry »

Eugene eager to be aboard quickly stows his gear in assigned room and reports to his duties. He checks over the flight plan making sure it is taking them far away as the captain had said. Once his initial duties are complete he will continue looking through the ships navigational charts and picking the places he would like to visit.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#5 Post by atpollard »

Pulpatoon wrote:September Calindarias Beginning with a polite knock at Vinnie's cabin door, he introduces himself. "Hello, is this a good time? I'm Sept..." Oh! Should he use his real name? His family name is pretty recognizable. But it's on his passage papers, so it's not as though he could pull off an alias for very long. He really should have thought this through, earlier. Well, ambiguity will have to serve as discretion, for now. "...September." He cringes at the thought of being seen as one of those upper-class dilettantes who declare they are too unique to need anything more than a given name. Still, better than setting the small population of this ship abuzz.
Vinnie smiles at the introduction. "This is an excellent time to meet new friends, so please come in, September."
Vincent clasps his hand and offers a warm smile "Everyone just calls me Vinnie."
"Have you been to Asgard before?"
"No, this is my first time. To be honest, this is my first trip out to the frontier, and I must admit that I am more than a little excited at the prospect of visiting new places full of mystery and adventure." Vincent laughs, "I sound like one of those videos where the hero charges off to save the world, or a recruiting advertisement for some new colony expedition." [sigh] "Well, truth be told, I've led something of a dull life and I really am looking forward to a change of venue."

While he is talking, Vinnie removes a small wooden box from a drawer, opens it, and places two crystal glasses and a bottle of Bourbon on a table. Holding up the bottle, "Would you care for a drink. I find few things in life surpass pleasant conversation with a new friend and a fine spirit."

"Is this your first trip to Asgard, or are you returning home?"

[PS. we will leave the cabin door open to watch people passing by (if any) ... there is nothing secret going on here.]
Last edited by atpollard on Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#6 Post by Baron »

Open space. Dars felt a sense of unreality as he stared out at the stars. The ship was his, regardless of whether it had a name or not, and the galaxy was his as well. He could even run, leave his masters behind, and who could stop him?

He shook his head slightly, his lips quirking just a bit, almost into a smile. No, that was unreality. He'd learned to play The Game, including how to break the rules when necessary, and that was the most he could hope for. Play The Game, because you were in whether you liked it or not. And this son of Savari would be a winner.

He walked the brand-new corridors, nodding to crew, and to the passengers who were escaping from the confines of their cabins. It was time for a mixer. It would be good for the crew to get to know each other in a less-regulated setting, and it would be entertaining for the passengers, who could share stories and small talk.

He returned to the bridge, nodding to his crew. He typed up an announcement for the mixer, to be held after the jump, then posted it. Maybe he'd settle on a name for the ship by then, and announce it formally. He'd been thinking of that play, “The Tempest.” Good source of names there. Prospero. Caliban. Tempest. Or, what about Ariel? A servant under obligation to a master. That colonial servitude. Hidden strengths and powers. Hmm.

But back to work. “Pre-jump systems check all green?” he asked.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#7 Post by Keehnelf »

All systems are in prime condition and running smoothly like they only can on a ship's first day of operation.

You're at 38 planetary diameters from Marenau and gaining, with about 3 hours to go until you reach safe jump distance. The first jump will land you in Trieste in just over seven days.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#8 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Already in the engineering bay Carter is running through all of the system tests and checks ensuring that the engines are in top shape. Being a relatively new ship he finds his work much quicker and easier than he'd expect. He still wheels around doing all of his routine. The last thing he wants is for something with the engines to fail and the blame to fall on him. He'd worked too hard to get here last thing he planned to do was blow it this early on.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#9 Post by Pulpatoon »

atpollard wrote:While he is talking, Vinnie removes a small wooden box from a drawer, opens it, and places two crystal glasses and a bottle of Bourbon on a table. Holding up the bottle, "Would you care for a drink. I find few things in life surpass pleasant conversation with a new friend and a fine spirit."

"Is this your first trip to Asgard, or are you returning home?"

[PS. we will leave the cabin door open to watch people passing by (if any) ... there is nothing secret going on here.]
"Is that real bourbon? Who would I be to say no?" September enters the cabin, and sits down. "Marenau is my... well, I grew up there. I've traveled around a fair bit, really, but this is my first trip to Asgard. I'm looking forward to it."

September lifts the glass of hooch. "Here's to Asgard, and adventures to those who'd have them."
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#10 Post by max_vale »

Loraine 'El Zee' Zane; fidgeted excitedly in her stateroom; looking out the porthole to view the local space with a gleam in her eye. She had resolved to go have a talk with the Captain of the ship when they were well on their way about finding a more permanent spot on the ship; and with her recent windfall in cash; she hoped to be able to outfit both herself and possibly her new ship with some new equipment to make a new life in the stars a bit more of a realistic option....
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#11 Post by spanningtree »

Johan stows his items in the closet in the stateroom. Feeling comfortable with the hum of the ship under his feet he'll take a cursory inventory of the accoutrements of his room. Picking up his holo-pad he ventures out of his room. His years of experience tell him the ship is new... hopefully the crew is not. Making his way to the common area and a stiff drink. While waiting for the jump announcement he enjoys the drink and goes over some research paperwork on the Asgard artifact findings. Not being clinical he is open to conversation with anyone else in the area.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#12 Post by Nuke66 »

Samantha efficiently sows her meager gear in her berth before reporting to the Bridge. She catches herself before saluting, damn, certain habits were hard to break. Walking lightly up to Dars, she doesn't know exactly what to say but mimic Navy customs. "Pilot Nelson, reporting for duty Captain. I will get on with plotting our Jump, unless you have something else." She again catches herself before adding Sir.

Moving to she chair, she marvels at the smell, fresh cut, brand spankin' new. She takes a deep breath before her fingertips begin to dance about the touchscreen.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#13 Post by Pulpatoon »

spanningtree wrote:...Making his way to the common area and a stiff drink. While waiting for the jump announcement he enjoys the drink and goes over some research paperwork on the Asgard artifact findings. Not being clinical he is open to conversation with anyone else in the area.
As Johan leaves his stateroom, September waves him in to Vinnie's cabin. "Hello! I'm September, and this is Vinnie. Would you care to join us for a drink?"He looks quickly to Vinnie to be sure that he isn't overstepping his bounds by inviting the man in.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#14 Post by atpollard »

Pulpatoon wrote:
spanningtree wrote:...Making his way to the common area and a stiff drink. While waiting for the jump announcement he enjoys the drink and goes over some research paperwork on the Asgard artifact findings. Not being clinical he is open to conversation with anyone else in the area.
As Johan leaves his stateroom, September waves him in to Vinnie's cabin. "Hello! I'm September, and this is Vinnie. Would you care to join us for a drink?"He looks quickly to Vinnie to be sure that he isn't overstepping his bounds by inviting the man in.
An excellent idea, but I suspect that this cabin may become a bit crowded, Vinnie rises an picks up the bottle, So I suggest that we take this party to the lounge where we can stretch out. Vinnie motions for the others to go first and follows them to the commons where he will offer Johan a glass of Bourbon.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#15 Post by Baron »

Nuke66 wrote:"Pilot Nelson, reporting for duty Captain. I will get on with plotting our Jump, unless you have something else."
Dars nods to Samantha. "Thank you, Ms Nelson. Please proceed."

After a few moments, he asks, "By the way, have you read anything by the playwright, Shakespeare?"
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#16 Post by spanningtree »

Pulpatoon wrote:
spanningtree wrote:...Making his way to the common area and a stiff drink. While waiting for the jump announcement he enjoys the drink and goes over some research paperwork on the Asgard artifact findings. Not being clinical he is open to conversation with anyone else in the area.
As Johan leaves his stateroom, September waves him in to Vinnie's cabin. "Hello! I'm September, and this is Vinnie. Would you care to join us for a drink?"He looks quickly to Vinnie to be sure that he isn't overstepping his bounds by inviting the man in.
Good day September,... Vinnie, I am Johan. Seeing the bottle in Vinnie's hand he cracks a smile. Yes, I would enjoy a few fingers, with the jump coming up that could only help. Motioning them to go first he will follow them to the commons area. Grabbing three glasses he'll sit down putting a glass in front of each of them. If I may ask, have either of you been to Asgard before? Having not been there myself I am wondering what to expect.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#17 Post by DadsAngry »

Eugene looks up as the captain enters the bridge.
"Captain I've confirmed our course and we are good to go."
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#18 Post by Keehnelf »

I've updated the first post in the PC Sheets thread with a quick run-down of who's who in case you get confused with a cast this size.

For reference, current location of the cast--

All passengers - in staterooms or on the way to the mess/lounge
Nate - near staterooms doing early rounds
Dars, Samantha, Eugene, Olive - Bridge
Carter - Engineering

I will be providing a quick navmap of the region in a few moments as well as hopefully a deck plan of the ship later today, and a few last-minute PMs to folks with additional background. Thanks for your patience with the huge amount of extra setup this has required and how slow I've been about getting it done. I got a new boss this week so between activities here I've been involved with getting him trained.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#19 Post by Keehnelf »

Subsector map added to the Settings thread in the first post.
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Re: Action 1: Over the Rainbow

#20 Post by Baron »

DadsAngry wrote:Eugene looks up as the captain enters the bridge.
"Captain I've confirmed our course and we are good to go."
"Thank you, Mr Suldanto," replied the captain. "Carry on."

"Anything to report, Ms Haro?" he asked the First Officer.
Captain Dars Quade in "On the Knife's Edge"
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