Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

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Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#1 Post by GreyWolfVT »

The morning lights soft glow reveals the concern on Enora’s and Valum’s faces as you enter the meeting room. Dark circles under the High Cleric’s eyes betray to you that she hasn’t slept well for several nights. “Sit down, brave friends,” Enora says. ‘‘There is no need for you to he uncomfortable while we meet.” The cleric pauses in her speech, then continues, “I have had grim dreams these last few nights-dreams in which my own dear sister’s ghost came to warn me of a growing threat to the people of Thunder Rift. I don’t know whether it was really her or a sending from one of the Immortals who watch over us, hut I cannot ignore what the spirit said. Something must he done about the undead that come out of the Gloomfens and hunt the people of Thunder Rift.”

Valum cuts in with some background information, “The Gloomfens have long been thought to harbor some evil that works to reanimate those who die within the dark swamp. Ever since the creation of the Gloomfens in the mighty spell cast by the Mad Mage of Wizardspire, the fens have festered with chaos and evil. It is as if the very land was twisted by that horrible spell cast in anger during the War of Sword and Wand. But while we have heard of bands of undead raiders that occasionally come out of the Gloomfens to hunt on the Great Grasslands, the bands hadn’t been a concern to us here in Melinir. Recently, however, the raids have come more often. Larger and larger numbers of undead are involved, and they seem to be working their way toward the more settled areas of the Rift. Enora’s dreams have shown her the evil that lies at the heart of the problem.”

Enora, looking thoughtfully at Valum, speaks again. “I believe the key to the unrestful dead lies within a haunted tower. This tower was formerly a fighters’ academy established by Sir Jameson the Defender. Sir Jameson and all who were in the tower died in the horrible spell cast by the Mad Mage. Sir Jameson’s vengeful spirit has refused to seek final rest, and it tries with all its might to gain revenge even in death upon the magic-users of Wizardspire. This insane ghost now believes all who come into or even near the Gloomfens are part of a conspiracy-a conspiracy by magic-users to spy upon or take over the territory the ghost considers its own. The Haunted Tower has become a magnet for undead creatures, which come to the tower to join Sir Jameson’s battle against the 'conspiracy’ of the living. And chaotic creatures have come to try to rob the tower of the priceless arms and armor rumored to rest within its halls.” Enora pauses for a moment. “You must enter the Haunted Tower, confront the spirit of Sir Jameson, and banish it to its final rest. Find his hones and the remains of any other powerful undead who inhabit the tower. Wrap them in the blessed shrouds I will give YOU; then return them to me here in Melinir so that I and the clerics at the temple can give them a proper burial. Only through this ceremony will the spirits haunting the tower and the Gloomfens rest and never again rise to trouble Thunder Rift.”

Valum speaks up, “The temple of the town of Melinir will provide you with its full support, including many clerical items of protection and healing. As mayor of Melinir, the largest settlement in Thunder Rift, I can offer you information that you will find valuable. I will also present you with a reward of 12,000 gold pieces-to be split among you-along with the titles mentioned in our bulletin.” Valum’s voice hardens here “Upon your return of the bones of Sir Jameson the Defender to Enora in a shroud.”
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#2 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Enora provides the party with the following items, explaining why as she distributes them.

Two continual light gems in heavy, opaque leather pouches. “I have blessed these myself. They will light your way without burning out or being extinguished by sudden breezes or water.” These are two pieces of cut quartz with continual light cast on them.

Three healing potions. “These are part of the donations the temple has received from a skilled herbalist and wise woman. I hope they serve you well.’’

One protection from undead scroll. “This will keep some undead from you for one hour, provided you do not attack them. Its magic will continue to work, however, if you attempt to turn any undead creatures you meet. Choose when you wish to use it wisely.”

Six neutralize poison clerical scrolls. “The Haunted Tower lies within a swamp. Surely swamp vermin, many of which are poisonous, have taken up residence within its halls.”

Three blessed shrouds (large white linen sacks). “These three burial shrouds have been specially woven and blessed by the brothers of a monastery near Melinir. When you find the remains of Sir Jameson, you must place them within a shroud. This will prevent his unrestful spirit, in whatever evil form it now takes, from re-manifesting after you have physically defeated it. If there are any other powerful undead within the tower, such as mummies, vampires, or specters, you must do the same with their remains. Only here at the temple can we perform the ceremonies of eternal rest, which will forever banish such creatures from this world.”
Ten vials of holy water. “Holy water, magic, and silver are all that affect many undead physically, and often silver doesn’t work. I only hope that these vials are enough.”

Two potions of restoration. “The temple contracted with four alchemists to produce these rare and prized potions. Many years of research by the alchemists as well as rare and exotic ingredients were required. If an energy-draining undead creature strikes one of you and robs you of life energy, one of these potions can replace some of it. They are very expensive, and if you need to use them, you must pay 1,000 gp to the temple. If they are returned intact, there is no charge. Personally, I think that their cost is little to pay when compared to the damage caused by an energy drain.”

A potion of restoration restores one level of experience that has been lost to an energy-draining attack. It will not allow characters to gain levels they hadn’t previously earned. It has no duration and takes effect immediately after being drunk.

One ring of life protection. Enora removes this golden ring, set with an oval amethyst, from her finger. “This ring was given to me by a most blessed matriarch of my church to protect my life force when I was an adventurer like you, It prevented a filthy wight from draining me once. I loan it to your group for their protection. I request that you return it when you complete your mission.”

Normally, a Tins of life protection will negate the effects of 1d6 energy drain attacks. If the wearer is struck by an energy draining undead (or effect), charges are drained from the ring and no levels are lost. If a single blow drains more experience levels than there are charges remaining in the ring, the ring disintegrates; otherwise, it becomes a ring of protection + 1 when all the charges are used. Enora’s ring has five remaining charges.

Mayor Valum also provides the party with several items, explaining why as he distributes them.

Two waterproof sacks. “These will come in handy to keep your gear dry through the Gloomfens and in any flooded rooms you might encounter.”

Ten silver arrows and ten silver-tipped crossbow bolts (Or Arrows if nobody takes crossbow). “Silver works against some undead, but keep an eye out. If an arrow hits and doesn’t seem to cause any damage, try a new strategy before it’s too late.”

A roughly drawn map. “This is a map of the Haunted Tower as the oldest living student of Sir Jameson’s to survive the War of Sword and Wand remembers it. He told us that there are other areas to the tower that he can’t remember well enough to draw.”

A locket-sized portrait of Sir Jameson the Defender. “This portrait of Sir Jameson is taken from a historical scroll. We hope it will help you identify his ghost when you encounter it. Note his coat of arms, of which he was very proud. Sir Jameson never dressed in anything that did not display the sigil somewhere.”

Rough Map:
Rough Map Handout.png
Rough Map Handout.png (356.92 KiB) Viewed 3102 times
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#3 Post by Bluetongue »


Floating in the air at the same eye level as the tallest in the group, the gnome sticks a little hand up to ask a few questions.

"Thank you Ma'am. For the invitation to be a national hero. Now with some of my colleagues here being more shall we say the brawn of the group and the young lady being the beauty, it leaves me to be the brainz of the outfit."

He takes a look at the map and scratches his head.

"Long way and dangerous way for us to travel. Have you given any thought to flying us in? Back of a flock of griffins or a clutching the neck of a red dragon?"

"Also I think wuth the certain death and suicidal nature of this mission and the fact that we could be denied our entrance into paradise but to walk the earth as a purgatorial spectre of our former selves, $16,000 is a more suitable fee. That settles any potion use and equally splits reward. 5% payable up front for fees, will scripting and last minute expeditionary preparations."

which means for the gnome, unlike some of the more vocational characters, has taken neither vow of poverty or chastity. So a visit to 'Cinderella's' is on the cards.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#4 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Valum - Mayor of Melinir gets flabbergasted at the gnome asking for more money "But, wha.. 12,000 gold pieces is a sizable amount as it is, sir gnome. And with all the magic items we are offering to aid you. I don't see why we need offer you more the mere cost of said items would surpass the price you mention." which in part is rather true given GP values of some of these items. "Now as for transportation to make the journey quicker I don't have any griffons or flying creatures of any types at my disposal nor does the city. We have normal mounted guards and foot soldiers as well as some that patrol the docs and areas of water by boat. Arranging transport I can do if you don't mind horseback or even a wagon or cart drawn by horse or ox. Other means I would have to rely on the high priestess Enora if they have the mans at the temple. Otherwise we might have to enlist a local wizard."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#5 Post by tarlyn »

Bluetongue wrote:Ferris

Floating in the air at the same eye level as the tallest in the group, the gnome sticks a little hand up to ask a few questions.

"Thank you Ma'am. For the invitation to be a national hero. Now with some of my colleagues here being more shall we say the brawn of the group and the young lady being the beauty, it leaves me to be the brainz of the outfit."

He takes a look at the map and scratches his head.

"Long way and dangerous way for us to travel. Have you given any thought to flying us in? Back of a flock of griffins or a clutching the neck of a red dragon?"

"Also I think wuth the certain death and suicidal nature of this mission and the fact that we could be denied our entrance into paradise but to walk the earth as a purgatorial spectre of our former selves, $16,000 is a more suitable fee. That settles any potion use and equally splits reward. 5% payable up front for fees, will scripting and last minute expeditionary preparations."

which means for the gnome, unlike some of the more vocational characters, has taken neither vow of poverty or chastity. So a visit to 'Cinderella's' is on the cards.
Montgomery's eyebrow raises at Ferris' request. Rising form her seat she speaks. "I am willing to take less gold, if that is what matters the most to you, Ferris. The High Priestess and Lord Mayor are already offering a rather extravagant sum to us, and many magical items.

And I might add that I am not just a pretty face, or brawn. I do in fact read and have studied ancient languages. We are all of equal part here, none are the "brains" or "brawn" of the group."

Turning to the High Priestess, she bows with respect.

"I am willing to accept your original offer. If Master Ferris wishes more gold, please give him part of my share."

Looking around, she asks the gathered party members "What say you? Do you agree with Ferris or are you content with the original offer?

She sits back down and awaits a reply from everyone.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#6 Post by wolfpack »

Mctavish take sout his skin of ale and downs a drink.

Aye lass I'll be takin the offer, it's enough with the magic being offered.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#7 Post by spanningtree »


Listens carefully, picks his nose and then wipes something on his robe absently: The offer is equitable and I can assure you I will take up the task as long as these other stalwarts feel inclined as well.

A few questions, should more rapid transportation not be able to be arranged I for one would like to entertain the the following:
One, we will take horses for riding and pack mules for hauling food and such in, loot on the way out.
Two, your temple assign one or two helpers to take care of the animals while we explore the Gloominfens.
Three, is it possible to have a barge transport us to fork in the river near Wizardspire?

Can this be done?
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#8 Post by Rex »


"I am in as well, the offer is fine."
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#9 Post by Bluetongue »


Sinks into his seat. "Well let it not be said we strove for an extra 558gp apiece when the good folk of Melinor are a shivering in their beds awaiting the Grim Jameson's undead legions come and wrest their souls. An equal share for equal risk makes it 1,428 gp 5 Sp and 7cp rounded down."

You can see his gnomic appraisal working as he goes through the maths. "Now Uther clearly is a man planning ahead not planning to fail. I see the Drake River serpents upstream like so. The Wizardspire might be a place to call, particularly as the ghost rallies so fearfully against them."
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#10 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Valum takes out a pipe and lights it thinking things over "I cannot offer you more money, but transportation yes. A barge might be able to take you upstream there is a village in the north that trades goods with us Kleine so barges traverse the river on relative regular routes. AS you can see the area around here is circled by the drake river. I can arrange and pay for this. You could travel from here to Torlynn and get on a barge there with some pack animals and yourselves possibly room for a cart. Then again we do have larger vessels here since we also have fishermen going out into the lake. " clearly he is mulling over options since there are no roads marked between Melinir and the gloomfens. "Yes I will arrange for a barge to take you up the river to the branch in the river north of Wizardspire. I'll see if I can get the largest vessel that can fit in the river, to take you a cart pulled by a mule for all your things and horses, I'll see if we can get some men to guard them while you enter the fens and arrange for the barge to come back for you when you return from the fens. Is this acceptable?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#11 Post by tarlyn »


Standing she says "I speak for myself, sir. It is an acceptable offer", she sits back down and waits for the others to reply.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#12 Post by Bluetongue »


"Wonderful. That will be a great help to these little legs." The gnome smiles then considers something else.

"If I may be so bold. Horses are not so good for me. Riding side saddle is a bit ... unmanly shall we say. I am not such a good wagon master though mules and gnomes have an affinity. Still my own steed to ride with the others would be appreciated. Don't suppose you have a trained dire boar do you? ... no? ..... fang toothed warg? .... no? Perhaps a tamed Axe-beak with a plumed saddle? ...."

a mule is fine.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#13 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Velum raises one eyebrow at the gnome "How about a pony? Otherwise it'd be a goat."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#14 Post by Rex »


"A goat could probably work, he doesn't look very big and if its a she goat we could milk her too."
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#15 Post by spanningtree »


The goat could always be roasted or stewed as well.... love me some roast goat, I do.
GreyWolfVT wrote:Valum "Yes I will arrange for a barge to take you up the river to the branch in the river north of Wizardspire. I'll see if I can get the largest vessel that can fit in the river, to take you a cart pulled by a mule for all your things and horses, I'll see if we can get some men to guard them while you enter the fens and arrange for the barge to come back for you when you return from the fens. Is this acceptable?"
Shifting in his seat a bit. Yes, but lets remove the "see" bit, we want the cart, horses, mules, barge and provisions. The helpers are not optional and the barge waits for us. I for one, don't want to emerge from the Gloominfens in bad shape and find myself camping next to the river while waiting for someone to remember to pick us up. Not to much to ask in my opinion considering the gravity.... the drop off point north of Wizardspire would be my first choice.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#16 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Velum still smoking the pipe to calm himself pinches his nose in an almost annoyed manner "I can't promise the barge will wait unless you wish to man it yourself. These folk have other things to my best hope is that there are some guards wishing for some extra pay to guard the animals for you. The barge crew might not be willing to since they carry goods too and from Kleine to us and Torlynn. I will have some one do what they can though."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#17 Post by tarlyn »

GreyWolfVT wrote:Velum still smoking the pipe to calm himself pinches his nose in an almost annoyed manner "I can't promise the barge will wait unless you wish to man it yourself. These folk have other things to my best hope is that there are some guards wishing for some extra pay to guard the animals for you. The barge crew might not be willing to since they carry goods too and from Kleine to us and Torlynn. I will have some one do what they can though."

"We just ask that you do your best, Lord Velum, nothing more or nothing less. And we thank you again for the

assistance you are providing us."
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Velum sits down in his chair at his desk smoking the pipe and his tension headache eases a bit "I can only do so much I am a mayor not a monarch. I was voted into office by the people If I go spending all the cities coin on this they'll run me out of office. Thank you for being reasonable Monty. If I may call you that."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#19 Post by tarlyn »

GreyWolfVT wrote:Velum sits down in his chair at his desk smoking the pipe and his tension headache eases a bit "I can only do so much I am a mayor not a monarch. I was voted into office by the people If I go spending all the cities coin on this they'll run me out of office. Thank you for being reasonable Monty. If I may call you that."


"Yes you may, sire." Looking around the table she smiles and standing, she asks :

"What is the worst that could happen to us after we come back? If the barge is not there we can wait

or make our way back if we like. Mayor Velum is doing the best he can, under the circumstances. He is already

granting us a substantial reward , with items. Not withstanding the help he is also offering to get there. Can we agree that

for now, his offer is good? I don't think we would want him to lose his employ because of us, would we? I am, as

already mentioned, pleased with any offer of coin, items and help we receive."

She sits once more.
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Re: Part 1: Fighters Academy (IC Section 1)

#20 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Velum adds to Monty's speech "Also if the barge is not there, you will have the animals and the guards that could guide you to Kleine where you could catch a barge there. Or you could since you would have mounts have them guide you back here at locations of crossing the river or going around it."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e

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