Introductions, rules & miscellany

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Introductions, rules & miscellany

#1 Post by mb. »


Firstly, I really like to know the people behind the anonymous online account. I'm Matt. Thanks for joining my game. :) Feel free to introduce yourself here too.

It's been many years since I GMed at all, and exactly never since I GMed a PbP or a Dungeon World game, so please be patient.

This is planned as a one-shot adventure, so none of us have to feel committed to anything lengthy. After the adventure wraps up, we'll have a chat and decide what's next, if anything.

I'd appreciate one story advancing post every weekday from each of you. If at any time real life limits your ability to participate, please just let us all know in the OOC Tavern thread. Other than that I only expect everyone to be civil & friendly, give their best RP, and to always try and make the game fun for everyone.

How does Dungeon World work?

Dungeon World is new to most of you, so here's a bit of an introduction. If you're used to d20, much of it might sound odd, but I'm pretty sure it'll feel familiar once we play.

The basic idea of DW is that it's a conversation. The fiction is shared between GM and players, including responsibility for much of the world building. When particular actions are described in the fiction, they trigger moves, which are rules that help resolve how the actions go. Moves include everything from combat (Hack & Slash and Volley) to helping your friends (Aid or Interfere) to remembering knowledge (Spout Lore) and more.

Moves are always resolved by rolling 2d6 and adding a stat modifier, so for example if you want to whack a goblin with your sword (Hack & Slash) that's roll+STR, and with a Strength of 17 you have a +2 modifier, so if you roll 8, you get a 10. Move results: on a 10+ you succeed! Yay! On a 7-9 you also succeed, but with complications, so half yay. 6- is failure and not so yay.

I'd rather not get into too much detail, and repeat reams of info that exists elsewhere. Luckily, all the important DW rules are available online, so the best thing for you to do first is read the following:
PbP basics

A few conventions to keep the story moving along smoothly:
  • Normal text is assumed to be in character.
  • Out of character text is red (just use the little ooc button)
  • Dialog is blue (yup, there's a little dialog button too)
  • If you want the GM, but not the other players, to know something, PM me.
  • We'll use the Unseen Servant dice roller. Please register if you haven't already and add your character to the campaign number I sent you in PM.
And what next?

Please go over to the character generation thread and we can get started!
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#2 Post by Spartakos »

So busy dealing with character, I forgot about this.

I'm Jay...I've been gaming since middle school (so more than 20 years now), mostly as a GM. Rediscovered old-school gaming since I moved to Alaska, but I do most of my gaming online these days (although I may try to start up a face-to-face group soon, if I can arrange the scheduling and find players). I have 4 kids, so I'm pretty busy.

This sort of game strikes me as a cross between normal RPGs and freeform roleplay, which is something I did a lot of in college (basically, collaborative writing, sans mechanics). I hope it goes well. :)

Nice to meet you all...I'm good friends with KingofCowards, and he brought me into this; he speaks well of you.
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#3 Post by jbinc »


I'm Joe, I've also been gaming for about 15 years off and on, and I live in the UK.

I've gone on record about how much I love Dungeon World, and Matt's already mentioned I've played it quite a bit already. I aim to produce 3 Dungeon World adventures every month for free on my site (supported by my people at Patreon.) That being said, this is my first pbp campaign, so I'm excited and have a lot to learn, I think!
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#4 Post by Pulpatoon »

Joel, Human Male Cartoonist

Tired eyes, Thinning hair, Dad shorts, Middle-aged physique

Class Moves: Draw Things, Make up things, Talk about drawing and making up things
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#5 Post by mb. »

And I already said I'm Matt. I have two passports and have lived in the US, Australia, Germany, and now Denmark. I know pretty much who I am, but am not always sure where.

I played tonnes of D&D in my youth, moved too much to find a game for 17 years, and just recently got back into it here (in Joel's game) and in G+ Hangouts, most recently in a fun one-shot run by Joe.

I'm finding my feet with both GMing and Dungeon World, so I hope you're having fun so far. :)
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#6 Post by KingOfCowards »

I'm always late to the introduction threads. My name is Jeff. I have been playing D&D for 20+ years. But most recently, my interest has reawakened when I discovered play-by-posts and signed up on I look forward to gaming with you all.

Does it strike anybody else as weird that all of the players' real names start with "J"?
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#7 Post by mb. »

KingOfCowards wrote:Does it strike anybody else as weird that all of the players' real names start with "J"?
And two of them even start with "Joe"! Drats! You've uncovered my dastardly plan!
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#8 Post by Pulpatoon »

Matt has a type.
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#9 Post by mb. »

Full disclosure: I've known Joel for real since 1994, so he "knows" me. Not in the biblical sense, mind you.
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#10 Post by Pulpatoon »

Didn't we graduate in '94? I think we met in '90 or '91. Our friendship has been voting and drinking for years!
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Re: Introduction & the basics

#11 Post by mb. »

Christ on a pogo stick, you're right. It was '89 even. We's OLD.
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Re: Introductions, rules & miscellany

#12 Post by mb. »


One of the nice things about Dungeon World is it abstracts questions of resource management. You don't need to make a comprehensive list of every item you're carrying, or go on shopping sprees to try and cover every possible future challenge the GM might throw at you.

For example, if you have "Adventuring gear"...
Adventuring gear is a collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, poles, spikes, ropes, etc. When you rummage through your adventuring gear for some useful mundane item, you find what you need and mark off a use.
And a "Bag of books" is equally useful...
When your bag of books contains just the right book for the subject you’re spouting lore on, consult the book, mark off a use, and take +1 to your roll.
Please do keep track of uses, and don't sweat the oil flasks or coils of rope. :)
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Re: Introductions, rules & miscellany

#13 Post by mb. »


You earn XP a few different ways:

Whenever you roll for a move and get 6 or less (with modifiers added), mark XP. "Mark XP" always means add 1 XP.

The rest comes in the End of Session move:
When you reach the end of a session, choose one of your bonds that you feel is resolved (completely explored, no longer relevant, or otherwise). Ask the player of the character you have the bond with if they agree. If they do, mark XP and write a new bond with whomever you wish.

Once bonds have been updated look at your alignment. If you fulfilled that alignment at least once this session, mark XP. Then answer these three questions as a group:
  • Did we learn something new and important about the world?
  • Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
  • Did we loot a memorable treasure?
For each “yes” answer everyone marks XP.
We'll have to see when the "end of session" comes in PbP, but I'd imagine it being after one or two major "scenes". We'll play it by ear.

I'll try and remind everyone to mark XP on 6- rolls, but please keep track of it yourself on your character sheet. To level up, you need 7 + your current level XP, so 8 for all of you to begin with.
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Re: Introductions, rules & miscellany

#14 Post by Kanye Westeros »

Hey all, I'm James. I'm from Portland Oregon (USA)
I write stuff
I draw stuff:
(still a complete novice with computer art, but learning)
And I play a lot of games. Like, a lot.
I'm also an amateur game designer (fingers crossed if I can ever make something good enough to publish it :D)

Mr. GM guy invited me over here from G+ to game with y'all. I've been playing Dungeon World and it's ilk for a long time now, and I've played pbp games on forums for even longer.
I won't claim to be any kind of expert, but I've been in a lot of DW games, and I'm really well versed in how the game runs (It's pretty much my favorite system).
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
Armor 1/1
XP 2/9
Animal Forms: Wolf, Bear, Badger, Elk, Eagle, Hawk, Salmon, Rat, Beaver, Cricket, Spider
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Re: Introductions, rules & miscellany

#15 Post by mb. »

Welcome James, hereafter known as Aziza! :)

Guys, I swear I didn't invite him because his name starts with J. So far we have Jay, Jeff, Joel, and Joe who dropped out. I'm the only break in the J Continuum – I'm Matt. ;)

Aziza, please make sure to go back to the start of this thread and read the first post, as well as the World thread, and if you really want to spend some time reading, the action started here, but it's totally fine if you join without being up to date on all of that.
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